9:12am Nov 15 2012
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"Anyways darling," I lifted an eyebrow as Joey spoke, a small smile coming to my lips but hidden by resistance. It was the little things that had me wonder; why wasn't she kicking me out? Why hasn't she killed me for wrecking her car twice now? (Or is it three times LOLOL. ) We hated eachother, after all.
I leaned back in the sofa as she disappeared to take a shower. Before I knew it, she was coming up to tell me that she had to dry her hair. When did I care? I hid my surprise at her choice of clothing. Once again, these little things were eating at me to the point of insanity.
Was all I said as she disappeared to dry her hair; only to come out with it still damp. Good thing she wasn't straightening it. The image of all the woman I have killed came to my mind and for some reason, a sickening feeling came to my stomach at thinking of doing the same to her. I stared at her for a moment, not even realizing that she once again called my Nicky - Poo (-.- ). Since when did I ever feel guilty about my kills? Okay, so maybe this girl was different in a sense that for a couple of days I thought I was into her. But that didn't mean she should effect the feeling I had with my kills. That's overboard.
I chewed on my lip, blinking when I realized that through out my thoughts, I ended up just staring at her the whole time. A blush came to my cheeks and I stood up. "Headed to get our cars fix. I have all the money to handle both of the the costs. Hopefully it doesn't take too long," so I can leave as soon as possible.
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3:44pm Nov 15 2012
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Now, Joey was not one to get uncomfortable. In fact, she relished when a guy looked at her for a prolonged amount of time. That was probably because she knew exactly what was going on in their mind, and it was fun. She'd flirt them up and leave them to hang if she was in a particularly wicked mood. But not Nick, she had no idea what was going on his mind. She had no idea what he was thinking, and that made her uncomfortable.
But, she felt relieved when she noticed a blush creep into his cheeks. He was just zoning out, nothing special. He wasn't thinking about her. Glad he's over that, she thought to herself as she picked up her keys from the table next to the door. "Well alright then Mr. Money, lets go."
She tried not to raise an eyebrow when he said he had the money to pay for both costs, but in all honestly. She wondered what the hell the guy did. He wore a suit for one, she looked over at him as she stepped out of the apartment. Well he wasn't now. Now he dressed like Henry, though he didn't fill the clothes as much. Still a welcomed distraction though.
"You know Nick, I never actually asked you what you did." She said as she tossed him the keys so he could lock back the apartment. "I mean, what's up with the normal suit. Are you a lawyer or something?"
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3:15pm Nov 26 2012
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[[ Just bumping for myself.
I'll post when you post for Garth. :I ]]
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6:28pm Dec 12 2012
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"Alright Mr. Money, lets go."
I shook my head. What was up with her nicknames? It was only in my dreams that she called me more naughty and vulgar nicknames; but these would have to do.
I followed Joey out of the apartment, ( and doing the once over her butt like Tom did in that video you showed me with the interviewer. :I ), and caught the keys after she threw them. Locking the door behind me, I paused at her question, my back still towards her.
"Well, darling, I'd love to clue you in on my occupation..." I locked the knob, and tossed the keys back to her, giving her a crooked grin. "... But it's classified."
I stuck my hands in my pockets, giving her a shrug. "Shall we go then?"
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7:41pm Dec 12 2012
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Joey quickly caught the key and raised a slender eyebrow at his sudden change. "Ooh, I like the snark Nick. Real sexy." she joked, with a roll of her eyes as she turned to head down the hallway.
"If you're not going to tell me what you do." She sighed as she turned to go down the apartment building steps, jumping the last two steps. "Wanna at least tell me what you're doing in Chicago?" (That's where we are right?) She pulled open the door and held it for him as she waited, pulling on her sunglasses. "Are you on a business trip or something? Come to catch some thrills?" She winked at the last part. Wondering if the guy would get her joke.
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9:35pm Dec 15 2012
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[[ I'll try not to make him so snarky. :I I have no idea where that came from. 8D ]]
"Ooh, I like the snark Nick. Real sexy."
