8:30pm Jul 15 2012
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((Have him punch her? But thats powerplaying XD I'll come up with something, hopefully.))
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8:44pm Jul 15 2012
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[[ I meant the other way around. |D
I think it's official that you hate me. >.> Making me wait so long for her reaction... ]]
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8:46pm Jul 15 2012
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((Hahaha, I feel so powerful XD Being in control like this, making you wait XD
I'll post tomorrow, I am just too tired now XP))
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8:47pm Jul 15 2012
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10:16am Jul 16 2012
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[[ I refuse to respond to edit my post on the other role play until I see Joey's reaction. D:
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1:02pm Jul 16 2012
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((Wow, it appears as if we are at a stalemate XP
Fine, I'll post...in a few minutes XD))
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1:05pm Jul 16 2012
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[[ You have no idea how happy I was to see you posted.
You're such a jerk. D; ]]
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1:22pm Jul 16 2012 (last edited on 1:23pm Jul 16 2012)
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((Haha, well get ready to have all you excitement disapear XD))
Joaquin pulled herself from his light grip, and stepped back. This wasn`t happening to her, oh no. There was no way a guy was standing here infront of her begging for her. That just did not happen.
Joey Shepard was not one to run away, so what was it about this one guy that made her want to turn tail and run? She normally wanted to stab her problems in the face. She forced her eyes to look away from his intense gaze and down at her boots.
"Nick I..." She stopped. She what? She didn't know how to put whatever she was feeling into words, and that was upsetting for her. It was not...normal for her and for once she was uncomfortable. She had never even considered him to be more than a friend. The thought of him being her boyfriend had never crossed her mind, he was just the jack-ss that ruined her bike the first day they met. When did she ever become more than just a girl with a bad attitude to him?
She stuck her hand into her pocket and felt her old engagement ring. No, she woasn't going to do this again, not matter how a like the two of them seemed. She gathered herself together and straightened up and looked him in the eye. "I'm not going through this again." She said shaking her head, pushing a few loose strands of her raven hair from her face. "I went through this with Henry, and I killed him. I killed the only man that could ever love me and I will not do it again."
She tried to step around him. "Look, I'm not the girl for you alright. You need someone normal to keep you in line. I'm trouble, nothing good ever comes from me." She ran a hand through her hair again and looked back down at her shoes. "Nick, go home. Get some rest, whatever it is that you drank or sniffed will wear off by morning."
((Yeah...REJECTED XD I didn't know what else to right, other than Joey just grabbing him. But I didn't quite feel like doing that, so I went with denial. Now is he going to keep going for her?))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
1:27pm Jul 16 2012
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[[ Finally. You responded. |D I was secretly hoping she'd reject him but I didn't want to tell you what to do. If she embraced him, well... We're only on the 14th page so it'll be going kind of fast. |D
This isn't revenge, I swear. I'm watching a show so I'll post soon. |D ]]
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1:48pm Jul 16 2012
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((This is so revenge, don't deny it XD I'm just glad your happy with the reaction, accepting him just felt...wrong
And it's all good, I'm playing video games. My PS3 missed me XD BTW, what show?))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
2:26pm Jul 16 2012
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[[ Once Upon A Time. Did I tell you this already? o.o -fail- w/e. |D It was accidental & unintentional revenge. But still revenge. -evil laugh- :D ]]
I didn't know what I was thinking. To admit that I wanted her to embrace what I said would be true. To admit that I knew she would embrace me would be false. I had no idea how she'd react, but everything in me was hoping she wouldn't reject me.
I didn't feel like this with Catherine. When she left, I had sort of a angry - at - being - played feeling. But I made it seem like I was hurt, like I actually I loved her, for my own ego. Now that I looked back, the hurt was only a covering. With Joey, the anger I felt wasn't because Joey made it seem like she loved me. Because, honestly, she never did. To her - and for the beginning, to me - we were just friends. I had no true anger at all. This time, this anger was just covering the hurt.
"I'm a grown man, Joey."
I started, clenching my fists once they were at my side when she let go and stepped back.
"You have no right telling me what kind of woman I need."
I stepped up closer, my nose touching hers. But I had no love or desire in my eyes. I clenched my jaw, my pleading eyes replaced with anger and hurt.
