10:04pm May 22 2012
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((I dunno XP))
Joaquin raised an eyebrow when the man walked out. "He's an odd one." she muttered. "One minute he wants to kill me the next he won't stop lpoking. Then he won't even look at all."
She opened the door to the back office and placed the money on Ron's desk. "Hey paid half. Why didn't you just come out yourself?"
He looked up at her grimly. "Where did you get the car?" she shrugged and headed to the door. "A boyfriend." she shrugged nonchalantly as she walked out.
"You're lucky they think it's a mob hit!" he called after her. She had no time for his nonsense. She didn't need to admit to anything. She headed up the street for that muffin.
((I can't wait till the romance starts XD))
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10:06pm May 22 2012 (last edited on 8:32am May 23 2012)
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[[ LOl. It's going to be so... Hilarious. c; Ahhhhh. Serrrrr. I dunno how they can run into each other again. :C
Edit: Going off for the night. Maybe I'll think of something by tomorrow. xDDD ]]
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10:12pm May 22 2012
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((Lol I know XD Psycopaths don't just ask eachother out do they? Specially because they're sworn to hate eachother XD Joey's predictable she's always at a bar somewhere doesn't matter the time XD Or she's out doing I dunno what XP))
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8:32am May 23 2012
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[[ Maybe it could be like an accidental type 'outing.' They end up running into each other again at that bar, and it turns into them maybe going some place else for dinner or somewhere else more quiet? ]]
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2:14pm May 23 2012
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((That is so incredibly random XD The whole I hate you, next minute we're fine and then oh this is awkward XD Lol let's go for it XD want me to start off with Joey in the bar? Or you wanna start?))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
2:17pm May 23 2012
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[[ You can go :U
Bahahaha. But random and awkward are the best part of this kind of role play :O
... Yay you're on <3]
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2:42pm May 23 2012
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((Lols yeah XD I got my laptop back just now. Hopefully there won't be as many iPod screw ups in my posts XP
I'll try and get something up in a few...))
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2:48pm May 23 2012
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[[ Take your time. I'm avoiding half of my role plays right now. -.- lolol. ]]
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4:25pm May 23 2012
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The day was uneventful, beside that weird meeting this morning with the suit whos car she took a crow bar to, Joaquin hadn't seen much action. She ran her finger around the edge of her glass.
"Want another one?" Came an accented voice infront of her. She looked up and grinned. "Hit me up Irish."
The man nodded and poured her another shot. She swung it back with ease and looked around. She didn't much feel like flirting tonight, though she was well aware of the guys that were trying to egg on their friend to come and talk to her. "Another drink from him." The bartender said. She nodded at the group who cheered. She rolled her ice and stared down at the liquid.
((SOrry for taking so long with a fail XP I had to do something for my cousin XP))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
4:33pm May 23 2012
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The ringing was coming back in my ears and there was only one person I can blame for it this time. She is the agonizing woman who decided to wreck my car, wear clothes to get men's attention just to tear them down for her own stupid game, just happened to look like Catherine, and is right across the room from me-
... What?
My head turned jerkily to look at the other side of the bar. And there she was, taking a drink. Why was she ending up everywhere I was? I was actually hoping to get my mind off of things, not keep them back on the track that I've been on for so long. From the shock of seeing her, my eyes stayed on her for a second too long before finally realizing that I should just act like she isn't there. Like anyone could do that with someone like her.
Swallowing what was left of my pride, I turned in my stool; hoping she didn't notice that I noticed her.
(You're fine. xD )
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4:55pm May 23 2012
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((I am so diggin your first person dude ^^ Its like I'm in his mind))
"Joaquin. To the left."
She raised and eyebrow and looked over the stools, noticing a man quickl avert his eyes. It was him, the one who destroyed her bike, made her get a new one. The one that now made everything that was so enjoyable seem so horribly boring.
