6:36pm Jul 29 2012
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[[ HAHA. Omg. You know how badly you'd make my day if you posted one day? You'd have to make sure I was there, and then just say hey. And then leave, if that's what you so desire.
I would seriously hug you. And hugging is so not my thing.
I'm... Procrastinating on all of my rp's. D: Maybe tomorrow... Maybe. D: Ghdfasdfadsf. I can't get myself to type. D: ]]
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6:42pm Jul 29 2012
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((Lol, fine. I borrowed a bagful of book from the library that I really should bereading XP
But maybe one day i'll be a creep and post XD))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
6:55pm Jul 29 2012
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[[ Hey. Will you make me a banner? Wolfiebelle just made me a banner, so there is definitely no rush. But she refuses to make me this certain one... Heheehehe. And so I need someone to make it. Just to irritate her.
So will you make me a banner? o.o ]]
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7:02pm Jul 29 2012
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((Lol, and here I was all excited XD
Sure, I guess. At the most it should only take an hour or two, depending on if I have any distractions. So what do you want?
If theres some sort of hint in your post I don't get it. I'm slow XD))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
7:04pm Jul 29 2012
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[[ No hint. I'm just excited. Why are you not excited now? Did I ruin the mood in my post? Not in the dirty way, obviously.
I want you to put "Wolfiebelle Loves CH's Kisses'. <3 Maybe even a little heart, or lips for good measure. I shall embarrass the crap out of her. Literally. >D ]]
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7:06pm Jul 29 2012
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I'll get right on that...tomorrow. I wanna finish my book first.
Did you want anything fancy? Any certain font's or anything?))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
7:09pm Jul 29 2012
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[[... I just want those very accurate words. c: And maybe lips, if that's possible. But make it look cool, obviously. Like colorful and stuff. |D Choose a cool font. All that jazz.
But seriously. You said 'Here I was, all excited'. What did I say? D: ]]
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7:15pm Jul 29 2012
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((Lol, you won't let that go? XD I meant I was excited because I thought you posted a reply for Nick XD))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
7:17pm Jul 29 2012
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Ooc:// Charity. I found you. And Serenity, please don't make that banner. x.x
Love is all we need~
7:25pm Jul 29 2012
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[[ Ser: OOOHHH. Yeah. I won't be posting tonight. I'm so lazy. ;-; Plus my fingers hurt like crazy. But, if you nag me like wolfie does, I probably would force myself to.
Don't listen to Wolfie. You shall make the banner... Or I'll never reply to Joey. >.< Is that too mean? |D
Wolfie loves the idea. And my kisses. <3 Right Murr? :) ]]
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7:54pm Jul 29 2012
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((I feel so conflicted. Wolfie would be upset but you won't post. (Though I'm sure you're joking XD)
Oh wow, now I feel so in control. Awesome. I might make your banner CH, if I'm in the mood. So you'll have to wait until tomorrow. For now, Imma just going to finish my book. I just got to the good part XD))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
8:00pm Jul 29 2012
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[[ What book is it? :D
Don't listen to Murr. :c She said she'll get back at me if I do this with something embarrassing, so I'll take the consequences. I want this banner. :D ]
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8:15pm Jul 29 2012
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((Lol, alrighty, if you say so XD
Oh, its some book called The Smoky Corrider. It's a series I started reading when I was like thirteen. Theres no romance or anything you probably wouldn't like it XD))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
8:17pm Jul 29 2012
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[[ ... You so get me. ;-; Why do I keep just having random conversation with you? I think I actually like talking to you, Ser. I usually don't like talking to people. |D
Wow. |D Mind blown right there. Have you ever noticed how I waste a whole page on just talking to you? I mean, I don't do that to anyone else on the site. Odd. <3
Don't worry. I will not post again until I force myself to make a crappy post for Nick. ]]
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8:44pm Jul 29 2012
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((Lol, I feel so special XD Don't worry the spam is fine by me, we have interesting conversations. And you're actually the only person I actually really talk to here on res too. I'm a bit anti-social myself.
