1:21pm Mar 27 2011
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((Niccolai was talking to Igazi. ouo;))
2:51pm Mar 27 2011
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Posts: 101
Igazi stopped and stood, bowing his head. "I know how humans work, we refused to evolve, so we stopped all together and used our own evolution to excess in life. Our fangs dulled, our claws broke, and our beast personality faded to the back of our mind. Only to come out everyonce in awhile, but.....That doesn't mean I have to become a beast to protect someone" Igazi yelled straightening his head with a glare. "Since we have no claws we made ones, which is why I carry this blade with pride." he said lifting the blade to his face, he wasn't sure of himself but he knew he would back up his words, whether it meant life........Or Death
5:21pm Mar 27 2011
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Posts: 11
Koray was surpised about how the Human said his words. Maybe this Human is different. He thought making himself confused. Could this Human be different than those scienctists? His tails flicked agitated.
5:35pm Mar 27 2011
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Posts: 1,557
[[Oh well, lets just say that Toris got confused... And sorry >.<]]
5:38pm Mar 27 2011
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Posts: 11,785
Niccolai snorted. "You humans are so self-righteous." He growled loudly, eyes narrowed as he leaped out of the tree to land in front of the human. "Because of humans like you, there are freaks of nature like us," he hissed, tail lashing angrily as he bared his sharp fangs. "We fight to survive while you live in comfort."
5:48pm Mar 27 2011
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Posts: 1,557
"Don't blame it on him." Toris growled at Niccolai, crouching down in peperation to leap. "And last time I checked, we aren't the only ones in a tree. Igazi is out in the wild just like we are. You have no right to blame him for your problems."
7:23pm Mar 27 2011
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Posts: 101
Igazi didn't need to deny it, he once did live in comfort and grooming. Yet, he wanted more, and payed the price for it. "Your right, I did, but now it's far from that. They sent me here too, but I deserve it. But that doesn't give you any right to judge anyone! If you kill me, think about it, you'll be just as bad as the people who created you." Igazi was sure he would die after this, but at least he'd see his friend one last time, and maybe save another.
9:38pm Mar 27 2011
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Niccolai growled, ears flat before he simply snarled and jumped back into the trees, perched on a branch as his eyes glowed eerily in the shadows. "Humans are all the same. None can be trusted. I learned from experience," he snarled, eyes narrowing.
Then he was soon on the ground againg, btistling and snarling as a rather attrive eoman with thr wings of a bat fluttered down, a smirk playing on her lips. "Is the kitty scared of the big mean bat?" she teased, grinning as she moved over before she paused and looked around. "Oh, hello boys. I didn't even realize you were here."
8:08pm Mar 31 2011
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Posts: 11
Koray was surpirsed when the bat girl came. He stopped thinking and started to stare at her, but he soon got confused by why there were so many people at one spot. "1.... 2.... 3..... 4! Ya four." He said while counting his fingers looking at everyone. "Wait, I forgot myself. So theres five of us." He pointed at himself than putting his hand down.
7:45pm Apr 11 2011
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Posts: 101
((Who's turn is it?))
8:51pm Apr 11 2011
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Posts: 1,557
[[Idk, but I'll go]] Toris looked around. "Hello, who are you?" He asked the bat girl politely.
7:47pm Apr 12 2011
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9:09pm May 7 2011
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Posts: 101
((I'll message Rika to post))
7:03pm May 10 2011
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Posts: 11,785
"My name is Arriana," purred the bat girl as she moved closer, bright green eyes focusing onto the males present. "So, what did this little bat miss?" she asked, tilting her head as she shifted her weight and stretched out her wings. She ignored Niccolai's hissing, her green eyes moving to focus onto the feline's blue eye and his golden eye. "Go climb up a tree, kitty cat."