8:59pm May 29 2012 (last edited on 9:01pm May 29 2012)
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Joey didn't bother to look at him when he left. He put her in a mood, a mood where she was feeling something. He kept trying to end it with on a good note. "Thanks for...' and 'i'll'. You'll what? Joey wanted the yell at him. Thanks for what? Killing the happy mood? Not understanding?
She twirled the rings. It didn't matter he could leave, just like everyone else. She was used to it. She didn't even bother to point out that she was his ride here. She'd let him find his own way home. She put her head back against the bricks and looked up. This went nothing like she expected. All because she was an unfeeling zealot and she couldn't even begin to understand him. Just like how he was so convinced he was normal before his Catherine came and messed him up. Why do you care Jo? He's not your problem.she thought as she looked up at the stars. Taking in a deep breath she looked down at the rings hanging beside the locket on her necklace. Her first foster family gave it too her when she was six. Telling her how it wasn't he fault, that they'd always love her. She was just a substitute for the child they'd thought they would never had. Then they did, and they had another one after that. She wasn't needed anymore.
Pulling herself to her feet she looked down at the bottle of vodka, what a waste of time. She hurled it across the roof, though she got not satisfaction from the sound of it shattering. Damn him for making her actually feel something for the first time in her life. There was a sick feeling that she'd never experienced before, she hoped it would go away in the morning. Sighing she mad her way over to the door. She was gonna hit the bar, maybe she'd find something to do to blow off steam. Maybe get into a fight, or pick up a guy though if she planned in killing him or doing something else she wasn't sure.
Bounding down the flight of stairs she hurried over to the window and climbed out before turnig and slamming it shut. Some night this was.
((Sorry for taking so long. I started watching a movie with my cousins. Anyways that went nothing like I expected, at all XD I didn't know that this would distance them like that XP))
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9:02pm May 29 2012
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[ I know right. I was expecting them to like start understanding each other even better. Not worse. Oh how fun this role play is. xD
I'll post something later. It's late so I'm tired. :U
... What movie were you watching? :)) ]]
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9:07pm May 29 2012
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((I know right? I am loving this roleplay ^^ and I was watchig stupid movie with Taylor Lautner, that new one that came out. Though I lost intrest after Jason Isaacs left XP))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
9:10pm May 29 2012
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[[Taylor Lautner isn't even that hot. -_- Everyone always freaks out about him and he's like... -shudders-
Alex Pettyfer all the way <3
But Hotchner and Spencer beat them all of course ;)
I'm going off for the night. I'll make sure to post later on. :)))) ]]
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2:51pm May 30 2012
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((Most people just like how muscular he is. But I mean if the face isn't happenin' then...XP I don't really like Alex Pettyfer either, all my friends like him. But then again, my friends make fun of me and say I have odd taste in men XP
And Yes, Hotch and Reid all the way XD And Morgan too, he nice ^^
Also, consider this a BUMP))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
3:26pm May 30 2012
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[[You do have odd taste in men! You told me you liked the psychopathic types! xDDD
I'll post later. My mouse is being all weird.
OoOOoOoooOoOooohhhh yeah. How could I forget Morgan?
...<3432432423 ]]
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3:31pm May 30 2012
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((Hey, I said I like the psychopaths on Criminal Minds, But thats mostly cause the actors are hot XD No, but seriously, I more into older guys like Daniel Craig and Leonardo DiCaprio and my friends all like One Direction XP
How could we ever forget Morgan, he's so...<3))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
3:38pm May 30 2012
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[[Next time we have a role play, I'll put him as my character's looks. Just for kicks. xDDD
...I'm with you there. I don't like celebrities my age - I don't even like guys in general at my age. I like the older men ;)
I'll seriously get a post up like... Right now. xD I fixed my mouse. ]]
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3:42pm May 30 2012
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((Lols, finally someone else like me XD I don't like these little teenaged celebrities XP Unless it's Logan Lerman, cause I've loved him since I was little XD Anywho, I'll wait for your post XD))
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3:54pm May 30 2012
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[[I just looked up on google who Logan Lerman is. And wow I just died from his hotness. I remember him! Have you watched him on The Three Musketeers? Hotttieeee. -drools even more-
So, how should they meet again? If you can't think of anything, I'll just make my post like him going to the graveyard, but that gives you nothing to put as a response. So any ideas? ]]
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4:02pm May 30 2012
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((I know, I saw him in a movie when I was younger and I was like. I WANNA MARRY HIM!!! He was the only reason I wanted to see The Three Musketeers. Then Matthew MacFayden and Luken Evans were amazing bonuses. It was a good movie ^^ (But that long hair was not happenin for me XP)
Now, back on topic. What about they meet up in the graveyard the next day. Maybe Joey can have this big emotional break and blame it on Nick.))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
4:06pm May 30 2012
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[[Bahahaha her emotional break has already started! xDDD Let's do it. So, I start to the next day at the grave yard. And for some reason she 's there too? That how you want to do it? :DDD
Oh yeah, I don't like long hair. But, honestly...
