12:16pm Aug 30 2012
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[[ I'm so sorry Ser. I started college classes, and I really don't want to mess my grades up. I'm really stressed and I'm only one week into it! D| Role playing will be much slower, but I plan on figuring out who is still willing to keep their role plays with me this weekend. Out of habit, I came to the rp forums, thinking I was going to reply, but realized I have work to do. |D So I thought while I was here I'd get to you first so that you knew I wasn't gone. I'd love to keep this role play and out other one if you were willing to have it very slow? :) It was already slow because of my stupid procrastination, but once I reply only on the weekends, plus days I'm not in classes, I'll be role playing all I want because I haven't done it, you know? Again, I'm sorry for not letting you know/not even responding. </3 ]]
Back from hiatus. Open to more roleplays!
4:14pm Aug 30 2012
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((Man, everyone is everyone in school already? I'm completely fine with continuing slow, my own school starts next week I think. And I plan on working hard and getting good grades imma make honour role, so I probably wont be on as much either. ... Okay for like the first couple months I probably won't be on as often. But I will wait for you, so I will stop mind assaulting you. So you will no longer here my nagging voice in the back of your skull everytime you don't post XD
My jokes aside, Nick and Joey are probably the best, most dysfunctional couple ever. I WILL NEVER LET THIS ROLEPLAY DIE, LIEK EVER!
Also, are there cute guys in your class? XD))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
6:24pm Aug 30 2012
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[[ Okay. So I was really irritated as I came online. And I saw this post. And I started laughing and smiling. |DDD NO. NO CUTE GUYS D: I hope next semester there will be some. I'm expecting to find the love of my life, here. Everyone else does. ;-; I better not be like those middle aged people that never find love, and then finally go to online dating. That's not happening! D<
I know right?! They're the best couple I think I've ever had! Gosh, I'm happy you agree, because I really didn't want this role play to die. Thanks for understanding, Ser. <333
Again. You'd make such a great boyfriend. No changing your gender or anything. >.> ]]
Back from hiatus. Open to more roleplays!
7:37pm Aug 30 2012
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((LOL, So glad I could make you day XD
That also really sucks, no boys D: But the love of you life? You got some high standards there. Don't rush into anything.
The love of my life is my laptop. And an imaginary man in my mind that looks like Josh Kloss XD (I'm such a sad person, it sucks going to an all girls school DX)
Those interent daters are just...I dunno why you'd use the internets. There are all sorts of liars and creeps out there. But, the upside is that those commercials are some of the funniest I've seen XD
NICK AND JOEY FTW! I cant wait until she actually starts to like him and they can go on a killing spree. That's my dream romance, for real ;D
Yes, I am very understanding, unless someone is physically crying in front of me, because then I dunno what to do.
Again, with the boyfriend thing...it's creepy o.o Its like you want me to change genders. That won't ever happen, so don't worry. I like being a sarcastic, rude, teenaged girl afraid of germs XD))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
3:39pm Nov 8 2012
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[[ We are starting this back up again so staffs aren't allowed to yell at me. -sobs- ]]
FOR ALL OUR FANS, YOU SEXY BEASTS YOU. so pretty much just me and Ser. -shot-
Ser: After her towel was thoroughly dyed red with his blood, she was sure he was clean she dropped the rag into the sink. "Well this was fun wasn't it." she sighed rinsing her hand in the sink. In all her years of being...herself, she never in a million years thought she be'd be taken care of a man who destroyed her vehicle, not once, but twice.
"My room is across the hall, you can crash in there. I'll take the couch." She sighed, leaning against the sink. She looked up at the gnash on his forehead, it didn't look to good. She gingerly reached out to it, leaning closer to get a better look. "Hopefully that won't get infected. I don't think its as bad as it looks." She sighed. She looked into his eyes for a moment and suddenly realized how close she was to his face. "Yeah, so I'll just-" she knocked a bottle of hydrogen peroxide over and turned quickly, swearing. "Like I said, my room is across the hall there." She rushed as she picked up the bottle, trying the ignore the man behind her.
