6:48pm Jul 30 2011
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"I don't exactly have a choice you know. I mean, I'm supposed to be your protector." He stood and put a few more bills on the table, not really caring when he slapped a 20 and grabbed the ones that Katrina left. He followed her and handed the bills back. "You might need these." He followed her out, his usually forest green eyes now light green with the night.
6:55pm Jul 30 2011
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"Protector," she said with a snort and a roll of her eyes. "I like to work alone and it's the company that's making us hire people like you," she said as she eyed him from the corner of her eye. "You don't seem like a trigger-happy moron so I guess you should call yourself a partner to me. No promises I won't let you get killed, though," she said with a yawn. "I take care of my own." She took the bills with a shrug and stuffed them in her back pocket. "I have a car waiting for me on the outskirts of town. Engine's been stalling lately; a friend fixed her up back in the next town over and drove her back over." she said as she resumed her walk. "Anything you think you should know besides my name and what I do for a living?" she asked.
hello my name is elder price
7:09pm Jul 30 2011
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"Anything else you think would be relevant. And for 1, I still need to get my blade fixed. Or buy myself a new one." He continued to follow her. "Okay, so where is this supposed vampire supposed to be? I haven't really gone hunting lately." He took the sheath off his back. He removed the blade hilt with half a blade connected.
"Mind if we make a stop before we co tinue going to where the vampire ia?" He yawned slightly when the night was coming.
7:19pm Jul 30 2011
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"I'm not one to share my secrets unless they're asked specifically," Katrina said cooly. She glanced down at him as he pulled out his snapped-in-half Katana. She brushed a few blonde curls from her face and sighed. Honestly, she really didn't want to stop, and seeing the flimsy sword made her a bit on edge. "That seemed like a crap sword to begin with," she muttered as she grabbed the hilt of her raptor. The blade made a satsifying 'Shhhh' as it was pulled from the sheath. She held the raptor in front of him and held the blade in the flat palm of her hand. It balanced perfectly in her hand. She winked at Kentaro before tossing it into the air and catching it from the hilt. "Now the Raptor; this is my sword," she said. "I have a few other spare ones in my car. If you're not happy with those, we'll stop. Also, I have a feeling this is the same bloodsucker I've been tracking for days now. My tracker in my car'll pinpoint him in no time," she said with a shrug.
hello my name is elder price
7:29pm Jul 30 2011
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Ketaro nodded. "This is a crappy sword.. It's been passed down for a while now. And it broke when i clashed with the Vampire's hand. That's why I had to use my bare hands.." He watched her as she deftly tossed the blade up and caught it.
"A Raptor huh? I guess I will go with that one. It seems like a prettygood blade. Not too flimsy but not quite unbreakable." He smiled and looked atthe blade with awe.
"Well, we moght want to get a move on if you expect to catchthe thing. And I won't guarantee I will actually protect you if you get into a serious bind like you said to me." He smiled.
8:48pm Jul 30 2011
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"Of course, if you wanted one exactly like mine, we'd have to special order it," she said as she whipped the sword in front of his face. She pulled it back before it could clash with his nose and brought it to his eye level. "Wood chips, perfect for vampire killings," she said before she turned it over in the palm of her hands and slid it back into its sheath. She pointed with her chin to the end of the street where a black Lotus Elise 111R lay, shining with the faint light of the streetlight over it. "Inconspicuous, eh?" she said with raised brows as she eyed the luxury car. She hurried over to it and snatched the keys from the top of the front right tire. She pressed the unlock button on the keys and slid into the driver's side. The black leather seats swallowed up her form, but made her blonde hair stand out like a ray of sun in the dark. She shut the door and turned the keys into the ignition, giving a small shake of her head as the engine purred gratefully beneath her.
hello my name is elder price
9:36pm Jul 30 2011
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Kentaro chuckled as he watched her run to the car and listen to the engine give off a pur. He opened the passenger side door and slid it, his chestnut hair standig out like her blonde locks.
"I don't exactly need the special order ones. Enough blade to slice off the arms and legs and such is just fine for me." He smiled and looked at the ring once again. It was pitch black. He smiled and looked at Katrina.
"Well, let's see where our man is now. I wouod prefer to finish the job quickly and now. Since they are active at night." He smiled and looked at Katrina.
