11:33am Jul 12 2012 (last edited on 11:33am Jul 12 2012)
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8:09pm Jul 12 2012
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((Wait, what are you talking about? The ice cream guy?
The guy selling the ice cream was Tony, who Joeywould never date. Remeber when they left the ice cream store Joey was checking out another guy...))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
8:37pm Jul 12 2012
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WHAT? Omg, I get it now. D: Then I was wrong before, when I corrected you on the guys name. It wasn't even Tony in the first place. Bahahahahaha omg the confusion.
Post... Coming... Just poofing in. I just finished watching The Lovely Bones and kind of in a depressed mood. >.> ]]
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9:00pm Jul 12 2012
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((Lol the pedo in the movie looks like my pedo teacher XD Good movie though, depressing XP
Anywho, you also gotta post on the detective roleplay. No pressure or anything XD))
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9:05pm Jul 12 2012
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[ OH YEAH D: I've been procrastinating on every role play other then Dragon's because her's are so easily to respond to. |D But, it's late so I'm going to go offline for official now. :D I'm going to catch up on all of my role plays tomorrow. Promise! ]]
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9:12am Jul 13 2012
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[[... Omg. My post just got deleted. I'm not even kidding. D:
Did your account log off by itself or was it just me? D: ]
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9:16am Jul 13 2012
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[[ Wait. I just read your post again. You have a pedophile as a teacher? >.<
Nick is here to totally cramp Joey's style. o-o ]]
I could still hear everything this 'Markus' was saying to Joey. And with every word he said, the more angry I could feel. Everything in me wanted to get up from the stool, go over next to Joey, and tell the guy to back off. What was making me more irritated was that Joey was playing along.
I scowled at the two before taking a long last gulp of the drink. I hadn't meant to slam the cup back down that hard. I should get out of here. With my temper, if that guy so much as touched Joey, I wouldn't hold back on cutting his hand off.
[[ Sorry. I dunno when he should make the big scene. So failllllllllllllllllllllllll. ]]
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10:04am Jul 13 2012
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((He should make it before I have Joey waltz out 'Marcus' XD
Also my teacher looks exactly like the pedo in the movie and he's just as creepy. Everybody thinks he's a pedo because he coaches ALL the girls teams XP))
Marcus jumped as the sound of the glass resonated through the bar. He squinted trying to pin point the sound but had no luck.
Joey blinked up at him, completely unfazed by the sound. "So how about we hit the town?" she raised an eyebrow and a small smile spread across her face. The guy smiled and took her hand in his. "Let's do it."
((Nick speak now or forever hold your peace, I'm running out of things to say XD))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
10:18am Jul 13 2012
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[[ Lol. The Taylor Swift song is now playing in my head. |D ]
She agreed? Joey agreed to 'hit the town' with this guy? I jumped up from the stool, making it fly back to hit a table close by. The legs broke, and I was glad not many were here for it to hit them when it had flew. I couldn't help it, this whole thing was ridiculous.
"Take your hand off of her."
I said in more of a growl before coming over, ignoring how the possibility that I could make my odd emotions for Joey known to her now, and ripping Marcus's hand out of hers. Once that was done, my fist met his face in a swift motion, hearing a crack. My fist burned, but it was worth it. I looked at Joey, the anger still in my eyes. "You were actually going to go out with this loser?"
My voice was screamed now before I went back at the guy again, grabbing him by his collar and pressing him against the wall. "Stay away from her." I muttered, for only him to hear before lifting him up and throwing him, to land on his back on the floor with a loud thud that echoed through out the bar.
No one seemed to stop me. They enjoyed the fight instead.
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10:55am Jul 13 2012
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Now, Joey was not one to be shocked, or fazed by anything. But it seemed when even he showed up, her shallow emotions seemed to show. She assumed the sound of the breaking stool was some drunken idiot fighting over some guy looking at his girl. Little did she know, she was that girl.
Her blue eyes went wide when Nick came out of no where and tore the guys hand out from hers. She had no idea what was going on, all she knew was that Nick was yelling. The crack from when his fist hit Marcus jaw, she finally realized what was going on. And when he turned to yell at her, her own anger mirror his own. If not worse.
When he moved away, pinning the guy up again the wall and throwing him, that was it.
"You son of a b----!" She yelled her hand reaching up to grab his throat. She got herself a good grip and squeezed, only to find big strong arms wrap around her waist and pry her away from his neck. Trashing again the man that held her she glared at Nicholas. "What's your problem!" She screamed, still trying to break free.
