12:41pm Jul 17 2012
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[[ Well obviously there are a lot of places. Movies, stores, parks, restaurants... It's just that we have to think of something that's not like boring or something. |D
But, now that I think about it, ^^^ a restaurant would be hilariously awkward. They see each other at different booths close by and are like O.O ]]
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12:48pm Jul 17 2012
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((Lol, yes. Especially if they have dates, that'd be even funnier XD))
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12:49pm Jul 17 2012
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[[ Omg. And then the date of Nick's like Joey's date. |D That would be so funny. Omg. Now I'm excited.
I'll post soon. Still watching a show... D: ]]
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12:52pm Jul 17 2012
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((LOL, thank would be so awkwardly horrible XD LET'S DO IT XD I'll wait for you show to end. J have to work on a reply for another roleplay that I've been putting off XP))
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1:35pm Jul 17 2012
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I had spent the rest of that night, and the full day the next day in my bed at the hotel. Killing the twins was only a temporary rush that didn't make me feel any better like it used to. Any anger I felt for Joey had disappeared but the rejection was still burning my heart and etched in my mind.
I had thought about leaving Chicago. Joey wasn't kidding when she said that it was like the universe was trying to tell us something. We've ran into each other more then a couple times, and I was afraid it might happen again. After last night, I didn't want to see her ever again. Not only because of the hurt, but because of the humiliation the whole scene brought.
I had admitted my love. And she didn't return it. And now I had no dignity to even look her in the face. I sighed, leaning back on the cushion of the booth. So, that's why I had chosen to stay in Chicago. I needed some kind of dignity and leaving would just show that I was afraid. Either way, never seeing Joey again sounded great. I needed her out of sight out of mind.
So, to get over the infatuation - if you want to call it that. - for Joey, I had chosen to take a girl out. She had brown short hair and green eyes. Nothing like Catherine, so that my mind could be taken off of both of the woman that hurt me in my life.
"Hey Nicholas."
I heard a shy voice from behind me. I turned in my booth seat to see the girl I had met before at the bar before I had seen Joey. She had given me her number and walked away just as Joey had come in last night. I had decided to take her up on her offer.
"Katie. It's a pleasure to see you again."
I got up from the seat to shake her hand. She pulled, something I wasn't expecting, and planted a soft kiss on my cheek. "The pleasure is mine." She whispered.
Joey wouldn't have done that.
I smiled at her and sat back down in the booth as she sat on the other side. (I'm guessing Katie's back will be to Joey right? D: Just trying to imagine how it's set up.) It was around 6:00 PM. A little late for dinner, but I had called her late.
"Sorry I called so late."
I said as we both lifted our menus. Katie smiled up at me. I was guessing she didn't care what time I had called.
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1:43pm Jul 17 2012
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((Damn straight Joey wouldn't have done that XD I'll edit a post under here...))
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1:44pm Jul 17 2012
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[[ |D
Kay. Whenever. c: ]]
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10:10pm Jul 17 2012
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"So what do you want?"
Joey put down her glass of wine and looked over at the guy across from her. Beginning to wonder why on Earth she had agreed to come out with this guy. She had tried to get back into her swing of things but it no longer held it's luster. She had only meet this guy a few minutes ago and he had flirted with her for a good while before she took him up on his offer for dinner.
He was good looking, she'd give him that much. But he was still a bore, and she didn't think her wine would be enough.
"Um, I'll take the Chicken Parmesan." she said handing her menu to the waitress before smiling over at her date. Realizing she didn't even know his name. He grinned back before handing his own menu to the waitress, giving her a wink he thought Joey wouldn't see.
His eyes followed the waitress before his eyes found a new girl walking up to her date. "Aww, would you look at that." he said looking over as the girl leaned forward to give her date a quick kiss.
"Hmm?" was the only reply Joey had as she took another sip of her wine. She looked over and choked on the liquid. Sputtering, she tapped her chest, there was no way in hell.
It's him.Joey thought. She hadn't heard from him since his...confession, she guessed it was. But yet here he was, with a date that looked nothing like her or his Catherine.
"Hey are you alright?" Her date asked leaning across the table. She nodded and pushed the glass away. "Yeah I'm fine, just got a little surprised." she said, looking down at her painted nail as if they were the most interesting thing.
The guy raised an eyebrow but didn't say anything, though he did look back at the couple again.
((Is this ok?))