CH: I let Joey do the dirty work, me being able to just stand there dumbly as I waited to be cleaned from the blood. The thing was, I didn't hardly notice the pain or the blood or the circumstances. I was way too drunk. A crooked grin was on my face by her comment, my eyes glassy and red. I completely ignored her next words about how infected it could be. I didn't even hear it. I was enjoying how close she was, my goofy smile leaving my face, and my ex pression just as serious as hers. It only lasted for a moment for she moved, knocking the bottle of peroxide over. Was it weird that her swearing made me smile again? (Anything she does is cute. :I //has too many romantic thoughts to think differently.)
I chuckled then, leaning my head back to press against the wall. "Fine, take the couch." I walked out of the bathroom before turning to her in a none to smooth way. "But I bet there's room for two on your bed." With that, I stumbled in the direction she spoke of, my eyes having difficulty finding the doorknob before finally grabbing it and figuring out how to twist it open. I was chuckling the whole time as I left the door open as though an invitation for her to follow, plopping on the bed, and immediately passing out over the covers.
Ser: Joey's eyebrows shot up at his last statement. "Oh, I know you did not just say that." She spun around her fist balled ready to punch him, but the drunk bastard was already making his way towards her bedroom. And all violent thought ceased as she watched him stagger around like a fish out of water, it was too funny. She followed him out into the hall, making sure to keep back a few paces. She grinned as she watched him try to remember how a doorknob worked, even clapping slightly when he got it open. "Bravo." she chuckled as she watched him plop down on her bed and pass out.
She shook her head, at the open door. Like hell she was going to climb into bed with him, she only gets into bed with another person for one reason. And she was definitely not doing that with Nick. He was creepy as hell when he was wasted. The come-ons freaked her out. But she wanted to sleep in her own bed, but the futon couch was bought for such a reason. Sighing, a wicked thought crossed her mind. She suddenly wished she still had the great dane, she could only imagine the look on Nicks face when he awoke to the animals behind in his face. Smiling she hurried into the room and pulled out a pair of sweat pants and a tank top, along with the other pillow and a few sheets.
Closing the door on her way out, she contemplated drawing on Nick's face, but that was immature and she'd be the only one to see it. So going into the hallway, she changed her clothes and kicked the dirty blood covered ones to the side. She'd have to dry clean her jacket, but she was throwing the rest out. Pulling out the futon she pulled the sheets over and nestled herself in the center, television remote in hand. There was never anything on this late besides those lame late night talk shows, but there was always a chance for a hot guy to be on there.
CH: I woke up the next day because of a headache pounding against my temple. I groaned, turning to my side and putting a pillow over my head. After five more minutes, I realized I couldn't fall back asleep. Lifting myself up, I got off the bed weakly. As I got up I saw a full body mirror in the corner, facing me. I saw myself and didn't recognize who was staring back at me. My hair was rarely this haphazard. My shirt was off, which I saw in the corner that reeked with beer. Looking closer, I saw my forehead had a cut, swollen as big as a fist. "What the..." I murmured, my eyes crusty and blood red. I realized then I didn't recognize where I was. Where was I?
I stumbled out of the bedroom, my head pounding. I saw the back of the couch, the t.v. facing me. My head was pounding so bad I needed to lie down. Not taking the time to walk around to go to the front of the couch, I jumped over from the back, aiming to lay on my stomach on the couch.
That was the plan. Until I realized that the one and only Joey was under me. "Gosh Joey." I murmured, so tired that I didn't get up from the couch. Instead, I pressed my palms against the arm rest of the couch so I could lean my top part up to look down at her. I wasn't sure if she was sleeping, and my head was hurting so bad. I couldn't get up. I'd take a punch if I had too. My head leaned tiredly down, my forehead laying on her shoulder. "What happened last night?" I groaned, another head ache pounding my head.