I clenched my jaw, my eyes burning with the urge to roll my eyes back. Not necessarily because of the remark - honestly, anyone who knew Joey for five seconds should be used to the remarks - it was the fact that my cheeks threatened to turn pink. It was the fact that when she spoke, I wanted nothing more then to wish her words were true.
I blinked, once again having that moment where my eyes looked at her but saw more then just her face. That moment where I stared at her as if lost in a daze. She probably thought i was some psycho by now.
Maybe I was. When was the last time I heard the ringing? Last night of course. When I finally decided I was done with Joey. When I finally decided to drink my problems away and drive away from the town that killed me because of one girl.
I cleared my throat, once again getting lost in my thoughts. What was wrong with me today? Joey is what's wrong. She needed to go. She shouldn't be coming. I cursed myself for letting her come along.
I missed most of what she said as I walked through the door, lifting an eyebrow back at her with a small smile on my face. "Does it really matter why? I'm leaving once our car issues are fixed."
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5:48pm Dec 26 2012 (last edited on 5:49pm Dec 26 2012)
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"Aww Nicky, don't be like that. I'm not that bad." She chuckled, as she fell into step beside him. "I've had fun times with you."
Which was true, this had been the most excitement she'd had in years. Meeting someone just as messed up as her, if not more so. Probably more so, she didn't go around killing men that looked like her Henry. Not that any man did, he was one of a kind.
"Anyways money man, I hope you've got a big cheque book, because look at what you did." She pointed over at the care. Which had a big dent in the side. It looked even worse in the daylight than it did the night before. She walked over to it and squatted down. Tsking softly, she shook her head. "You know what Nick, this isn't even worth keeping. I don't even know how I drove this."
She ran a hand through her hair. It looked horrible, there was a clear imprint of another car. She sighed and leaned against the side. "How about we swing around for some beer and then crush this thing at the scrap yard." She grinned at him. "You can spare a few hours right, it will be fun. I promise."
((I finally got around to posting XD))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
4:12pm Jan 10 2013
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((Bumping because of great ideas))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
5:31pm Jan 10 2013
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[[ Thanks for the bump. Sorry this is lame but yeah. e_e You can like. Time skip to the dump if you want? Whatever you want. c: ]]
I decided to keep my mouth shut about these supposed 'fun times' we've had. All I could remember was hatred, arguments, frustration, and tension. None were ever resolved. Maybe that was what she thought of as a fun time; I mean she was a bit of a pyscho like myself. Maybe she was turned on by those types of things.
Shaking those absurd thoughts from my mind as we came to her car, my brown eyes widened. It was worse then I thought, which made me worry about my own car. How was I to leave the city with out a well running car? That was a dumb question; I've stolen plenty of cars in my lifetime to get out of a city. One more wouldn't get me caught.
"How about we swing around for some beer and then crush this thing at the scrap yard."
I looked at her with a lift of my eyebrow (I imagine him having the same face as loki in your banner for some reason, he's still feeling sassy. ) My head shook slightly, but the idea of crushing the car with my frustration sounded too appealing to pass up. What was I to do, leave Joey to deal with the situation on her own while I ran away from my troubles? I couldn't do that. Running a hand through blonde locks, I gave a shrug.
"Sure lets do it."
At least I'll have more money for wherever I'm headed too next.
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6:41pm Jan 10 2013
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Joey grinned, bouncing slightly on her toes. For a minute there, she thought he wasn't going to agree and run away. "Yay! Crushing cars is the best Nick." She grinned, pressing the button on her keys to unlock the car. "Rick lets me swing by whenever I want. He's nice like that." She said moving around to the drivers side of the destroyed car.
"Rick should have another car there, so we have a way to drive back." She said as she lowered herself into the seat. Flinching slightly as she pulled the seat belt over her body. It was cutting into the bruise from the accident. But that wasn't going to get her down. "Let's swing by the beer store. You can buy, while I sneak out a bottle of whiskey. Hope that's not a problem for you." She winking before she pulled the car out.