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7:39pm Jul 18 2012
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[[ Okay for what? o.o It's fine, Ser.<3
But, should he notice her now or later on? Or should Katie notice for some reason Joey and her date? ]]
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8:32pm Jul 18 2012
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((I dunno, she just had a loud coughing attack, I guess one of yours should look over XP))
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10:35am Jul 19 2012
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[[ True. xD ]]
Just as I had asked Katie to tell me about herself, I heard someone coughing loudly from down a couple of tables. I tried ignoring it, my eyes staying on Katie. That was, until, the waiter came over and asked me what I wanted. All I had to do was angle my head a bit to the left to look at him to see the back of Joey's head.
I forgot what I wanted to order.
Oh, why was she here? I was supposed to enjoy this date with out her on my mind. But, more importantly, who was this scumbag dining with her? Oh, I see. She'd take any other man but me. I clenched my jaw, my cheeks paling. The waiter gave me a odd look for not responding.
"Nicholas? Are you alright?"
I heard Katie's voice. My eyes stayed on Joey but said to the waiter,
"I need a few minutes."
The waiter left, confused. "Nicholas, are you alright?" Katie repeated. I didn't acknowledge her. Was this Joey's sick way of rubbing it in my face that I couldn't have her? Was this her way of hurting me even more? Or just to show off the rejection, because she's just so great at that?
I swallowed, finally looking back at Katie's worried - filled eyes. "I'm sorry. I...I just need a drink. I'll ask for one when the waiter comes back."
I gave a small smile. Right. That was it. I needed a drink, and Joey out of my life. Technically, she was out of my life. I swallowed, glaring at the man she was dining with before looking back at Katie, finding no interest in her any more.
[[ Ahhhhh. D: Hopefully that gives you something. ]
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11:11am Jul 19 2012
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"Hey, you know that guy over there is looking at us."
Joey raised an eyebrow and looked over her shoulder at Nicholas. He was looking over, his own date looking terribly confused. Joey held in a laugh and looked away, she knew Nick had lost all interest in his date now. Poor thing.
"That's my friend, Nick." she said looking back at her date smiling slightly. "It's been a while since he's had a date."
Her date raised an eyebrow before taking a sip of his own drink, before looking back over at the table. "Hey, I think I went to high school with that girl." He said. Joey nearly choked on her drink again. Oh god no.She thought drinking her wine. Yep this was not going to be enough. "We should invite your friend over." He grinned before raising his hand, pausing a moment as he tried to remember the girls name. "Hey, Katie is that you?"
It took everything in her will power to not reach across the table and grab his neck. She looked over at Nicks table, hoping to god his girlfriend wouldn't come over.
((Come over XD Let's make things awkward.))
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11:21am Jul 19 2012
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[Omg. This is so funny. HAHAAHAHAHA. Omg. Hahaha. Anyways, post coming. D: ]]
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9:41pm Jul 19 2012
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((Bump, I know you have like a million roleplays, but...yeah -shot- XD))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
9:54pm Jul 19 2012
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[[ Sorry. :D I found a new method. Post on the role plays that only are ones that have role players online. So, I was waiting for you to get online before I posted so I was less stressed. |D I know. Completely stupid. But it actually helped some. :D ]]
Katie decided to stop babbling for only a moment as a masculine voice came to her ears. She turned around, her face immediately beaming. She gasped. "Oh my gosh! Is it really you?" She jumped from the table as though I wasn't even there, walking over to Joey's stupid date. I scowled, getting up from the table and coming along when Katie waved her hand.
"I haven't seen you since high school!" She was a loud, out going one at that. " Let's all sit together and catch up." She said excitedly, grabbing one chair, then tugging on my sleeve to sit down before getting another for herself. I avoided Joey's eyes, feeling more then awkward.
"How have you been..."
I heard Katie ask Joey's date. So, while Katie and this other guy had small talk, I felt awkward next to Joey. "I see you're fine with dating this douchebag but not with me. I wonder what my ranking is then if anything is lower then a douche." I growled quietly for only her to hear, my fists clenching as I staring at the table cloth to keep myself from punching the guy in the face.
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10:29pm Jul 19 2012 (last edited on 11:52pm Jul 19 2012)
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((You know, that totally makes sense XD But it sounds way too hard to keep up with. What if everyone was on at once XD))
"Well isn't this dandy." Joey sighed into her red wine before flagging over another waiter for a refill. She glared over at the the 'Katie' girl when she sat herself next to, whatever his name was. Why couldn't she sit next to her, it would save her from having to sit next to...
