2:12pm May 26 2012
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[[Bahahaha, yes!
Omg. You just made the 100th post <3 ]]
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2:14pm May 26 2012
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((OMG YES!! XD We finally hit 100 XD
I think I'll have him trying to steal her car. The cops would definately wonder why this one guy just left his car sitting in a parking lot XD))
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2:15pm May 26 2012 (last edited on 2:17pm May 26 2012)
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[[That's better, do that! :)
EDIT: I'm going to be poofing on and off. I have to study a 27 page study sheet for a exam... And I'm only on page five. Gooodnesss gracious I got work to do. xDDD ]
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2:56pm May 26 2012
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((Lol, it's alright. I'm playing video games and studying for a test, so I'll be poofing also.))
"You know I'm good for it." Joaquin said rolling her eyes as she leaned against the bar.
"Yeah, but you and your friend ran off so quickly last night. I was about to send someone out to find you." Irish said as he wiped the counter.
"Alright man, well I gotta jet now. I'm gonna take my new car out for a spin." She said pushing away from the counter. The bartender nodded. "I bet you are, probably gonna pick up some random guy off the street first."
She stuck her tongue out at him as she walked out the door. She had already done that today. She wasn't really in the mood for it the first time. Nothing thrilled her anymore, only the thought of how she snapped that guys neck by the dock. She shoved a hand into the pocket of her jeand to pull out her keys. Running a hand through her hair she turned into the parking lot. It was empty, except for a few cars. When she spotted her car at the back of the lot, her blood began to boil.
Hunched over her door was a man fiddling with the handle. She sucked in a deep breath and casually walked towards him. "Hey, is everything alright?" she said, keeping her voice neutral.
The guy jumped and spun around. "Oh, I just forgot my keys. I can't remember where I left them."
She raised an eyebrow. "Oh really. I think thats because they're right here." She lefted her hand and waved her keys around. His eyes went wide. "Oh I was...I mean-"
She raised her hand and stepped closer. "Hey it's alright. You're lucky you're so good looking." she tugged on his coat playfully. He looked bewildered and backed himself away from her closer to the trunk.
"Aww, don't you think I'm pretty?" Joey asked raising an eyebrow and walked towards him still, hitting the button to pop the trunk open. The sound scared him and he pasued allowing her to close the gap. "I might just over look this whole incident. Because you know what hon, I think it's my lucky day." She sat back on her car on the edge of her trunk. She slipped her hands into the trunk and immediately found what she was looking for. She gripped the cool metal in her hands and leaned forward slightly.
The guy grinned, taking the bait. Man are easy, Joey thought when the guy leaned in towards her. What guy would honestly think that trying to steal someone's car would lead to where he thought it was going. At least that was one less idiot on the street. "You know what? Just because it's my lucky day, doesn't mean it's yours. You picked the wrong car." The guys eyes went wide and he backed up, but she had already hit him over the head. He went down and Joey smiled. She felt the adrenaline pumping asshe hit him again, and again. She was having to much fun, she'd never lost control before. Not for years.
She thought back to her boyfriend and stopped. Realizing what she'd done. "Oh sh--." she said. She quickloy looked around before tossing the crowbar back into her trunk. "No, no. I am not going back there. No, no." she said to herself as she lifted the guy up and manuvered him in the trunk. She stepped back. He was still alive. An angry look crossed her face and she raised the bar again and slammed it down hard. She smiled slightly before dropping the bar on top of him. She looked down at her shirt. She was covered in his blood now. "Aww, sh--." she muttered. She pushed past the body to a plastic bag. Quickly slipping off her bloodied shirt she pulled on grey one from the bag.
She slammed the trunk. She was not prepared for this. Not at all. She couldn't cover this one up, there was no abuse to hid behind. She'd just killed a guy, and she liked it.
((Does that work?))
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3:09pm May 26 2012
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[[ Perfect. :) Was Joey at the parking lot of the bar or of the shop where Nich's car is getting fixed? ]]
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3:15pm May 26 2012
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((At the bar. Sorry I didn't make it clear enough ^^''))
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3:31pm May 26 2012
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[[ It's fine. xDDDD I'm just going to pretend that Nicholas got his car back all fixed. xD]]
I was going to try and go in the bar some time tonight. I didn't drink much, just for kicks sometimes, but I didn't want to go in the bar for the beer. I wanted to go in because I was sure that Joey was there.
I was able to go in the hotel last night, with the discount. I liked the idea of living there until I had a place of my own. I spent all day wondering why I felt so light on my feet. It was then that I realized it was because I had gotten everything off my chest and took a lot of time with a woman. I wasn't very used to that because I was so afraid of getting hurt.
