6:21pm Jun 18 2012
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[[ Whenever. xDD
Actually, it's fine now! The scar is pretty red and noticeable but it's fine, overall. D|
you remembered... <3 ]]
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6:50pm Jun 18 2012
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((Lol, I remember. I'm a good person XD I hope that heals up nicely ^^
Gotta come up with a post...-.-''))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
10:00am Jun 21 2012
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[[ Take your time, seeing as I'm avoiding the other rp! D: -has to force self to reply now- Bump. :DDD ]]
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8:52am Jul 1 2012
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[[This dead Ser? I won't be mad if you don't wanna' do it. <3
But that means we'd have to make another rp. |D ]]
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12:42pm Jul 1 2012
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((I still wanna do this. I like Joey, she's becoming one of my favourite characters XD But, I totally don't have a clue on what to post XD))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
12:50pm Jul 1 2012
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[[ Wanna' time skip to after the park then? Do you remember any ideas we had? I remember saying something like 'We'll do it after the park...' and now i forgot our idea... ]]
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2:18pm Jul 2 2012
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((I think the plan was that Nick was gonna get all jealous of the guy hitting on Joey and freak out and be all like 'Hey back off my girl!' or something like that XP))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
3:37pm Jul 2 2012
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[[ I REMEMBER THAT!. Start that then for your post. :D ]
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3:51pm Jul 2 2012
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((Lol, I'll post soon XP))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
4:14pm Jul 2 2012
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[[ Whenever. I'm just coming on and off for a bit. |D ]]
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5:47pm Jul 3 2012
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((So sorry, I meant to post last night but I was busy. I have a karate tournament coming up so I was helping set up XP
So, should Joey be expecting to meet Nick in the bar. Or should she just be there being...Joey XD))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
12:01pm Jul 6 2012
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[[ I'll just make him on the other side of the bar, just so happening to see Joey be hit on. D| You're fine. I haven't posted on many role plays the past couple days 'cause of my busyness too. |D ]]
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3:50pm Jul 7 2012
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((Again, sorry I took so long. This weeks been hectic.Also next week I'm going to be in New York so I will have limited computer time XP))
Joey ran her finger around the rim of her drink, just staring down into the clear liquid. Sighing she eventually brought the glass to her lips and drank it down, feeling the alcohol rush down her throat. Slamming the drink back down, she waved over the bartender.
"Aye, Joe, from the gentleman over there." He winked as he placed a martini in front of her. She raised a slender eyebrow and looked a few stools down. A grin spread across her face, it was the guy she saw at the ice cream place. She raised the glass to him and nodded in his direction before taking a sip. Moving the glass away from her lips she smiled at him again she shook her head, chuckling slightly as she looked down into the glass. He was the most interesting thing to happen all night. Normally, she'd had already made a mark and flirted him up before taking his wallet and ditching him. But, she wasn't really in the mood.
"God Joey since went did you get so boring." She sighed bringing her drink to her lips again. She'd honestly give anything for a little excitement now.
As soon as she thought that she felt another body slid next to her. Bracing against the bar table was the ice cream guy. "Hey." He grinned looking down at her. Joey smiled back, Finally, things get exciting. She thought, trying not to roll her eyes as she looked up at him.
"Well, hey yourself." She grinned looking at him. He was so much better looking up close. "So where’s your boyfriend?" He asked, sitting down on the red stool next to her, not taking his eyes away from hers.
Joey laughed and ran a hand through her hair. "I don't have one." She ran, running her fingers against the rim of the glass again. He raised an eyebrow and tilted his head, looking slightly puzzled. "That guy was only my friend."
The guy grinned again. "Well then I guess it's my lucky night."
((Right so I'll end there, I have no idea how bar flirting works. All I know is, if a guy came up to me in a bar the first thing I'd say is ‘go away.’))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
10:48am Jul 9 2012
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[[ Oh man. You chose the guy Nicholas hates the most. |D The fun part of role playing is, it doesn't matter if we don't know how bar flirting works. We can make up our own way. |D ]]
I had felt nervous when I saw Joey on the other side of the bar. I had chosen to stay at the end, keeping myself to one drink and that was it. I didn't feel like getting drunk. I felt like finding the courage to walk up next to Joey and offer her a drink. But everytime I got up from the stool, I felt... Weird.
