9:33pm Aug 12 2012
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((I love how you have to add those little comments just for me XD))
"Well isn't this the second worst night of you life." Joey muttered to herself as she leaned back in her seat. Running a hand through her hair, she caught a glimpse of herself in rear view mirror. She looked normal. She frowned, you'd think there'd at least be some sort of emotion on her face, but yet, there wasn't. Her friend confessed his love yet again, and she let him storm away and she didn't try to stop him. Anyone else might look...well she didn't know exactly but they'd feel something.
She turned the key and started the car, smiling as is hummed to life. "Let's see how fast this baby can go." She grinned to herself as she started to drive out of the parking lot. Luckily for her, the roads were empty on account of it being so late, or early depending on who you asked. So it was just and one long stretch of dark road.
It was a night like this that made her miss her bike. She frowned, nope, she wasn't going let her ruin her mood anymore. She was going to drive until she ran out of road and gas.
Turning on the cars radio, she scrolled through a playlist before choosing a song. Once she found what she wanted she grinned and bobbed her head along to the music. Running through a red light Joey grinned, this was it. She could feel herself relaxing, all she needed was some alcohol for a little extra comfort and that would be it, sadly she already drank the bottle. Turning up another street she drummed her fingers on the steering wheel and found herself singing along.
"..Tomorrow will be alright. Let go, let go..." She sang as she approached a green light. Speeding up, she didn't even see another car come streaking towards her until she heard the sound of metal grating against metal and a force sending her car spiraling sideways.
"Sh--!" she screamed as the forced knocked her like a rag doll. Slamming on the breaks to slow the momentum of the car, she heard the screech of her tires as she felt the car slowing. When it finally did she felt dizzy and stayed gripping her wheel so tight her knuckles were white. She felt a lurching in her stomach she scrambled out of her seat and open the door. With wobbly legs she rushed to the gutter and brought up her dinner. Once she was done she turned to look at the jacka-- that hit her. She was speeding yes, but she had the green light.
"What's you're problem assh---!" she screamed angrily, she was still feeling a little shaky but her voice rang with pure hatred. "Honestly, what the hell is your problem?! I swear you god, I'm going to strangle-" She stopped dead in her tracks when she looked in the window at the person in the drivers seat. Oh god no, she thought, her face paling slightly. "Of all people..." she muttered as she opened the cars door to stick her head in.
The same person she was trying to avoid had crashed her. What were the odds of that?
((Is that good?))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
10:01pm Aug 12 2012
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[[ LOL. Well I know what you're thinking. xDDD I would be thinking the same thing too. |D Plus, it's a habit for me now to talk to you while I'm in my posts. I dunno' why. xD
How should we do this? Nick knocked out in the car seat all bloody and stuff so she can take care of him all romantically? -shot-
Or, like, him just acting drunk and stuff obviously hurt since that was the plan.
Omg. What I'm really asking is how bad should it be? xD ]]
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10:04pm Aug 12 2012
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((Joey being romantic. No, just no. He should just be drunk and hurt like in our original plan. There should be blood too, because blood is hot XD Wait, that's a weird thing to say -.- Forget I said it ))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
10:18pm Aug 12 2012
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[[ http://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTLRSpwJQsKmc_nW3O1UvBEp9PZERimpnaKO7Z7P_tlFnbHADFc
^^ So you find this sexy? I see how you are, Ser. ;)
Excuse my failness. It's late so I'm in the mood (No giggling) to just get to the point. xD ]]
The second my car slowed down, I blinked. And blinked. And blinked again. A crooked grin came to my features, hot, sticky liquid spilling over my mouth and a wound on my foreheadhead. The airbag was slowly deflating, my skin stinging from the impact. The white of the airbag was stained with red from my blood. My shoulder (Yes, a shoulder again. :I ) hurt and I think I twisted my wrist.
I groaned, though the smile was still on my face. If I wasn't so interested in killing, getting in random car accidents for adrenaline sounded like a great idea to let off steam.
"Honestly, what the heck is your problem?"
I lifted my head from looking at my pained wrist to see a girl. It took me a couple moments as she started walking towards me to see who it was. I smiled through the blood in my mouth as it covered my teeth. "This your way of coming back to me, baby?"
I said, opening the car door, stumbling, before turning around and slamming it closed none too smoothly with my drunkenness. I wiped the blood that was dripping from my mouth and onto my chin but only more came. (I guess he bit his lip really bad since my creativity is lacking and I couldn't think of any other place he could be bleeding alot so he'd look more hot. xD If you do, feel free to put it on your post to make him a bloody mess, I dun' care. xD) I looked back at her, walking forwards and stumbling again, falling against her and laying my head tiredly on her shoulder. It was literally me slumping down because of her being so short. (I remember her being petite, right? If not, ignore that. ]]
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10:49pm Aug 12 2012
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((Average Height. I don't remember how tall Nick is XD
"Don't call me that."
