8:15am May 28 2012
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[[ Up for Ser. <3333432432434232 ]]
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5:13pm May 28 2012
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I don't feel like retyping DX))
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5:23pm May 28 2012
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[[Just... Give me a fail one liner or something. xDDD ]
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5:32pm May 28 2012
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((My computer has decided to be mean to me, but I managed to recover some of what I wrote, because I had some of it in notepad XP))
"You may not have noticed, but I'm a pretty girl. I can go anywhere I damn please." Joey grinned as she shifted the gears in the car and backed out. "Not, in all honesty though, Mr. Forester won't even know I was in there. It's on old run down apartment that he just doesn't have the heart to sell."
She chewed on her lip as she stared at the raod trying to remeber the way. It had been a good long while since she'd been there. "Anyways, it's in a quiet area, and by that I mean if you see someone you'de better get ready to fight." she looked over at him and smiled before turning her eyes back to the road. She remeber how some guy had tried to mug her, man had she surprised him. Then Henry came and beat the crap out of him for trying to touch her. Those were good days, she kinda almost missed the big jerk.
The more she drove, the less and less cars there were on the streets. Soon she drove into an area that appeared as if it hadn't been used since the nineteen forties. She pulled the car to park infront of an old apartment. She reached across Nick into the glove box and pulled out her bottle. "Alrighty, so we have to climb in through the window there." she pointed to the alley. "The door is like bolted shut from the inside."
She climbed out of the car and looked around for a second before hurrying into the alley. She walked up to the window and shook it before sliding it up. She pulled over a crate to aid herself as she hoisted her body through the window. "Keep cose Nick. Wouldn't want you to get scared. A heard a man was killed here and that's why it's shut down." she grinned before hurrying out of the room. SHe remebered how her friends would always be so freaked out about this place. And considering the people she hung out with in highschool, one would think they'd enjoy the creepy building.
She quickly bounded up the old stairs to the roof, grinning when she got hit by a wave of cool night air. She walked over to the ledge of the building. "Look Nick, you can see all the pretty lights from the buildings." she sounded almost childish, she had good memories here. Her only good foster home memories were from when she snuck out and came here. She pulled herself up and sat on the ledge and dangled her feet over.
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6:54pm May 28 2012
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[[ <3343242342342234 c: ]]
I followed Joey silently, purposely scowling in her direction when she said the comment about him being scared. So, I don't like woman talking to me. Did that mean I was a wuss? I rolled my eyes, and following right behind her.
"It is beautiful."
I said as I followed her climbing onto the roof and sitting beside her; I let my own legs dangle.
[[Blahhhh. Sorry. ]]
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7:06pm May 28 2012
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((Lol XD))
Joaquin looked over, surprised he was so bold as too come and sit down right next to her. She pulled out the bottle and took a sip before offering it to him.
"So tell me Nick. You Catherine, left you because you were a psychopath?" she asked, though it was more of a statement. "And that was before you started to kill every girl that looked like her?" She looked over at the skyline, tilting her head slightly as she watched an airplane. "That doesn't make any sense did you try hurting her before?"
((Wasn't sure what to bring up XP))
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7:13pm May 28 2012
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I shook my head at her offer for a drink.
"Well, thinking back now, I loved her more then anything. But she... I don't think she ever even liked me. I'm guessing she was the co - dependent type. She was really hesitant when I asked her to marry me, but she soon said yes. I guess when she found out that I just had a minor disorder - just my ears ringing once in a while. Headaches. Little episodes like you witnessed. Nothing major. - she took that as her chance to get the heck out of the marriage. She probably wasn't very good with commitment either."
I frowned, looking at my twiddling thumbs. Clenching my jaw, I kept going, "I've never hurt her. I told you, I loved her. She made my little 'disorder' minor. But the second she left, it was as if the only thing that would make me feel better was killing woman just like her. I say to myself it's so they don't suffer love. But maybe it's to bury the woman that never loved me."
[[He's such a girly wuss. I tried not to make him sound oddly emotional, with still telling the story. O_O ]]
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8:15pm May 28 2012
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((Lol, he is. How he and Joey will end up together will be weird. She would want to wear the pants in the relationship XD))
"Hey you may love someone, but that doesn't mean you won't hurt them." Joaquin sighed, taking a sip from the bottle. She kicked her legs slightly like a child. She didn't really like where this conversation was going, it made her miss her own lover. Though if she ever really loved him, she wasn't sure. But through her abusive behaviour what she'd felt for him was pretty damn close.