I never ended up going inside the bar to see her. I didn't want to creep her out, first off. And, I don't think she felt the same way about me. I think I was still that random guy in the suit that refused to pay for the damage of her motor cycle.
I was just about to leave the parking lot when I saw a guy come up to a car, and instead of going inside, started fiddling with the handle. At first I didn't pay him any mind, but as I saw Joey come out - for the first time, I didn't think of her as Catherine as my first thought. Maybe because her personality was so different compared to Catherine, that she couldn't even be called a Catherine. - I realized that that was her car.
I didn't move, but only watched. Joey has proved to me she could handle situations just as these. But I couldn't help feeling a bit protective. If he puts a hand on her...
Well, I hadn't needed to finish that thought, because just as I blinked, the guy was on the ground. Joey was beating him with her crow bar. My heart stopped as I watched her hit him again and again, his blood splattering all over her body. What caused my shocked reaction instead of going over there to help the man was her ex pression. The passion.
It was as though I could feel the feelings she was feeling by the way she hit him. Like she liked hurting him. It was the same way I felt every time I put a knife through a beautiful woman's heart. Was she truly enjoying it?
It was a sick thought, and as she slammed the trunk, I got out of my car and said, "Joey?" My voice thickened at the sight. I knew she killed her boy friend. I didn't realize she was able to do it any time like me.
I ran toward her, not caring about the fact that a guy running in a suit probably looking weird, and tried reading her ex pression. "What... What was that all about?"
I couldn't help that my confused ex pression over powered any disgust or fear that I could have faked at seeing someone die. I didn't want her knowing I was the same way. I had to act like I was afraid of her. I scooted my feet a bit away as I realized that.
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4:34pm May 26 2012
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Joey looked up her eyes narrowing as she heard her voice. She quickly straightened her back and ran a hand through her straight hair, trying to not make it look as crazy she felt. She leaned back on the car in a relaxed position. She smiled slightly when she saw who it was.
"What the hell is he doing here?" she muttered, but before she could ask him he spoke.
Her smiled faltered slightly, but she quickly got over it. Running another hand through her hair to keep herself calm, she spoke again. "What are you talking about Nick?" she asked batting her eyes innocently. "If you were in the bar just now I'm sorry. I didn't see you."
She sure hoped he hadn't seen what had just happened, otherwise he'd get the same treatement. The first rule was to leave no witness. Which would be a shame, she decided she liked this suit. Even with his woman problems.
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4:45pm May 26 2012
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[[ Hahahaha "even with his woman problems'. ]]
I frowned. I know what I saw; this wasn't me having an episode. I've never had hallucinations. But the way she acted, perfectly making it seem like nothing was wrong, made me wonder if I was just now getting the hallucinations that I always wished would never be apart of my psychotic behavior.
But, I did see it. I know I did.
"Joey, I'm not stupid. You just killed a man." I said it calmly, though I wished I didn't. I wished I was more shocked. Or afraid. Or... Something but completely calm. I've been next to death more then once, and I wished I wasn't so used to it.
I stared at her a long time, trying to think of how to react to this. Of course, I wasn't going to call the police. But, Joey never told me she could kill so easily. With no remorse.
I whispered, making sure no one else could hear just in case any one was around.
"Is that a normal thing for you to do?" I said, my voice soft as I lowered my head slightly to look in her eyes. I couldn't help it. I had a soft spot in my heart for Joey at the moment. No one deserves the curse I've been put under, and it hurt to think that Joey could enjoy stealing a life as much as I did.
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6:04pm May 26 2012
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Joaquin flinched. So he had saw, and he wasn't falling for what was going on. She lowered her head and twidled with her fingers She didn't know how to play this off.
When he lowered his voice she felt shiveres go up her spine. It was a normal thing for her to do. Since she was little, her first thoughts were of hurting people. She started off with pets, then she'd hurt the kids in her foster homes. Then there was her boyfriend, that was the first time she'd actually killed a human. And it excited her.
She didn't know why she told the truth. She was a liar, now was sure a weird time to tell the truth. She looked up into his eyes, surprised he had lowered himself to meet her. "And I'll do you just the same if you tell anyone."
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6:48pm May 26 2012
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"I'm sure you will." I said with a small smile. Why was I smiling? I had a guess it was because I just found something else that she would understand about me. She would truly understand me.
I didn't know if now was the time to tell her though. Would she be frightened? My guess was no, seeing as she could easily kill me with no remorse if she so must. So, I gave it a shot. I could always kill her, too, if she decided to tell anyone.