"Looks like you've got yourself another admirer." The bartender joked as he took her empty glass. She nodded and watched him. Why the hell is he here right now? she thought running a hand through her hair, this was not normal. You don't run into the same man three times, at least she never did.
"Thanks for the heads up, Irish." she said sliding off her stool. If she'd seen him three times, something was up. That just didn't happen to her, either he was a cop, or the universe was sending a weird message.
As she headed over the guy from earlier seemed ready to make his move. He stood infront of her and started blubbering some stuff out. She smiled at his stupidity and patted his chest. "Not tonight hon, you shouldn't have listened to your friends." she said as she brushed past him to get to the one she really wanted to talk to. She she reached him she sat herself on the stool next to him and just watched him for a while before opening her mouth to speak. "Are you following me?"
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
5:14pm May 23 2012
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[[Isn't it great? I love first person~ ]]
Just as I was about to feel relieved that she didn't notice me back, I heard her voice close by. "... You shouldn't have listened to your friends." Yeah, and I shouldn't have listened to my desire to go out for a drink tonight, because look where it got me? Before I knew it, Joey sat next to me.
This was probably the most awkward moment of my life. How many times in your life do you see the same person three times in unlikely places? With a sigh, I shook my head, "Actually, I was wondering if you were following me."
The one night I choose to get a drink... I just have to run into her. Maybe I should have just gone to a fast food restaurant, get my dinner, and drive out of Chicago so that I was sure I would never see her face again.
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5:24pm May 23 2012
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"Ha!" She scoffed leaning against the table and crossing her legs. "I'm in the bar so much, Irish says I should pay rent."
She looked around the place for a moment before speaking again. This was an odd situtation for her, and she was never one who was lost for words. She could keep up a conversation for hours on end with someone she didn't even like. Blowing hair out of her face she turned her attention back to the man. "Look if you're a cop, you can just pull out the handcuffs and arrest me now. There's no way I run into a man three times and he's not a cop."
She looked at him trying to gauge a reaction, though she didn't feel like looking at him anoymore she pushed hair from her face again and sighed. "If you're not a cop the universe is sending one sick message." She spun herself in the stool bored. She waved at the bartender her slid down a drink her way. She motioned to Nick and he sent down another. She pushed the glass towards him.
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
5:33pm May 23 2012
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I didn't find it a surprise that she was found at the bar often; but I chose not to say anything about that. The last thing I needed was another argument with her. I didn't need something else being hit with a crow bar.
"No matter how difficult it may be do so: trust me, I'm not a cop. I'm just as freaked out about this as you are."
I looked at the cup suspiciously for a moment, wondering how I ended up having a drink with her. I didn't see any of this coming.
"The question is what that sick message means."
I muttered before taking some of the offered drink to my mouth. The ringing faded and I couldn't help the small smile on my lips at that knowledge. Running a hand through my brown hair, I looked back at her.
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5:46pm May 23 2012 (last edited on 5:48pm May 23 2012)
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((Oh silly Nick. The universe wants you get together and kill people. The couple that kills together, stay together. Unless they kill eachother -shot- XD))
Joaquin peered at him, one eyebrow slightly raised at his last muttered statement. He was right, what he said made sense. Though she didn't know the answer herself. She was also wonder why he was now able to look at her, looks as if drinks loosened him up a bit. She made a mental note to remember that.
"Alright suit I believe you, plus cops never dress nice. Unless they're feds, but nothing I've done is bad enough for the feds to come after me so..." she didn't bother to finish and just downed her drink, feeling as the burn slowly turned into a dull numbness.
She looked back over at Nick. "So, whats up suit. Wife mad at you? Never seen guys like you in bars like these." she said blandly. Though he mind suddenly wondered if that would be considered rude and non of her buisness. Hell, she didn't care, he'd let her know anyways.
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
5:51pm May 23 2012
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[[ lol! YES. <3423423234324 ]]
Though the question was a bit odd with the way she worded it, I couldn't help a small chuckle escape my throat. "Guys like me, Joey? And who am I like?" I downed my own drink before turning the stool a bit to face her more easier.