Joey rolled her eyes stepped back as he stumbled out of the car. He looked disgusting with all that blood. Well, not disgusting, for any other guy she might find that attractive, especially if it was someone else's blood. But he wasn't someone else, and it was his blood.
She stepped back again when he came closer and leaned against her, bracing his head on her shoulder, giving her a big whiff of the alcohol on his breath. "Oh god, did you drink they entire bar dry or something?" she asked turning her head away from him. "Honestly Nick, what is with you destroying my cars?" She smiled slightly and brought one hand up to pat his his back lightly. She had no idea what else to do in this situation.
She looked over at his car that was completely smashed and sighed, she had no other choice. "C'mon Nick, let's go back to my place. Get you clean and sobered up. I am such a bad influence on you."
((I totally blanked out))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
10:53pm Aug 12 2012
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[[ SICKO. She's so cute when she tries.
Anyways. I'll post tomorrow. <3 ]]
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11:16pm Aug 12 2012
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((That boy is very cute thank you very much. He was hot in Scream, licking the blood off of his fingers. I am a sicko -.-
Again calling Joey cute, it's creepy. But I'll wait for tomorrow XP Even though I don't want too XP))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
1:54pm Aug 16 2012
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[[ NO WAY. You so said Joey was short. I'm going to look at the bio once I'm done this post. You're so amazing, waiting for me with out showing your annoyance. xD Just for future reference, I'll be studying a whole lot this week and once college starts; so plleeeeasee try to remember to keep this bumped up. I really don't want it to die among st others I can see dying.D:
On a side note, I believe its your post for Aven x Travis. Take your time. <3 SERIOUSLY. ]]
The smile didn't leave my lips as she pushed me away at first, too drunk to understand her rejection. I kept my head on her shoulder a second more, letting the blood drip out of my lips like drool and staining her clothes on her shoulder. I didn't notice, and even if I did, in this state, I doubt I'd care
"I've been waiting for you to invite me to your house for a long time, Joey."
Not really. Later on, if she ever told me I said this, I'd probably be more then embarrassed.
[[You can power play/time skip to them at her house or something. :U ]]
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7:32pm Aug 16 2012
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((You're going to college? Wow. You know I totally thought we were the same age XD Don't worry this will never die, I have magic powers remember. I'm that nagging voice in your head telling you to constantly post XD
Also, I will totally get to posting on our other one XP))
"I've been waiting for you to invite me to your house for a long time, Joey."
"You're such a creep." Joey said shaking her head and pushing him away from her. "It's not like your getting lucky." She looked at her shoulder, seeing his blood dripping down the black leather of her jacket. "That's nasty." She groaned, looking for something to wipe it off on. Looking at Nick for a second, she quickly grabbed the bottom of his shirt and bent down slightly to wipe off the red from her shoulder on his shirt. He'd be to drunk to notice.
"C'mon Nicky, get in the car. If I'm lucky, you pass out into a drunken stupor and I won't have to listen to you." She placed her hands on his shoulders and guided him towards her car, grimacing when she noticed the big dent in it's side. If he wasn't so drunk and bloody, she might have just killed him. - - - -
"Alright big boy, bathroom is that way, go clean you face." Joey said when they entered her house. It was awkward getting him in the building, her arm wrapped around his waist so her wouldn't fall on himself. Earning herself a snide look from an old lady in the hall. "See something you like grandma?" She has said sharply, causing the lady to frown even more before going into her apartment.
"Can I trust you in their by yourself? Or do you need me to come in with you?" She said, leaning against the island in her kitchen, an eyebrow raised slightly.
((I dunno what to do. Joey would take care of him, but she'd do it in a sarcastic way.))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
8:47pm Aug 16 2012
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[[ Wait. We've had this conversation before. How old are you? I thought we were the same age as well.
Omg, Ser you're so right. The nagging voice will always bring me back. |D
Post whenever on the other one. I was just giving a gentle reminder. I'll post tomorrow, I was just poofing on. ]
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8:59pm Aug 16 2012
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((Well, you said your going to college, so doesn't that make you like eighteen? I'm sixteen XD
I will see you tomorrow. I by tomorrow, I really mean tomorrow, not two days from it XD))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
9:12pm Aug 16 2012
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[ Right, I'm fifteen, turning 16, September 16th. (That's a win. xDTurning 16 on the 16th... //shot) I wouldn't be able to handle my mother being my teacher in home schooling, so we decided that I could get my GED (General Education Diploma. Like a High school diploma for people who want to get into college with out finishing.) instead of doing 11th & 12th grade and just start college courses and be a big girl and grow up.DDDDx I could have sworn I told everyone this the day it happened; I was so excited. |D
But yeah, to clarify, what I meant by studying was, studying for the GED test I'll be doing later on. D| Sorry about the confusion. :P
Right. TOMORROW. I'll be hearing you voice the second I get up, telling me it's tomorrow. xD ]]
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9:26pm Aug 16 2012
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((Wow, someone is having their champagne birthday this year ^^ And someone is also a smarty pant, going to college early, good for you. You're so mature, I still sleep with stuffed animals. And I also have no idea what I plan on doing after highschool XP So good for you, going for what you want! Bravp! (You know when I read this, it seems sarcastic, i'm not trying to be)
So what is a GED, is it like...you know what I'll wiki it. Actually no I won't I'm too lazy XP I'll ask my mom XD
But yes tomorrow, as soon as you wake up my voice will be there nagging you.))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
9:41pm Aug 16 2012
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[[ LOL. When I was reading it, I could hear a sarcastic voice. I like was ";-; omehgolly." but I get it now. xD I know, I'm really happy too, I'm not going to lie and say it's no big deal; it kind of is. |D
A GED is like a high school diploma. You know, like in the end of your 12th grade you, you go up in your graduation and take a diploma. Well, that's what it is for older people who were drop outs as a kid and want to get back into college. They take a GED test, if they pass, they'll get their diploma. It's also for people who want to get into college with out a high school diploma, who want to leave high school early.
