4:19pm Jun 4 2012
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"Well that's the understatement of the year."
Joey sighed looking down and twisting the ring on her finger nervously. She shook her head again, and wiped at her eyes again, as if thinking that would get her to stop. She sucked in as shaky breath and turned and pressed her back up against the stone, blocking the words. Trying not to look at Nick.
He was staring at her before, and she actually felt uncomfortable, it was a different stare, not the same perverted one she was used to. Though, when she thought she wasn't going to cry and more she looked back up at him.
"Even though we, upset eachother, you made me realize some things." she sighed looking down at her finger again. Nothing good, she thought, bitterly trying to fight the lump rising in her throat telling her she was going to cry again. "I finally realized that I actually don't feel bad about Henry. And I feel horrible at the fact that I don't regret it. I also realized that the only man that could ever love me is six feet under and rotting in a box because I put him there. I stabbed him twneyt seven times and I like it and the worst part is he finally saw me for who I was."
Her voice cracked slightly and she shook her head. "I also realized that I have no idea how normal people go on feeling these emotions, I mean torture is better than this." she sighed rolling her eyes. How the hell did people carry one feeling shame and sadness, it was just such a digusting feeling for her. It was then she also noticed that she had poured her heart out, which made her feel even worse. She pushed his sunglasses back down to cover her eyes before looking back up at Nick. "Anyways, have fun visiting you 'Catherine'?" she motioned her head in the direction he came from. "I bet it just makes her so happy that her killer is dropping off expensive roses at her grave."
((I really, didn't know what to do XP))
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4:37pm Jun 4 2012
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[[It's so much fun playing guys. I can make them as impossibly sensitive as I want them to be <3 ]]
I could feel any walls that I ever held up in front of Joey break down as she told me what she realized last night. Goodness, I was so confused. One day I'm sure that she understands me as a killer, then she admits that she never will, and now she's pouring her heart out to me and I feel like we understand each other again. Can't she just give my heart a break?
My eyebrows furrowed together as I tried to control myself from not sitting beside her, pulling her into my arms, and holding her tight until she'd stop this crying. It just showed that she was hurting. I crossed my arms over my chest to keep from doing that.
That was, of course, until she had the nerve to say that last little bit. My jaw clenched and I frowned as I tried to ignore the hurt once again in my stomach. "It's better then nothing."
I said in a mutter, though I doubted it. Man, Joey was hurting me more then Catherine ever did. Maybe I should start killing people that acted more like Joey.
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4:55pm Jun 4 2012
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((Lol, girls that act like Joey? She's a one of a kind psycho XD))
Joey shrugged looking down at the open locket again. "I think nothing would be better." she sighed shutting the thing and standing up to shove it into her pocket. She took one last glance at Henry beer, contemplateing if pouring beer would be rude. Henry wasn't a flowery type of guy, but he'd get the gesture. She bent down to shift the flowers slightly, until they were at an angle that please her. Then she stood back up and looked at Nicks awkward pose.
"Aww sh--. I upset you again." she said shaking her head and crossing her arms. "Look I'm sorry I keep doing that, I forgot that you're not used to my rudeness, I'll try and be nicer okay." she looked back up at him. "Your flowers were a very nice thought." she nodded, smiling slightly. She couldn't help herself, she tried to keep the sarcasm out of her voice but that was just how she was. She was a mean person, how Henry ever put up with her for six years was beyond her.
((Once again, no idea what to do XP))
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5:02pm Jun 4 2012
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[ I know right? O_O_O_O_O_O ]]
Why did I feel like such a wuss around Joey? It was almost as if I was one... ( LOL) Sighing, I gave a small wave of my hand at her apology. At least to feel more like a man and keep my pride. "It's fine."
I said with a shrug, as I put my hands in my pockets and looked back down at her. At least she was smiling now.
[[Wahhhh. Faillllll. ]]
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8:40pm Jun 5 2012
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9:36pm Jun 5 2012
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((I didn't forget I swear. I just gotta type something doesn't sound bipolar XD))
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9:38pm Jun 5 2012
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[[It's fine, I didn't give you much to work with.<333
I'm getting off now. But, if you can't think of anything, next time I come on, we can try and figure something out to happen next. |D ]]
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11:50am Jun 7 2012
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Joaquin tugged on the sleeves of her sweater, she had no idea what to say. She looked back down at the gravestone and felt that horrible twist in her stomach. It was odd to her that she was only here because she felt bad about not feeling bad.