- Le timeskip-
The car dump was just a head of them. Joey turned down her music as she pulled up to the gate. Grinning, she tipped her head back, and finished the rest of the beer she was drinking, before leaning and tossing it out the window. It landed with a loud class, the sound of breaking glass alerting the dogs inside.
"Hey ho Rick! Open the door and let me in!"
"Not by the whiskers on my chinny chin chin." Came a man's reply, laced with a southern accent. Soon enough, he appeared gun in tote, looking at her car through the fence. "What'cha here for Joey." He ask before letting a string of spit fly from his mouth.
She made a face and shook her head. "I brought you car you ungrateful hick. Now let me in."
He grinned and opened the pad locked and chained gate. The rottweilers barking enthusiastically as she pulled in. Suddenly Ricks eyes narrowed when he noticed the man in the car next to her. "Who's that?" he asked, looking at her.
"Aww, now Richard. Don't be jealous, you know I'll always love you. This is my friend. We're just gonna hang out at the back, alright?"
"Uh huh, sure. I've heard that before." He rolled his eyes and stepped back. "Well have fun with yer 'friend'. I'll make sure not to disturb y'all. Might scar myself for life."
She stuck out her tongue. "You're nasty." She said before driving past the pervert.
As she made her way through the towers of old rusted cars, she couldn't help mutter to herself, "Gosh this place is a dump. To think this is where cars come to die." She pulled up next to the giant crusher. She grinned over at Nick. "Alright man, are you ready for this?" She took off her seat belt and hurried out of the car. "Grab the beer, I'll be back with a hammer. This is gonna be fun." She hurried out into a little shed where she reappeared with a sledge hammer. "You can have first swing." She grinned offering him the hammer.
((Lots of random nonsense.))
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5:27pm Feb 4 2013 (last edited on 5:33pm Feb 4 2013)
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Her excitement had me smirk, but I didn't allow much else to make her think I was looking forward to it. I was still suffering from a hangover, I wasn't really in the mood for much other than sleeping. But who said smashing a car and drinking couldn't be a way to get over a headache?
I walked to the passenger side and sat in as she did. I noticed her flinch and I immediately lifted my eyebrows with curiosity. I wish I remembered more of the accident yesterday. An image of her hurt, yet taking me inside, crossed in my mind. Is that what happened? Did she get hurt too? I swallowed, leaning back in my seat and looking straight. I was just about to ask if any bad damage happened to her last night but she spoke of getting drinks, and she was stupid enough to give me a wink. Turning my insides to jelly with a quick glance. I swallowed, I think I nodded, but I was a bit too distracted so I'm not sure. If it was, it was faint, almost unnoticeable.
The swigs of beer I kept drinking slowly drowned out the pounding in my head. I had a whole alter ego when I drank, Joey saw that last night. I would be careful just how much I took in at once if I planned on leaving soon. I had to leave Chicago with out being noticed, and driving drunk like a maniac was just a bit noticeable. Last night was another example of that.
I listened to the exchange between the two. They were friendly; so I guessed this was another one of those 'friends' Joey had. At the mention of me, and soon what came after, my cheeks had turned a bright red and I drank a considerable amount of beer with a burn down my throat. No way was I blushing. Nope. Not at all. I clenched my jaw and looked the other way, not in the mood for one of Joey's remarks.
I jumped out of the car, glad for the distraction. Setting the beers by the car, I smirked at her when she came out with a hammer. I allowed one tiny thought slip through. Something about how mouth watering it was when she held a hammer and looked at me like that. I shook the thought immediately from my head; wishing I never went there. And glad that I would never be going there.
"Don't mind if I do."
I said, my crooked grin immediately changing to a glare that could stop a heart from beating. This was my chance to let out all the anger I've had since Joey has ever walked into my life, and I wasn't going to pass it up. I didn't hesitate as I walked up to the car and hit the front. A big dent was made after a few hits, but nothing compared to the damage already done. And nothing compared to the damage that we're going to make.
