3:12pm Jul 20 2012
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[[ |D Try doing my role playing idea. Only respond to role plays, for the people who are on. :u It works. You know you want to try it. |D ]]
I stared at this 'high school reunion', still feeling awkward sitting next to Joey. Was it just yesterday that I confessed my feelings, only to get rejected? Why would the universe pick today of all days for me to run into her again? Couldn't I have just 24 hours of peace? Without Joey?
I sighed, putting my elbow on the table, my fingers on my temple. I had a headache. That would be an excuse to leave, right? Swallowing, I was just about to sneak out - and if anyone asked, I'd say I needed some fresh air for my head ache - when I heard Joey's voice once again. I had a feeling she was more enjoying that hating this little run in.
"It was."
I growled, hated the reminder of the killing. I tried to imagine it being Joey I was killing when I killed those skanky twins,but I couldn't bring myself to hate her. That only made me understand more of my feelings for her, and that was bad. Real bad.
"I was more then satisfied."
I added, refusing to let myself look back at her as I spoke. "Katie was a real keeper before you showed up."
Maybe I should take my leave now. Katie and this other unknown (NO NAME STILL, SER? D:) date of Joey's was so into the conversation, they wouldn't realize I was gone. And Joey? Well she probably won't care either. Getting up from the seat, I put the chair back to where it was supposed to be just as I heard,
"Where are you going, Nick? I thought we were all going to eat together."
Katie. Katie. Katie. Was she so oblivious to the fact that I didn't want to eat with Joey right now? Clenching my jaw, I said with more of a snarl, "I lost my appetite." Katie thought for a moment before giving me a smile, "Then lets eat really quick and go do something else together! Maybe ice skating? (I'm saying it's winter. If it's supposed to be summer, we'll say she said roller skating. c: ) Oh, Nick, let's all go skating!"
My cheeks paled. Uh... No. I won't be ice skating with Joey around. That'll bring romantic thoughts. (<<< |D )
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3:52pm Jul 20 2012
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((Lol, Nick, Nick, Nick. So hopeless XD Also, I think its summer XD))
"Aww, I just hate to ruin true love." She snickered when he said she was a keeper. Yeah right. She thought eyeing the girl. She looked like a good girl, but good girls were boring. Nick would tire of her eventually and he'd look for someone else. Oh god. She thought, she had mentally just tole her self that she'd be a better match for him then her. She sighed and brought her glass back to her lips.
This date was no longer appealing for her. She looked around for the waiter, she was going ask her to bag her food and she was going to sneak out of her and leave her date with the bill.
It seemed as if Nick had to same idea to flee, except his date noticed. Nick had snarled at her and she gave him a smile? What the hell was up with her, he clearly was no longer interested.
"Oh yes Nick, because skating just sounds like so much fun!" Joey grinned mocking the girls excited tone before leaning back in her seat. This kid couldn't be serious. But on look at her proved she was, she didn't even notice that Joey was mocking her. "Sounds like fun, how about?" Her date said, finally paying attention to her.
She tried not to roll her eyes, but she had nothing better to do. Plus it'd be extremely fun to trip Katie and watch her fall on her face. Then trip her date, who's name she still didn't know. She smiled slightly, her eyes twinkling. "Yeah, I'm up for it, bet I can skate circles around you."
The guy laughed slightly and shook his head. "I'd like to see you try."
Joey smiled and looked up at Nick. "So what's up hotshot, you going to come skating with us? Or is it going to just be me and my date?" She raised a slender eyebow and wondered if he would bite.