Ser:Joey had woken early for once. Well at nine, and she was a sleep in until one type of girl. She had cleaned up whatever she had forgotten to last night and showered. When she went into her room to get some clothes, she saw that Nick was still passed out. She put her hand in front of his mouth and felt his breath warm her cool fingers. At least he was still alive. Grabbing her stuff she went back outside and changed in the hallway. After wiggling some tight, olive coloured skinny jeans, she pulled on a loose white tank top and grabbed her car keys before she remembered what had happened to her car last night. She groaned, she really hoped his ruining her vehicles wouldn't become a habit.
She quickly left the apartment, taking the stairs instead of the elevator, she was sure that'd he'd still be asleep by the time she got back. And it seemed she was right. She had managed to take her car to the scrap yard and squash it in that machine. Which was very amusing to her, she got so excited that she was tempted to push in the guy who worked the machine. Plus he was flirting with and he was laughing at her and telling her she sounded like a school girl. He was just begging to be killed. She also had time to go to the diner near her apartment complex and by brunch. Not without harassment of course. Julie who worked there insisted on knowing why she was buying two orders, and Joey had accidentally let it slip that she was buying it for a he.
But she made it back home and was lying on the couch watching the Backstreet Boys perform on TV. Twirling a wavy strand of hair on her finger when she felt something heavy land on her, forcing the air from her lungs.
Her eyes went wide and she saw Nicks face in hers. God he looked like he'd been through hell, not the most attractive thing to see in the morning. Though, it was probably around noon. He sighed and rested his forehead on her shoulder causing her to frown. She hoped that wouldn't become a habit either, she wasn't his mother and this whole comforting thing wasn't her thing. But she brought her arm up around him and petted his head, albeit awkwardly. "We got it on." She joked still looking at the TV. "I beat you up pretty bad."
Absentmindedly, she twirled his hair in her fingers and kept her attention on the TV. "You had better not be drooling on my shoulder, because then I'll give you the strangling that you deserved since the first day we met."She turned her head to look at him. "Now would you get off of me. I'm still mad at you and I can't breath." She dropped her hand from his hand and moved them to push him off. Noticing her hands connected with bare skin. Her eye shot up and she made a face. "Where the hell is your shirt? You couldn't seduce me last night, so it's definitely not working now."
CH: I was expecting her to freak out after noticing me, but instead her fingers twirled my blonde messy hair. I smirked; wondering what she was thinking. I've given up on trying to explain to her my odd feelings, but inside, I couldn't help but get my hopes up. At her teasing, I lifted my head up; wanting so badly to stay here. I didn't show it though; I didn't need her pushing me away anymore.
I rolled my eyes and got off of her as she pushed; looking down at my chest when I remembered I was shirtless. My headache was starting to get worse. "I don't know. I guess I just got hot last night." I said, putting a hand to my head as I found a seat on another smaller sofa (...thing.) "No seriously, Joey. What happened last night? I feel like I've been run over."
Ser: "You were run over?" She scoffed as she remembered the impact of his car speeding into hers. The force that sent her car spiraling out of control and nearly killed her. She had hit her head, and the whole left side of her body was a horrible purple, blue mess. "You should see what happened to my car." She scoffed again, sitting herself up wincing slightly as she turned to face Nick.
"Next time Nicky-poo, if you decide to get piss drunk, do me a favour a cab." She flipped off the TV and ran a hand through her hair. "But if you want everything detail for detail, I think we got in a fight, you went and got drunk then crashed your car into mine. Then you so graciously flirted with me and drooled all over my favourite jacket." She made a face and looked over at the man on the sofa chair(?). She leaned back into the couch and her hand through her hair once more. A small smile playing across her lips. "But considering all that, that was probably one of the most interesting nights I've had since me and Henry took a cop car on a joy ride." She grinned at the memory and shook her head.
"Anyways, I bought you a grilled cheese sandwich and fries. It's probably cold but feel free to warm it up. And I brewed coffee. You might want to drink it black, maybe throw in some whiskey for the hell of it. I also have advil for your headache." She tapped her temple and smiled. Tempted to bang some pots together to make his headache worse. But she was in a nice mood, so she wouldn't do that.
