1:04pm Aug 3 2012
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[[... WHAT? -cleans Ser's mind- You dirty, dirty gal. I meant like... Better attire for running. |D Thanks Ser. |D I have to get a shower, so I shall post when I get back. <3 ]]
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1:09pm Aug 3 2012
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((Bahahaha XD Alright, whatever you say ^^))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
4:35pm Aug 3 2012
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[[ That's exactly what I meant. ;-; ]]
I shrugged as Joey said she was glad we're friends again. Who said we were friends? Who said I just didn't like her company? Obviously, we didn't choose to be put in this situation, we just both happen to have dates that know each other, and had the hots for each other, leaving us having to ditch the scene before we felt even more awkward. We weren't friends. I don't think I could ever be friends with someone I had such odd, confusing, intense feelings towards. Even if she didn't feel the same. No, correction, denied she felt the same. I clenched my jaw, shaking the thought off. I could never say all of this to her. Last time I let myself be vulnerable...
I sighed, shaking my head, my cheeks burning. "Considering what? I'm able to see what's right in front of me?" Boy did this girl make me mad.
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4:52pm Aug 3 2012 (last edited on 4:52pm Aug 3 2012)
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((Alright XD))
Just when she thought things were going good, of course she had to ruin the moment for herself. Like she did every single time. She had to go an bring this stupid conversation up again. Why did she always do that? It seemed as if whatever good thing she had going on, aways ended in the worst possible way.
Joey raised an eyebrow and stopped walking. Placing a hand on her slender hip she looked at her 'friend' "And what the hell is that supossed to mean?" She asked, an eyebrow raised quizzically. "Because I far as I can tell theres nothing infront of you to see, besides air. And thats invisible."
There was nothing there, she never lead him on. Never flirted, they hated eachother for god sakes. Whatever he thought he was feeling just wasn't...real. If he was anyway like her, he shouldn't feel anything.
((I love arguments ^^))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
5:15pm Aug 3 2012
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[[ FINALLY. <3 ]]
I clenched my jaw and stopped walking as she did. Crossing my arms as she put a hand to her hip, I scowled at her. I wasn't imagining it. Why else would I hate the date that she brought? Why else would I keep having these odd thoughts of keeping her to myself, or loving something she does or finding something about her that's actually kind of cute? Joey wouldn't be categorized in the cute section of a woman, so why would I think stuff like that?
The universe wanted us to meet. I know it. And she knew it. She's the one who admitted that the universe wanted to tell us a message! And now the message is clear but she won't see it. She's too busy looking at the covering. The air.
"You're just in denial."
I muttered. Obviously, this was a awkward and silly subject, but that didn't stop my lips from going downward, not upward.
"I get it, Joey. I told you before, I get the fact that I'm not your Henry. That doesn't mean there is only air."
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5:42pm Aug 3 2012
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((Nick finds Joey cute? WTH? My mind is blown.))
She was in denial. Now that was the funniest thing she had ever heard, and she fought the urge to laugh. This was not a laughing matter and it would just insult him, and make matters worse.
Joey stood with her mouth open for a few moments and she tried to think of a snappy comeback. His words rang true. He wasn't Henry, and he was nothing like the older man that she had thought she was inlove with. He wasn't wild and crazy, he wouldn't get wasted with her in the middle of the afternoon for no reason. He wouldn't do anything reckless or fight with her.
She ran a hand hrough her raven hair, still trying to rack her her brain for that comeback. She wanted to yell, scream, and tell him he was wrong, but those words never reached her lips. She hated when he was right, it made her want to reach over and grab his neck like that night at the bar.
"So what Nick?" She sighed, unsure where she actually going with this. "If this is some twisted sort universal message, what do you expect out of this?" She through her hand up and shook her head, feeling her anger coming back. "Did you just think we could hold hands and walk off into the sunset? That we could be normal? Because that not possible Nick, the relationship you're looking for would just never work out. I'd probably end up hurting you more than your Catherine"
She knew that she couldn't do it. She would still feel the need to kill, and as nice as Nick was, she'd grow bored of him. She had no doubt that he would treat her properly, and he'd the 'ideal' boyfriend that girls probably dreamed of getting their hands on. But that would just bore her, and she would leave him and hurt him more. She needed the adventure, the recklessness, that was what had attracted her to Henry. He was older, he was the badboy, the one that you couldn't bring home to your parents, or many in her case. Nick was...safe, with the exception that he was a serial killer.