((I totally don't have a name. Have Katie name him XD))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
5:24pm Jul 21 2012
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Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
5:21pm Jul 22 2012
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[[ So sorry! I have to think of a new method. I'm thinking, since I have more then one role play with everyone I role play with, I choose one person per day to role play with. But role playing shouldn't be this complex in the first place. I can't give up any though. D: Help me, Ser. You're smart. Sometimes... JK. <3
Plus, I'm really lazy. Let's see how far we can go with out having his name. D: ]]
When Joey joined in on the excitement of roller skating my cheeks paled. Why would she agree? It was like she was actually wanting to make me upset. Or wanting to rub it in my face that I was around her, but rejected by her still. I swallowed, looking at Joey as she said it was just going to be 'her and her date'. Oh. Well. I don't think so.
"I'd love to join my date with skating."
I said giving Katie a smile. She gave me a flirty smile back but soon went back to Joey's date, whom no one still knew the name of. Not that I wanted to know. I wasn't into killing guys.
"Then let's go now! There's probably snacks at the skating place we can get."
Katie said, jumping up from her seat but not before giving Joey's date another look. A look that had me guessing she had other plans tonight with this guy. I rolled my eyes, imagining Joey giving me that look. Let's just say it would make my knees weak.
"I'm cool with going now. Right, Joey?"
I said, lifting an eyebrow at her, the challenge that was in her tone coming back to my own. Katie grabbing Joey's date's hand to pull him up from his chair, not really caring if Joey went or not. To be completely honest, I don't think she cared if I went either. As long as the date of Joey's decided to stay around with her, she was happy it seemed.
Back from hiatus. Open to more roleplays!
10:08pm Jul 22 2012
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((Smart sometimes? How dare you! I joke, I joke. But I can't offer any suggestion other then dint have fifteen roleplay at once, but I know that not possible with you. Your in such high demand XD
Also sorry for not posting. I went out to eat then we went to see Brave, it's a good movie. Though I still hate the whole rebellious princess thing XP
I'll try and get an actual post up later, but you'll probably be offline XD))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
10:27pm Jul 22 2012
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[[ Oh yes, you told me you hate the rebel princess. |D Take your time. I take forever posting on yours because I never see you online on my respals. :u
Uhm. That's impossible to not have this many role plays. What would I do with out them? D: ]]
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10:31pm Jul 22 2012
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((Lol, i dont know how you keep up XD It's funny I was like 'how does she never make mistakes?' then you made one the other day and I was like. Oh. XD
I'm normally always online. I was on all yesterday and this morning, before I left for the movies at like 4 Res time XD))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
10:33pm Jul 22 2012
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[[ Everytime I check to see whose on, you're like... Not there. >.> I guess I check at the wrong times.
Someone told me the movie Brave wasn't what they expected. Like, all princess movies are like lovey dovey and isn't that one more of a mother x daughter relationship? BORING. D: Just kidding. |D haha! That was actually really embarrassing. >.< ]]
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10:33pm Jul 22 2012
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Joey frowned slightly when the girl latched on to her date. The nerve, to be flirty with one guy and then all but make out with another. She stood up and followed the two out but not before dropping her voice again to talk to Nick. "Your girlfriends a tramp, and that's coming from me." She smirked.
The girl had moxie, to be acting like that when she looked like such an innocent little mouse who'd probably never made it to second base. Much less past that. Joey thought to herself smiling slightly, her date was obviously gunning for a home run. He would not be halt with her, unless she was one of those really freaky ones that you sometimes heard about. But Joey didn't want to think about that.
Sighing slightly as they exited the restaurant, she ran a hand through her hair. Nope, she wouldn't but up with this, nobody stole Joaquin Shepard's mark, not while she was still alive and breathing. She shot a glance over to Nick, was about to feel really bad for what she was going to do. But this was her pride, the only other emotion she felt besides anger. "Sorry Nick." She said, giving a genuine apologetic look before hurrying up to her date.
"Hey sweetie." She said grabbing onto his other arm. "You're making me feel bad." She pouted and twisted her necklace with her finger, her dates eyes following the motion, then further down to the big neck of her loose tank. He grinned and pulled his hand from the other girl causing Joey to smile slightly. Men like this are too easy. Just show them a prettier girl,She thought. Putty in your hands.