Look at that face (And those lips...) and tell me he's not gorgeous... ]]
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4:11pm May 30 2012
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Oh, I'm just go on a rant about him, so I'll just stop right there XD
But yes, Joey will be there visiting Henry. Crying of all things, which will utterly digust her XD))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
5:30pm May 30 2012 (last edited on 5:31pm May 30 2012)
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((Well, I guess I'll post first XD))
"This is bull." Joey muttered as she stared at the green feild infront of her. It would have been beautiful, if it weren't for the tombstones that littered the surface, a reminder of where she was.
She ran a hand through her dark hair and looked up into the mirror, her own eyes seeming alien to her. They were still the same blue but there was something different there, there was pain. She chewed her lip and shook her head. She had already been sitting in the car for almost an hour, and the song she had playing on repeat was starting to get to her. The song seemed to fit, and it was unerving. "Oh its the little things, promises we didn't keep" Joey sang along absent mindedly as she stared out the window. "Shame on me too." She sighed leaning her head back against the leather chair and closed her eyes, just letting the words hit her.
Pushing her sunglasses down she reached over to the passenger seat and grabbed a boquet of flower, before taking a quite glance at herself in the mirror. Glad she had the Raybans to cover her eyes, she didn't want to know what they looked like. Sighing, she pushed open the car door, might as well get this over with, there was no use putting it off any longer. Taking in a breath she stepped out of the car and made her way into the cemetary.
She nervously pulled her hands into the big sweater. She felt so out of it since last night. Nick's words had been bugging her all night. Did she regret it? No, she never regreted anything but...
She felt like a mess. She didn't bother putting on any make up this morning, not that she ever wore much anyways. She also wasn't dressed the way she normally was. She had to same boots and the tight black jeans but there was no low cut, curve hugging shirt that would distract guys from looking at her face. She was wearing his sweater, which was big on her small frame, hiding anything that was normally out on display. Running a hand through her hair, she sighed. She didn't bother to straighten it either, he liked it wavy, and she was coming to see him so she might as well.
Nervously, she pulled her hand into the grey sweater, the blue USMC lettering on the front made her feel sick. She hadn't washed it since, hell she didn't bother doing anything to any of his stuff she just left it as if he was coming back.
Reached into her pocket she pulled out a slip of paper and the necklace with the rings, she broke it last night. Tore it off her own neck and threw it, before frantically running after it. "Plot number..."she trailed off and looked up, her eyes finding the spot. She walked over to it slowly before her eyes spotted the name.
It hit her like a punch in gut. She fell to her knees, in a way less than graceful and stared. She placed the flowers down and sucked in a sharp breath. "Hey..." she muttered feeling stupid. "I don't exactly know how this works but I brought you flowers?" she shrugged and tugged on a strand off grass under her knee. "I know you don't like flowers, but I don't think pouring beer on your grave would be considered right." She smiled slightly as shook her head, twirling the green strand in her finger. She felt like a complete idiot, what was she doing here? She was talking to a rock with writing on it. "Your loosing it Panda." she muttered using the old nickname. Wondering how the hell he ever got away with called her that. Probably because she told him was acting like a barbaric grissly bear the day he caught her talking to another guy. He thought she was seeing him on the side, she was, but she'd never tell him that. Man Joey, you are really messed up, she though as she pulled out more grass.
((That came out a lot longer than expected XP))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
10:38am Jun 1 2012 (last edited on 10:40am Jun 1 2012)
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[[ Exams are allllllll over! IT'S SUMMERRRR
I dunno' what these jackets are called, but I'm in love with any guy that wears them! So this is what Nicholas is wearing:
http://www.moviespad.com/photos/martin-freeman-sherlock-holmes-bbc-65c63.jpg The long one. we'll say it's his whole outfit with the scarf since the dude is wearing a tux ;) ]]
I had stayed in the grave yard all night. I had no where else to go and after that conversation with Joey, I felt dead; even as my heart kept beating. Talking about Catherine, realizing we didn't understand each other, thinking about my first kill...
I didn't enjoy thinking about it anymore. I used to smile. Enjoy the feel of my handy knife sinking into their flesh as I aimed for their heart. I enjoyed replaying it over and over in my head...
But now? I had a desire only becoming stronger with each passing second to be normal. To be able to walk into town without thinking, 'Maybe I'll be killing someone tonight'. Without thinking of Catherine, or my hatred for love, yet my sole desire for love. They say jealousy is one of the catalyst's to a killer. But mine was that desire. Love. Maybe that was why I wanted to be around Joey now. That acceptance I felt because she was a killer too.
I doubt I'd ever see her again. I left knowing that fact, but I had to leave. She was making me angry. And I was hurting even more then when I was given the ring back from Catherine. I reached into the pocket of my jacket to feel the ring against my cold finger tips. Swallowing what felt like bile up my throat, I only let my fingers brush against it before letting my arms fall back to my sides. It was colder out today, I could feel my ears numb because the collar of my jacket just barely reached my ears. Sighing, I took my mind off of myself, and looked down at the tombstone I stood over.