Also, I've been meaning to ask you. Did your forehead heal up? Or did it leave a scar? I remember you telling me you had an operation.
Also, I totally finished my book. Now I only have like, six more to read -shot- XD
But, I'll work on your siggie ^^))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
8:50pm Jul 29 2012
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[[ You finally finished a series? Like, didn't you say that series you started reading in seventh grade or something? Wow. |D
;-; Come to the shout box. We have cookies. And other anti - social people all gathered together to talk. :D If that works.
Awh. I didn't expect people, obviously, to keep asking me about it, but I seriously can't believe you remember my surgery. <3 Like wow. You'd be a great boyfriend. I want to give you something now... <3
Too bad, haha. I have nothing for you. -ruined the romantic moment-
Anyways. Yeah, it's healed up good.|D I have no black eye, like the doctor said I would, so that's a miracle all in itself. But, I don't like putting pony tails up because every time I do, it's like pulling at the hair by the scar, and so it's almost like pulling at the skin, do you know what I mean? It's very annoying. :c
Omg. I still didn't post. You tricked me into breaking my own promise. You devil. D: <3 ]]
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9:04pm Jul 29 2012
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((No, i meant i just finished the book XD I put a bunch of book on hold at the library and they all came in at once. So I took out seven and I've finished one. I have six more to go D:
Well it's good to hear it's cleared up, but a nice boyfriend? I'm not sure if I should take that as a compliment or not XD
And yes, I have great powers like...making peope post when they promise not to. Aha! I am so lame, -.-'
But, I won't bother you anymore. You don't have to respond until tomorrow, when you post for Nick.
Also, I don't like the shoutbox. I get confused, things move too fast XP))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
9:08pm Jul 29 2012
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[[ Ser won't see me as much then once I work in the SB a lot more. ;-; OMG. Did I tell you? |D I applied to be a SB moderator. I dunno, I guess it's not that big of a deal, but I've always wanted to be part of the staff since I was like in seventh grade on here, and I'm going into 11th grade now. So this is a big deal. So I really hope they like my application. D:
Yeash. Ser would be the best boyfriend because she remembers things. It's very much a compliment if you ever think about being transsexual.
But if you do. Please speak to me first so I can kill every doctor in the universe.
You have magical powers. But not strong enough to make me post for Nick. D; Plus, you're not naggy enough. I keep posting on Wolfie's because she nags people on the Sb all day. |D Don't become naggy, though. I like us wasting half our rp pages on conversation. |D ]]
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9:41pm Jul 29 2012 (last edited on 9:41pm Jul 29 2012)
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((Hey, I'm going in the 11th grade too! -props- But I'm actually totally terrified, because then it'll be twelfth, then university and I dunno what I wanna do DX
I hope they accept your application. If you do become a moderator, I think I will totally just stalk the SB all the time. and post when you least expect it XD You know I respect the staffers, they do good work. I'm much to lazy for any of that so good luck ^^
But, um...a transsexual? No thank you. I like being a girl thank you very much. So, no worries there XD
Oh, I am very powerful. I have magical mind power CH, when you go to bed and when you wake up in the morning there will be this little nagging voice in the back of your mind telling you to post for Nick. That will be me. And if you don't you'll become crazy(er than you already are) and you will have post tomorrow XD))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
2:17pm Jul 30 2012
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[[ It is quite scary to think that we're going to a university soon. D| I can do some classes this year though, since I'm being home schooled. So I hope to be used to it.
You would so make my day if you snuck on the SB after I become a SB mod. If I do. :D
Omg. Good. I don't know what I'd do if you thought about being manly. That's just... No. D;
Omg. You're the voices in my head, Ser. :U -eye twitch- I will seriously post sometime today. But I have to go for a bit to a Bible Study. Mom says I need to socialize. >.> ]]
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