3:30pm May 20 2012
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[Private with SerenitySorrow]
Love is much like a wild rose, beautiful and calm, but willing to draw blood in it's defense.
Love is a fire, that can warm your heart or burn a house down, it's your choice to fall in too deep.
The fire that was lacking in Nicholas's heart is filled. But instead of taking that fire, letting it go to a safe place in his heart that won't ever get destroyed, he let it fade. Fade until all that was left was the ashes of his once full heart. Better to be loved then lost, then to never have loved at all? That's not always the case. Because without the love he felt, the only way that fullness of his heart will ever come back is through his new way of life. Watching the lives of others be taken with just a stabbing to the heart. What was it about how their eyes became glassy, showing none of the light that sparkled in their once blue eyes before? Blue eyes. Just like the woman he loved. Or how their fragile hands would reach up to touch the wound, as if that would stop their passing. You'd think it would bring Nicholas pain to be the cause of such destruction and evil.
It brings him joy. The same joy he felt when he once loved. Maybe even more.
But, what would happen if Nicholas fell in love again? To a woman with this same kind of passion. Same evil, wicked ways?
* * * * *
I had to make some kind of history for him. Sorry it took so long and got kind of cheesy. I got impatient and couldn't think. D: Did you want to do bios, or no?
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3:47pm May 20 2012
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((Haha, I quite like your little story ^^ I personally like bios. They can be really simple though, Age, gender and what not. I can just feel how amazing this roleplay will be XD))
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3:50pm May 20 2012
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Omg I'm so EXCITED.
Okayyyy, we can do bios. <33432432432423
Name: Nicholas Dawson Age: 25 Gender: Male Appearance:
What else? :)))))))))
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4:53pm May 20 2012 (last edited on 4:53pm May 20 2012)
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((Sorry for taking so long. I went for lunch XP))
Joaquin 'Joey' Shepard
Twenty - Four
Joaquin is a pretty average girl. Her skin is pale and he stands at an average height of 5'7'' and is an average weight. She has few curves and has nothing special up top or in her bottom. Her long black hair falls bellow her shoulders and is slightly wavy though she normally straightens it. She is a relatively pretty girl. She has stone blue-grey eyes, and semi-full lips. Her ears are double pierced and she has an industrial piercing on her left ear.
She tends to dress like a bad girl. Leather jackets, tight black jeans, combat boots, the works. At one point Joey dated a tattoo artist so she has some ink. Across the top of her back bewteen her shoulder blased she has 'The Sky's the Limit' in cursive. On the side of her left forearm she has 'I want to live not just survive.' and on the right side of her stomach on the pelvic bone she has her brothers name 'Noble'. Also on the left side of her torso she has lyrics to one of her favourite songs.
She is well aware she has a boys name, considering her mother thought she was a boy when she was born. Instead of pronouncing it properly her first foster family pronounced it the way it was spelt like 'Joke-Quinn'
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5:11pm May 20 2012
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Yay. <3
So, any ideas on how to start? :)
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5:22pm May 20 2012
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((Lol, no clue what so ever XP Do you want to come up with a setting or anything first? I honestly have no idea what to do. I also have to write an essay so ot feeling to creative XP))
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5:24pm May 20 2012
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[[ Oh gosh. Good luck with that essay. :OOO
Uhm. I'm never really good with the setting. Sooooooooo...
Tell me a letter and I'll look up cities on google that start with it. xDD ]]
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5:31pm May 20 2012
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((Lol, thanks. It's about Pride and Prejudice, I just have to write about if I agree with the ending. Which is surprisingly harder than I thought XP
Hmm, wow. I wouldn't want you to come up like a random place like Witchita, because I have no idea what thats like. Actually, I'd say any big city like New York or Chicago. Big cities are pretty much always the same. Unless you'd prefer a smaller place...))
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5:36pm May 20 2012
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[[Ohhh, you know how much I love Pride and Prejudice, right? <3432432423
Hehehehehehehe. Let's do Chicago then. xDDDDD ]]
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5:40pm May 20 2012
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((Lol yeah I remember, our last roleplay we kind of went for that theme. Or at least you made you character like Mr. Darcy. I'm going to watch the newer movie tomorrow on Netflix, I am stoked ^^
Alright Chicago it is. Mind you I have no idea what that place is like but my character will not have that annoying accent I always hear people talking with XP You can start ^^))
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5:43pm May 20 2012 (last edited on 5:50pm May 20 2012)
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...They have a NEWER movie?!?!?! :O -mindblown-
Oh yeah. I have no idea what it's like either. D:
Mind if I do first person? Also, I'm getting off for the night, I think. If I get bored, I might come back. But ya. Bye. :) ]]
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5:50pm May 20 2012
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((Well I mean the one with Matthew MacFayden and Kiera Knightly, so it's not too new XD. I just said that cause watched the old movie from the '40s and the BBC today XD
Anywho, knock your self out bro. First person is cool. I'll probably do third though, just cause I'm used to it.))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
7:04pm May 20 2012 (last edited on 7:08pm May 20 2012)
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One glance at the horizon told me that it was dawn. Pressing my foot harder on the gas pedal, I swerved through a winding, empty road just on the outskirts of Chicago. My hands were shaking and my heart refused to slow down it's fast beat against my chest.
