2:54pm Jul 30 2012
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((You're being homeschooled? Cool. I sadly go to an all girls highschool, so no boys. Except theres this one supply teacher that come sometimes and he is smokin' ^^
Ok, it's decided. The day yo become staff, Imma be on the SB and be creepy.
Lol, have fun socializing. My mom wants me to do more of that too, but she can't make me XD
Also, I'm working on your banner, just...It may take a while XP))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
3:06pm Jul 30 2012
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[[Omg. Serrr. The second it's done, rmail me the link. >.> Don't post it here. I want to surprise Murr with how it looks. |D You go to... A all girls school? ;-; I'm so sorry. D: Even though I have no love life in my RL, that doesn't mean I can't check out guys discreetly at my old school. I'm choosing to be homeschooled this year, just because I don't feel like dealing with people anymore. I can be quite anti social in RL. You better be creepy. |D I'm looking forward to it, homg. |D ]]
I rolled my eyes at Joey's comment. The last thing I needed was the girl that I couldn't describe how I felt around telling me I should be enjoying the touch of another woman. That just... Didn't work, in my head.
The thought brought more questions. Why wasn't she willing to try? What if she had these same odd feelings towards me? Couldn't we at least see what they meant? I wasn't saying I was in love with her. I was saying that I have odd feelings for her that I've never had for Catherine. Intense, unwilling, unintentional feelings that I wished weren't there.
Am I going to take her home? She sounded as though she actually was cheering me on too. I swallowed. "I was thinking about ditching this place, actually." I said, my jaw clenching once more. "I have no intention of having another date with Katie."
It wasn't even a date. She was frolicking around Joey's date any time I wasn't around. I wiggled my shoulders, hating the idea that her pale fingers had even touched me. "Maybe this'll be a good time to leave, quietly." I said, an amused glint in my tone. Okay, so this whole situation was horrible and awkward. But it was also funny, I guess I could admit. I shrugged and looked back at Joey as I started skating to an open part of the barrier so I could sit in the chairs outside the arena only a foot or two away.
"Wanna' join me? I'd hate to leave you here with your date not paying any attention to you either."
I then remembered that all Joey had to do was call his name (Which is still unknown...) and he'd be wrapped around her finger. I rolled my eyes. "Never mind. He probably has plans to take you home."
I forced the upbeatness in that part. That last thing I wanted was her going home with another guy. I swallowed, chewing on my lip.
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3:36pm Jul 30 2012
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((Lol, I know it sucks XP My best friend moves and now goes to a co-ed school and she'd tell me all the time about all the hot guys in her classes and I was so jealous DX
Aww, man. You posted an now I have to think of a good response for Joey XP Hold on...))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
3:40pm Jul 30 2012
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[[ The voices wanted me to post, though... -head twitch- Oh gosh. I understand. No guys are hot in private schools. >.< Take your time on the post. <3
Is it my turn to post for Aven x Travis? Guess what? On Vin's rp, I accidentally called Laina, Aven. -_- ]]
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3:47pm Jul 30 2012
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((Lol XD That's hilarious XD But, yes, it is your turn.
Now, I gotta think. Gimme a sec, aww, I'll have Joey go with him for the hell of it XP))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
3:55pm Jul 30 2012
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[[ I was hoping you would. The poor guy needs something from her other then rejection and rude comments about bring other woman home with him. >.> ]]
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3:59pm Jul 30 2012
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Joey looked over at her date, who was fooling around with Nick's. She smiled slightly when he made the comment that if she really wanted she could easily get his attention, it was true. But this was just to much hard work and she didn't want to do it anymore. "Hey, as long as he get's laid tonight he doesn't care who with." She sighed, skating after her friend. "So I'll hang with you." She grinned. "You won't expect anything from me."
She grinned up at him. "So what's the plan? Wanna go rob a liquor store?" She raised an eyebrow smiling. "I'm kidding. But do you have anything in mind." She hoped to god that he didn't want to share his feeling again. Anything but that would be fine with her.
((Short post XP I don't know what else to do XP))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
12:35pm Jul 31 2012
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[[ jklfdsajfksajflkas GAH. Like Nick will ever share his feelings again, stubborn Joey. >.<
Anyways, what should they do? |D I didn't think far enough. ]]
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12:50pm Jul 31 2012
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((Lol, I don't know what they should do XD I thought you had a plan or something XD))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
1:58pm Jul 31 2012 (last edited on 1:59pm Jul 31 2012)
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I have nothing. D:
Edit: Like. They should fight again. |D Because then it'll be extra awkward the next day when Nick slams his car against hers and she gets hurt and stuff. Then he can take her to his hotel room and be all sweet and romantic unintentionally and she'll be all O.O ]]
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2:07pm Jul 31 2012
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((So a midnight stroll and sharing feelings again? Sounds awesome ^^ I mean they only seem to fight when they share their feelings XD
Romantic gestures for Joey? She's going to be freaked out. Oh man that's going to be priceless XD))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
2:23pm Jul 31 2012
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[[ So hilarious, homg. |D Let's do this. xD ]]
I won't expect anything of Joey, that was the truth. That doesn't mean I don't want anything from her...
I blinked, shaking the odd thoughts for Joey away. Me and her weren't like that. I'll soon get over these odd attractions and we can go back to hating each other, yet being friends with each other.
I smirked at her when she told me we should go rob a bank. Hey, we were so alike with our need to kill that doing something else didn't sound so bad. But, instead I said, "How about we go outside? It's a nice night."
