Academy for the Supenatural

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5:03pm Dec 17 2013

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Posts: 1,939
((If your talking about two demons that can't happen. I put that on the plot. Before anyone joined.

6:16pm Dec 17 2013

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Posts: 2,422
OOC//: I threw my second bio up on the same post as my first. Lemme know if I need to change anything ouo ))

"An Insane is a small creature that zips from person to person at hyper speed, stealing wallets and hearts in equal measure..." -Dmann

6:19pm Dec 17 2013

Normal User

Posts: 1,939
((Nice bio Insane))

6:49pm Dec 17 2013

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Posts: 2,422
Lirik stepped into the winter air, frost-covered leaves crunching under her feet pleasantly. She paused for a moment, glancing around. Where to go? The obvious answer was the forest, but she wasn't sure going there wouldn't be against the rules. Better to stay on campus for now. That left the stables, boy's dorm, and main hall. The last two were obviously out of the question, so she started towards the stables, briefly wondering where her brother was.

As she entered, her eyes were drawn to the array of animals, most already claimed. She drew her fingers over the name plaques next to the stalls, until she got to one that wasn't claimed, a beautiful horse with high arcing wings and intelligent eyes. He lifted his head, locking his gaze to her, and she lifted her hand to touch his velvet muzzle, a light smile playing against her lips. She didn't notice her brother in the stall across the walkway with the griffon, until he cleared his throat. 


Bear had stood there for a while, watching his sister whisper to the pegasus and stroke his cheek. The werecat smirked, tail flicking dismissively as his griffon circled around his legs, purring and rubbing against him. He coughed gently, clearing his throat to get Liri's attention. 

"Bells!" She exclaimed, whirling to hug him. "I was worried sick about you! You vanished and I almost got into a fight and now I found you here lolly gagging with some... weird cat lion thing!" Her words ran together, and her cheeks flushed in slight frustration. 

"Chill, Rik-rik. Everything is okay." Bear assured, ruffling her bright orange hair. "Lex and I were just gettin' some bro time in. Looks like Madrid has taking a liking to you." He changed the subject quickly, inclining his head towards the winged horse, who still gazed intently at Lirik, ears flicking. 


Liri blinked at the pegasus, then shook herself and glanced back up at Bear. 

"Where do you think everyone else is? We can't be the only ones out of the dorms..." 

"An Insane is a small creature that zips from person to person at hyper speed, stealing wallets and hearts in equal measure..." -Dmann

6:49pm Dec 17 2013

Normal User

Posts: 54
[Sorry guys! I won't be able to post alot in the next couple of weeks, because of vacation. I 'll try though.]

"The reason I talk to myself is because I’m the only one whose answers I accept.” ~George Carlin

7:17pm Dec 17 2013

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Posts: 1,939

She stood up. Getting out of bed she wobbled. It was hard for to stand up straight. She picked up her staff she had in the corner. She pushed herself up on it. No way was she going to stay in a room like that. No plants anywhere it was hideous. She wobbled up to the door. She shook the handle and it was locked. She was so scared adrenaline was rushing through her. She kicked down the door and hurt her leg. Her powerful dark side was showing. This only happened when she had those dreams. It felt hard to breath. Like every time she breathed someone was pushing on her lungs. She felt so limited. So helpless once again her eyes turned purple and she was totally limitless but not for long. She ran into the courtyard. When all of a sudden the power stopped. She fell down. All she could think about was that horrible lady that was kicking her. She coughed up blood an passed out. She was badly injured. The only thing that could heal her was fresh wherecreature blood. Or she would die. (dun dun dun)

7:17pm Dec 17 2013 (last edited on 7:19pm Dec 17 2013)

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Posts: 1,939
((Double post)

7:34pm Dec 17 2013 (last edited on 7:59pm Dec 17 2013)

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Posts: 54
I sighed, looking up at my dorm room ceiling. I hadn't shown up with a letter like the others had, but they dismissed that, saying they had meant to give me one anyway. They sent me with directions to the girl's dorm, with whatever belongings I had, which, of course, was just Mecca (he was more of a friend than a belonging), and my daggers. And the clothes on my back. I was to learn what classes I have tomorrow.
I grumbled. I left the forest to live like a normal being, not to be enslaved in school. But I will make the best of it. Appearently, the school had started recently, so not many students were there. I was the only one in this room so far, despite there being, like, seven other living spaces in here.
Ugh, I'm bored, I finally decided. I think I'll see how Akisa is doing. I left the dorm and walked to the infirmary. And find a passed out Akisa in the courtyard.
"Akisa! " I cried. "Help! Somebody help!"

