4:03pm May 27 2012
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"I don't know." I mumbled, also running a hand through my own hair as I thought. "Why don't you just bury it for goodness sake. It's a harder task, but not as easy to find." That's usually what I did. Putting woman in water was so... Rude. If I was going to kill them, I was going to put them in a comfortable place under ground with a coffin for me to bury. Let's just say I used to have a lot of money. Now, I had to bury my victims underground uncomfortably. I still feel bad for those poor souls.
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4:19pm May 27 2012
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"That's a lot of hard work." Joey pouted. She wasn't going to waste her driving to some remote place to dig a hole, drop the body in and then cover him over. It'd be so much easier to just weigh him down and let the little fishies eat him.
"Look, he's scum, he doesn't deserve a nice comfortable burial with a little reading a what not." She sighed looking down at pants checking for blood. Her jeans were black, it wasn't as if anyone would see anything anyways. "Look, Nick, this conversation has been really...enlightening." she sighed bracing her hip against the car again.
"But, I think I should go get rid of this before it starts to stink up the place." She pressed the button on her keys to open up the car. "Hey uh, maybe I we can talk tomorrow? You can tell me all about what you do to your 'Catherines'." She grinned, she was actually looking forward to hearing about what he did. Not she didn't feel as bad because she knew she wasn't the only one with this...condition.
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4:24pm May 27 2012
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I did a small nod in her direction and gave her a smile at her comment. "Will do, Joey."
I said with a smirk before giving her a wave and starting back toward my car before saying, "Where do you want to meet?"
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4:29pm May 27 2012 (last edited on 4:29pm May 27 2012)
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"Uhh..." She shrugged, chewing on her lip. "Let's see, how bout we meet back here at the bar. Then I'll think of somewhere else."
"I'll see you tomorrow suit." She grinned before opened her trunk once more and leaning in just to make sure the was really dead. She picked up the crowbar and nudged him before slamming the trunk back down and climbing into her car.
((We gonna timeskip again?))
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4:39pm May 27 2012
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[[Hehe, sure. Are they meeting at like... 'Night' again? ]]
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7:17pm May 27 2012
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((Sure, why not XD I could have sworn i posted a reply a few hours ago XP))
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7:27pm May 27 2012
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[[ Lol, it's fine. xD And kkkkk. :D ]]
Fiddling with my bright blue tie, I felt very suffocated because of a woman a couple stools down kept looking my way. She had blonde hair and green eyes and... Nothing like Catherine. She appalled me. But every time her eyes looked my way, the kept looking at my grey suit. I felt completely naked. What was going on in that mind of hers?
Clearing my throat, I looked at the time, the cieling, the floor. Anywhere but at the girl and waited for Joey to appear. Anything to get my mind off of the woman.
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8:03pm May 27 2012
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Joey jumped around her room dancing along to the music blasting out of her radio. "Try telling everybody but noo~" she sang as she pulled a shirt over her head. She pouted, the neckline was too low she was only going to see Nick. There was no need to put anything on display.
She dug around through her shirts. "Aww screw this." Joey said after pulling on a white v-neck. She pulled herself into some ripped blue jeans before pulling on her leather jacket. She walked over to the radio and turned it off and grabbed her keys. She gave herself a once over in the mirror, making sure she washed off all the blood. She washed out some crazy amounts of blood this morning, she had no idea that much was in there before she straightened it. She sighed and hurried out the door of her apartment. She was pretty sure she was late, it was times like these she really missed her bike. But of course he ruined it, but she forgave him now because he was like her.
She amanged to reach the bar in ten minutes. She parked in the same spot as last time and saw a little blood on the cement. She smiled slightly before pushing her hands into her jackets and walking into the bar. She looked around and saw Nick and smiled slightly. As she was walking she noticed him move uncomfortably and she noticed a girl checking him out. She couldn't help but chuckle. Oh girlie, you are lucky you are not his type she thought as she walked past her, though she was gonna have fun with this.