I had no romantic things in mind, I just found it quite stuffy in here. Slipping off the skates, I didn't bother giving them back to the employee. I hated this night so I wouldn't be paying for a thing. Smiling back at her, I ran a hand through my blonde hair. "Unless you really did want to stay with that guy."
It was pure teasing. If she wanted to stay with that guy, I wouldn't have smiled. I would have slit his throat.
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4:03pm Jul 31 2012
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((That last part made me laugh XD))
"Ha, yeah right." Joey grinned, punching him in the arm playfully, before leaving her skates. This was awesome, they were ditching their horrible date and leaving them with the bill. It was classic for Joey, but she didn't think Nick would be one for it. Seems she was wrong.
"Alright, let's enjoy the night." She grinned coming up beside him and heading out. "We sure probably hurry, I have a feeling that might date might start to look for me soon." she said, a small smile tugging at her lips. "Race you up the block?" She was pretty confidant in her abilities. She had ditched the cops on more than one occasion.
((I have no idea what to do XP))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
7:25pm Aug 2 2012
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((Bump. Take your time...and by that I mean post. I haven't been waiting for two days or anything XD))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
7:47pm Aug 2 2012
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[[ I'm so sorry. ;-; I was like 'Yes, I got all of my rp's responded to'... And then I see this bump. Now I'm depressed, making you wait so long. ;-; Since my mom had surgery, I have to go fold tons of laundry. The second I come back, I'm not looking at any other rp but our two to post. I'm sorry. >.< I hate when people take forever to post, yet I'm doing it to you. -facepalm- How do you deal with me? o.o I feel like you are killing me in your mind every time I post saying 'wait a sec' lol. ]
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7:52pm Aug 2 2012
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((Lol, killing you with my mind? Man I wish I had that power, I would use that on everyone XD
But hey, don't feel bad. You got stuff to deal with, with your mom and all. I hope your mother feels better. Laundry sucks, my dad tried making me to it, but I'm to lazy to press the button on the machine so he gave up on me XD
But good luck, folding laundry, enjoy it's fresh scent XD))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
12:04pm Aug 3 2012
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[[ That would be a awesome power. >.> Ugh, I love my mom and all that, but doing laundry does suck. I try not to look bored while I'm doing stuff for her though. |D Hopefully you're on right now so I can make your day by finally posting. :D ]
Even though I knew she wouldn't want to stay with her loser of a date, I still felt relieved when she playfully hit my shoulder. I couldn't imagine what I'd do to the guy if she actually said she was in the mood for intimacy.
My cheeks paled at the thought before looking at her with a lifted eyebrow. I was wearing another one of my button down shirts with a red tie and all... And she wanted to race me? "I might fall."
I said with a chuckle before abruptly starting for a run with out another word.
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12:19pm Aug 3 2012
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((Yep, you made my day ^^))
"Makes it that much better!" Joey grinned, deciding to give the boy a head start. Yep, that was enough. Grinning she took off after him, for a moment thinking she heard her date calling her name. She didn't look back.
Falling into step with Nick, she grinned for a moment before speeding up ahead of him. She reached the end of the block before her friend and she grinned, jumping up an down. "Oh yeah! I won, bask in my glory!"
She couldn't remember the last time she'd done this. It was as if she was a teenager again and she was running from the cops, or her angry foster parents, or the person that she'd been caught stealing from. Man, She thought. I was a horrible kid. She grinned at the man behind her and her smile faltered for a second when she realized that it wasn't the heavy footfalls of Henry. She wouldn't see him grinning at her laughing like an idiot, telling her that that was a close one. Maybe this wasn't a good idea after all.
But she put on a smile and looked at Nick. "I totally beat you." She said, panting slightly, it seemed as if she was out of shape too.
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
12:24pm Aug 3 2012
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[[ You have creatu right? Do you think if I hatched an egg, a human avatar would come to my posts? I really don't want that to happen, I like just my forum avatar's like ours. >.> ]]
I could have sworn I had reached the end of the block first. Panting with her, I wiped at a small sweat beaded on my brow. I smiled back at her, with a lifted eyebrow, "It was a tie." I said through heavy breaths defensively. If she wouldn't agree to that, I'd have to take up another race - with out my nice clothes on.
Running a hand through blonde hair, I turned my head at the skating rink we were just at. "They're probably noticing that we're not around. We should get going." I said, turning my back to the skating rink and going for a slow walk as I waited for Joey to follow.
[[Failing so hard. >.> ]]
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12:42pm Aug 3 2012
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((Nah, you won't get an avatar. I've hatched creatu and nothing happens ^^
And failing is alright. I'm most likely going to fail too XP
...wait...Nick will race her naked? That sounds like -suggestiveeyebrowtime-))
"Oh come on, you know I won that." Joey smile, glad he didn't notice her slip up. She fell into step beside him, casting a glance over her shoulder at the roller rink in the distance. She looking down at her boots and shoved her hands into her pockets.
Well this was incredible boring. She sighed and took in a deep breath of the fresher air. The skating arena smelt like sweat and old shoes. There was also the desperation of those teenagers who were trying to impress their dates.
"Man, I glad we're friends again Nick," Joaquin said looking up at him. "I thought things would be weird considering..." She didn't want to say it, but she knew that he understood what he was tlaking about. She looked back down at her feet, instantly regretting what she said. She made the situation awkward.
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.