[[ Dunnn. Dunnn. Dunnn. FAIIIL. <343243242 ]]
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6:02pm May 23 2012
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((Lol it's alright CH XD Man, I need a nickname for you XD))
Joaquin noticed his shift and that he was now facing her so she took that as a good sign. "Well..." she started seemingly thinking. "For one your in suit. So you must have a good job or something. I pick guys like you all the time. The easiet targets, pompous asses think they're desirable. It's funny when they notice their wallets are missing."
She motioned for another drink before taking to him again. "Though I don't think you're a lawyer, maybe a buisness man? Hell I give up." she turned and propped her elbows up on the table relaxing herself. "It's just that men in nice suits never come in here unless they've been fired or head it out with a missis."
((Nope, I fail too XP))
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6:10pm May 23 2012
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[[ Fail's for the win. xDDD ]]
This Joey girl was actually making me smile as she described 'men like me'. Though she was talking more of business men. I was anything but.
"Well I haven't been fired from anything, and I have no wife to argue with, but overall I guess I can see myself being the man you describe." Except for having a good job, being a 'pompous ass', and thinking I'm desirable. So technically I was nothing like the man she described. But I might as well keep the act going so that no one grows suspicions about me.
"What about you? After having your fun flirting around, do have a man to come home to?"
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6:26pm May 23 2012
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((Lols XD))
"Oh hell no." Joey laughed taking a swing of her refilled glass. "I killed my last boyfriend."
She stopped. Her lawyers and everyone had told her not to say it like that. 'You'll get arrested Joey' they said, 'He was abusive, you did it in self defense.' Self defense my ass, she thought. She abused him just as much as he did her. That was all their relationship was, amoung other things. She ran her tongue along her lip as she tought about how it actually felt to plunge the knife into him like that.
She shook her head and ran her hand through her hair. "I mean, he was abusive, it was self defense." from her tone of voice though, it was easy to hear how that was a rehersed phrase. She brought the glass to her lips and drank down. "Yep, never want one of those again. Stay single is perfect for me." she said mostly into her glass.
"Well anyways here's to not being fired and for not having a nagging wife for when you go home." she raised her glass to him as if she'd just said anything weird.
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6:40pm May 23 2012
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Was it weird that I didn't react as freaked out as I should have when she said she killed her last boyfriend? Part of it was her impression already made to me, another was that killing was so normal for me, it was like saying I ate lunch a couple hours ago. No biggie.
But once the news actually seeped in my brain and heard her explanation, I looked at her with a lifted an eyebrow. "I bet." I mumbled unconvincingly after her 'defensive' statement. I had no room to talk though. She killed her abusive boyfriend, Catherine just left me for no reason at all. Well, for no reason at all, except for she found out I was, as my doctor's said, 'psychotic'.
I'll never forget her facial ex pression when she first found out...
Clearing my throat, I tried to keep the hurt away from my ex pression at the thoughts before putting on a fake smile for Joey, picking up my drink and toasting as well. "Here's to being single."
I said, keeping my voice as normal as I could as the thoughts wouldn't stop. I reached into my suit pocket nonchalantly just to feel the ring in my hand.
I'll never forget how she threw it at me right before she left...
The ringing was coming back. No. No, I wasn't psychotic. I wasn't the only one who killed to make themselves feel better. It was just like drugs, sex, or alcohol that others use to make themselves feel better. So why am I hunted for being any different?
They were staring at me. All of them. I could feel it. I tried to act nonchalant as I turned to the crowd around the bar. Inside, they were thinking how crazy I am. I know it. Wait, No. I'm not crazy. Just different. Technically, everyone is different. Right? No. Wait, yes. Right!
I couldn't handle the agony of being in here any longer. It was almost as though I was becoming claustrophobic. Without really thinking, I grabbing Joey's hand and pulled her out of the bar with me. I needed some air.
... But why did I bring Joey?
[[Something had to happen. :U ]]
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