"Sorry I'm not as good enough for you as Henry was."
You can't blame me for bringing Henry back up. When your angry... You always say anything you can to hurt the other person. Though, once I said it, I realized it was probably true. She didn't care if she 'was the woman for me'. She just didn't want to be. She wanted Henry, because that's the only man she'll love. It all made perfect sense in my head.
Scowling, I leaned my head back up and brushed passed her with out a glance. Fine. I took the leap. I became vulnerable. I confessed these feelings that I can't even explain to her. And if that's how she wants it, then I won't bother her with my fantasies any longer. If she believes that she's to much of a bad girl with an even worse attitude that won't take the leap with me and try these feelings out. Then fine. It'll only leave her with an even bigger hole in her heart. I took deep breaths to try and cool myself down as I walked down the side walk toward the hotel I was staying at.
Two girls passed by me. Twins. Both with striking black hair and blu-ish eyes. I closed my eyes, stopping dead in my tracks. I was close to the hotel by now and far away from Joey. Turning, I scowled at the twin's back, a whole new side of me coming to life.
"Hey ladies."
I said with the most charming smile I had. Both turned, looking at me with skeptical eyes before giving me a smile.
Probably the last one they'd ever make.
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6:07pm Jul 16 2012
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When he stepped closer his nose touching her, her breath hitched slightly but she kept her calm. Meeting his gaze cooly, hoping he wasn't going to do something stupid to try and get his point across.
But thankfully he didn't, he just brought up Henry. A comment like that might have hurt anybody else, but it was ture. In her mind there was no one else but him. The one that managed to keep her in check, that promised her so many good things. Things she thought that she wanted, that she needed. But of course, she ruined that for herself. She clenched her own fist at her side when he brushed past her.
So this is how it's going to be. She thought, continuing her walk up the street. She couldn't understand how things could just get so messed up. She never lead him on, he never said anything. They hung out and became friends and that was it.
"Oh Joey, Joey, Joey." She murmured to herself. "Things will be all better in the morning. He'll realize he was drunk, and you can go back to being friends." She tried to convince herself,. That was the answer, there was no possible way she could ever love her.
The only man that could ever love her was six feet under and rotting in a box, because she put him there.
((So what do you want to do now?))
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10:51pm Jul 16 2012
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[ D:
They should have a awkward moment of running into each other somewhere. |D
That's all I can think of. Even though it won't bring much. :D ]
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10:23am Jul 17 2012
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((Yeah I'm up for that XD Would you rather Joey run into him? Or Nick run into her?))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
10:31am Jul 17 2012
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[[ Uuuuhhh. Nick technically just ran into her because he saw her at the bar first. So we'll say Joey do it this time. Where should they meet? D:
lolol. Or, Nick could be leaving the city so he won't see Joey and runs into her again and ruins her car. |D that would be a awkward moment. ]]
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10:49am Jul 17 2012 (last edited on 10:50am Jul 17 2012)
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((Alrighty, Joey it is. Where should they meet? I don't know. But I like the thought of him ruining her car again, that'd be funny.))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
11:11am Jul 17 2012
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[[ Yayyy. After Joey runs into him somewhere, he can wreck her car like the next day or something. |D Uhhhhhhh. All I can think of is the bar again. Maybe this time that girl is back and hitting on Nick. The table turns. |D ]
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12:19pm Jul 17 2012
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((I don't think Nick would be allowed back in the bar after what he did XD
Plus, I think Joey would avoid the bar just to keep her 'normal' appearance up. Normal girls wouldn't go back to the same bar after a guy beat up her date XD At least I wouldn't.
So you want them to meet, and then on his way out of town have him destroy her car?))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
12:29pm Jul 17 2012
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[[ Yeah. Just so that we have more to do. We'll have Joey run into him somewhere. And then later on, he'll be leaving the city once realizing they will just keep running into each other, and then slam right into her car. Maybe one of them can get hurt and they'll be like 'omg are you okay D:' |D
Oh, I was just saying that's my only idea on where they can have a run in. Meaning, I have none. |D ]]
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12:34pm Jul 17 2012
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((Oh, I get you now XD
Maybe the can meet...hold on I'll ask my sister for a random place.
She told me grocery store XD Can you think of anywhere else?))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.