"Anyways, Catherin sounds like an ass. Probably only wanted you because she couldn't do any better. You deserve better." she said nonchalantly swinging her legs again. "Anyways, so you kill the girls who are really just substitutes for your Catherine. Why don't you just go ahead and kill her?"
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8:34pm May 28 2012
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My jaw clenched at the thought of killing my Catherine. "I couldn't do that. That would... Would ruin everything. I love her. I told you that. I love her." I said, ignoring the slight ringing in my ears that was coming back. Ugh, just talking about her made that happen. Maybe I should take that medicine the doctor told me to take a long time ago. He had said something about how my condition is so minor, I would be perfectly normal if I would just take the medicine. I refused to.
[Hahaha. It's no question. She will. xD ]
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9:18pm May 28 2012 (last edited on 9:20pm May 28 2012)
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"Hey calm down I'm sorry." Joaquin said sliding herself a little further away from him. "I just don't don't understand how you love her so much, yet you kill the girls that look like her. Essentially it's like you're killing her over and over again but not really."
She sighed and took another sip of her bottle. She had to drive tonight so she couldn't drink too much. But Joey just didn't understand him, how could he still love the one that hurt him so bad. She also thought it was cowardly how he could kill any girl that looked like his girlfriend yet could bring himself to kill he one he really hated. "Well I guess I'm just too different from you so I'll probably never understand." she shrugged finally turning her attention back to him. "Anyways," she tried to change the subject. "how do you manage to get the girls? You just grab them off the street?"
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4:03pm May 29 2012
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I don't think she understood how much her words stabbed me to the core. She was too different? She'll probably 'never understand'? I felt as though my heart was being ripped out of my chest and ripped to pieces. This was worse then the feeling I had when Catherine gave - threw - the ring to me. I had thought she did understand. Thought she was able to understand me...
Swallowing, I brought my knees to my chest and looked back at her with a small smile. I had to act casual. If she meant it, I'd look like a fool to be hurt. But it hurt so much...
"It's different any time. It matters who it is. When I meet them. I just get them whenever I can. Usually, though, I try to get them at their homes. It's easier that way since no one else is usually around."
I chewed on my lip. How could she say that she didn't understand me? The ringing was coming back. I thought she understood. My head twitched ever so slightly, not even that noticeable to me. Did she truly mean it? Sighing, I did the exercises I was taught to do when I was young. Since it was a minor case of what I had, I could easily control it if I tried my hardest. Closing my eyes and taking deep breaths as if I was just relaxing and taking in the night air, I tried to forget the words Joey said. I tried forgetting about Catherine, 'The Catherines', and every other human being on this earth. I forgot about pain, love, and even death; no matter how much it brought me joy. I actually felt better. For only a moment of course before I looked back at Joey's eyes to be reminded of it all again. Maybe we really didn't understand each other. Maybe I was just hoping we did, so it was all apart of my head. Maybe it was all a dream, and I'll wake up to never have known a Catherine.
"... Let's not talk about me anymore."
I mumbled, keeping my knees at my chest for security. Even men that like to keep whatever pride they had liked to feel secure.
"Tell me about you."
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4:26pm May 29 2012
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Joey looked away awkwardly and rubbed her arms. She had upset him, it was evident. He was trying to play it off but for years Joaquin had been playing her own emotions off of what others did. He tried to get the attention off himself by asking about her.
"Well for starters I have a legit boy's name. Joaquin. My birth woman thought I was a boy before she put me up so...yeah. My first foster family changed the pronouciation so it would suit a girl better." She swung her legs again, wondering if he wanted her whole life story or not.
"Anyways, after bouncing from home to home, I think when I was seventeen after I killed one of my foster sisters birds they got me checked out because they could tell I wasn't quite right." she thought about how she had to answer all the question before there was finally a verdict. "Anyways, I'm a psychopath who like all the others has shallow emotions no remorse and lack of empathy. The only thing I ever really feel is anger." she shrugged. "Though technically thos papers saying I'm 'sick' don't exist. I made a trade with the shrink, he was a man so you can guess. Anyways, he told the family I was just an attention seeking rebel who would phase out."
She kicked her legs again looked up at the sky. "Anyways, the first time I killed was Henry," she paused for a moment and looked down. This was their spot, he'd bring her here after he found where he new home was. He always found her, no matter how many times she switched from hom to home. "Anyways, the second time was to get the car after you destoryed my bike." she looked over at him. "And you saw the third. And that's about it. My life is too boring and innapropriate to share."