"Joey, remember when I told you about Catherine?"
This might seem random, but it was completely on topic.
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7:14pm May 26 2012 (last edited on 7:15pm May 26 2012)
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((Lol, love how they both say they'll kill eachother XD))
Joey crossed her arms and leaned back. "Where is this going?" she asked. Surprised at the fact he was actually taking this so well. He didn't freak out, he didn't tell her she was wrong for being the way she was. Hell he was even smiling. The doctor that'd checked her out years ago told her exactly what she was though since that she'd learned how to hide it. And up until this man showed up she was doing a damn good job.
((Short post XP))
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7:20pm May 26 2012
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[[ I know right? xDDD ]]
"When Catherine left me for being a bit... Different, I felt empty. And as I tried going about my normal day, I realized how many girls look like her. All those girls, beautiful girls, couldn't go through life without a man in sights. I didn't want them to go through what Catherine put me through. That... Love. That delicate flame that was easily burnt out to just leave ashes of a heart. So I-"
I hesitated, my eyes still looking straight into hers.
"... I killed them." She didn't want to know how many I've killed in the past five years. But, she was a killer at heart as well. She may find it more fascinating then disgusting.
"I've killed more then 40 girls in my lifetime; all resembling Catherine. The black wavy hair, the bluish eyes..."
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8:01pm May 26 2012
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Joaquin raised an eyebrow. Was he for real? She'd heard some really freaky stuff, she'd expirenced some freaky stuff. She'd just killed a man. So why ddid she find this so hard to believe.
His girlfriend, Catherine, she'd really messed him up. She left him so broken up inside he resorted to killing every girl that fit her deion?
"So tell me this suit." Joey said keeping her voice steady. "Why haven't you killed me? Am I not pretty enough? Don't I fit your deion?"
That question was nagging in her mind. She fit his deion to a tee, yet he didn't make a move. He could have snatched her at the bar. She could have been killed at any given time.
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8:08pm May 26 2012
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I frowned at her question. Why? I would willingly tell her anything but that.
I mumbled, running a hand through my hair and leaning my hip against the car for support.
"I don't really know. I mean, when I first saw you after I hit the motorcycle, I felt that desire. But..."
I looked at my feet like I was a toddler and Joey was a scolding parent. I couldn't help but feel guilty. "But, I don't think I wanted to kill you. It was the first time I ever hesitated killing a woman, so I guess that had to count for something. I had to let you live to see what this 'universe' has as a message to us."
I said, a wink in her direction for what she had said before.
"Joey, it has nothing to do with you 'not being pretty enough' or 'not fitting the deion'. I just... Couldn't kill you."
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8:36pm May 26 2012
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"Well don't you know how to charm a woman." Joey muttered as she listened to him.
This was weird, they didn't really know eachother yet they had more in common, he understood. Well, she had the urge to kill before anyone had ever hurt her.
"So, I'm trying to understand this. You just can't kill me?" she said dropping her voice and moving closer as she noticed someone walking into the parking lot. "That doesn't make sense, why am I so special?"
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8:44pm May 26 2012
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I shrugged my shoulders, also trying to keep our voices for only us to hear. I scooted back one step as she moved closer, though said nothing about it. The last thing we needed was to talk about killing, and having her close to me. Who knows what I'll try unconsciously or out of habit to someone who looked so much like Catherine. "I don't know, Joey."
I whispered, my eyes averting from the people in the parking lot and trying to act casual. "And now I know that you have this strange desire to... kill, and it only makes me realize that you understand me more then even Catherine. How could I kill someone that actually understands me?"
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9:51pm May 26 2012
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Joey smiled and looked away from him, chuckling lightly. She turned her head back. "What makes you think that someone like me would ever let you get close enough to ever do anything?"
She raised an eyebrow and gave him a look. "You know what? I think this is what the university wanted. Two great minds connected in twisted ways? It's like a really cheesy movie." she grinned.
((Yeah, I dunno what to do XP))
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7:12am May 27 2012
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I shook my head at the irony. Out of all the people I could have met in Chicago, I met someone just like me. Maybe she was right...
"So what do we do about it?"
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3:57pm May 27 2012 (last edited on 3:58pm May 27 2012)
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Joey shrugged, running a hand through her hair. "Look, the only thing I know is that I gotta go dump this body in the harbour with the other one." She pushed herself away from the car and tapped on the trunk thinking.
"What would you weight a body down with?"
((Sorry, I really don't know what to do anymore XP))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.