CH:At the mention of her car, I started putting the pieces together. If I felt like such a mess right now, why was her car ruined? What was I doing in her car? The last thing I remembered was taking swigs of liquor and forgetting my worries. I clenched my jaw at her calling me Nicky - Poo ( D8< I named a creatu that because of this rp XD) but chose not to respond to it because of her next words. Cursing under my breath, I ran a hand through my hair; another wave of pain pounding against my skull. I ran into Joey? Again? Isn't she wondering why fate would bring us crashing into each other once more, like I am?
Or maybe it wasn't fate. Maybe it wasn't destiny. Maybe it was a curse; and we really should stay away from each other. Maybe this was all just bad news.
I swallowed, choosing not to speak to her my thoughts. I tried doing that before and that caused me to, as she said it, get 'piss drunk'. Brown eyes shot out of my skull as she told me how I shamelessly flirted with her. Maybe I should get drunk more often, being sober didn't get me that way.
At least this time, I wasn't out trying to find girls to kill. I drank my problems away instead. No harm done. Except for her and I of course, but we won't go there. Especially since she decided to bring Henry up in the worst of times. My tongue traced the front of my teeth as I still chose not to respond. This wasn't how the plan was supposed to go. I was supposed to leave the city; never see her again. Let her wallow in memories of Henry with out breaking me down as she did it.
At her mention of food, I realized how hungry I really was. I went into the kitchen and took it off the counter ( I guess it's there |D ) and heated it up, my mind lost in my thoughts. I realized then I still haven't said one word to Joey. But what could I say? Didn't she find it odd that I once again rammed into her car? Probably in the same spot too. Goosebumps came to my bare arms and I swallowed. The microwave dinged but my mind was too far off in my mind that the ding made me jump. Rolling my eyes, I took the sandwich out and took a bite as I leaned on the counter. Going back into the living room with her didn't seem so appealing. Not when dying to know what was going on in her head. After my second bite, I set down the sandwich and poured myself coffee, taking a long drink of it.
I walked back into the living room once finished my coffee and food, but had no intention of sitting down. Walking to the back of the couch, I reached over the back cushion and lead a hand on her shoulder. "Thanks Joey. I was an idiot."
No. I couldn't ask her what she thought of last night. It would just be asking for more sarcasm and maybe ruin the more pleasant mood she was in now. I walked out of the living room and headed towards her bedroom.
Ser:Joey raised an eyebrow when he left the room and walked over to the kitchen. She ran a hand through her hair and twirled a dark strand around her finger. This was pretty awkward. She could see everything he was doing, he was clearly deep in thought. The beep of the a microwave him jump which brought a smile to Joey's face. She looked away from him and turned the TV back on, trying to focus on the show.
She got pretty into it, ignoring Nick completely. When she felt a hand on her shoulder, she nearly punch the guy in the face.
"Thanks Joey. I was an idiot."
"Ha," she said, looking away from him. "You still are one."
She looked back to the TV when out of the corner of her eye she saw him watching up the hall. "Um, excuse me Mr. Drunk where do you think you're going?" She muted the television to look at him. "This is my house, you can't just go into my bedroom and mope. Doesn't work like that."
CH: I once again ignored her comment after I said I was an idiot. I guess you could say I was more or less numb to her rejection. Its quite obvious now that whether fate had us run into each other or not, Joey wasn't going to be easy to crack.
And I wanted to give up. Running into her car for a second time was just a bump in the road, my plan to flee the city and try to make a fresh start somewhere else was still the plan. My feet stopped heading towards her bedroom at her words. But fate... Fate had us run into each other again. How could I walk away?
But then id be dealing with her rejection. And a man could only deal with rejection for so long.
"I wasn't going to mope, Joey." I snapped back, my jaw clenching. This was all so frustrating. I was actually thinking about staying with this girl? I hated her. I hated her with all my being. So why was I even thinking of staying?
