11:16pm May 29 2010
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Kylie noticed the annoyance that Severin had leading. She agreed that the leader should lead, but she also understood that he was somewhat forced to lead and never really wanted to. Ian was trying to cope, but wasn't the best leader in the punch. I'll talk to him about it later, she thought as she grabbed her bag and tied it around her shoulders. "Ready, Sev?" Kylie called to Severin as she loaded her gun. It was just a precaution. Kylie placed her two swords and loaded gun on the flat rock she was sitting on moments before. "You can have these for safety while we're gone, Ian," Kylie said as she stood up. Looking over at Severin, Kylie started for the town, it being a good half mile away.
11:20pm May 29 2010
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Severin frowned at his nickname. Again. "You're not going to shoot me, are you?" he asked, cowering timidly. He glanced over his shoulder, then shrugged, walking over to a certain bush. Under it, literally under it, he'd hidden his weapons, and he ripped them out of the ground, storing them in his belt, his boots, his arm band, and so on. Hell, if he had had a pocket in his shirt, he would've put a pocket knife in it. "Let's go then," Severin said, trailing after Kylie. He caught up easily, then started walking in front of her. If he was leading, he'd walk before everyone else.
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
11:26pm May 29 2010
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Kylie grinned at Severin's discomfort with her petty nick name. For some reason, she just liked picking on him. She allowed Severin to walk in front of her, she didn't mind it. Ian did allow him to lead the raid. Kylie walked silently after him, cursing under her breath as her shorts kept getting caught on the prickly branches. "Severin," Kylie said, finally breaking the silence. "What caused you to join the pack?" Kylie's voice was soft for once, curious. She let down her guard and was genuinly interested for once. She sped up a bit so she was shoulder to shoulder with Severin, close, but not touching.
11:42pm May 29 2010
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Severin bit back a snarl. Sharing wasn't one of his favorite things to do nowadays, but, he'd have to act friendly, wouldn't he? Now that he was part of a pack, that is. "I killed my brother," he said, trying to sound careless. "I didn't want to hurt anyone else, and I came across this pack, so." He shrugged lightly.
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
11:51pm May 29 2010
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Kylie could tell she hit a nerve and didn't press the subject any further. "Ahh..." was all she said. Kylie kept her head down, watching her feet crumple the leaves and plants as she walked. A few minutes later, lights were seen in the distance. Kylie's face hardened and her body went rigid. It was time for some fun. A small grin spread across Kylie's face. "Where should we go first?" She asked Severin, her old, somewhat evil, self back.
12:19am May 30 2010
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Posts: 2,963
((Sorry. Mam was on.)) Lanen nodded and looked from one face to the other as she shifted. It seemed like a wave that went over her, shredding her clothes as it went. More for my collection, she walked a little ways away and howled for the pack.
Resident mounted archer
12:57pm May 30 2010
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((Hrm... o-o I don't know what to post... xD))
3:49pm May 30 2010
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Posts: 6,948
Dusk ran into the pack 'camp' so to speak and dropped a large bag of clothes. She grabbed a pair of pants and a light blue t-shirt with her teeth and hid behind a tree. She shifted back and quickly got dressed. "What are we doing tonight?" she aske dthe alpha...
 <-- Click me
6:39pm May 30 2010
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Posts: 2,927
((Feyth, wait. Are you part of the pack or not? Cause in your first post you weren't... and now you're saying you are... o-o))
8:03pm May 30 2010
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( :C My long post died. ) "Well," Severin said, glad they were off the subject of his past. Now, he could get excited about the raid. It really was fun to steal. "we should cover the essentials first. First of all, I'm getting pretty damn tired of licking myself clean, and then later realizing I'm covered in my own godda.mn saliva. That's disgusting. So, we'll get soap. And, matches. I like matches. We need matches. "Oh, yeah. Food. I don't think we should be contaminating our bodies by hunting down random deer or whatever it is that we do, because that meat is filled with...gross stuff. So, we'll get meat. Raw or not, it doesn't matter; our bodies can take it. We should probably get greens, too. We might be able to turn into wolves, but we're still human, and I don't think we should be living entirely off protein. "Clothes...that's obviously something else we need. So, we'll split to get that. We obviously don't have the same taste in clothes, so, yeah. We'll meet up in the village square or whatever you call it, and then we'll head back." He stopped when he'd realized he'd been talking a hell of a lot. "Well, actually, is there anything else you'd like to add, Kylie? Any girly essentials?" Severin couldn't help but grin at his own joke.