"Joey, calm yourself." Came the Irish accent of the bar tender in her ear as he gripped her tighter trying to hold her still. She stopped moving and set her wild blue gaze at the man infront of her. "What the f--- is wrong with you! I can go out with whoever I want. I've been doing it long before you came around." She reached out for his neck again, and felt the arms pull her back. She shook and tried to get away from the bartender. "I'm fine, let me go." She said through gritted teeth, keeping her body still. The arms slowly left her and she looked around, noticing that all eyes where on them. Few people had they're phone out taking video. Shaking her head, she pulled her leather jacket, and pulled up the neck off her shirt. She looked at Nick again, and shook her head. "You have no right." She said slowly crossing her arms over her chest. "You never asked me out. You can't tell me who I can or cannot go out with."
Her own words tasted bitter in her mouth, shaking her head once more she turned sharply on her heel and stormed out. Using all of her willpower not to run out, she still had some dignity left.
When she left the bar she took in a sharp breath of the cool night air, trying to calm herself. She was angry, but it had just occurred to her why he was acting this way and she instantly felt bad for going for his neck. "You're drunk Joey, it's just the alcohol in your system." she muttered to herself, shoving a hand into her pocket and running the other one through her hair. This was crazy, Nick didn't like her. She'd had her fair share of dysfunctional relationships but this? This was different. She shook her head and started walking up the street, trying to calm herself.
((Go after her Nicky-poo XD))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
12:04pm Jul 13 2012
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[[ Omg no. That's not a good nick name. o-o ]]
I would have laughed at her attempt to choke me, but before she had time to do much damage, the bartender calmed her down. I looked to the guy I had thrown only for a moment, everything in me wanting to punch him again.
Joey's words were simple facts. I didn't ask her to go out with me. But that doesn't mean I wanted her going around with other guys. I scowled at Marcus before watching Joey disappear from the bar.
I didn't know if I should go after her or not. Everyone was watching the scene, and that was the only thing keeping me from staying there. Running out of the bar before security could come, or before Marcus could fight back, I closed the door behind me and looked left and right for Joey. Turning up the street, I yelled loud enough for her to hear.
"You're crazy, Joey!"
There was a smile in my tone.
"Don't tell me I'm the only one that feels different when we're together."
I started walking forward to get closer. Once coming to where I didn't have to yell to grab her attention, I came close enough for my chest to press against her back, whispering in her ear so that some way I could get to her hard head.
"Don't tell me you wouldn't have reacted the same way if a girl asked me to take a walk."
The smile was out of my tone, replaced with a bold desire I didn't know I had.
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8:47am Jul 14 2012 (last edited on 8:48am Jul 14 2012)
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((Lol, Nicky-Poo is a great name XD))
"You're crazy, Joey!"
The girl didn't stop walking, instead she quickened her pace. If it wasn't for the light telling her to stop walking, she would have ran across the street, far away from him.
She stiffened when felt him press up against her back, and drop his voice as he whispered in her ear. She felt a slight shiver go down her spine and she fought the urge to slam her head back into his nose. She'd only get blood in her hair, and that was hard to wash out.
Spinning around the face him, she was surprised to see how close he was. Taking a step back she glared at him. "Nick, you're drunk." She said firmly, as though she was trying to convince him that that was the only way to explain his actions. "Even if you felt anything, you had no right beating that boy up." She said her words clipped and angry. "Plus, you only like me, because I looks like your ex-fiancé, you only want to replace her."
Shaking her head, she hurried across the street. Not bothering to check if it was even safe to cross."He's drunk Jo." She muttered to herself as she stared down at her boots as she hurried away. She shook her head, yep, that was it. He was just drunk; that explained all of his irrational behaviour. Henry would do that too when they went there, a guy only had to look her way and Henry would go berserk. Joey knew that was only because he loved her.
She slowed her pace for a moment and let that sink in. Refusing to believe that Nick liked her in any way than more than a friend just wasn't...right. She didn't lead him on to manipulate him later like she did with other guys. She didn't use any of her psychopathic 'charm' to make him like her. And he sure as hell did not show anything before tonight. At one point it seemed as if he hated her.
