11:13pm Apr 10 2010
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Posts: 3,005
((Bisexuals are allowed.))
Love is unconquerable. For love needs not the pleasure of outward beauty, as it takes great pride in the inward. Love needs not the cushion of luxury and riches, for lovers tend to grow closer in strife. Love needs not fame, for those true to love will not host greed.
11:20pm Apr 10 2010
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Posts: 3,991
((Yeah sorry Heart but I'm not gonna bother posting my bio on my iPod. Takes wayy to long I'll do it tomorrow when I can get onto a computer. But now I gtg.))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
11:41pm Apr 10 2010 (last edited on 8:19am Apr 22 2010)
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Posts: 1,943
Name: Alyxander Wolfe Looks:Alyx has spiky black hair and mismatched eyes. The left eye is yellow and the right blue. He has a lanky frame, and an angular face with slanted eyes. He could be called handsome, with his long eylashes and thick lips. He wears a black cloth top, cinched at the sides with forest green thread. He wears black breeches, and sometimes a dark red cloak.
History: Alyx was abandoned as a small child, and contracted a dealy illness at the age of 16, in 1953. B.C. Not much else is known.
Personality: He's the ultimate gold-digger, and before he was hauled into the school, he spent his time bankrupting casinos, hustling hustlers, and robbing robbers.
Crush (Please list, at least before we start): None.
Other: He's a supreme cheat, lock picker, and smooth talker. He often causes uproars on campus picking the pockets of other students then slipping it to antoher, inciting fights and riots. He can also hypnotise people, altough now one else knows it. He never does it.
 "Never bring that horrid drink here again." "It tastes of blue, not the river-dwelling reptile, as I had thought."
12:03am Apr 11 2010
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Posts: 3,005
(Okay Serenity. Nice bio, ferret.))
Love is unconquerable. For love needs not the pleasure of outward beauty, as it takes great pride in the inward. Love needs not the cushion of luxury and riches, for lovers tend to grow closer in strife. Love needs not fame, for those true to love will not host greed.
12:09am Apr 11 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 1,943
((So it's okay?))
 "Never bring that horrid drink here again." "It tastes of blue, not the river-dwelling reptile, as I had thought."
12:10am Apr 11 2010
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Posts: 3,005
((Fine by me. :D))
Love is unconquerable. For love needs not the pleasure of outward beauty, as it takes great pride in the inward. Love needs not the cushion of luxury and riches, for lovers tend to grow closer in strife. Love needs not fame, for those true to love will not host greed.
12:59am Apr 11 2010
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Posts: 305
can I join? iheart-dear :D
9:13am Apr 11 2010
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Posts: 3,005
((Sure Golden. :D))
Love is unconquerable. For love needs not the pleasure of outward beauty, as it takes great pride in the inward. Love needs not the cushion of luxury and riches, for lovers tend to grow closer in strife. Love needs not fame, for those true to love will not host greed.
2:49pm Apr 11 2010 (last edited on 4:45pm Apr 11 2010)
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Posts: 3,991
((I finially finished)) Name|| (Yo I need help deciding Callidora, Callista or Helen) Aikaterina
Age|| She's a few centuries but she looks around Nineteen.
Looks|| Callidora/Callista is a beauty. She stands at about 5'5 which is about average height but that was pretty big back when she was alive. Her skin is fair (so like lightly tanned), from growing up under the heat of the Greek sun, and her body thin(not freakishly) and curvy, a family trait. Her hair is a dark brown that falls in waves past her shoulders and she has sidebangs to look more this century. She has a rather pretty face. Her eyes are a deep chocolate brown, closer to black considering you can't really see her pupils, and they are framed but thick eyelashes. Her nose is rather small and her lips aren't exactly big and full, but slightly less than that.
History|| Not much is known about her past. She was born in Greece and lived on a farm with her parents and her brother Castor. She married a foreign man at the age of ninteen and went missing. It is unknown when she changed, but it is clear it was her husband who changed her a few years after Helen of Sparta was in rule.
Personality|| Uh, can I rp it out? This is a new charrie and I have no idea how she will act.