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
12:23pm Aug 4 2012
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[[ Hey Ser, I won't be going on Res for a bit. I don't know how long but I need to get some things straightened out in my life - not to sound all dramatic or anything. It's not like I'm going to go kill myself, actually it's the complete opposite.
As I said, I don't know how long I'll be gone, but hopefully you're still interested in doing our role plays once I come back around. I'll at least be gone for a week, but at the same time, I hope I'm not on that soon. Hopefully you'll still be around. c: ]]
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12:39pm Aug 4 2012
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((Aww man, I hope you can work out whatever it is that's bothering. I will always be here, with Joey waiting on standby to make Nicks life hell XD
But I'll really miss you, it'll be a hard week (or however long). I might cry. Well not really but it'll hurt. But as long as you come back feeling alright with everything in order with your life, I'll be happy.
On an upside, (well for me anyways), I can play my PS3. I think it's feels neglected XD))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
12:41pm Aug 4 2012
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[[ Lol, Ser. <333 You make me smile.
If I get the job as SB mod, I'll be around - on the SB. But it'll be awhile before I get to role playing. Thanks for understanding. c: ]]
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1:19pm Aug 4 2012
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((If you get the job, I will be on the shoutbox bothering you all the time XD))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
3:02pm Aug 11 2012
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[[ I don't think I will. I fail to hard at knowing anything about rescreatu other then the forums. xD They asked a question on the application saying something like 'what would you tell a newbie about how to take care of your creatu?' I'm like. "hatch it. And then feed it. c:" LOL. That's why I'm starting with eggs and such now. Speaking of, what the heck is a gallery? :O -needsSer'ssmartnesssss-
Anyways, to answer your question, yes. Nick finds Joey cute even when he hates her. Since CH can have romantic thoughts.]]
My heart wilted at her laugh. It was safe to say that through out all these wonderful, irritating, curious, painful yet blissful feelings I had for her - I hated her with all of my heart, so badly it hurt.
I clenched my jaw as she spoke, waiting to hear that one thing that'll set me off. Just waiting to want to kill again. Instead of her helping me calm down like you'd think a woman would, she just made me want to slit more woman's throats and carve their hearts out.
"I'm not saying that at all. I think we made it clear that we'll never be normal." I said, my voice a forceful calm. "I just thought I'd try. You think I actually like whatever I feel? No, it makes me want to kill even more. And I wasn't going for that. I just want... " I didn't know what I wanted. Definitely not her, that's for sure. I wanted the feelings to go away. But at the same time I didn't. Sometimes I DID want Joey. Sometimes, most of the time, I hated her.
I chewed on my lip, my arms crossed as I left it at that. I didn't know where I thought the conversation would go, but something told me she would never give in. And if she never gave in, I couldn't just keep trying. I couldn't keep arguing with her about something I knew was true yet she denied stubbornly every time. It couldn't be just me feeling this. It couldn't be!
Because if it was, I'll be running to the next saloon and forgetting my worries. Or going to the bar and drinking until I was anyone but me. Or grabbing a knife and going on a kill rage until there was no brunette left in the city.
(Maybe the reason he crashes into her is because he's drunk? :O)
Either way, I was done with her. For good. It wasn't like we wanted to see each other tonight. It was awkward, and maybe I smiled a bit with her, but I was still done. Trying as hard as I could to not make this some dramatic exit (I really tried. xD), I stepped back slipping my hands in my pockets, and turned the other way. It was time for me to leave Chicago.
Maybe after I had a drink or two.
