6:54pm May 23 2012 (last edited on 6:58pm May 23 2012)
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Joaquin barely had time to place her drink back down on the table when he grabbed her hand. She was surprised by the sheer force of his pull, it had been a while since anyone had ever shown force like that before.
She didn't say anything though, she just let him lead her through the bar, her mind trying to piece together exactly what had just happened there.
When they reached outside she noticed he still didn't let go of her hand so she gently pulled away. She stayed quiet for a good couple of minutes as she worked to figure this out on her own. They hated eachother one minute, then he was awkward, and just now they were chatting away like old friends. She had no idea why he suddenly brought her out here, specially because it looked as if he wasn't going to try anything with her. She drew a big fat blank, she had no idea what was going her at all.
She cleared her throat adn took a step towards him, placing a light hand on his arm. "Hey Nick, is everything alright?" she wasn't very good at being comforting per se, especially when she barely knew the person. But she figured this was the time a normal person would comfort someone else.
"Are you hungry or something? There's a dinner up the street. A block from here..."
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7:05pm May 23 2012
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[[ Lololololol! <423432423423]]
Coming outside kept the ringing at bay, but when she asked if something was wrong, the shaking my head was more of 'the twitch' that was the first symptom that led my parents to take me to the doctors in the first place about my mental state.
"Does it look like everything's fine?"
I screamed at her, my voice echoing as I jerked my arm away from her touch. The last thing I needed was a woman to touch me. Especially one that looked like Catherine - though was much different.
"You're different. I can't... I won't hurt you..."
I mumbled to myself, as if to comfort my own desire to be okay. What was wrong with me? I didn't take my meds... But I wasn't 'mentally challenged'. I wasn't 'weird'. I was just as normal as the woman next to me! (...lol, oh the irony.)
Putting my hands on my knees and breathing deeply - as if that would help bring me a new, normal mind - I looked up more calm. Like I hadn't just had a psychotic episode.
"Sorry about that. Where were we?"
My voice was a bit on edge from my nervousness. She'll do the same thing Catherine did. Did she have a ring to throw at me too? I shook the thought away, and smiled at her as if nothing ever happened.
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7:23pm May 23 2012 (last edited on 7:23pm May 23 2012)
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((Lol XD))
Joaquin jerked her hand back at his outburst. What the actual hell was going on here. Especially because he was not talking about not hurting her, it was never something she questioned, or even bothered to think of. He didn't look like the abusive type, although looks were deceiving.
And now he was looking at her as if nothing had just happened. What is up with this guy? She thought as she clenched and unclenched her hands at her side.
"I uh..." she was honestly at a loss for words. She blinked a few times stupidly, her mouth slightly open as if she was about to say something. She shook her head and ran her hand through her hair, actually feeling awkward. At least she thought it was awkard, she'd never actually felt anything besides hate and anger before.
"I aksed you in you wanted to grab something to eat. There's a dinner up the street, it shouldn't be too busy now."
When she got him alone she was ask what that mess was, she figured in a restaurant there'd be less of a chance of him running away from her.
"Though if you need some space or something...I'd be more than willing to leave."
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7:29pm May 23 2012
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"...I'd be more then willing to leave." Of course you would. You're a woman, and like every other woman in this world, they are more then willing to leave me just for some minor complications in the brain. I wanted to say no, that I would rather her never see me again after such an embarrassing episode, but now that I was feeling normal, I realized how hungry I was. Besides, I've never had more then one episode once a week. So I won't have to worry about embarrassing myself again.
What I was wondering though, was why she wasn't asking any questions. Maybe she just understood what happens to people sometimes. Maybe she didn't care. She probably just thought I was drunk and won't remember the episode in the morning.
"Sure. We... We can go."
I said, my tone completely calm as if I hadn't had a episode. As I waited for her to lead the way, I realized what I was actually doing. Going out to dinner with Joey, the woman whom I've hated so far in my meetings with her. This should be very interesting.
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7:48pm May 23 2012
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((Lol, to psychopaths on a date ^^ I'm going into overdrive now. I gotta finish my essay so it may take me a while to get a post up XP))
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8:24pm May 23 2012
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[[Hahahahahahahaha, this is the funniest role play I have ever done. xDDDD Okay. :C ]]
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9:27pm May 23 2012
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((Kay finished ^^ Don't know if you're still online though.))
"Good, c'mon it's this way." Joey said stepping past Nick, and heading up the block. "It's a short walk. The food there is alright."
She shoved her hands into her pockets and walked up the street. Her mind still trying to think of what had just gone down. She'd never seen an episode like that before. The weirdest was him acting like nothing happened.