The inside of my car reeked , with fresh blood drenching all my worn clothes in the back seat. I fiddled with my black tie at my neck with one of my hands, while the other stayed on the steering wheel. Being in a suit and tie was much more easier to draw people in. Not as much convincing to trust, and more to the point. My eyes were refusing to stay open for more then 5 seconds, my chin resting on my chest every few seconds from my exhaustion.
With a groan, I finally shook my head violently and took a swig of black coffee in the cup holder. The coffee wasn't doing anything good for my weariness, but I couldn't stop for a break now. I haven't taken a break in...
Years. Years since my first time...
A wicked smile stretched my lips as I thought of Mairee. Oh Mairee, a naive little teenage girl that didn't understand the meaning of the 'No Talking To Strangers' rule. It was when I finally filled my void when my lover left me.
The smile quickly vanished to a deep frown, though tension still shown around my eyes in small lines. The weariness was coming back, as my eyes refused to stay open. Finally choosing to slow down so I don't run into a tree on the side of the road, I leaned my head back so I would stay awake.
Mairee... Mairee... Oh, sweet, naive little Mairree... I took her pain away. I took her away before anyone could tell her they loved her. And never mean it. I saved her, if you think about it.
I've saved everyone I killed for the most destructive and painful thing of this world. Love.
(( I was thinking, they could meet out there, like maybe he pulls over 'cause he's tired. Or, of course, just crashes into Joey. xDDD ))
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8:03pm May 20 2012 (last edited on 8:04pm May 20 2012)
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((OMG yes, he should crash into her bike! Joey would just freak out XD))
Joaquin smiled over at the man in the suit raising her glass before downing it in one swig and running her tongue over her lips before turning back to the bar. "C'mon, big boy. Forget the wife..." she muttered to herself before glancing down at her cellphone. Sure enough the man the man in the suit came up and stood beside her leaning against the table.
She turned on her stool to face him, propping one elbow on the counter. "Thanks for the drink." she smiled up at him. He grinned back and spoke some other non-sense Joey wasn't interested in. But she nodded intently and played along, even though the conversation bored her.
"You know my room is upstairs..." He murmured in her ear smiling. She tried to hide her disgust and giggled lightly. She ran a hand down his coat. "Well stud, why don't I meet you up there. I wouldn't want any one to see us." she said. The man nodded and gave her the room number before walking away. Joey smiled after him allowing her hand to trail along him. As soon as he was out of sight she turned and rolled her eyes. She took one last swig of the alcohol placed infront of her and left some money on the table. Sliding off the stool, she picked up her cropped leather jacket and pulled it over her close fitting white v-neck and headed towards the hotel exit.
When she reached her motor cycle she grinned and slipped her hand into pocket of her tight black jeans and producing a wallet. "Ryan Walters..." she muttered as she read the ID. "Well Mr. Walters you just got ripped off." She grinned pulling out the cash in his wallet, she was right. There was quite a sizeable amount in there. Poketing the money she pulled the ID out from the wallet and tossed it in the nearest trash before placing the wallet in a bag on her bike. She could pawn that off later.
"Have fun Mr. Walters." She said looking up at the hotel as she swung her leg over the bike and pulled on her helmet. He was going to be in for a surprise and as much as she wanted to stick around to see his reaction she knew it'd be best to go. So she took off speeding up the street. Stopping on the street of her friends pawn shop. She parked a block away, it was always more fun walking up the street and picking up a few more wallets along the way.
((Sorry for taking an hour to reply. I went to eat XD))
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8:05pm May 20 2012
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[[ Can I crash now, even though she's not on it? :) ]]
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8:06pm May 20 2012
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((Yeah, I'd rather her come and see him crash into it rather than her actually being on it XD))
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8:21pm May 20 2012
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[[After I posted it, I was like, wait a second, I think that's the point of Ser taking her off the bike... -fail- ]]
Mairee... I missed her blue eyes. They reminded me of Catherine. And the way her curly, black hair would fall down her shoulders in just the perfect way, could make any man fall to his knees. I smiled. All the dead woman in my life so brought me a smile, resembling the beautiful features of my lost Catherine.
My fingers tapped to a song playing on the radio station that was too low for me to hear the words of. Just as I started pressing on the gas pedal even harder to find a hotel near by to sleep in, the ringing came. Oh, that darn ringing!
Before I became the hunted man I was today, I was a normal boy. But, I always had this ringing in my ears. My mother had explained that there was something wrong with my brain.