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5:53pm Aug 11 2012
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((Dude, you must be able to read minds. Because I was totally thinking that, well I was actually thinking that Joey should be the drunk one. But Nick being drunk sounds funny, especially because Joey will have to be the one taking care of him. XD
Also Joey had black hair, she ain't a brunette. I also totally hate that word, I don't know why though :/))
He wanted to kill even more? Now, those were the words that every girl wanted to hear. Joey rolled her eyes and ran a hand through her black hair. This wasn't going anywhere, they would never agree. But she liked Nick, he was her only true friend that she could actually relate too. She could say that she wanted to behead someone and he would know that she was serious and wasn't just fooling around.
What she had said, had instantly hit her like a ton of bricks. "Nick..." She said softly looking up at him, but he was already moving past her. She sighed, not knowing whether she should go after him. She couldn't, more likely she wouldn't, give him what he wanted. There was no way she could comfort him, how did you comfort someone who claimed to love you?
She sighed and closed her eyes from a moment, listening as his footsteps faded away. "Great job Joey," She said to herself as she started to walk up the sidewalk. "Why do you always have to ruin a good thing?" He didn't have to say it, she knew he was done with her.
"I should have stayed with my date." She muttered as shoved her hands into her pocket. She needed a drink. Or several bottles.
((So, who's going to get wasted? Nick or Joey?))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
6:00pm Aug 11 2012 (last edited on 6:01pm Aug 11 2012)
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[[ You hate the word BRUNETTE? I'll remember that. :O Oh I forgot how he'll be taking care of her. Drunk and trying to be compassionate towards her when she's hurt doesn't sound very romantic. :U -needs romantic- Which one would you think is better? Nick drunk and crashes into her and Joey has to -try- to be compassionate and take care of him? Or Joey being drunk and Nick - with out having to try ;D- is all romantic to her while she is like O.O.O.O
Both of them are awkwardly hilarious to me. ;D
Edit: -pokes previous CH post- Do you know what a gallery is for? ]]
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6:04pm Aug 11 2012 (last edited on 6:05pm Aug 11 2012)
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((Oh man, Joey being compassionate. We gotta do that XD It will be the funniest XD Plus, I'm not sure that Joey will allow Nick to leave, because she won't want him to leave her. Even if she may or may not like him in a romantic sense. I think a gallery is where you just keep your stuff. I'm not sure, once they updated the site, I just stayed in the forums XD))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
6:11pm Aug 11 2012
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[[... Thanks xD
I'll post soon. LOL. Yes. This is going to be fun. xD I'll post later. I have to go. D: ]
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6:12pm Aug 11 2012
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((Aww, sorry I couldn't be of any help XP But I'll try and wait patiently until you come back ^^))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
6:42pm Aug 12 2012
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[[ xD You were right about the gallery. So I guess that means Nick is the one that gets drunk? If I got that right, you cool with me just time skipping to later that night with him at that bar/in the car? ]]
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7:35pm Aug 12 2012
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((Lol, I was right? Score! Time skip a head ^^ Its time for Nick to crash into Joey's car. Then the romance will...well something will happen XD))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
8:12pm Aug 12 2012
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[[ Hopefully. Unless Joey decides to be annoyingly stubborn as usual. XD Post coming. (You know how it is. D:) ]]
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8:33pm Aug 12 2012
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My head lay on the back of the chair, my eyes in a daze. After walking away from Joey - everything in me hoping she'd somehow change her mind and come after me this time, telling me she understood, though that was the psychopathic part of me talking. - I went straight for a bar that I wasn't banned from.
Once again, as I had walked into the bar, the ringing was in my ears and the anger was boiling more hot. It was a different bar then the one I was banned from, so I enjoyed the night with beer after beer after girls after beer after girls after more beer. And more girls. No, I didn't mean sex. (You dirty mind, you.) I meant having the time of my life pressing my knife against their tender flesh and watching the pain in their eyes as I took another swig.
I had the strongest stuff they had, and I only let myself take a rest in my car for a millisecond before I leaned up from the back of the chair and ignited the engine.
The ringing wasn't leaving even after the kills and the drinks. I clenched my jaw, speeding down a empty road.
[I'm so lazy. Can you write the crash scene? ]]
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