6:51pm May 21 2012
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Joaquin raised an eyebrow. Unbelievable, he was just like any other man thinking himself so high and mighty. Men were only good for one thing, once that no appealed to her they went back to being worthless, she would kill every last one if she could but all that cutting would be a lot of hard work.
It was when he called it worthless that she hit her breaking point but instead of reaching into her boot and pulling out her knife to stab him as she so wanted too, clearly getting angry wasn't working for him so she switched tactics and she laughed slightly and shook her head. When she looked back up at him she had a smile on her face though it didn't reach her eyes, they were the same cold blue. "Well let me just tell you what this 'worthless' woman is going to do to you if you don't pay for my new bike." she said clasping her hands together. "I'm going to hunt you down, then I'm going to take the knife out of my boot and im going to slice your face from ear to ear. Hell maybe I'll cut off your ears for the hell of it. Then I'll carve your heart right out of your chest." she turned her head slightly and pouted. "You wouldn't want me to do that now do you? So why don't you just hand over you insurance and we can settle this."
((Sorry thats lame. I honestly couldn't think of anything to write XP))
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7:05pm May 21 2012
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[[ You're fine Ser. :O I love how their treating each other. xDDDD lol, your post made me chuckle. ^^^ :OoOOOOOooOo]]
The seething anger I once had only felt more violent as I gave her back a lopsided, care - free grin. The woman had no idea who she was speaking to. Carving my heart out? I've done worse to my victims. "I don't think that little mind of yours can wrap around the fact that I have no fear of you or your juvenile threats." I hissed, my brown hair falling over my right eye from the movement of putting the piece of trash back on the pavement. "I won't be paying for anything, ma'am." The woman was a lunatic. Insane. Completely psychotic. The last thing I was going to do was pay for the damage of what was already trash. I turned my back from her and went back to the car. I had things to do, and people to see. Why waste more time with someone just asking for a fight? No matter how much I'd like to slap that sassy mouth.
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7:23pm May 21 2012
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((Lol I know right? I wonder how we'll ever get romance out of this XD))
Joaquin shook her head this was stupid. She was already growing bored of this. He was getting on her nerves, and that never happened to her. She took everything in stride, oh he had no idea what she could do. She butchered all her foster families pets and left them out for them. Always claiming it was an accident, people were foolish, they fell for everything the little doe eyed girl would say.
She'd been arrested multiple times, she had no fear of anything. That's why families gave her back. How do you punish a girl who had as much feelings as a rock?
When turned that was when she had enough, she was angry. Looking down at her bike she noticed it was the side with the bag was up. Digging through some money and other trash and pulled out what she was looking for. A crowbar. Feeling the weight in her hand she smiled. "Oh darling, I'd hate to see you before giving you a present." Looking over at his car she was glad to now it was just as damaged as hers, though not equally as bad. But that would change. Raising the bar she swung it through his windsheild, then swining again and breaking his side mirror (I forget what its called XDDD). "Now we're even asshat." she said before spinning on her heel and heading up the street, hips swaying, throwing a quick murderous glance at the man over her shoulder, daring him to come at her. She was all for beating this man into a bloody pulp if she had too, and she smiled at the thought. All the better infront of these people.
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7:39pm May 21 2012 (last edited on 7:56pm May 21 2012)
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[[HAHA. They should run into each other again, and really fight. xDDDD Nicholas wouldn't fight in front of people though. :PP -is making character up as she goes- ]]
This insignificant, valueless, useless wench was only asking for trouble. My whole body shook with rage as I looked from the car, now surrounded by glass on the inside and out from the crow bar, and back to the little girl who thought she looked sexy when her hips swayed. Grinding my teeth, it took everything in me to muster up a humored smirk in her direction and then at the crowd who were also probably thinking I was about to murder her.
It sounded like such a sweet idea, I could taste honey on my tongue. But, using the self control I had adapted to from keeping myself from killing every woman on this earth that looked like Catherine, I allowed my smirk to stretch out to a full, real smile.
"Cute, darling. Truly cute. You've entertained me enough for the night, and I must take my leave."
And with that, I turned. But before I could, I couldn't help but say one more thing. I always had to have the last word. "I truthfully hope you get your bike fixed. Make sure to tell me how things go."
Now to find a bus that goes around at this time that can take me to the nearest place I could sleep.
[[ Gotta go, Ser. :U ]]
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8:02pm May 21 2012 (last edited on 8:04pm May 21 2012)
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((Lol Joey would. She's all for fighting in public XD and same here. I imagine Joey being BA but it has to be Res appropriate so I dialled her down XP Aldo I'm on my iPod so beware spelling mistakes))
Her night (is it night?) was officially ruined. Due to that idiot in the suit. So now she she had no form of transportation and she was wondering with a crowbar, earning odd looks from passers by. Frowning to herself she thought about the man, he seemed oddly familiar. She figured he was probably like on of her boyfriends. Oh they were always the most fun, wanting to assert their dominance over her to prove how manly they were. Oh how they were the most fun to play with. It was funny how she was such a little thing yet always managed to best back at the men that tried to abuse her.
