10:57am Mar 20 2011
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Posts: 1,557
Toris shifted uncomfortably on his branch before jumping down, paying no heed to how far the ground was from him. Toris stumbled a bit, then ducked down and handled the vine. It sliped through his hand like a snake, and Toris chattered to it in clickes. The vine jerked, making Igazi fall over. Toris looked at the male for a moment before going back to the vine. He held out one of his hands and his fingerscurled into black thorns. Toris spiked one of the thorns through the vine, then unhocked his hand form the vine. "Let go..." The vine did as it was told and slithered away. Toris looked over at Igazi. "You're too loud. Who are you?"
12:20pm Mar 20 2011
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Posts: 101
Igazi got up, brushing himself off. "I'm Igazi, now who are you?" Igazi held himself from thanking the stranger for helping him, not knowing if he was yet to be out of danger.
2:40pm Mar 20 2011
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Posts: 1,557
"Toris." He stood, stumbled a bit, then started to climb a tree with low branches on it. Toirs steyed -sp?- himself on one of the branches, then held out his hand for Igazi. "You're not from here, are you?" There was a low growl that echoed to the left of them. Toris streched out his hand urgently for the other male to take it.
2:44pm Mar 20 2011
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Posts: 101
Igazi took it quickly a bead of swet running down his cheek. "No I'm not, I was sent here from Alistar for a crime I did." Igazi said causually as he climbed up with Toris. "And thanks.....For helping me." he mumbled under his breath
2:49pm Mar 20 2011
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Posts: 1,557
"....Keep up." Toris muttered back. His head was starting to hurt form the intake of information of the human language. He stood on the branck with perfit balance. He pushed himself onto another branch. Toris looked down at Igazi. "It's going to be getting dark soon. I suggest that we get a high as we can." He held out his hand again to help Igazi up.
3:05pm Mar 20 2011
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Posts: 101
Igazi took it again tyring to keep up, it was different from his pampered life, it's not like he missed it. He just wasn't used to the heat or the green all around, it was somewhat peaceful to him but at the same time irritating (sp?) plus for some reason he had the urge to sneeze really bad
3:14pm Mar 20 2011
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Posts: 1,557
Toris didn't really mind helping out the other male, but it was tiring -sp?- and took time. After about half an hour of climbing, Toris sat down on a branch, breathing air heavily. "Take a break." He looked up through the branches. They had about twenty branches before he felt that they would be safe enough. "Alistar, you said? What did you do to get sent here?"
3:49pm Mar 20 2011 (last edited on 6:45pm Mar 22 2011)
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Posts: 11

Name: Koray Dritan Age: 16 Gender: Male Crush: No One Personality: Lazy, not caring, can be very protective, gets angered when around humans, can be very happy when High, cocky History: The sceincetists enjected Tiger and Lion DNA into his blood to see if he could live long life. As soon as they did, his eyes opened to a blood red and than killing the sceincetists. He was soon captured after a day than put into a ceil where he was left to die not being feed or watered. He calmed down after growing ears and a tail, he waited until the 'brakeout' and broke free of the ceil. He soon made do with the new world and ever since the Experiments done to him he has never liked humans. Weapons: Tiger Claws, Bow And Arrow, Claws, and Teeth Reason: He was an experiment to see if he could surive in the world because he had Tiger and Lion DNA enjected into him making him have two tails. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ He waits as he looks at the Human with angered red eyes, he tries to calm himself so he won't burst out. He quietly craws on his hands and feet iin the bushes. He gets close enough to the Human ready to pounce and kill him, he quietly takes out his Tiger Claws ready for attack.

4:59pm Mar 20 2011
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Posts: 101
Igazi looks at him then down. "I killed afriend of mine....." he trails off not liking the subject too much. By now his feet hurt and he felt a hunger over come him, but even so there was a odd feeling that he was being watched.
5:10pm Mar 20 2011
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Posts: 1,557
Toris sighed. "Ready to start moving again?" He asked, standing. His spine was starting to prickle unnervingly. Was there someone watching? Toris held out his hand for Igazi again. "We're almost high enough."
6:36pm Mar 20 2011
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Posts: 11
He waited quietly Claws ready, he backed up than climbed a tree getting to a branch with his Tiger Claws. He sat waiting for them to make a move.
7:06pm Mar 20 2011
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Posts: 101
Igazi nodded taking his hand again. "Great, I'm starting to get tired." Igazi shook off the feeling of paranioa (sp?)
8:18pm Mar 20 2011
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Posts: 1,557
Toris smiled down at Igazi. A thought struck him and he wondered why this teen trusted him so much. Toris surly wouldn't have been so trustful if a random boy had suddnly brought him high in the trees where he could easily fall to his death. Maybe the people form Alistar had trust issues. He shook off the thought that the male might have been sent to kill him and started to climb again.
5:02pm Mar 21 2011
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Posts: 11
Doesn't he know that that Human will Kill him?! He clenched his teeth in silence, his fists balled up. He really wanted to attack the Human, but he taught himself not to so quickly.
5:14pm Mar 21 2011
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Posts: 101
Igazi was surprised how flexible this guy was, people on Alistar would never last this long. The only reason he could was because of the harsh things he's done thoughout his life, that he shall never forget. "What is this place, anyway?" Igazi asked trying to make small talk. "It's not like any planet I've been on."
5:21pm Mar 21 2011
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Posts: 1,557
"In the canopy. The branches level out a bit and it's easyer to sleep on." Toris explained. His English was slowly starting to get better. "The whole world isn't like this, only parts. What is your home like?"
6:17pm Mar 21 2011
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Posts: 11
He got bored and crossed his legs and arms. He yawned slowly and loudly, he relized this and covered his mouth quickly.
6:24pm Mar 21 2011
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Posts: 101
"My home is well....Much, much different from this....It's well.....Hard to describe." Igazi said suddenly hearing a noise. "What was that!" Igazi said getting into a defensive position.
8:18pm Mar 21 2011
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Posts: 1,557
Toirs, appearing uneffected by the noise, shrugged. "A bird? Maybe another of your kind." He streched out on the branch he was on, his joints popping. A breeze came by and Toris twitched, smelling something feline.
8:57pm Mar 21 2011
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Posts: 11
He was relived they didn't really care about his yawn. (Chibi In Mind) Well of corse they wouldn't know I'm here because I'm too snicky. [Cocky] He neeled on the branch smirking widely.