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
8:41pm May 30 2010
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Posts: 6,948
((Dusk is the second of the pack ,she was just back at the apartment to get something if you read the whole post.))
 <-- Click me
9:27pm May 30 2010
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Posts: 2,927
((Ohh... Must have misread that, sorry Feyth. ^-^)) Kylie was off in her own world as Severin spoke. She heard somethin' about meat and some greens, clothes, and soap. The only real time she paid any attention was when Severin said her name. "Huh? Oh.. Yeah, I'll let you get that though," Kylie said sarcastically. She would have laughed, but she was on the brink of going insane from listening to Severin's voice. She sighed and unfolded the bag on her back. She strapped it over her shoulder, getting ready to raid her first shop. "Hmm... I say we get the hygine crap first, then the clothes, and we can put the food on top so it doesn't get squished. Fine by you, leader?" Kylie's voice was laced with sarcasm as she said the last word of her sentance.
10:32pm May 30 2010
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Severin gave Kylie a dirty look, clearly annoyed. "I don't need sarcasm, thank you." he said through clenched teeth, keeping his awful ex pression. Of course, he knew he'd acted entirely dominant, and that he'd been talking a hell of a lot, but that was no reason to use sarcasm. That was just plain rude. "Do whatever you want, actually. I could care less," he said, walking faster now. If Kylie was going to act like that, he didn't want to be around.
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
2:05am May 31 2010
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Posts: 2,927
Kylie rolled her eyes at Severin's attitude and actions. He always took things too seriously. "I could care less," She said under her breath, mocking Severin. She laughed and walked slowly to the department store. She looked at the building, noticing a small panal box: Security. Kylie grinned and slowly cut a hole in the gla.ss, preparing to take out the alarm any moment. Thankfully, it didn't go off. She opened the door and smiled to herself as she headed towards the hygene department, filling the bottom of her bag with soap and other items.
9:03am May 31 2010
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Posts: 2,963
Lanen shook her head, making a sound in the back of her throat very much like a cough, though meant to be a laugh. She turned in a circle, seemingly oblivious to the tight conversation going on between Severin and Kylie. The girl wanted to shift back so she could take a side.
Resident mounted archer
11:34am May 31 2010
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Posts: 6,948
"Here are some clothes." Dusk wandered over to the rest of the pack carrying some two whole bags of clothes and 'girly' supplies. She dropped them at the wolves paws and sat down. She was tempted to shift herself, but that would have been a waste of perfectly good robbery...
 <-- Click me
2:45pm Jun 2 2010
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 <-- Click me
2:51pm Jun 2 2010
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Posts: 6,511
Severin huffed in a girlish manner, then glanced at the other pack members, who had either taken off or brought something back. Realizing he should probably get going, Severin decided against shifting and walked into a small-looking mall. He returned later with some of the stuff he had mentioned, as well as clothes for himself. "Is there anything else we need?" he asked Dusk, cocking his head.
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
2:53pm Jun 2 2010
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Posts: 6,948
"I think we're good for now." She glanced around at the pack and then went into her hut to get undressed. She folded the clothes along with the necklace she ahd taken and shifted into the blue and black wolf she was...
 <-- Click me
7:29pm Jun 7 2010
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Posts: 2,963
Lanen sighed and sat, tilting her head up at Severin with her mouth opened in what was a smile. She shook her head vigorously and sneezed, bumping her nose on the ground, then sneezing yet again to get the dirt from her nostrils.
Resident mounted archer