I sighed, turned around, and glared at her. Maybe I was just lonely. Maybe I was getting to that age where I wanted to settle down with a woman. Both sounded un appealing and sickening but it was better then the other theories.
... like the theory that I ended up hating her so much, I found a heart aching love for her. I swallowed, feeling sick with disgust at the thought.
"I was going to get my shirt so I could go check out our cars. Would you like to join?"
My tone was anything but welcoming at the idea of her coming along. (SCHmexy low tone is what he means. :I)
Ser: oey tsked, he was so irritable. She honestly went around in that head of his sometimes. "Fine go ahead. If I go into a room with a shirtless guy, its not to put his shirt back on." She winked and looked away from him and turned her attention back to the TV. "You might want to take a shower too. You smell rank. Towels are in the bathroom."
She smiled slightly and glanced over at him. "Don't use all of the hot water though. I'm going in after you." She sighed, finally shutting the TV off. She was never one for it anyways, too boring. Getting up she went over into the kitchen. "If you want I still have some of Henry's clothes in some of the drawers. Just don't go through my underwear or anything."
So that's it. I'll be sure to put my new post in here soon.
Back from hiatus. Open to more roleplays!
8:54pm Nov 11 2012
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((This is not a subtle hint. I want you to post and save me from boredom XP))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
8:56pm Nov 11 2012
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[I'm so sorry! Seriously I am! I really should be posting!
It's just, right after I decided to come back from hiatus, my teachers decided to make everything due tomorrow. When I get home tomorrow, I plan on first posting on UniqueSoul's - she's been waiting since June O.O.O - and then all of these.
Ilu Ser. I know you love me too. ;) Accept my love. ;o ]]
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9:06pm Nov 11 2012
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((...You'de better post here second, or I'll find you. You can run and tell that))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
9:08pm Nov 11 2012
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[[ Are you threatening me to post this second? ... :I ]]
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9:09pm Nov 11 2012 (last edited on 9:12pm Nov 11 2012)
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((...No...But if you did I wouldn't mind that :D))
Edit: So like, I'm not a stalker. But on Wolfie's board. You said you killed Dawn. So is Garth and Dawn not gonna happen?
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
9:11pm Nov 11 2012
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[[ 8I I'll post tomorrow. <33333 Good night! ]]
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11:28am Nov 12 2012
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[[ I'm so excited to bring his twin in omg. Should he be really bad boy or really innocent? I feel like Nich is innocent and good, even as a killer so. You choose. LOL. ]]
I rolled my eyes at her comment; seriously not in the mood for her remarks today. Whether Joey was going or not was up to her; I was going to get this car issue done today so I could leave as soon as possible. "The last thing on my mind is to take a looksee at your underwear drawer, Joey."
I said, though irritable, a small smile came to my face before walking into the bedroom. I didn't want to wear one of dearest Henry's clothes, but his would have to do. Grabbing some from the drawers, I realized that the man was dead. And the clothes were still here.
As I walked out of the bedroom, I looked at the back of her head where she had stayed on the sofa. The irritable mood was gone, replaced with a pity I couldn't explain. The woman still had a dead mans clothes in her drawer. Was I supposed to feel happy? I swallowed, feeling like a third wheel when there was no second wheel. Going into the bathroom, I took a quick shower and then put on one of his shirts and jeans; surprisingly fitting me well.
Running a hand through my blonde, damp hair, I left the bathroom. Walking into the kitchen, I grabbed a plastic bag to put my 'rank smelling' as Joey called it, clothes in and came back into the living room and sat on the sofa adjacent her.
(He was really fit and sexy in the beginning of this role play, but I've edited him a lot to be more lanky but we'll stick with built for this. |D )
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3:46pm Nov 12 2012 (last edited on 3:47pm Nov 12 2012)
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((He should totally be a bad boy. That's Joey's type. Or maybe not a bod boy, bad boy, but just more a bad boy compared to Nick. Does that make sense?
