"Geez," Jewelz complained, "Raikou, why?" The legendary pokemon stared at her, its eyes searching for the source of her resistance.
"Why not?" it replied in its normal monotone.
"Don't dodge the question Raikou!" she yelled, exasperated. "I'm not cut out for this kind of leg-work, you know that."
"You need to stay in shape, Jewelz. You've gained weight." Jewelz glared at the pokemon. She'd gone on vacation for two weeks and Raikou was complaining she wasn't keeping in shape. So it had forced her to go to a nearby gym and work out.
"Come on Raikou!" Jewelz countered, "I can still fight, I can still train my pokemon. What else is there for me to do?"
"Find the scrolls, locate and brief the other chosen, do the laun-." Jewelz cut Raikou off with a sigh.
"Fine fine I got your point and besides... you don't wear clothes and pokemon trainers don't change clothes anyways, save for pajamas and special events so I don't do laundry often."
~Oh, and one little thing, right now Jewelz is on a ship headed for Slateport. Her vacation was a cruise, and the reason Raikou was able to literally "drag" Jewelz to the gym was because it was on the boat. ~
A bell rang and the fog horn sounded, signaling they'd arrived.
"FINALLY!" Jewelz exclaimed. She had Raikou return to its pokeball before going to her suite to gather her things, as well as her other pokemon who had been relaxing on the ship at their own leisure. Her Armaldo, Maldy, and Beautifly were extra excited to see their home again. Her partner pokemon, Glider the Swellow, Raquaza the Charizard, and Wilbur the Excadrill, were not nearly as exstatic. All of them save for Glider were stored in their pokeballs and Jewelz disembarked, making her way towards the pokemon contest building.
During all the commotion in the stands, not one person noticed the suspicious girl sneak into the back. Jewelz walked in and sat on one of the benches in the waiting room to watch events unfold. Throughout the competition she saw quite a few trainers with promise, but none of the ones she was looking for. Glider, nibbled on his own tail feathers out of boredom, and Jewelz absentmindedly stroked his head.
"Glider, is this the trainer we're supposed to contact?" she asked him as Jericho and her charmeleon made their way onto the screen.
"Wellow, swe." replied Glider. He nodded, and they both focused intently on the screen. The first performance was average at best they thought. The second performance was more creative, although they'd seen the technique applied before in battle, Jewelz had used it herself before, in-fact.
"Glider, you're sure aren't you?" Jewelz inquired to the pokemon. Again he nodded and she sighed. "I'll just have to be content. And anyways it's not my job to pick them, just to inform." Glider nudged at her slightly with his beak, dislodging the pda attached to the inside of her pocket.
"I know my friend I know, it's almost time. Ready whenever you are." Glider flapped his wings and took off down the hallway towards the stage. Just as the contestants were called out to go to the winner announcement, he used his wings to make a sandstorm out of the battlefield. When no one could see anything, he went in to snatch up the girl's pokeballs, knowing that she wouldn't be far behind.
Back in the waiting room, Jewelz got out her pda and spoke into the mic.
"Mission: Contact Jericho, is now in motion. IT BEGINS NOW!"