She turned away from Nick for a moment and closed her eyes, picturing Henry. Nope, nope. I will not, she thought opening her eyes again and twisting the engagement ring on her finger. Nostalgia was a liar, a seductive one. Thoughts of being with Henry seemed like so much fun but he was as sick as she was. He abused her first, he was too over protective, but that was what she got for dating an older guy. Not to mention he'd leave her sometimes and come back when he felt like, their relationship was that good. But no matter how many time she came home with bruises, she knew he always had more than her. If that's what their love was, it was fun while it lasted.
She sighed and turned back ato Nick. "I don't like cemetaries." she stated trying to ignore the grave next to her. "I dunno if you're still mad but I want some ice cream. Wanna come along?" she asked shrugging slightly.
((Kind of random but I couldn't think of anything XP))
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11:26am Jun 8 2012
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[[Serrrrr <3342232432432 ]]
As she stayed silent, I had looked around the cemetery with a content ex pression. I enjoyed being here. Around others that had died. Too bad half of them were probably in hell.
"...I don't like cemeteries..."
I couldn't help the chuckle come up my throat. Maybe it was alright to be a little different from the woman that actually brought me joy. I frowned. Did she really bring me joy? I had been thinking all along it was pain and anger. How silly of me.
"I'd love to come."
I said, sticking my hands in my coat pockets before turning and waiting for her.
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6:05pm Jun 9 2012
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6:49pm Jun 11 2012
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Joey grinned and clasped her hands. "Awesome. C'mon Nicky, I know a great ice cream parlor, real old school." she grabbed onto his harm and dragged him through the cemetary towards her car. She let go of him and quickly opened the door, wondering if that was a weird thing to do. "The guy who works there gives me discounts thinking that eventually I'll go out with him, so we'll just say you're my cousin alright?" she said shooting a glance over at him before she stepped into the car.
Starting up the engine, the radio came one and she froze. She stayed like that for a minute before furiously hitting the off button and shifting the gars. "So what'd you do last night after our...conversation." she wanted to make small talk, she had no idea what else to do.
((I fail XP I feel as if I make Joey seem bipolar XP))
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9:19am Jun 12 2012
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I followed her, though lifted an eyebrow at her calling me 'Nicky'. I really hoped she didn't make a habit of calling me that or pulling my arm... "Great. I'm your cousin from now on." I said in agreement as I went inside the passenger side of the car. I was going to ask what was wrong with her when that song came on, but her question took that opportunity away. "I came here. What we talked about made me think about... A lot, so I thought it would be a perfect time to visit."
I put my arm on the arm rest and looked back at her. "What about you?"
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5:34pm Jun 12 2012
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Joey grinned slightly and shook her head. "Lets just say I have a lot of broken glass to clean up when I get back home." she shrugged. Destroying everything seems like such a good idea at the time, then you realize that you have to clean t all up afterward so it looses all meaning.
She ran her tongue over her lips quickly as she spotted the ice cream parlor. "Awesome, we're here." She grinned as she leapt out of the car. She hurried away from Nick and into the shop. "Tony!" she yelled as she walked into the store. Luckily there was no one else here, not that she would care anyways.
The guy behind the counter grinned and spun around. "Joaquin Shepard, long time no see. Mint cholocate chip in a cup with fudge?" he smiled as she came up to the counter and leaned her body against it. "Oh you know it Tony. Get something for my cousin too." she grinned.
Tony raised an eyebrow skeptically. "I thought you lived in foster homes?" he asked as he scooped out her ice cream. Joey smiled,and shook her head. "Oh come on Tony, you think that I would date a suit. How do you know he's not my lawyer and I just didn't want you to know about it?" she raised a slender eyebrow and leaned away from the counter slightly. Tony shrugged, that must have made sense to him. "Speaking of dates, when you gonna let me take you out?" he said as he handing her the cup.
"Just get my friend his ice cream Tony."
((I dunno, what to write. I am totally just...i dunno XD))
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5:44pm Jun 12 2012
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I followed Joey in, though didn't run. Giving her a second to speak with Tony. Coming in, I heard her greet me as her cousin. For a moment, I didn't understand what she meant. Then it dawned on me that this was the guy that had been wanting to go on a date with her. I don't know how to describe it, but I felt something weird when she said 'you think that I would date a suit?' Almost like... Disappointment, but not really.
And, a whole other feeling that I was sure was anger, replaced the odd feeling when the guy had the nerve to ask her out in front of me. Uh no. This low - life working at a ice cream shop shell of a man will not be taking Joaquin Shepard out. Not on my watch. No way. Nu huh. Nope.
"Just get me the same as her."
I said, keeping my anger hidden better then I thought. If he even tries bringing that up again...
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6:00pm Jun 12 2012
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((Aww, Nick is so cute XD))
Tony nodded and scooped out the same and put it on the counter and started the register. Joey picked up the ice cream and handed it to Nicholas before taking a spoonful of her own ice cream.