No it doesn't, alright then. Just make him like, oh just do whatever. Just don't make him innocent :P))
"The last thing on my mind is to take a looksee at your underwear drawer, Joey."
Joey smiled at that and shook her head. "Oh don't pretend. I know you thought about getting in my drawers." She grinned, sending a flirty wink his way before putting a handful of Lucky Charms in her mouth. "You were so eager to last night." Grinning, she turned from and put the box of sugary cereal back in the cupboard she jumped back onto the couch.
It was the most boring moments of her life waiting for Nick to get out of the shower. She figured she might as well just get her stuff while she waited. She went into her room and glanced at her drawer. He didn't go though it, not that she'd expected he would. For a psychopath he was very tame when it came to things like that. Then again, he probably knew that she would sock him in the face if he did take a quick 'looksee'. Opting for lighter blue jeans, she also grabbed a lacy tank top. Running a hand through her hair as she thought about Nicks reaction to the practically see through shirt, she'd wear a sweater over and he'd have to deal with it.
No sooner had she sat her butt back down in the sink in the sofa, Nick came out and sat down near her. "That was quick." She said, raising an eyebrow. Trying to ignore the fact that he was wearing Henry's clothes. Well, you did offer them to him. She thought, irritated with herself. "Anyways darling," She said, mentally punching herself when she let that slip from between her lips. It was too late to take it back so she might as well roll with it. "I'm gonna take a shower. Feel free to watch the TV, or explore. Do what you want." And with that she hurried out of the room and into the shower. She didn't want to look at him anymore.
< - - ( Don't feel like typing ) - - >
Joey took a quick shower for once, well quick by her standards. Who knows how long she was really in there. She quickly, pulled herself into the skin tight jeans and pulled over the shirt. She sighed, and rifled through a drawer under the sink with her extra clothes. Since when do you care what he thinks? She mentally asked herself, before she put on a bando. That would do. She was covered up, for the most part. Stick her wet head into the hallway, she didn't see Nick, so she went into her room to pull on a grey sweater. Man, this was probably the most covered up she'd been her in entire life. Walking out into the hall, she zipped the sweater up slightly, so he wouldn't see the see through shirt. "Nick I gotta dry my hair." She said running a hand through the slick, wet waves. "I won't straighten it though, so it shouldn't take as long." She hurried back to the bathroom and pretty much turned the heat all the way up and dried it for about five minutes. This was gonna take to long, she'd just go with it wet. Taming it down with a brush, she hurried back outside and grabbed another one of her leather jackets. "Alrighty Nicky-poo. Where are we off too?"
((Wait, Nick is blond? My mind is totally blown right now XD Also, I don't think I imagined him fit and sexy and like, Thor like at all. I imagined him more, lean, but not lanky. Srsly, mind blown. o.o))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
5:36pm Nov 12 2012
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[[ He's more lean; and definitely not the sexiest person alive, don't worry. He's not buff at all. It's just, in the beginning of the role play, he was not thinner, like he kind of is now. He just had some meat and muscle on him, you know? But not buff, buff. xD I was just putting that there in my last post because I imagined Henry to be buff and I didn't want Nich looking awkward in his clothes. But, hey, if you're cool with me changing his appearance to lean then that's awesome. xD
And yes. We've gone over this. 8I HIS HAIR IS BLONDE WOMAN.
I'll post tomorrow. I have lots of editing to do. x_x ]]
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6:25pm Nov 12 2012
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Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
6:29pm Nov 12 2012
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[[ I love you desperately, Serxy. <3 ]]
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6:58pm Nov 12 2012
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((I do not accept your love.))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
7:02pm Nov 12 2012
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[[ Whoa. That hurts. That hurts deep.
You'd so accept my love if it was mounted on you. ;-;
I love our jokes more than life itself omg. ]]
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7:09pm Nov 12 2012
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((I love you so much right now. Our inside jokes are amazing. We are so fun. I totally forgive you for teasing me XD))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
7:14pm Nov 12 2012
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[Our inside jokes are the only reason you love me I see. :I ]
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