She opened the door to the dinner and held it for him before walking over to one of the booths and sliding herself in one side. There were a few people there but people normally weren't in here this late. "I'm sure some food will make you feel better." she said, crossing her over her chest.
((Failly Fail Fail Fail XP I'm also on my iPod again))
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5:49pm May 24 2012
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[[Ser doesn't fail. :U I'm online now. :) ]]
I followed her silently as she led me to the restaurant (You called it dinner in the other post. I'm guessing you meant restaurant? :O ). Why had I just acted like a complete psychopath? I wasn't one; not all the time. I couldn't help it when I have those episodes...
Mentally scolding myself the rest of the way, we finally ended up at the building. Sliding in one of the booths across from her I did a small nod of my head. "I'm sure it will." I said before giving a small grin.
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6:24pm May 24 2012 (last edited on 6:24pm May 24 2012)
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((Lol, whoops, my iPod lagged and I hit the n twice XD I meant a diner XD But restaurant worked too XD))
"Alright suit, dinner is on me so order whatever." Joey sighed as she flipped through the menu trying to decide on what to get. She was hungry and pretty much wanted to big out, but she knew that wasn't acceptable in public. Which is why she decided against going for ribs, that was hard to eat with a knife and fork.
She blew some hair from her face and pulled out her phone to check the time. It wasn't too late. "I'll tell Irish I'll pay for your drinks tomorrow." she said sliding her phone back in her pocket, referring to how he had dragged her out before they could pay.
When she decided on what she was having and placed the menu down and leaned her back against the cushions of the booth. "So..." she started, playing with the butter knife, twirling it on the napkin. "Are you sure you're alright?" she asked looking at him, she wanted an answer and there was no one close enough to hear. The woman must have thought they were on a date or something.
((Lol, how do you casually bring up that you're a serial killer. "So yeah, I kill girls who look my ex girlfriend, who you actually happen to look like. So hows your food?" xD
I also totally had no idea what to write XD))
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7:56pm May 24 2012
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[[Haha! I have no idea. D: ]]
I looked over the menu, chose something that could hold me over until morning, and looked back at Joey.
"Yeah. Why wouldn't I be?"
I asked calmly with a lifted eyebrow before putting my order in. (Was the waitress there? You said something about a woman in your post... :O )
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8:09pm May 24 2012
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((The waitress is so irrelvent I don't even care XD))
Joaquin raised an eyebrow and stopped spinning the knife and looked at him. "Well, maybe I'm prying here but..." she placed her elbows on the table and leaned forward. "You had an episode back there. I was..." she trailed off and leaned back into the seat. She was what? Worried? Anxious? No, she didn't feel things like that. But he was going on about some crazy stuff back there.
"You know what. We don't have to talk about it, it's not my place. Forget I said anything." She moved some hair from her face.
She sighed and looked around the restaurant tapping her fingers on the table uneasily. "As long as you're feeling better."
((I totally don't know what to say XP))
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8:22pm May 24 2012
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I frowned at her response. So it was more noticeable then I thought? Swallowing, I was about to change the subject. But, instead, the following words escaped my mouth. "I don't know what's wrong with me."
I've never admitted something like that before - out loud at least. Even to the therapist my mother suggested doing when I was younger. But it felt good, so I kept going.
"I have these little... Episodes all the time. I've learned to monitor it so that it's no more then once or twice a week, but I can't always control it. I don't remember half of what happened. I just remember taking you outside with me. I guess I just didn't want to be alone."
I shrugged, feeling so exposed I could have sworn my clothes left my body somewhere through out my explanation.
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8:47pm May 24 2012
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((iPod XP))
Joaquin looked over surprised that he said something. She was even more surprised when he kept on talking.
Good god what have I gotten myself into? She thought as she listened to him, wondering how this man that she'd just met was spilling his secrets to her. She was respectful though and kept her mouth shut until he was finished.
She just looked at him for a while. Her mind processing the information and trying to come up with a response. Chewing on her lip she looked down at the knife in her hands for a moment before looking back up. "Well Nick, I guess things like that are hard. If I could comfort you in anyway by being there when you freaked out then..." she trailed off. That didn't sound right, at all. She scratched nervously at the tattoo on her arm and shrugged. "Well at least you don't remember the things you said." she shook her head again. That wasn't right either.
"Man Nick, I'm sorry I'm not sure what the right reaction is. It's hard to tell with you. Normally I just get things from facial expressions and body language but-" she stopped.
"Wait that's not a normal thing to say either. Why is it that you make me slip up..." she said that mostly to herself as she rubbed her eyes. She was off her game tonight. She actually felt emotion, that was not something that effect Joaquin Shepard.