"You know you get the discount Jo." Tony said grinning at her. She nodded and pulled out cash from her boot and handed it to him. "Keep the rest as a tip." she said after she slid the spoon from her mouth.
"Really one day Joey, you need to let me take you out." He said leaning forward on the counter slightly. She chuckled slightly and rolled her eyes. "Good bye Tony." she said moving away from the counter and grabbing onto Nicks arm again and leanding him towards the door, though she let go when she realized what she was doing.
"Hey Jo, you're missing out." He called after her.
"Ha, yeah right, I'll see you later." she said not botheering to look over as she pushed open the door and walked out. She scanned the area for a moment before heading over to a bench and sitting down. "Tony's an idiot." she shrugged at Nick as she scooped the ice cream into her mouth. "I hope he didn't annoy you or anything."
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6:19pm Jun 12 2012
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[[ Bahahahahaha. I know right <3 ]]
"Hey Jo, you're missing out."
No. She wasn't missing anything. Except a desperate, ugly guy, If Tony had any similarity between him and a human it would only be purely coincidental. He was a man that, if he thought, he could easily sprain his brain. If anyone ever told him to be himself, it was the worse advice they could have given him. Was he always this stupid or was he making a special effort today to impress Joey? I don't think it's working. I think he needs a license to be as ugly as he is. I bet his parents asked him to run away from home because of it. I'd call him stupid once more in my mind, but it would be an insult to all stupid people...
Oh man, the insults were rolling around in my head as I forced myself to have a spoonful of ice cream. If I ever see him again, half the things going on in my head might actually happen to Tony-
Wait. What was I thinking? What was so wrong with a guy being interested with Joey? I frowned and looked back at Joey. It's not like we were interested in each other. She wasn't mine. She could go out with whoever she wants.
So why was the hatred toward Tony burning in the pit of my stomach?
"It's fine."
I said with a smile before taking another spoonful of ice cream.
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6:42pm Jun 12 2012
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((Woah Nick, the insults...woah XD))
"Oh good, Tony's an idiot. He hit on me when Henry was there too." Joey grinned poking around looking for a chocolate chip. "It would piss him off so bad, took a swing at him once."
She smiled at the memory and shoved some more ice cream into her mouth. "Oh also, sorry for dragging you out like that. I know some people don't like to be man handled." she grinned over at him.
((How are we gonna get this romance started? I'm just wondering, Nick is noticing the sign and Joey was dropping stuff in the beginning by being all pissed that that woman was checking out Nick))
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6:53pm Jun 12 2012
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[[ Yeah. I copied every good one I could find off of google that wasn't too bad. xDD ]]
"You dragged me out?"
I said, taking another small scoop of ice cream to my mouth. I must have been so mad about that stupid Tony, I hadn't realized it. I smiled, trying to stop the anger from showing. "It's fine. You've done it before."
And it probably made pretty Tony boy jealous that she actually touched me but never would touch him. I smirked at the thought.
[[Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm. I seriously have no idea. They both seem to notice their feelings when someone is checking one of the character's out. So maybe we should just keep doing that until someone explodes and says THAT'S MY MAN. Or THAT'S MY GIRL. xDDDDD It would be so awkward and hilarious. ]]
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7:45pm Jun 12 2012
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((Ooh, I like that idea. I think Nick should do it, because I'm sure Joey would be the one wearing the pants in the relationship anyways XD))
Joey nodded and went back to poking at her ice cream, looking up when she put the spoon in her mouth, noticing a guy walking into the ice cream store. She grinned at him and winked, he shook his head and smiled as he walked into the shop.
Joey chuckled slightly and took another spoonful of ice cream.
((Really, what else should they do? Nick should start a conversation, cause I have no idea what to do XP))
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7:50pm Jun 12 2012
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[[OMG. 200th POSTTT <333333333
Yeah. It's obvious Joey's already wearing the pants. lol... So what's Nicholas wearing? O_O_O_O_O_O_O_O_O
Jk. xD Anyways, you mean like, Nich should freak out? xD Oh yeah, he already is freaking out in his head. I'll do it soon. |DDD ]]
I took a spoonful of ice cream, and as it hit my throat, my eyes watched Joey's as she winked at the guy passing by. I wheezed and started choking violently. ( I dunno how you can choke on ice cream but... xD ) Finally swallowing down the ice cream down my burning throat, I looked at Joey with watery eyes from all the choking.
I mumbled, but what I really wanted to ask was, what the heck was she doing? Was that her flirting right in front of me? Man, that guy better not get any ideas...
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