Crush|| Uh, no.
Other|| She is fluent in greek, english and french.
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
3:29pm Apr 11 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 3,005
((I like Callista. :D Accepted.))
Love is unconquerable. For love needs not the pleasure of outward beauty, as it takes great pride in the inward. Love needs not the cushion of luxury and riches, for lovers tend to grow closer in strife. Love needs not fame, for those true to love will not host greed.
3:34pm Apr 11 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 1,943
((Helen. Yussss.))
 "Never bring that horrid drink here again." "It tastes of blue, not the river-dwelling reptile, as I had thought."
3:39pm Apr 11 2010
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Posts: 3,005
((Helen is too plain, and I think Callidora has too many syllables.))
Love is unconquerable. For love needs not the pleasure of outward beauty, as it takes great pride in the inward. Love needs not the cushion of luxury and riches, for lovers tend to grow closer in strife. Love needs not fame, for those true to love will not host greed.
3:51pm Apr 11 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 3,991
((Lol, I personally Like Callista and Helen so I have no idea what to pick...Im in the same spot XD))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
7:42pm Apr 11 2010
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Posts: 3,005
((Well, I say we go with Callista. It matches her personality better to me.))
Love is unconquerable. For love needs not the pleasure of outward beauty, as it takes great pride in the inward. Love needs not the cushion of luxury and riches, for lovers tend to grow closer in strife. Love needs not fame, for those true to love will not host greed.
9:00pm Apr 11 2010
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Posts: 3,991
(( ^.^ Lol I didn't even put her personality XD But I am go with Callista I think it suits her better then Helen. Not to mention in another rp her names Callista.))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
5:11am Apr 12 2010 (last edited on 1:29am Apr 13 2010)
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Posts: 305
Name: Demi Fiore Looks (Desciptions please): Demi has a straight, long brown hair which no one dare touch. She does not like to keep it arranged (ponytail). She has brown-red eyes which could turn red when she uses her powers. She has a heart-shaped face. She likes wearing a jacket with a hood to be used in public. She also has a sungl*censored* with her to avoid contacts when she is threatened or angered. She also wears denim pants and high-cut shoes as well. History: She was abandoned by her parents at the early age of four. She was bitten by a vampire during her elementary years making one of their kind. But that vampire took care of her until she grew up. But the adopted father-vampire was killed and so she lives in alone in her apartment but is currently staying in the school's dorm. Personality: Shown later in the story Crush (Please list, at least before we start): Aaron- atleast there's some romance xD Other (Special abilities, or anything unique about your character?): her hair- it can act like a hand and a powerful attacker. It can also be used as a rope. Lol :] She also has the ability to create powerful tornadoes or whirlwinds and can whipped up a storm when she is angered.
5:11am Apr 12 2010
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Posts: 305
Just a quick question: does the academy have a dormitory?
4:17pm Apr 12 2010 (last edited on 4:22pm Apr 12 2010)
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4:22pm Apr 12 2010 (last edited on 4:22pm Apr 12 2010)
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Posts: 6,165
Name:Angel Looks (Desciptions please):Angel has long silky black hair, pale white skin, and she looks like Selena Gomez, exactly like her.History:
Personality:Rp it out
Crush (Please list, at least before we start):Aaron
Other (Special abilities, or anything unique about your character?):Shehas the abilty to.. er..fly
4:27pm Apr 12 2010 (last edited on 4:30pm Apr 12 2010)
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Posts: 10,925
Name: Danica Soto Looks (Desciptions please): Danica has (very) long brown, straight hair that reaches almost to her lower back, with bangs pushed to her left side. Her eyes are a vivid and deep purple, when you stare into her eyes it's like you're drowning in them. Her outfits are usually black and purple.
History: She hides it. x_x
Personality: Very confident, sarcastic, and head-strong. She's not afraid of anything or anyone, and isn't afraid to speak her mind.
Crush (Please list, at least before we start): Maybe Aaron or Alyx. o3o Like she'd tell anybody.
Other (Special abilities, or anything unique about your character?): She's very good with persuading people.
We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.