Jennette Palmer. A beautiful woman that had the most beautiful black curly hair and the brightest blue eyes I could ever look into. My first victim. My first kill. Something I will now truly regret instead of cherish. Clenching my jaw, I was just about to lean down to give her roses on her grave- the more expensive and fresh kind the florist could give me - when I saw someone from the corner of my eyes fall to their knees.
Only giving the person a glance before giving them privacy for their grieving, I looked back to Jennette. While I grieved for her, Joey was close by grieving for someone as we-
... Joey?
Jerking my head to have a second look, I had no doubt that it was Joey. Except for her outfit was a little different, I knew it was her. "Joey." I said in a low (Sexy...) voice before walking hesitantly over to her. I was close by now, so I hoped she noticed me so I wouldn't frighten her.
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11:36am Jun 1 2012
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((Aww lucky! My exams are at the end of this month XP
Hahahahahahaha, low sexy voice XD oh that's fun. So I'm on my iPod so I'll try to get a post but you may have to wait until I get my laptop when I get home XP))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
11:47am Jun 1 2012
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[[ Reply whenever <3432423432423
OOOoooooOooOooOh. dear. -_- Exams, I hate them.
Oh yes. Nicholas is sexy |D ]]
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1:15pm Jun 1 2012
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((Lol XD Kay so I'm I'm the mall posting from my iPod so beware mistakes XP))
Twirling the ring in her fingers, she watched the diamond glint in the sunlight. She smiled slightly as she slipped it on her finger. He was so happy the day he gave it to her. He worked hard to save up for it, he actually put in hours to buy it. Not just pick pockets on the street.
Joey felt something slide down her face. "What the hell?" she muttered bringing her fingers up to wipe away the wetness. She was crying. She shook her head and tried to wipe away the rest before they slid down her face. No, she didn't cry. She didn't feel anything, crying was for the weak. "Keep it together Jo, he'd be disappointed. You don't cry." she muttered to herself angrily as she wiped the tears away. She stared over at the stone, this was a bad idea, she shouldn't have come here.
She looked back down at the other ring, picking it up off the stone and reading the engraving. It was their initials, nothing fancy. She sighed and slipped the ring on her thumb, his fingers were bigger than hers so that was the only place the silver band could fit.
Running her fingers around the edge of the pockets she stared off into space, lost in her own thoughts. She opened the locket and saw a small picture of him grinning at her. His green eyes bright and the the way she saw him last. She wiped her eyes again, she really should not have come here.
"Hen-" She started as she wiped her head almost expecting to see him standing behind her, ready to make fun of her for crying like a baby. But it wasn't him, it was Nick. The one who's comments the night before made her come here in the first place. She ran a hand through he wavy hair before wiping her eyes quickly and narrowing them. "Oh it's you." She straightened her back and looked up at him from her spot on the ground. "What do you want? I would have though you wouldn't want to see me again considering how much I upset you." She tried to keep her voice calm, though she knew she sounded bitter. This was his fault she was here, crying like an idiot in front of a rock. Everything was his fault, she went four years without killing, she went her whole life without feeling anything. Then he shows up and she gets hit with everything all at once.
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
3:37pm Jun 4 2012
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((Just thought I'd bump it up for you XD))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
3:52pm Jun 4 2012
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[[LOL. "Hen-" ]]
Mmmmm. She had chosen not to have her hair straight today. It took everything in me not to tell her how beautiful she looked. Seeing as she didn't look very happy with me right now. Which wasn't a surprise. I wasn't very happy with last night's conversation either.
I can't really describe how I felt when she looked back at me with her narrowed bluish eyes. All I saw was how she wiped her cheeks. She was crying. Joey. Crying? I couldn't see it. But I was watching it right now, and I had this strange desire to fall to my knees and beg for forgiveness if it was my fault for making her cry.
I finally was able to tear my eyes away from her after I realized I was staring. I let my eyes gaze over the tombstone for the deceased person whom she was here for. Henry. Wasn't that the boyfriend she told me about? I clenched my jaw. The whole reason we started getting angry with each other was over that conversation.
This Henry probably understood Joey...
The thought hurt more then I could ever admit to Joey, so I kept the idea that it could be true to myself. With a small smile, I shook my head. Smiling was contagious right? And I would give anything to take away her bitterness and just see her smile right now.
"I didn't want to see you last night, but I guess I just needed to be alone for a little while."
I said, before looking back at the tombstone where I had hovered over all night. "Just to think, I guess."
I added in a mutter before looking back at her. "To be completely honest, I think we upset each other." Seeing her reaction at seeing me here, I didn't 'think'. I knew. I'd ask if she wanted to try talking about it again. Maybe make some kind of amends even though we truly never fought about anything. But, I have a feeling she had no desire to see me right now.
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