But yet, he was here to tonight. Following her up the street, shouting how he not the only one that feel 'different.' He was right, she'd give him that much. When she was with him, whatever shallow emotions that psychopaths are said to have came to the surface. For god’s sake she cried, real tears. Her, Joaquin Shepard, a good for nothing kid that got screwed over by the system, killed the only person that could ever love her, ruined her chance at a good life. By her standard of course.
So there was no way that this was really happening.
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
9:37am Jul 14 2012
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[[ Lol. Psychopathic charm? Yeah. We'll call it that, Joey-poo. ]]
When she accused me of being drunk, it didn't slow me down. Her inward rejection in that statement, and the way she walked away, didn't feel like a slap in the face. It was only determination to show her how I felt.
How I know she felt. At least, I hoped with all of my heart that it wasn't one - sided.
"I only had 2 drinks, Joey."
I said, walking with her when she hurried across the street.
"I'm completely sober and you know it. And you know what I'm saying is true. Stop running from it."
My tone turned from desire to pleading for her to understand. Did I really have to spell it out for her? Maybe she just wanted me to. Maybe she just wanted to hear me say it. But I couldn't. I still couldn't believe how I was acting right now. Running for her like I couldn't live with out hearing that she felt the same, which was true. But when did I have this boldness? When did I start having this strong pull to her? I couldn't have had it when I first met her. I hated just looking at her.
"If I wanted that woman back, or wanted to replace her, I wouldn't have killed all of those woman."
There was no one on the street to hear me. Even if they did, I didn't care.
Didn't we discuss this before? I truly killed those woman, not because I loved them, but because I wanted to watch Catherine die. And die. And die. Again, and again, and again. I didn't have... Whatever these feelings are for Joey, just because she resembled Catherine. I didn't even have these feelings I had for Joey for Catherine. This was all new to me.
Frustrated at keeping Joey's pace and trying to talk, I grabbed Joey's elbow in a gentle manner that surprised me, to force her to stop. Coming in front of her, I came close again. Look straight at her eyes. My tone from pleading to low and husky.
"I have no desire to replace Catherine. She hurt me, and made me the killer I am. It's just coincidence that you resemble her, Joey. I can't explain what it is. All I know is, there is this..." I paused, grabbed both hands and pulling her closer to where I could whisper in her ear again. "...pull that I can't really resist much longer."
I waited for a slap in the face. Or a kick in the groin. I'd take it. At least she knew what I've been feeling. And then I'd now how she felt.
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10:27am Jul 14 2012
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((Lol, psychopaths are charming, that's why people never figure out their pyschopaths. And Joey is charming, in her own...special way XD
And the poo thing just doesn't work with Joey. Works better with Nicky XD
Man, you post made me grin like an idiot. And I also have no idea what to write, because I don't have any romantic thoughts. Thank god it's Joey so it won't be too intense XD I'll have apost up soon-ish.))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
10:29am Jul 14 2012
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[[ Why did I make you grin? DDD:
No. I don't think the nick name works at all. -.-
No romantic thoughts? At all? D: I have a feeling Nick is going to feel real rejected soon then after all he said. |D ]]
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10:52am Jul 14 2012
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((BECAUSE NICK IS SO CUTE XD Thats why I'm grinning.
ANd nope, no romantic thoughts at all. I don't even like chick flicks, too boring XD Anf don't worry, Joey might not out right reject him...maybe, I haven't decided XD))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
11:05am Jul 14 2012
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[ POST SOON. D: You're driving me mad by waiting for her reaction. D:
Then how do you enjoy romance role plays if you don't like romance? I must admit though, things like The Vow and The Notebook I don't enjoy watching. There has to be some kind of other genre or point to the movie. But it's weird because I only like romance novels. So I'm just in between. |D
Nick is a hopeless romantic wuss. |D Travis is going to be completely different in our other role play. He's too... Gruff in all areas. |D I have no idea how Aven and him will get along. -snicker snicker- ]]
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5:39am Jul 15 2012
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((I'll also try and post on this XP
And normally, luckily for me most of my romance roleplays die right before the romance starts. I like the build up before the romance, that's the most fun XD
Also Travis sounds like a giant softie, that probably only acts tough to hide the pain XD))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
9:02am Jul 15 2012
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[[ That's what I meant. He's more outwardly rough. |D All of my guy character's have a soft side. I can't help but think it's hot. |D
We have been building up for ever now with Joey and Nick.
And a certain one still won't give in. -_-
You had me all excited. I thought you posted Joey's reaction. D: ]]
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6:28pm Jul 15 2012
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[[ Have him punch her then. D:
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