Too focused on where his eyes should not have been, he didn't notice the dirty glare Joey gave Katie. "I think your date's getting lonely." she said, before grinning back to her own. She looked over at his car before turning back to look at the others. "We'll meet you guys there alright?"
((Yep, Joey's being bad XP You can times up to the roller rink. I'm also on my iPod so watch for weird mistakes. I noticed some and fixed most of them XP
I also totally meant to attach this to the above but, I don't like editing on my iPod XP))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
10:37pm Jul 22 2012 (last edited on 10:38pm Jul 22 2012)
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((This is my EDIT:
About Brave I thought the exploration of the mother daughter relationship was interesting. The story normally just centers on an annoying girl falling in love with someone she shouldn't or somethig clichéd like that. I really liked Brave, I didn't think it was boring. Then again, im not a romantic XD
Also what's embarrassing for you is totally funny for me XD))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
9:31am Jul 23 2012
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[[ I doubt it's really boring, I was just kidding. |D Usually the princess movies have some kind of love stuff in it though. I think Tangled is my favorite. :)
-_- Yes, my embarrassment is very funny.
Oh man! Now that's just low. This is gunna' be so hilarious. |D Post'll come. My mom said I have to get off the computer. -_- ]
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10:13am Jul 23 2012
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((Lol, on my ipod the Just Kidding was so tiny I didn't see it XD Lol, I didn't like Tangled that much actually. It was like they combines every single disney princess into one. But I like Mandy Moore so of course I saw it anyways XD
Now the Princess and The Frog, that was a good one. The 1920s in New Orleans? I loved it XD
Alright, I'll wait for your post CH))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
1:47pm Jul 23 2012
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((Does you respal thing say I'm offline? o.o'' Or is it just taking you a long time to think of something to post XD))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
2:34pm Jul 23 2012
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[[ OMG. <3 I actually haven't checked my respals. I told you, I don't think that system is working. -_- I've been ignoring all of my role plays except for Quar's because it's so easy. |D My mom doesn't want me on the computer for too long at one time, so I've been reading and coming on after every chapter just to respond to something little like Quar's. Sorry I'm being such a procrastinator, this time it isn't my fault. :c I love you, Ser. ;-; ]]
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2:38pm Jul 23 2012 (last edited on 2:40pm Jul 23 2012)
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((Lol alright. I haven't got my books from the library yet so I've been like waiting XP So I've just been looking at steampunk stuff on the internet, but now I am totally going to go play some video games ^^
So, take all the time you need ^^
BTW: I love you too Ch, in a totally non creepy way XD))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
3:13pm Jul 23 2012
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[[ I love you in the creepy way. With all of my heart. -creeper smile- Omg, what books are you going to read? |D I forced myself to post since I felt like such a jerk. |D But I might poof randomly if my mom forces me to go outside. I haven't seen the light of day for... A long time. I like staying in my den/bedroom. In the dark. With no people. No noise. Just me. And the voices in my head. -another creeper smile- ]]
I glared at Joey as she easily got her date's attention. This was going to be an interesting time. Why had I agreed to go skating? Why couldn't I have said that the headache I had just came worse?
The second Katie realized she was being rejected because of a better girl - and trust me, Joey was a better girl, surprisingly. - Katie came to me with a flirty smile on her face, pecking my cheek like she had done when I first met her at the restaurant. I gave her a sheepish smile, like I didn't know what to do with that. I mean, I could enjoy what I got of the girl. But isn't a touch from a woman so much better, when it's from a woman you actually had feelings for?
My eyes looking longingly at Joey before I forced myself to look away.
"Right. See you there."
I said, my jaw clenching. This wasn't going to be fun.