"Hey Nick." she smiled when she neared him giving him a clap on the back, leaning herself against the table. "I missed you." she said just loud enough for the other girl to hear. She tossed a glance over her shoulder before sitting herself on the stool. "Looks like you've got yourself an admirer." she grinned, nodding her head in the blondes direction. "Did she buy you a drink yet?"
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8:07pm May 27 2012
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Joey might like this scene, but I was nowhere near comfortable. That's why I wasn't laughing. "No. And I wouldn't take one." I said with a frown, already getting up from the stool and saying, "Where was it you were going to take me, Joey?" I asked, relieved that she was here and ready to go wherever she said we'd go after here. I was ready to leave this place.
It was funny how different Joey and I were, yet the same. Her hair was straightened today, so I didn't feel as compelled to kill her. I still felt comfortable around her though, which was odd. Probably just because we understood each other now.
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8:16pm May 27 2012
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"Aww c'mon relax Nick." Joey laughed motioning over to the bartender. She patted the stool he had just stood up from. "I want a drink. You couldn't have just expected me to tell you to meet a bar and not get a drink."
He was being so uptight, it was funny to her. He was different, he felt anxious and upset by the fact that a girl was looking at him. She was content to keep him as uncomfortable as long as she could. Joey shot a glance over at the woman, wondering why the hell she was still looking. She was distracted though when a glace slid her way. She took a sip and looked over at Nick. "Want a drink?"
((Man, I gotta go for the night. I might be able to squeeze one more post int later XP))
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8:21pm May 27 2012
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[[ NO. D: -clings- ]]
I sat down on the stool after telling me she planned on having a drink. ... Great. We had to sit here a bit longer with that woman a little bit away looking at me like I was an animal she wanted to devour. I shuddered at the thought. "No." I mumbled, before running a hand in my hair and fiddling with my tie once more. I had a feeling Joey liked taking me out of my comfort zone.
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9:01pm May 27 2012
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Joey shook her head and chuckled slightly before taking a sip of her drink. "Aww, you're so awkward it's cute." she laughed before shooting a glance back at the blonde woman. She finished off her drink before turning and grinning at the awkward man next to her.
"Want me to go talk to her? Tell her she's making you uncomfortable?" she joked. "I mean seriously you need to live a little." she chuckled punching him lightly in the arm. " Most guys would be happy to get checked out by her. Though, I don't know why she's still looking over here. Normally when another girl shows up you switch targets."
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9:10pm May 27 2012
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"So there are rules when at a bar now? Go to a different target when another girl shows up?"
I rolled my eyes and ran my hand through my hair again. This was just... Uncomfortable. I hated every moment of it. Drinking once in a while was fine, but I didn't feel like it tonight. I just wanted out of this bar. Away from that woman. From what I know, woman don't look at me that way. I don't give them a chance too. Ever since Joey though... I've become more vulnerable.
"And no. Don't go over. That'll just make it worse."
I said with a sigh. My eyes staying on Joey so I didn't look at the weird woman close by.
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9:30pm May 27 2012 (last edited on 9:33pm May 27 2012)
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((Kay I got my iPod charged up a bit but it could die at any given time so sorry in advance if I poof XP))
"Ugh, you are such a wet blanket." Joey laughed shaking her head. "Obviously, you don't get out much. There are rules for everything. "
He was so freaked out by the woman, she could see it. He was actually focusing on her to keep his eyes and mind off the blonde a few stools away. She felt as if she should feel bad for him. Though the reality was, she was feeling bad, for herself. She wanted to get up and slam the girls face into the table. You just didnt look at anothers girls guy, while the girl was right next to him. Not that she really considered Nick her guy, but he was technically the only one that understood her.
She sighed and rolled her eyes. "Alright Nick, we can go. If she's making you so uncomfortable I have a bottle of vodka in the glove box. I don't really need a drink here." She turned and looked towards the door before turning back and grinning at him. "Do you need me to hold you hand?" she asked, mock innocence on her face. "I mean the lady might try to get up and talk to you."