9:43pm Jul 30 2011
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"Quick is not a term I tend to use when hunting vampires," she said as she fussed with a few dials that were obviously installed specially on the Lotus. "Stealth seems to be a better word with most cases," she said as she turned a few dials. A small radar screen was just underneath the few small dials she was messing with. "Ah," she exclaimed to herself. A small dot appeared on the radar screen and she calculated the position. "I'd like to say an hour from here...in a normal car," she stated as she backed up the Lotus. She managed to pull of a backward spin, slightly jerking in her seat when she stopped for a moment. She pushed the throttle back into drive and shot out onto the street, leaving burning rubbed on the street behind her. "Buckle up," she said as she snapped her own seat belt on.
hello my name is elder price
10:03pm Jul 30 2011
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Kentaro chuckled. "I see.. I just tend to have them attracted to me." He smiled and buckled himself up into the leather seats. "Well, this car doesnt seem to be normal. At all.." He looked at the dot and the screen. He smiled. This girl will be rather fun to be with. He smiled, his eyes glinting.
However, he stopped them from changing color. He knew that would be a terrible mjstake on his point and ruin the whole agreement he had with her organization.
10:12pm Jul 30 2011
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"'Course it's not a normal car," she said with a wink as she flicked the headlights on with a swift twist of her wrist. She pressed her foot harder down on the gas, brown eyes extra-aware of any movement around her. She knew speeding this quickly was dangerous, but they had left the small town behind them in a flash. Now, they roamed on one road, smooth and carved in a straight line through flat farmland. "You think I'd go for normal?" she said absentmindedly as she turned her gaze to the radar for only a moment. The dot was approaching rather quickly, or rather, they were approaching it. She guessed in another ten minutes, they would reach the next town. "You need some time to get used to a new sword?" she asked.
hello my name is elder price
11:07pm Jul 30 2011
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Kentaro's gaze was on the outside. He startled when he heard her speak. "I don't need time, just a target and instructions by word." He smiled and looked at the dot. "Rather quick this car is. I'm glad you didn't settle for a normal car."
He kept his eyes on the dot. "Oh yes, I heard your the best vampire slayer around. Happy to make your acquaintace."
11:12pm Jul 30 2011
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She ground the car to a sudden halt, her upper body pitching forward slightly with the intertia. Katrina fell back against the black leather seat before shutting down the car, taking care to look at her vampire tracking radar for a moment before doing so. She stepped out of the black vehicle and slammed the door shut behind her. Katrina rounded the car and popped open the back, the rather small trunk not providing much room for the few guns and swords she kept stowed in here. She grabbed another Raptor, a slight difference in the design from her own, and tossed it to Kentaro's side of the car where it landed in the dirt. "This one's tricky. He doesn't like to hunt too often when he's in urban areas like this," she said to him.
hello my name is elder price
11:27pm Jul 30 2011
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Kentaro stepped out of the car and nodded. "I see. Alright then, this may be a bit tricky to handle then right?" He picked the sword up and immediately unsheathed it without a sound. He held the blade hilt and smiled. He loved the way the blade felt in his hand, the weight was light but not too light. He smiled and looked at Katrina. " How should we go about this then? I mean, you're the best in teh business on your end. I'm the top in my end." he smiled and looked at his ring, which was not a crimson red. He knew a vampire was near.
11:32pm Jul 30 2011
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Katrina ignored him for the moment as she sorted through the various weapons in the trunk of the Lotus. She hummed to herself as she picked out a tranquilizer gun from the array of weaponry. She expertly twisted the nozzle at the back and slipped in a large tube of silvery blue liquid. Once locking the nozzle again, she clicked the safety onto the gun and pressed it against her shoulder, the gun's crosshairs pointing to the sky. "You got any vampire tracking devices on your hands?" she asked and chuckled as she closed the trunk of the Lotus. "If you do, screw them," she said as she began to walk in the direction the last look on the radar had told her to go.
hello my name is elder price
11:58pm Jul 30 2011
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Kentaro chuckled and followed her. He looked at the ring and it grew darker slightly. He put his hands in his jeans pockets. His sweater hood pulled over his chestnut hair. "Well, alright then. I don't usually carry one around anyways, so it wouldn't have mattered." He actually never hunted anyways. "So what are we going to do? If you can't find him quickly then won't he try to strike? I mean, if he doesn't hunt much then he must be waiting for the twilight or so hours to even get out into teh sun no?" He felt like he knew too much.