[[Ahhhh. After I wrote that, I realized you said I can time skip. D: I guess you can. |D ]]
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5:22pm Jul 23 2012
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((Alright CH, as long as the voices in your head tell you to be nice to Ser and give her candy they're fine by me XD))
Joey looked down at the roller blades on her feet frowning slightly. This was the worst date ever. Her date had a hard time keeping his hands to himself not to mention that Nick was here. With a date. Who was trying to steal hers. What was up with that?!
Normally a situation like this wouldn't bother her. A girl going after her date, Joey would normally do anything to put them in their place. But she couldn't not with Nick here. Her blue eyes scanned the room for a moment, not seeing him right away. She sighed and leaned again the side barrier. She couldn't do anything without thinking how it might effect him. She didn't want another incident like the bar, which she was banned from. At least until the excitement died down.
"Hey c'mon Jo. I'll race you around again." Her date said breaking her from her thoughts. She smiled playfully and shook her head. "Nah, I'm resting." she sighed leaning back. "Saving my energy for later."
He grinned, and Joey realized he totally took that the wrong way. She didn't mean it at all the way he was thinking. Oh god Jo, I sure hope Nick didn't hear you. She thought as she watched him skate away.
((Derp post XP))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
12:04pm Jul 28 2012
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[ - gives Ser candy - ]
I had ran into people several times in the skating arena, avoiding the eyes of any of the three people that came with me here today. Joey, her date, and Katie. She kept trying to touch me in areas that I don't like being touched - at least by her. (No, not in that way, you sicko. o.o) As I skated, she would come up behind me and let her finger tips trace my shoulder blades before skating away, doing so in a way that made her hips sway. I would wiggle my shoulders, showing my disgust at her touch. She didn't seem to notice. Another time, she came by, running her hands through my blonde hair. Then, she came and stayed with me a while, letting her finger nail trace down my bicep like she just couldn't get enough of me. And, lastly, she put her palm on the small of my back before skating away. Finally, I was done. And disgusted.
"Saving my energy for later."
I heard Joey's voice just in front of me by the edge and I swallowed. Was she serious? I couldn't imagine Joey actually having a thing for this loser. I was way better then him, yet she was going to go home with him? I clenched my jaw, skating over and pressing my back against the wall next to Joey so that Katie wouldn't think of touching me again in another odd place.
"Having fun?"
I murmured to Joey, though my tone showed I wasn't having any fun at all. If this guy could get her, what was so wrong with me? I clenched my jaw, trying not to think about what I just heard.
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5:28pm Jul 28 2012
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((Lol, I love how you knew I would take that in a dirty way XD But if his back is up against the wal, theres other places to touch -suggestive eyebrows- XD))
"Having fun?"
Joey scoffed and shook her head, turning slightly to look at him as he came up next to her. His jaw was clenched and he was clearly not having a good time. So Joey just couldn't help herself, hell she was Joey, he should be used to her rude comments by now.
"You know Nick," she started, a small smile tugging on her lips. "I would have thought you were having a good time. You date seemed to be getting a little handsy with you." She said. She'd saw them earlier, Nick obviously avoiding her and everybody else. His little girlfriend coming up from behind and playing around with him before skating around again.
She turned her blue eyes away from him and looked back around the rink. There was Katie, skating around her date again, now that she was gone she had an opening to flirt u with her date. Joey rolled her eye, she'd be more upset, but she already knew she won. She wondered how he'd react in the morning.
Joaquin turned her eyes back over to Nick. "Are you going to take her home? " she asked, raising an eyebrow slightly. "I mean she's totally not worth it, you know unless..."
She shook her head and looked away. "You know what, nevermind. That's not any of my buisness." But the the thought was unerving, this girl couldn't seem to make up her damn mind. Atleast she was glad that there was no possible way that Nick could fall for her, he was smarter than that. Plus, the last thing he needed was his heart being broken again, then he'd be killing brown haired girls.
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
6:00pm Jul 29 2012
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((Bump. I was totaly going to be a stalker on the shoutbox and make you post, but I decided against it.
But for reals, post. Joey won't wait forever XD))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.