"The reason I talk to myself is because I’m the only one whose answers I accept.” ~George Carlin

7:52pm Dec 17 2013

Normal User

Posts: 1,939
((She's kinda in the courtyard... So yeh...))

7:54pm Dec 17 2013

Normal User

Posts: 54
[Pff, I knew that. XD I'll fix that.]

"The reason I talk to myself is because I’m the only one whose answers I accept.” ~George Carlin

7:56pm Dec 17 2013

Normal User

Posts: 1,939
(Okay you could find her not breathing and passed out in the courtyard like I said))

8:27pm Dec 17 2013 (last edited on 8:28pm Dec 17 2013)

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Posts: 2,422
Bear flicked his ears, staring towards the door of the stable with a perplexed ex
pression, obviously able to hear something Lirik couldn't. Even the animals seemed perturbed. 

"Bells? What is it? Are you alright?" She reached up to lay the back of her hand against his head, checking for a fever, then wiggled her fingers before his eyes... er, eye. He snapped back, looking at her quizzically for a second.

"Y-yea, yea. Everything's fine. I thought I heard something in the courtyard is all." He brushed her off, stepping away and over to an array of collars and leashes against the wall closest to the door. One of his ears always stayed pricked and pointed out the door, and he still seemed distracted. 

Liri unlocked Madrid's stall, then followed, picking out a simple leather harness with a line of bells and slipping it quickly over his head. Bear was busy securing a spiked collar around Lex's neck.

"Well... don't you think we should go check it out, whatever it was?" Liri wondered, furrowing her brows. Her brother paused, ears slicking back, then nodded, and stood, striding to the door. Liri and their companions followed close behind. 

After a moment, the werecat picked up the pace, until the shapes of two other supernaturals were outlined in the snow. Bear reached them first, and circled nervously.

"What happened? Where's the school nurse? Headmaster? Anyone?" He spouted questions rapidfire, stubby tail twitching and fangs gnawing against his lips.

"An Insane is a small creature that zips from person to person at hyper speed, stealing wallets and hearts in equal measure..." -Dmann

8:41pm Dec 17 2013

Normal User

Posts: 1,939

Her skin turned blue and her hair turned white. She was turning into whatever she was on... Snow. She coughed up more blood but it didn't stain the snow crimson. It stained it... The same color. The coughed up blood turned to water. She laid on the ground motionless...then she said the names..."Mitch...Jethro.... B-bear..." She said adding another name. "Blood... Werecreature" she moaned.

10:22pm Dec 17 2013 (last edited on 10:24pm Dec 17 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 54
"Please, one of you go get the nurse,"I said urgently to the two were creatures. 
"Blood... were creature.." said the now pale blue nymph.
I glanced at the were hyena. "What does she mean? Whos's Mitch, Jethro, and Bear? Why is she so... white?"
I noticed the 'white' was actually snow. 
"Whoa..." she was a nature nymph, and I had heard that sometimes, rarely, they could turn into different elements. "She's in trouble, we need that doctor, now!" I snapped.

"The reason I talk to myself is because I’m the only one whose answers I accept.” ~George Carlin

10:28pm Dec 17 2013

Normal User

Posts: 2,422
OOC//: I wont be able to reply for a while, at least not until Saturday at best. ))

"An Insane is a small creature that zips from person to person at hyper speed, stealing wallets and hearts in equal measure..." -Dmann

10:33pm Dec 17 2013

Normal User

Posts: 54
[Meh. I MIGHT be able to post Thursday. But not tomorrow. Guess we're gonna have to postpone for a while.]