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4:32pm May 29 2012
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I listened quietly as she spoke her story, wondering why I never enjoyed killing that way. Why couldn't I have been in a foster home, killed animals and my girl friend? That way I'd be sure she understood.
I clenched my jaw. How could everything I think bring me back to that stupid comment she had said? She probably wasn't even paying attention when she said it.
"Did you regret killing Henry?"
I asked. The first time I killed, I cried in my bed for weeks. Afterwards though, I knew I enjoyed it. It was almost as if a whole different being came inside my body and told me I liked it. That I shouldn't be crying. I should be rejoicing over the death.
"Did you ever wish you could take it back? Like that first kill was the thing that brought you to do it again and again? And if you hadn't let your desire roam free, you'd be normal?"
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4:32pm May 29 2012 (last edited on 4:32pm May 29 2012)
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5:04pm May 29 2012
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Joaquin closed her eyes and thought about what he'd said. Did she regret killing Henry? At the moment no. Sure she held his head in her lap as he struggled to breathe, as he reached out for her. She had called the ambulance, but the only reason she held him was to watch him die.
"To be honest," she started. "Not initally. I didn't feel bad at all, it just seemed natural when i plunged the knife into his stomach, then his chest, then into his st-" she shook her head. "You don't need to know how many times I stabbed him. Anyways, I didn't feel bad. Honestly in the moment it felt good. It was exhilerating. I was able to carry on like everything was normal. After the trial though, I kept wanting to talk to him. Tell him how ridiculous that laywer looked. And I'd turn around and he wasn't there..."
She looked down at her lap, twisting her fingers. "So no, I didn't regret killing him the moment I did it. I didn't cry the next day, or feel bad. I carried on like he had just gone out. It was when I realized that he wasn't going to come back and find me like he did all those times before. That was when I felt. . .I dunno. I didn't like the change. No matter how many homes I switched, he would always come and find me. He was my only normal thing. He understood me better than anyone. He accepted the fact that I would walk up the street and want to bash someone over the head repeatedly just for looking stupid."
"Whenever I see something, out of habit I still turn back to ask if he saw that. Or I pull out my phone and text him before remebering he's not going to answer with some sadistic comment." She smiled slightly at the thought, though her blue eyes almost seemed sad. "Though if I didn't kill him, I might have killed someone else, with or without his help." she shrugged and started swinging her legs again. "Probably would have started with Marcus. Henry really didn't like that pervert. And he didn't like tha fact that Henry was older than I was. We could taken Noble and run off somewhere and..." she trailed off. And what?
If they'd run off what would happen? Would she be normal? No she wouldn't, the urges would still be there. She'd never be happy with a life of raising kids while Henry did work. "Anyways," she started swinging her legs again and looking at the bright lights in the distance. "I would never be normal. I've been this way since I was child, so even if I didn't kill him, I'd still always want too. I could never be normal."
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5:18pm May 29 2012
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There was something else we didn't agree on. She didn't feel bad at all. She admitted she 'didn't like the change', but she also admitted that she felt no remorse.
I visited my victims grace site every so often. "I'm completely opposite."
I started, before also letting my legs go to dangle down like Joey's. "I came to Chicago to visit my first victim's grave. I usually just kind of... Apologize, I guess."
I said the last part in more of a whisper, as I looked the opposite side that Joey was on to stare at more of the lights. "If I hadn't killed her, I would be normal. I wouldn't have come to Chicago to see some random girl's grave that could be still alive today if I had some self control. I wouldn't be here; meeting another killer. I'd be normal. "
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5:36pm May 29 2012
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Joey smiled slightly, he was such a sap. It was odd, he was honestly just such a romantic. Normally she wouldn't have given his time a second glance, let alone hang out with them on what? Three occasions? Oh, if Henry only saw her now. He would be disapointed, sitting on a ledge sharing feelings, when she could so easily just push him off to see how long it would take for him the hit the pavement. She cocked her head sideways and looked over at him...nah she wouldn't do it. Then she'd have no company.
"Oh honey, you'd never be normal." Joaquin sighed shaking her head slightly. "You probably grew up in a good home, knowing that what you felt was bad, so you ignored it. And years of ignoring seemed to make it go away. It wasn't until the horrible woman broke your heart that you realized what you really were." she looked away from him and back out at the lights, deciding to take another swig of her vodka After the burning slid down and warmed her up she looked back over at him. "There are no minor cases hon, your self control probably failed after she left you. If she didn't you'd probably still feel urges, but because you think so highly of her you probably would have gone your whole life ignoring those feeling. You probably don't even really love her, you just think you do. I thought I couldn't live in a world without my Henry, but yet, here I am. Sure I'm a sick person, but I was that way long before I met him."