12:18am Jul 31 2011
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"You're a bit edgy when it comes to this, aren't you?" Katrina remarked as she pulled up a black hood from her dark sweatshirt to hide her blonde hair. She looked at Kentaro doubtfully and rested her palm on the hilt of her sword. "Just stay quiet," she mumbled, lost in another train of thought. It had long since surpassed midnight and the first rays of dawn would shine in only a few hours. They didn't have much time. One thing about Katrina was that when she had a vampire target, got a glimpse of his face, she always felt a certain pull toward them until her duty was done. This was what made tracking a bit easier for her, but still tough nonetheless. She walked slowly along the dusted side of the road to an abandoned farmhouse, ivy creeping up the worn red paint on the structure's face. She closed her eyes and pressed her cheek against the wall of the barn. Inside, she heard the faint, yet distinguishable sound of the shallow breaths of another person. He knows we're here, she thought to herself as she skirted along the edge of the barn, mind fully taken up in the hunt, all senses out to kill.
hello my name is elder price
12:36am Jul 31 2011
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Kentaro smiled slightly and nodded, staying quiet as she requested of him. His smile faded when his ring turned completely red. He walked along the side with her and put his hand on the sword's hilt. His eyes were beginning to change, but he quickly had them change back. He didn't want to show her what he was since it would mess this whole thing up. He had to pretend, had to act, as human as he could muster. His voice was nothing over a mere mouse whisper. "You know, he probably heard your steps." Since we are hunting a top vampire.. He looked at his ring which grew red on the right side, toward the barn, pointing his way.
12:41am Jul 31 2011
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"Mhm," she said as she clicked the safety off of her tranquilizer. She leaned against the door to the barn and heard a rustling from inside; she drew out what the inside looked in her mind, every breath of noise he made mapping out another section of the inner barn in her mind. She pinpointed his exact location, knew he was backing up to the other end of the barn, crawling up the rafters, waiting for his prey to enter. His prey; they weren't that tonight. She hefted the tranquilizer gun, one hand on the trigger, the other on the barrel of the gun. She turned around and kicked the barn door open and as she predicted, he came down with a screech, flying toward her at inhuman speed. Alas, Katrina wasn't all too human herself. Time seemed to slow down for the vampire slayer as she efficiently set his approaching forehead in her crosshairs. She fired the gun, holding the stance for a moment, before rolling out to her side. The heard a satisfying crunch as the being's body fell behind her, head snapped awkwardly to one side and stun-dart in its head. "Well then," she said as she stood and dusted off her jeans. "Finish it off?" she asked as she rolled his body over, shallow breaths coming in what seemed to be it panting.
hello my name is elder price
12:50am Jul 31 2011
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Kentaro smiled and chuckled. He walked over to the being. His hair covered his eyes as he leaned down with his foot on the vampires chest. He crushed down, hearing the snap of the ribs. "Well, looks like your nights are over.." His eyes were blood red in color in contrast to his deep green ones. He unsheathed his sword silently and looked at the poor thing. He smiled warmly and raised the blade. He slashed off his head and stabbed it right through to the end. He removed the sword and flicked off the blood with a SPLAT to the floor. "There, your man's taken care of. His eyes went back to forest green by the time he looked around to Katrina.
1:01am Jul 31 2011
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She sniffed disdainfully as Kentaro severed the creature's head. The crushing of the ribs was a bit much for her taste, but whatever killed it was fine with her. When Kentaro turned back to Katri, she clicked the safety back onto her gun and brushed a few remaining dirt stains from her knees. "Alright. I think I've pretty much cleaned up most of the rural settlements here. I'm craving some city life," she said through a yawn. "That and a bed. Let's head back to the Lexus," she said. She looked down at the decaying body and dragged it out into the open. "The sun'll burn it to ashes by morn," she said through another yawn. She left it there without a backwards glance, gun slung over her shoulder and sheathed sword clicking against her hip.
hello my name is elder price