"The reason I talk to myself is because I’m the only one whose answers I accept.” ~George Carlin

10:40pm Dec 17 2013

Normal User

Posts: 1,939
((Yeah we'll postpone. Only one person can post before Saturday. That would be Merling))

10:40pm Dec 17 2013

Normal User

Posts: 1,939
((Yeah we'll postpone. Only one person can post before Saturday. That would be Merling))

1:02am Dec 18 2013

Normal User

Posts: 945
((WiseBlueFox: Which Character? Jethro or Mitch? I don't think Jethro is compatible with her... two Demons.))

(Jethro - )
He's been watching this dying soul, since the second she arrived. This Nymph. For you see, Nymphs were easy targets, so he knew she would be beaten up. But he didn't expect this bad. As she coughed blood and turned to snow, Jethro waited atop the roof, watching. Watching the others, how panicked they were, how much blood the Nymph was loosing, the macabre happenings going around in the courtyard... he found this delicious on the eyes. He sprouted giant, black, leathery bat wings and descended down towards Akisa. He landed on his hands and feet, and his wings created a heavy gust of wind that blew piles of snow on everyone. He stood, his giant wings folding back into his demonic body. Darkness swept the courtyard, and a black fog littered the ground. It smelled sulfurous, and of decaying bodies. Jethro licked his lips and grinned maliciously. His red glowing eyes radiated with fear. "One fine day, in the middle of the night,  will die a little Nymph... let's see if I'm right. And when she passes, her soul shall be mine, and thus I will devour with such delight!" Jethro sang. His face turned purely sour, his eyes an evil black, his skin gray as stone, and cracked like a girl's un-moistened skin. He fingernails elongated. He was about to devour this Nymphs soul, when something huge, sea green and scaly lifted him into the air. It roared and flew higher. No later than three seconds were they above the entire earth it seemed. Jethro panicked and dissipated into the air, transporting himself to the nearest shadow, which was in the forest.

Mitch had arrived at the academy a day prior to the other new students, and he was down at the stables. When a girl entered the stables, he hid in Deezle's stall. You see, Deezle was a water dragon, yes, but he didn't have fins or such. He was really a western dragon, but his essence was born from the sea mist. He is literally made of water. Deezle could size-shift if needed, so in order to fit into the stalls he had to shrink a bit. His normal size is about 11ft tall, twice as long with a 30ft wingspan, but the stalls werent that big, so he usually stayed around 6ft tall, as tall as Mitch Lucker. So Deezle was easily able to shrink to fit in Mitch's and when the girl walked into the stables. Mitch hid because he's very quite shy. When the girl and the other boy who had met up with her finally left, he relaxed a bit. "Woo, that was a close one, eh Dee?" Mitch said. Not about a minute later, the stalls filled with black smoke. "Jethro." Mitch said. "No doubt he's found another soul." Deezle looked straight at Mitch. I sense no death, brother. The Nymph is still alive; Deezle said the Mitch telepathically. We must do something, for you know Jethro Sempiternal will kill this poor girl. he continued. "I know, I know... but what can we do? Mitch asked. I have an idea. Lets go. Mitch followed Deezle out of the stables, and before he knew it Deezle was full size and was putting Mitch on his back. Mitch hung on, and the two took flight They flew over the stables, and towards the courtyard. Hang on! Deezle said in Mitch's mind, and they were soon in an aerial dive towards Jethro. Mitch closed his eyes. He felt a rush of wind and the force of gravity taking control. Soon they were just flying steadily above. Mitch opened his eyes just in time to see Jethro disappear from Deezle's grasp. Dee flipped around and headed back towards the courtyard. He landed and Mitch got off.
"Uh, hey..." he muttered. "I'm Mitch."

((Sorry it took me so Uber long to post, and the content in this isn't that great. But at least y'all's have something to go off of now, yea?))


8:14am Dec 18 2013

Normal User

Posts: 1,939
((Thank you so much for posting Merlin. I love it! Btw we can't post till Saturday. Don't worry you can be the last one to post. NO POSTING TILL SATURDAY PEOPLE(Not directed at you Merlin I just need to tell everyone))
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