"Just as long as your feeling better." She said going back to spinning the knife and not looking at him. This night had taken a completely different route than she'd ever imagined.
((I fail. I really don't know what to do. I also couldn't think of a good response to him XP))
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8:51pm May 24 2012
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[[I'll get a post up in the morning. Ser, you're fine :O ]]
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8:55pm May 24 2012
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((Lol, alright I'll wait 'til morning XP))
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5:18pm May 25 2012
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((Just bumping up. You can take you time XD))
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7:02pm May 25 2012
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[[-has been avoiding all role plays- Sorry. :D ]]
I knew I shouldn't have become so vulnerable. The last thing Joey needed was some guy she hated telling her his problems. The weird thing was, I felt much better. Not enough to not feel the desire to kill anymore, but enough to get through a day even while remembering Catherine in the back of my mind.
"It's fine, Joey. It's not every day 'a guy like me' goes to you to let things out."
Just as I hoped the food would come out, the waitress came out with our plates. Happily taking my own, I took a bite before looking back at Joey.
"You said, 'it's a good thing I don't remember what I said'? What was it that I said that would be so bad for me to know about?"
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7:16pm May 25 2012 (last edited on 7:18pm May 25 2012)
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((Lol, I know what you mean. I'm avoiding three of my own now XD))
Joey nodded, that wasn't true though. If she got guys drunk enough all they did was spill their secrets. How their wife doesn't stop nagging them, an ex-girlfriend dropped them like a hot potato. Most of their problems were caused my women. Well there were also money problems, but that always linked back to a wife. She guessed it didn't help when they woke up in the morning to find out the 'pretty' girl from the night before robbed them.
"It's alright." she muttered, relieved when the waitress came back with the food. Man was she looking forward to this. She had just stabbed her fork into her food when he started to talk again. Man, she had forgotten how much talking actually went on on date, if this was even considered one. Though she personally doubted it.
"Well you said something a little weird." She said looking away from her food. "You were going on about how I was 'different' about how you 'wouldn't hurt me' how you refused to."
She shrugged. "I don't know what you could possibly do to hurt me that my other boyfriends have. I mean I had this-" she stopped. "You know what nevermind. Thats innapropriate. Anyways, you said you don't remember anything, so you probably don't even know what I'm talking about." She turned her attention back to her plate of food.
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7:22pm May 25 2012
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[[This role play and one other one is so easy to reply to. And then I have all these others that are fun and all but I'm just like... "Wahhh, It's hard to reply, I have nothing to say. :( " It's annoying. ]]
If she thought she was right, she was in the completely wrong direction. If that was truly what I was 'going on about' I wanted to know more details.
And, to be completely honest, I also wanted to know about this inappropriate story she was going to share.
"...No, Joey. Tell me. You had this-... What?"
My excuse to want to know was because other then this, what else could two completely different people talk about while they ate dinner together?
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7:43pm May 25 2012 (last edited on 7:44pm May 25 2012)
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((I know right XP I actually didn't really have a story in mind for Joey XD))
Joaquin smiled slightly as she thought back to that boyfriend. Was he even her boyfriend at the time. She chewed on her bottom lip and shook her head.
"Now thinking I had some twisted boyfriends." A small smiled played on her lips as she looked over at Nick. "I dated this one guy, his name was Lizard. I don't know what his birth name was but everyone called him that, I don't even know why though." She shrugged. "You know, it's not really dinner material. But he was diagnosed with sexual sadism. You can imagine some of the stuff he did to me."
She put some food in her mouth. "What's really funny though is I had this one boyfriend Henry, thats the one I killed. He made Marcus so mad, he was my foster father, lets just say most of our dates lead to fighting. I'd come home from dealing with him, then I had to deal with Marcus hassling me out for coming home late with bruises."
"When I say me and Henry faught, I mean we had it all out. Physical fist fights. I'm talking bloody noses, black eyes, he never hit my face though, the day he did..." she trailed off, trying to keep her voice steady at the thought of what she'd done to him after that.
"Anyways, it was funny, one day I hit him so hard he fractured something and he didn't want to go to a hospital because he just really wanted to-" she stopped herself again and blushed slightly. "You know what, my boyfriend stories are very...innapropriate and, twisted." she shook her head and went back to looking at her food. She didn't trust her control, soon she be spewing out how happy she was when she stabbed him, over and over. How it felt to see the life leave his eyes, and that wasn't normal.
She cleared her throat. "Anyways, what about you Nick. Sure a good looking kid like you has had a few crazy girlfriends." She smiled trying to get the conversation off of her.
((That sound sadistic enough? I wan trying to think of stuff I've seen on Criminal Minds and stuff, and be res appropriate XP))
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