"I see you're fine with dating this douchebag but not with me. I wonder what my ranking is then if anything is lower then a douche."
Joaquin rolled her blue eyes and took another sip from her drink, noticing his clenched fists next her. God, she would give anything to be anywhere else. It seemed as if Nick didn't give up, he was still convinced that he had feelings for her. When was he going to realize it was only infatuation because she similar to him. She wished she could suggest going back to her date place now, but Katie was fawning over him and he was no longer giving her any attention. Which was upsetting because she was definately not used to it, but he was a bore so it was fine.
Putting her glass down she licked her finger and ran it around the glass absent mindedly as she waited for the glass to make the horribly annoying sound. She quickly glanced over at her and Nick's dates who happily chatting away not paying attention to either of them. Leaning closer to Nick she dropped her own voice. "If it makes you feel any better, I'm not dating this idiot. I was going to slip him a roofie when we got back to his place and rob him blind."
She smiled slightly and brought the glass back to her lips. She looked back over at Nick. "I also don't even know his name." She sighed lightly, running her finger along the glass again. Looking back over at Nick's date she smiled slightly. "Where'd you pick that one up? The library? She looks like a mouse." She chuckled slightly before raising her glass to her lips again.
This was going to be the most interesting night, she could already tell. She knew she could keep her cool, but could Nick?
((That's a challenge XD))
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10:15am Jul 20 2012
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[ It does work though. D: You're ruining my plan for looking so negative. D:
On a side note, ahhh! We're close to 300 posts for this thread. |D ]]
"Well, isn't this dandy."
I heard Joey say and I chose not to respond. The last thing I needed was having a conversation with her. Last night she made it very clear that she didn't have feelings for me. This was when I was supposed to start liking someone else and realize how stupid I was for thinking I liked Joey.
I felt more then awkward when Katie and Joey's stupid date were talking to one another, completely forgetting we're here. I heard Katie mention something about 'going out some time'. I guess she forgot that she was my date...
I glared at Joey as she spoke. Didn't she understand I didn't want her to be here? I didn't want to talk to her? Did she think I took rejection well? "It's fine, Joey. You have your life, that's none of my business."
I said in a low, angry growl - like tone. I didn't really care what she planned to do with this guy. I was supposed to be forgetting about her, and the first step was not caring.
"She met me at the bar and gave me her number. I decided to try the dating scene." I glanced at our two dates before looking back at Joey. "I don't think it's working out well." Was that a small laugh in my tone? Why did Joey make me so bipolar? Taking the small smile away, my ex pression stayed to a scowl. "And, she doesn't look like a..."
I looked back at Katie, my cheeks paling. She did look like a mouse.
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11:20am Jul 20 2012 (last edited on 11:20am Jul 20 2012)
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Joey smiled slightly when she heard a small laugh creep into his tone, before he quickly tried to cover it over. He couldn't stay mad at her, she knew that. And soon enough he would realize it for himself, and they could go back to being friends with no more of this nonsense.
Her smile grew wider when he went to defend his date only to cut himself short. "See, I'm right." she chuckled slightly as she watched the two. They seemed to have completely forgotten that they already had dates. And Joey wanted to leaned across the table and stab them with the butter knife on her napkin. She looked down at the silver utensil and twirled it and looked over at the two, contemplating it.
She sighed and leaned back into her seat, this was going to be a long and boring night. She had a feeling that she wasn't going to make her money tonigt, making this so utterly pointless.
Her eyes drifted over to Katie, for a mouse girl she was acting like a tramp. You couldn't just bring a guy on a date then ask another guy out. Even Joey didn't cross that line. "Wow Nick, you scored good with this one. A real keeper."
"Were you not satified with those twins?" she asked rasing an eyebrow looking over at him. "I saw the news, a two for one special. Sounds like fun." She knew his type, they looked like his fiance and...her. Part of her hoped that killing those girls wasn't in some way him trying to kill her.
((300 awesome, we're making some progress XD I also totally didn't know what to post so I brought up those girls.))
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11:42am Jul 20 2012
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[[ I think mines 299 |D You got the 300th post! -gives cookie - Post'll... Come. D: I'm sorry. I just poofed in. I'm such a procrastinator. :D ]]
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11:51am Jul 20 2012
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((300!!!! WHOOT!!
And it's okay, I'm totally used to it now. I always procrastinate in my other roleplays. I should really post on those -.-'))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.