Like I was psychotic or something. How... Preposterous. It wasn't like I was a mad man or anything. Just killing women that resembled my once loved and lost maiden doesn't mean I was psychotic.
So, since I'm 'in a serious game of denial', as the doctors had said, I refuse to take my medication. The ringing in my ears only came louder and louder, until anger heated every pore in my body as I brought my fist to the radio in an angry punch. Pain shot up and down my arm but I ignored it as the radio's music slowly came to a static stop.
My head twitched slightly to the side for a moment, but I ignored it as I kept driving. My eyes not able to adapt to the full darkness from looking down at the radio for so long, I wasn't able to see something just beyond my car. I pressed on the gas pedal, with curses spitting out of my mouth left and right, but I wasn't fast enough. Metal against metal echoed through out the once - quiet night. My eyes were closed until the crash finished, then finally opened my eyes slowly. Afraid of what I'd see.
It wasn't a car I crashed, so I had no serious wounds. Though my neck did ache from the jolt forward. The bike looked pitifully worse though. I got out of my car, buttoned up my suit to look more casual, before walking around the car to the front. The bike was... Crushed. Not even a bike - anymore. Just a piece of metal that had flown a couple yards out from the impact of how fast I was going. Cursing under my breath, I started walking to the piece of trash - once known as a bike. Might as well get the piece of junk off the road and save someone else from an accident.
You know, I've been such a good person. Saving people all the time. I wonder why the police would want to have me arrested, when I've been saving their people. I should be getting an award by now. Slackers. They'll understand my intentions some day.
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8:53pm May 20 2012 (last edited on 9:28am May 21 2012)
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Joaquin grinned as she walked up the street. She had robbed a man, and several people along the way. Fresh, green money was in her pocket and a new bounce in her step. She had enough money now to get herself some new parts for her bike and that wicked hunting knife she had seen in a store the other day. Normally she would just steal it, but the guy at the store had been sweet on her and was giving her his employees discount.
Running a hand through her dark hair she looked over her shoulder checking out the guy walking past her, smiling slightly. That was when she heard the crash. She raised a slender eyebrow and her eyes went wide as she saw something that actually horrified her. A pieces of her silver bike flying across the street. "No f---ing way." she said breaking into a jog up the street.
Her blue eyes wide she hurried up to the crumpled heap of what was once her bike. She look over at the man standing there. Really a suit? She thought. He probably thought he was so high above her he wouldn't care. "You son of a b---h!" she yelled at him, her eyes fiery with anger. "Are you stupid or something! Did you not see my bike parked there!"
She squatted down and looked at her crumpled heap. This was unbelievable, how could he just crash into her bike. That would take months of jobs to pay to fix it. It wasn't even worth fixing, she'd have to buy a whole new bike. After touching the mess gingerly she looked back over at man, dangerous thoughts running through her head. "What the hell is wrong with you! Are you drunk? I was parked right there!" she motioned wildly with her hands. "You're gonna pay for my bike or I'm going to beat you over the head with whats left of the handle bars." she said her eyes narrowed, hands on her slender hips. A crowd was beginning to gather at her outburst. "Hey, take a picture it last longer. Get out of here!" she yelled at the nearest person before turning her gaze back at the idiot that hit her bike.
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10:19pm May 20 2012
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6:07pm May 21 2012
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To be completely honest, I was easily startled. I can say humbly that I sneak up on my beautiful maidens from behind, my cowardliness in the way of showing the woman what good deed I'm actually doing by taking their life. I wasn't the killer that bravely and proudly came forward whenever they were in the mood for an easy kill. So seeing a feisty woman, they were the lives I would so easily take since their big mouths took away their beauty, yell and curse at me like I was the devil himself, made me back away once.
But, of course, my anger took care of my shyness. "Ma'am, I hope you understand the definition of an accident, such as this one." My tone was careful. Calm, but through clenched teeth as to not show the anger boiling in my blood. She had the black hair, but her hair was straight. She didn't look like Catherine. A blemish in... Everywhere. Woman who didn't look like Catherine were just marks of this world that didn't deserve to die. They could rot in all the painful love of this world until I was blue in the face.
I started forward again, my feet non - hesitant, gladly. Walking calmly to the piece of trash, I picked it up ( -has no idea how heavy it is, so we'll say he's like... Mega built xDDDD - ), and lifted an eyebrow in her direction. "Did your naive little mind actually think you could fix this, or could I just throw it out now so this scene can be over with?" I turned my attention to the onlookers, my calm demeanor no match for the raging anger inside me of so many staring, "There's nothing more to see hear other then a worthless female thinking an argument could amount to anything more then a well - deserved slap in the mouth. Run along." I rolled my eyes slightly before turning back to the girl.
I didn't understand why I was angry. Though I guess it was because I was hoping I could take another feisty woman from this world, and I can't. She was just a blemish. Not a Catherine.
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