She didn't like how she had to bring him up so many times. She didn't make it a habit of talking about Henry. She tried not to think of him, didn't ever bring him up in any conversation. She was beginning to feel...bad. And that was not a feeling she liked. "Anyways, you would never be normal. Just like me, youd just have amazing self control."
((Are there 'minor' cases of psychopathy? Or is that sociopathy?))
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5:47pm May 29 2012
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[[...I dunno' if there even is such thing as a minor case of psychopathy O_O I just made up my own disorder for the fun of it cccccc: ]]
I shook my head, not wanting to hear those words. "No. I'd be normal. I wouldn't be killing. That's all the normal I need."
The other stuff was true. She was simply putting all of the things I had told her about my life into a summary of her own. But I didn't like the way she said it. No, I was normal before Catherine hurt me. I'm sure of it.
"No, Joey. I do love Catherine. I do. I did then and I do now!"
I said, my fists clenching. Why did she keep saying I didn't? Did she want me mad? Clenching my jaw, I tried holding myself together. But the ringing was coming back. Breathe in... Breathe out... Breathe in... Breathe- Ugh, it wasn't working!
"Don't say, 'just like me', Joey."
I said with a shake of my head. Saying "Just like me", would be saying that we were the same. That we understood each other.
And apparently, we didn't. I calmed down once more from the anger before. So what, she killed someone she loved, so she had to make me angry by trying to convince me that I didn't love Catherine? Taking a deep breath, I finally looked back into Joey's eyes. "So, if we aren't normal. If we don't have that self control. If we're a danger to the... World, pretty much. Then we don't even deserve to live. Or be happy. Or... "
I shrugged, not knowing how to end that sentence. But, it hurt to realize that. If I was just a killer in this world, then what was the point of me here? I didn't like who I was. I couldn't help who I was.
"Maybe we should change the subject, Joey."
I mumbled, looking back out at the scenery.
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6:31pm May 29 2012 (last edited on 6:35pm May 29 2012)
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"Fine, if that's what you wanna believe go right a head." Joey said moving away from him and swinging her legs back over the edge. She sat down on the roof and leaned her back against the brick ledge. If he was so dilluded into thinking that he was 'normal' than fine. But there was no way people like them would ever be normal. Even if there was medication something would be missing. The urge to kill, it just wouldn't be right. "Fine, I don't like talking about Henry anyways."
She leaned her head back against the bricks and closed her eyes. Of all times to talk it was after his birthday, just her luck. He would have been thirty, oh how she would have made fun of him for being an old man. He off course would tell her to screw off but he would have taken the joke. Maybe they would have killed Marcus. Or just gotten him thrown in jail for all the abuse she went through in his house. They might have been with Noble, and he wouldn't have hated her. But most importantly she wouldn't have been on this roof, with this dillusional psychopath who thought he was normal.
He hit her head against the bricks a few times. No, that was wishful thinking. The only wishes she ever had were of killing people. She didn't think like that. No, Joey Shepard did not feel emotion. She did not feel remorse. Nick had ruined Henry's death for her. Before she could think back at how exciting it was to kill him now she just felt like she was going to throw up.
She thought about what he said about being happy. Absentmindedly her fingers gripped the rings on necklace around her neck. Twirling the rings in her fingers, she thought. Just because they were psychopaths that didn't mean that they couldn't be happy. But would they ever truly be happy with a normal life? Joey knew she wouldn't, not unless it was with...
She rubbed her eyes before opening them and looking up at the sky. "Heard any good music lately?" she said boredly, trying to fill the silence. He did ask to change the subject, and she was more than happy to.
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6:44pm May 29 2012
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"I don't listen to music."
I said in a down voice. The conversation before completely changed my mood, and the mood of this whole idea of coming out here. Before my mind was all on Joey, how happy I was to find someone who was just like me.
But now... Sighing, I leaned my head back once before finally choosing to quit thinking up something to say. "I think I'm..." I started as I stood up and headed for the window. "I think I'm going to go now, Joey. Thanks for..." I had nothing thank her for anymore. I didn't finish the sentence as I climbed back through the window. "I'll... Bye Joey." I wanted to say 'See you later', but seeing her would be pointless. Especially since Chicago is such a big place, it's impossible to run into each other again by accident. If we did just so happen to run into each other, I would truly think we had to figure out whatever the universe's message was.
Maybe now would be a good time to find that grave site. I was in a down mood, and no one wants to go to a grave yard on any other occasion then when you're down.
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