Speaking of men she noticed one standing outside a bar. Composing herself as tossed the crowbar to the side. Straightening her back and running a hand threw her hair she walked up to him. "Hey, you got an extra?" she asked motioning to his cigarette. He smiled and nodded and handed her the pack before a fancy lighter. Look like she was gonna hit it big. He looked like a rich kid. "Thanks." she said handing the stuff back before sucking in the smoke, feeling a rush. "So don't tell me you're all all alone tonight?"
That was all it took for him to take her into his car and driver her to the harbour. What an idiot was making all this easier fir her. He thought he was getting when she came from behind and placed and arm around his neck. He didn't expect her to break it then toss his body into the water. After taking his wallet, and watch of course.
"Man Joey, you did good for yourself tonight." she felt so good to get that out. All that anger she felt earlier seemed to slip away. All that was left was pure adrenalin, she hadn't felt like this in years. She'd never actually killed someone like that for the fun of it. The last time it was in self defense though she did provoke the attack in the first place.
Grinning she gripped the steering wheel of her new far and hurried towards her friends car shop. He'd fix her up, and this would please her more than any bike she'd have to buy.
((I can't think of anything XP))
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4:52pm May 22 2012
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[[ We should time skip to somewhere. c: Where though? ]]
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4:56pm May 22 2012
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((I really don't know. Uh, matbe Joey could be picking pockets near the hotel your dudes in? Or he could pull into a garage to ask about fixing the car she busted up...I haven't the slightest clue XP))
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5:20pm May 22 2012 (last edited on 5:20pm May 22 2012)
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[[ oOooOooOoh. I like that, I'll do it. :) ]]
When walking for a bit didn't help find anywhere I could stay for the night, I had chosen to walk back to the crashed car. The girl was gone, which satisfied me greatly. The last thing I needed was to argue with a woman right now.
Now, to worry about how to fix this mess of a car. There had to be some kind of shop that could help me find a new window, close by, right? Fiddling with my tie anxiously, I walked to a man close by with a light tap on my shoulder. I had nothing against males, of course. Even though humanity as a whole should be extinct. After asking the man if he knew of a place I could take my car, I had to say I was greatly pulling off the innocent new - comer to Chicago act, he kindly offered to take me there. This might be easier then I thought.
I waved good bye to the kind man, whom I guessed was either just being nice or avoiding going home to a agitating, nagging wife, before going inside the shop. I cleared my throat once as I came in, not knowing where the owner would be.
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5:36pm May 22 2012
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Joaquin sat with her legs crossed staring at the wall. Her mind running on yesterday, she could faintly hear the news playing on the TV next to her but there was no news of the body found, which she figured was probably good.
Yesterday was crazy, that have never happened before, she'd always thought about it, but she'd actually gone for it. Well, pets didn't count. There was a knock on the door and she sucked in a sharp breath drew out of her thoughts. "Joey, I'm going out back to pick up the plates alright, could you go down and watch the shop?"
"Sure thing man." She said uncrossing her legs and standing up. She had forgot she had crashed in the room above the shop. "Let me pull on some pants first." she called out and she heard him chuckle slightly before she listened to his footsteps walk off. Hurrying over to the dresser she rummaged through the clothes she had stored in there, pulling out some dark ripped jeans. Jumping around the room like an idiot to get the tight thing on, she grabbed a loose tank and pulled it over her head. She made a face, her bra was visible but she didn't feel like taking off the shirt and putting something else on, plus if some ass stared down her shirt it'd give her an excuse to start something.
She checked herself in the mirror and frowned, she didn't feel like straightening it, so she left it wavy before hurrying out the room. "C'mon Brigs," she said motioning to her friends great dane. The dog barked and followed down the stairs wo the shop. She walked up to her car and squatted down and looked at the plates before grabbing a screw driver and and taking off the plates.
She tossed them aside and opened the hood letting out a low whistle. This was a nice vehicle, she'd have to strip some of the stuff off thought. That was when she heard someone clearing their throat. "Hang on a sec, I'll be right with you." she called not taking her eyes from the vehicle. Briggs nudged her legs and she turned, a smiled on her face. "Now what can I-" she stopped when she saw who was there. It was the suit. "You."
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5:50pm May 22 2012
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The last thing I had expected was to see the woman from yesterday. It was pitiful really, was she looking for attention in clothes like that? Woman. They were all so... Hideous. Except for the Catherine's out there. Now they were some beautiful-
I gulped as she looked back at me. There was something about her. Something different from yesterday. Take off the tight clothes that left nothing for your imagination, and I could see Catherine all over this fine specimen. It couldn't be. Yesterday all I did was hate the woman. What was it about her now...?