I hit the car again, my mind on that first car crash. On a feisty Joey getting irritated about how I wasn't watching; when we first met. Or was I the one irritated? Maybe we both were. I didn't remember the details ( as do I ) but I remembered how she resembled Catherine and how I wanted nothing more than to ring her little succulent neck. I will forever wonder to the rest of my life why I never did when I had the chance. Now I'm stuck between actually caring about the woman and wanting to watch her die. Those things do not go hand in hand.
I hit the car again and again, grunts here and there coming from my mouth as I hit the car more forcefully each time. The muscles in my arm and back ached but it was a pain that I either found pleasurable or didn't notice. I wasn't really sure because I was so lost in my thoughts.
What about the time I hid in the back of the bar, watching Joey flirt it up with the magical charisma that she had? What about the fight I had in the bar, before I had finally admitted my feelings like a little girl? The anger turned from her and too myself. I smashed a window, a myraid of glass flying in all sorts of directions. Some ended up in my brownish-blonde hair but I kept hitting, not acknowledging it.
And just when I decide to leave, I had to run into her again. 'The universe trying to give us a message'? Yeah right, Joey. More like the universe is "... making a mistake." I grumbled to myself with a series of grunts to follow as I hit the car again and again. Finally, from my peripheral vision, I saw Joey and realized that she was still here. I bl[injection]inked, dropping the hammer and stepped back from the car.
I don't know how much time had passed but it was enough time to make a bad wreckage go to worse. I gulped, a little shrug making some of the glass stuck in my shirt fall, as I said,
"You're right. Crushing cars is the best."
My voice was flat, my mind still stuck on thoughts I wish I never had in the first place. I was breathing heavy I realized. I really had gotten into it. I shook my head almost like a dog, getting the glass out of my hair before walking over to grab another bottle of beer. "I need a drink." I choked to myself as I closed my eyes, tipped my head back, and endured the beauty of the burn down my throat, willing my thoughts to burn with it.
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6:44pm Feb 4 2013
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Joey grinned when Nick took the hammer from her, the kid deserved to let loose and let it all hang out. He'd been putting up with her for what? How long had it been? A few weeks? A month or two? (I really don't know) It seemed like only yesterday she had snuck him out to one of her foster parents old buildings to get wasted on the roof. The thought reminded her of being a wild teenager, sneaking out late to hang out, skipping school. Getting in trouble with teachers, especially one in particular. Was he out of jail yet?
Ehh, it didn't matter anyways. She reached over for a beer, and sat herself on a white lawn chair, propping her legs up on the side. She looked over as Nick was starting to work up a sweat. He was really going to town on that car, it was in worse condition than she could have imagined. Not to mention, he also seemed to be deep in thought. Looking into his eyes, she could see his mind was running a mile a minute. She wondered what was going on in that mind of his. Nick was always so quiet so reserved. She found it hard to read him sometimes. Plus, the only time he ever shared his feeling with her, she'd shot him down. Hard. Compared him to her dead husband. Told him how no one would ever come close.
She rubbed her temples and raised the bottle to her lips and took a big swig. Running a hand though her dark hair, she turned her blue eyes to Nick who was still furiously hitting away. A soft smiled played on her features, it was good to see him like this. The raw anger, no self control, no holding back. If they only they could always be like this, this was the most at ease they had ever been. For once it was just the two of them and no emotions such a jealousy, or anger, or the thought of wanting to kill the other. She quite enjoyed it, she wasn't even going to lie to herself.
Sipping from the bottle again, she watched as he brought the hammer down, smashing a window, sending shards of glass flying. She let out a surprised scream, raising her hands to her face to shield herself from the glass. He didn't hear her. She cursed as she lowered her hand and winced, a few shards of glass had embedded themselves into her hand. Putting the bottle down, she pulled out the few shards and looked back at him. He had glass in his hair, how did he not feel it?