Now I sound like a nerd, explaining it all. |D ]]
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5:29pm Aug 17 2012
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[[ I love the nick names she gives him. 'Suit' and now 'Nicky'. xD Don't have her call him Nicky poo or I'll die. xc ]]
I didn't really remember much, but soon we were finally in front of Joey's house. She helped me into the apartment, any sign of soberness not coming from me. The blood from my mouth had slowed down, but I could feel my forehead and lip swelling from the wounds.
I looked to the direction where she showed me the bathroom before an odd feeling came to my stomach. Nausea wound it's way to my belly and up my throat. My face paling, I ran as though my ankle was fine after the accident, though later on in a sober state I'll realize I've sprained it (Oh so someone is going to have to take care of him until it gets better.), I ran to the bathroom and threw up in the toilet.
I groaned, one arm around my stomach. I was starting to get dizzy, either from losing blood or from the head wound, I don't know which. Standing up from the toilet, I flushed what felt like all of my guts down and tried to walk to the closet to get a rag to wipe myself off, only to stumble and have to hold myself right on the sinks edge. "Joey..."
I called, wearily laying my head against the wall as I supported myself against it.
[[ Your nagging voice got me to post today. |D
I will be going on another vacation this Sunday through the whole week. It was a spontaneous thing, just letting you know. :) ]]
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6:01pm Aug 17 2012
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(( -eyetwitch- Vacation? A whole week away from me? However will you survive?
Nicky poo? I am so doing that ^^))
Joey watched as he clumsily hurried up the hall, a smile spread across her face. That was when she heard the unmistakable sound of someone heaving up their insides. She knew he would vomit eventually, she had just hoped that it'd be outside. Not in her bathroom.
She heard a weak voice call out to her. "God, it's taking care of a child." She groaned, pushing herself off the island and trudging towards the bathroom. When she walked into the bathroom, she immediately covered her nose. "Jesus Christ Nick, you look like something I'd scrape off my boot." she said as she walked behind him to pat him on the back a moment before walking over to the cupboard and rifled through before she pulled out a rag. Walking over to the man, she moved in front of him and wet the rag in the sink. "Alright' turn, Nurse Joaquin is going to clean your wounds. Heads up, I don't do stitches so you'll be on you own." She sighed, pressing the cool, damp towel on his face wiping off some blood.
((Look, Joey's being all nice.))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
6:40pm Aug 17 2012
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[[ LOL. Nice. For Joey. xDD |D Oh, I have no idea how I will survive with out my Ser. ;-; DON'T START CALLING HIM THAT AGAIN WOMAN.
My computer randomly said that it's about to die. I shall poof to another computer. <3 ]
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6:44pm Aug 17 2012
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((IS that an excuse to get away from me? It better not be, I'll start mind nagging you.))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
7:03pm Aug 17 2012
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[[ I love you, omg. I seriously did have to get to another computer, you silly goose! ]]
I was too out of it to really care what she was saying but I still gave her a frown. Even in this state of mind, I realized that Joey didn't hold back comments. No. I didn't find them cute.
I was surprised though, as I felt Joey's hand on my back before finding a rag and wetting it. She didn't seem like the comforting type. I turned my head, following her directions, and looking back at her.
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8:06pm Aug 17 2012
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((Lol XD))
After her towel was thoroughly dyed red with his blood, she was sure he was clean she dropped the rag into the sink. "Well this was fun wasn't it." she sighed rinsing her hand in the sink. In all her years of being...herself, she never in a million years thought she be'd be taken care of a man who destroyed her vehicles, not once, but twice.
"My room is across the hall, you can crash in there. I'll take the couch." She sighed, leaning against the sink. She looked up at the gnash on his forehead. She gingerly reached out to it, leaning closer to get a better look. "Hopefully that won't get infected. I don't think its as bad as it looks." She sighed, suddenly realizing how close she was to his face. "Yeah, so I'll just-" she knocked a bottle of hydrogen peroxide over and turned quickly, swearing.
((Yeah, I FAIL XP))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.