Coming back to reality, I gave a bright, excited smile to this new Catherine in my sight. "What a delight to see you here this morning, Cath-... Ma'am." It's her hair. The smile turned immediately to a dark frown. An act can only go for so long with me. That was it. Her hair. Yesterday it was straight...
"Could you lead me to the owner of this shop? I have a car to fix. A negligent woman decided to crazily crash my windows with a crow bar for her own silly games."
Oh, but why would I kill her? Killing Catherine's out there in the world was a blessing. Taking those gorgeous creatures out of the pain of this world. But I wanted this girl to suffer anything she could.
Maybe I can make an exception for this certain Catherine.
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6:06pm May 22 2012
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((Lol, I love how I leave no imagination to the way Joey dresses, honestly XP Trying to make her seem like a typical psychopath.))
Joaquin raised an eyebrow, not believing what she was really hearing. A 'delight' to see her, when yesterday it seemed as if her was going to reach for her neck. Not to mention the weird thing, he called her 'Cat'.
Briggs barked next to her and she stopped staring and shook her head before kicking the dog with her foot. "Get out of here you're bothering me." The animal yelped before scurrying off though not to far, he was used to her abuse.
She looked back at the idiot fromyesterday and decided to play along. "Well, nice to see you too, darling." she said before turning to looked back at her new car. "Ron's out back, he's waiting for someone, he'll be back any minute. Though I doubt he'd be able to do much for you car. Installing a new windsheild is pricey, especially if you want him to give you the good stuff but I'll put in a good work for you."
She closed the hood running a hand through her hair before picking up the screw driver again and moved to the back of the car to screw out the plate there. "Plus you'll probably need a new fender, so that should take a while to fix. I also messed up your mirror pretty bad." she tossed the other plate and the dog scampered ofter it.
She moved back to sit on the hood and ran her hand through her hair again before she crossed her arms over her chest, her eyes narrowed slightly. "So how long are you willing to wait to get you car fixed? Maybe you should take your own advice and get yourself a new one. It worked out so well for me." she smiled head turned slightly, referring to the way he called trying to fix her own bike useless.
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6:20pm May 22 2012
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[[Hahahahhaa. Our characters are so creepy and psychotic, I love it. ccccc: ]]
"With the way your dressed, darling, I found it would be easy for you to get a means of transportation easily." I said with a smirk, defending myself for what I said last night. You always have to defend yourself with these woman.
"I, on the other hand, have less of an advantage in that area. I'd rather keep this car - no matter how long it takes to get fixed."
This car was special to me, since I've had it for so long. I could wait. Keeping my eyes off of the girl, I instead chose to look at the dog. Why hadn't I seen the resemblance of Catherine in her before?
Not being able to hold back any longer, I let my nutmeg eyes look back up at her more softly. A feeling of sadness came over me as I let myself stare. I always felt like this before I killed another Catherine. Being reminded of her just gave me this feeling-
I shook my head, tearing the gaze away. I promised myself I wouldn't let the sorrow of losing Catherine keep me from doing what made me feel better. Especially now that I had told myself I wouldn't kill this one. Putting the dark gaze back in my eyes, I said as I fiddled with my tie anxiously once more. This has become a horrid habit of mine. "How long do you think all this will take?"
I didn't care, actually. I just wanted to get my mind off of Catherine. How that gut - wrenching feeling kept coming back every time I looked at the girl, now.
I miss my Catherine...
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6:44pm May 22 2012
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((Lol yeah XD I also love how your first person keeps me wondering about what went down with Catherine XD))
Joaquin smiled slightly though it didn't quite reach her eyes, then again her smiles never were genuine. "How sweet of you." she said. She watched him for a few minutes, he seemed to be trying to look anywhere except her, until he eventually did. And what she saw there was odd to her, though no surprise showed on her face, though it took a lot to actually do that.
"A week, maybe two." she shrugged, already growing bored of him.
"Joey, I just heard the most interesting news. Roan said they found a body in the-"
The mechanic stopped when he saw that they had company. "Oh, hello." he said as Joey moved from the car to take the stack of license plates from his hand. "It's all cool Ron. I took care of it. Busted bumper, windshield, smd side mirror." She said as she began flipping through the plates. He let a low whistle. "What'd you do man?" he asked.
"Made the mistake of running into me." she said nonchalantly causing him to open hir mouth but she cut him before he can say anything.
"Hon, why don't you run to the back and pull up an estimate for our suit here." The man nodded and shot her another glance. "Kay but we need to talk after, about you know what." he said nodding at the car. She waved him off and pulled out a plate she liked and went to put it on the car.