We were just friends. All we did was hang out at the park, get an ice cream... That was it. So going over there just seemed odd. Maybe that was just my excuse so I wouldn't have to feel chicken.
The second I saw her take another drink, look to a guy at her other side, and grin, my blood boiled. It was the guy from the ice cream shop. Who did he think he is, coming in here and flirting with her? It was obvious that I had my eyes on her, right? I blinked, forcing the thought away. First, no it wasn't obvious. Second, no I didn't have my eyes on her. Not like that. What was so wrong with Joey getting hit on? Knowing her, I will see her smack him in the face soon.
I couldn't help but look the other way, so my ear could hear the conversation. The bar wasn't that crowded - yet. And the music was a bit more soft - for now. It was still a bit early, so I could easily hear everything.
Why did my stomach drop at her saying we were friends? That was a good thing. My breathing became heavy, and I got another drink for the bartender. Who cares if she didn't notice me here. Who cares if her mind was on the idiot on the other side. Who cares. I can find a girl too if I really wanted. Not that I 'really wanted' too. I had no desire at all really. But if that guy makes a move...
Who know's what I'll do.
[[ I need to make Nich's blood boil first before he start's going over there and beatin' the guy up. |D ]]
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9:13pm Jul 10 2012
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((Yep, I did that on purpose XD Again, I have no idea what I'm doing so this will be short.))
"So little lady, what's your name."
"Why don't you tell me your first?" Joey smiled mischeviously as she took another sip from her drink, not moving her eyes from the man infront of her.
He grinned and shook his head. Obviously not used to girls playing around like this. "Marcus." He finally said, sticking his hand out for her to shake. Grinning, Joey shook his hand firmly. "Joey."
He raised an eyebrow at name. "Your mother gave you a boy's name? Or is that short for something pretty like Johanna?" He asked, leaning himself a little closer to her.
Joey smiled and turned back to her drink. "Nope, the woman did give me a boy name." She said as she took another swig of her drink, finishing it off. She wondered if he was going to make small talk all night. This was not something she was used too. Most guys wanted one thing from her, and she was happy to go with them, slip them a roofie and steal their wallets
Not to mention that this guy was different, he had the same green eyes as her Henry.
Although her steady smile didn't falter, she knew her eyes must have given it away for a moment. She suddenly felt guilty. She hadn't thought about her dead fiance all day. She'd been hanging out with Nick all day, and he had managed to keep her mind off of him. But he wasn't here now, (LOL) plus, he would cramp her style.
"Well Joey is a nice name." He finally smiled, before motioning the bartender over. He looked back down at the girl in the stool next to him. "Hey, let's say you and me take a walk. Maybe you can show me around?"
Joey raised an eyebrow and shrugged sightly. "I dunno, a suit like you?" she reached over and fixed his jacket. "How do I know, you buddies didn't just put you up to this and you got a girlfriend or something? You know, a nice girl who does walk around in tight jeans and a leather jacket." She leaned back, a slender eyebrow raised slightly as she studied him.
The guy shook his head and looked back at her. "No girlfriend last time I checked, and hey, you happen to be the most interesting person in the bar. So screw the whole bad girl look, so how about that walk?" He raised his own eyebrow and leaned forward slightly.
((Yep, ending it there cause I don't know where else to go XD Also on iPod))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
8:53am Jul 11 2012
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[[... I thought the ice cream guy's name was Tony? O_O And I thought Joey actually did stand for Joaquin...
lol. Actually I just like messing with you. I don't care what you do. Post coming soon. Just poofing in. ]
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9:24pm Jul 11 2012
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I thought you were serious XD I was totally going to be like, really CH, really?
Lol, take your time, I'm stalking some of your other roleplays XD I'm not a creep or anything.))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
9:28pm Jul 11 2012
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[[ Omg, which ones? o-o Post... Still... Coming..
haha I tricked you. |D]]
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10:07pm Jul 11 2012
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((umm, one of the ones you have with Drago and another one XP I clicked the 'in the mood' one because it had a funny ti tle XD So Imma stalk that one too when it starts getting good XD
I'm not a creep...))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
9:26am Jul 12 2012 (last edited on 11:34am Jul 12 2012)
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[[ D:
Actually, I stalk people that I role play with. Any role play you have, I have looked at. |D -is a creeper-
B-but I'm curious. What is this 'other one'? |DDDD
In all seriousness, have you changed your mind about the ice cream guy? Or...? ]]
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