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
9:35pm May 27 2012
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[[ Omg.. Wet blanket?! Remember our other 1900's rp?! AHHH. :OOO
Nonono. You're not leaving. D: ]]
"You're not funny, Joey." I said as I glared at Joey for the 'funny' comment about holding her hand. Inwardly, I kind of hoped she would. It would make the other girl stop looking at me - if she listened to these 'rules' Joey told me.
I gladly got up from the stool and came beside her to walk out of the bar. "I'm not scared of woman talking to me, Joey. If the woman came up right now, I would be perfectly fine." I said defensively. " It's just, the way she was staring me down..." I shuddered, fiddling with my tie once more before giving the blonde one more disgusted glance and saying, "Lets go."
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9:47pm May 27 2012
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((Lols XD You remember XD))
Joey rolled her eyes before slidding herself off the stool. "Oh you know I am. You just don't wanna admit it." she grinned. "Honestly though, you need to get out more."
She made her way to the door shooting a glance at woman, who was still looking. Angrily, Joey reached over and grabbed Nick's hand. "Oh you are so funny." she grinned, looking over at him. "I swear, I can't believe that actually happened. You have to let me meet him sometime."
Once they hit the door though, Joey immediately let go of his hand and stepped outside. "The damn woman sure liked you Nick." She said narrowing her eyes as she peered through the bar window. "I mean I've seen girls checking guys out but she made it seem as if you were standing naked in the middle of the room."
She looked back over at Nick, a small smile on her face. "I bet if she did come up to you I bet you'd get all flustered and pink in the face. I mean you act as if a girl has never checked you out before."
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9:52pm May 27 2012
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[[ Joey's so... JEALOUS. xD I'll make Nich oblivious to it, just like all guys are. O_O ]]
I clenched my jaw. "I... I don't think I'd get flustered, parse." I said with a frown. No. I can be just as smooth as the next guy around, right? Just because I was single, didn't mean anything. I had no desire for a woman. For love. It happened once and look where it got me.
I wouldn't admit it to Joey, but I kind of liked how she held my hand. It made me feel better about the woman. "Wait... What actually happened?" I asked, confused as to what she said after she had held my hand. "Who do you have to meet?"
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10:02pm May 27 2012
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((Bahaha XD I know right XD Oh men....))
Joey raised an eyebrow and stayed silent for a few moments before she birders out laughing. She shook her head, he couldn't be serious. Though from the look on his face, he was. Which made the situation even funnier. Clutching her side she shook her head. "Oh Nick, you are denser than a block of wood." she managed to say after she stopped laughing. She looked at him. "I swear you really are. I was just making stuff up so the chick would think, oh nevermind I'm not going to bother explaining." she said with a wave of her hand as she walked past the man.
He was too funny. She officially decided she now liked him and would look past the bike thing and the rude comments.
Shoving her hands into her pockets she headed into the parking lot. "I hope you didn't drive here." she said throwing a glance over her shoulder. "I thought we could go hangout at one of my foster parents old buildings. Nobody lives there and the view from the roof is just awesome."
She pushed the button to open the car door. "I can give you a lift back to the hotel after." She said climbing in.
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10:08pm May 27 2012 (last edited on 10:18pm May 27 2012)
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[[They're so stupid. xD ]]
I frowned as Joey laughed. What was so funny? My eye brows furrowed, still trying to understand what happened when she said she wouldn't bother explaining it to me. Letting it go, I walked with her through to the parking lot, "Yeah, I could use a ride." I said as I went inside the passenger side. "You're allowed to go to an old building, on the roof?" I asked with a lifted eyebrow in her direction.
[[Faillll. Sorry. Edit; I'm getting off soon for the night. :c ]]
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10:08pm May 27 2012 (last edited on 10:08pm May 27 2012)
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[[ Double post. Double the love. :O ]]
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