"He'll be just a sec. Then you can feel free to go and do whatever you feel like doing."
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6:53pm May 22 2012
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[[ I don't even know what happened. D: LOL. That's the joy of winging it~ ]]
I kept myself quiet as the two talked, petting the dog once as I waited for the conversation to concern me. I could feel my cheeks turn a slight red as Roan asked what I did to my car.
Right. My car. The one that got attacked by a crazy woman and a crow bar. If he only knew the whole story... I was tempted to be the juvenile one in the conversation and explain that somehow the whole thing last night was her fault. But I kept quiet. I was pretty good at doing that ever since I noticed that this 'Joey' looked like Catherine.
I mumbled, keeping my eyes on Roan as he left. Then on the dog, my shoes, my tie, the ceiling, the floor. Anything but Joey.
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7:23pm May 22 2012 (last edited on 7:26pm May 22 2012)
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"If I have a plumber crack or something you can just say so." Joaquin said once she finished screwing in the plate. She turned to look at him for a moment, she didn't feel his eyes on her once as she was working, though she pulled up her pants anyways. She moved to the back to screw in the other plate.
She stood back up and ran her hand along the vehicle, a glint in her eye. "You know suit I really should thank you. You gave me some great advice you know." she smiled her eyes holding a dangerous glint as she thought about the night before. She felt a buzz in her pocket and she frowned. Pulling out her cell phone she raised a slender eyebrow. She scratched at the inked name on her stomach before looking back at the suit. "1000 bucks flat, no tax due to the fact that I wrecked the car." she sighed. "I'm gonna need you name. And you phone number so we can reach you, though you can just come in at the end of the week instead. You wanna pay half now or all?"
((Lame, I totally couldn't think of anything XP))
Edit: I'm going to eat soon, so I may not reply for a few minutes.
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7:34pm May 22 2012
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[[ You're fine. There isn't much to put anyways. :U LOL. "If I have a plumber crack or something you can just say so." Omg, I'm rolling. ]]
Though I was still feeling 'not myself' after seeing Joey, I allowed a smirk at her price. "Half now is fine." I said, my voice slightly gruff, though I tried ignoring that. I was able to give all the money now, but the last thing I needed was a Catherine I was going to let live get suspicious of my actions. Pulling out my wallet, I started searching for the bills as I said, "My name is Nicholas Dawson." After naming off one of many cell phone numbers that I had, I grabbed 500 dollars and handed it to Joey.
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7:44pm May 22 2012
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((Lol, I thought you'd like that XD))
Joaquin nodded and typed the name and number into her phone. Thank god for these mobile devices, now she didn't have to run into the back room and get a clipboard and all that other stuff. She reached her hand out for the money not looking up from the phone, her fingers brushing against his hand as she took the money. She scratched at another of her tattoos again and looked at the money counting it to make sure he wasn't ripping her off. "Nice doing buisness with you Nick." Joey smiled looking up finally.
She looked down at the time and frowned. "Man, I missed him." she muttered to herself, her hand momentarily going down to the tattoo on her stomach. She chewed on her lip and looked back up. "You can go now. I'm not giving you a reciept. See you at the end of the week darling."
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7:53pm May 22 2012
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My hand jerked away faster then I could bl ink at the feel of her fingers. It wasn't like she was poison to me. It wasn't like I've never touched a woman before. But for some reason it frightened me. Woman weren't supposed to frighten me. They didn't. Maybe Joey was just an exception.
Maybe she's an exception to any rule I have.
I swallowed, curiosity suddenly piqued at her mumbled words and her hand toward her stomach. "Who?"
The word came out of my mouth before I could think of what I was doing. What I was saying. Did I really want to stay here and keep a conversation with her? The scary part was that I didn't really know the answer. No, because I never truly like Joey. Yes, because she looked so much like Catherine.
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8:40pm May 22 2012
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Joey raised an eyebrow and looked up, wondering why this man was still here talking to her. Though she answered him nontheless.
"The only boy I've ever loved. My brother Noble, Marcus doesn't let me talk to him since I ran out." she shrugged slipping the phone into her pocket. "He thinks I'll twist his mind and he'll become a monster like me."
"His words not mine." she rushed in. She remembered that last time she said that she had gotten the oddest look. She leaned back and placed her hands on the hood. "Got anything else to ask darling? I'm going out to eat and a certain guy is holding a giant muffin with my name on it."
((I dunno what to post XP))
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9:20pm May 22 2012
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My eyebrows bunched together slightly in confusion, but I chose not to keep this conversation going. The last thing I needed was wallow in self - pity because I kept thinking of Catherine. "Oh." I said, putting my hands in my pockets and disappearing out of the store without another word.
[[Wahhhh. What should happen nao? c:
-failpost- ]]
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