He mumbled something and she looked over at him. She sucked the blood from one of the cuts on her hand and wondered what in the world was running through his mind right now. Moving her hand from her mouth, she watched him intently taking in his features, ignoring the throbbing in her hand. She hated to admit it, but the kid was good looking. She had never noticed before, because she was too busy trying not to kill him, or checking out some other man. The sun was making the shards of glass in his hair glitter, giving him an almost angelic halo. Well that's ironic, she thought as she picked up her beer again and taking in another swig, not taking her eyes off of him. She has better stop this train of thought right now before it went somewhere she regretted.
Closing her eyes, she tried to think of anything but the angry man in front of her. But she couldn't. This wasn't good.
She heard the hammering stop and she opened her eyes quickly and looked at him. He dropped the hammer, and turned an looked at her for a moment in a daze.
"You're right. Crushing cars is the best."
"Glad you enjoyed yourself." Joey said, without missing a beat. Pushing previous thoughts from her mind as she smiled at him for a moment as she watch him pick up that well deserved drink. Chuckling slightly as a few pieces of glass fell out from his hair when he leaned his head back. Shaking her head, she stood up and walked over to him, pulling out a piece of glass that had tangled itself in his hair. She reached her hand up to pull at another, her fingers lingering for a moment before placing her good hand on her hip and looking at the car. "Man, you really went to town on this one." she said, moving away from him and bending slightly to look at the various dents in the car. "You left nothing for me." She said grinning over at him.
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8:49pm Feb 11 2013
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My heavy breathing started to slow as I took another gulp, tilting my head far back, oblivious to the glass still in my hair. As the bottle left my lips, I looked to see Joey standing in front of me. I was still coming back to reality after the moment I had there with the car for who knows how long, but that didn't mean I wasn't aware of the fact that her fingers brushing against my hair tenderly was not a normal thing.
I lifted my eyebrow in a look of confusion before I saw a piece of glass coming from her hands. I chuckled to myself, running a hand through my hair extra slowly to see if any other bigger pieces were hiding. After finding two and putting them on the ground, I looked back at Joey with a small smirk. I would apologize, but only because she missed out on the fun. But I wasn't sorry for going at it like I did. I felt just a little bit better letting my emotions out on the car.
I shrugged, taking another drink. I had started working up a sweat, my shirt was sticking to my back in an uncomfortable way and in an effort to make stop, I unbuttoned the buttons on my shirt so the faint breeze could cool me down. tle="" target="">[x] (yeah that's him without the dancing yup. ) "I guess I did get a little bit into it." I said, another chuckle bubbling up my throat as I put a hand on my hip and looked back at her. It was amazing how much anger could be held inside you for just one being. A being that, at the same time, had happened to drive me into an even crazier insanity.
An insanity called following your emotions and not your mind. Taking the risk of letting your wimpy feelings show. Letting yourself get vulnerable to a woman who only teared you down. And yet you somehow were brave enough to get back up again for another shot.
That was until I gave up and drank away my sorrows of course.
I clenched my jaw, shaking the thoughts from my mind as I ran a hand through my hair gently to wipe out any extra glass.
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4:08pm Feb 14 2013
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Joey raised an eyebrow when the guy started undoing his buttons. "Oh Nick, are you trying to seduce me?" She said, wiggling her eyes brown as she grinned. She looked away from him and back at the car.
"Anyways, Rick has to strip this of whatever is salvageable so he should have some cars at the back that we can crush." She backed up and took the hammer. "I'll just put this back and get my hand wrapped up and we can go."
She hurried into the small building and dropped the hammer before rummaging around to find something to wrap her hand. To think she had a giant bruise on the left side of her body and not she had glass in her hand. At least life was never dull with Nick around. She grabbed a wrap in the first aid kit and went back outside. "Alright, the machine is that way." She pointed to the left with her good hand. "We can leave the car here."
"Grab me a beer." She said walking off ahead of him and wrapping her hand with the white fabric. She hoped she got all the glass out, otherwise it would hurt like a mother when she took it off.
((I guess you can play the part up to the crushing machine XP))
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