After The Bloodshed...{.:Warriors:.} After The War..

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8:45pm Jul 29 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,966

Name: Embereyes

Age: 28 Moons

Gender: Male

Looks: Black fur, glowing orange eyes.

Clan/Rank: ThunderClan Deputy

Mate/Crush: Open

Kits: None yet.

Other: Nope.


Name: Jadetail

Age: 21 moons

Gender: Female

Looks: Dark grey fur, black tail tip. Amber eyes.

Clan/Rank: ShadowClan Queen

Mate/Crush: Dead/Open

Kits: Seedkit and Amberkit (Not born yet)

Other: Her mate died in a badger attack.


Name: Winddance

Age: 18 moons

Gender: Female

Looks: Silver fur, blue eyes.

Clan/Rank: EarthClan Warrior

Mate/Crush: Open

Kits: None yet.

Other: She was named WInddance because when she walks, you can't hear her footsteps. She's really light. Oakcloud is her mother, Foxfoot and Fawnfoto are her old siblings.


Name: Oakcloud

Age: 42 moons

Gender: Female

Looks: Tan pelt, green eyes.

Clan/Rank: EarthClan Queen

Mate/Crush: Dead

Kits: Winddance, Foxfoot, Fawnfoot

Other: She doesn't have any kits as of now, but she stays in the nursery to help take care of other queens and kits. She's too old to stay a warrior, but she doesn't want to be known as an Elder just yet.


Name: Fawnfoot

Age: 26 moons

Gender: Female

Looks: Tan fur, green eyes. Her tail is a dark brown, as are her paws and legs.

Clan/Rank: EarthClan medicine cat

Mate/Crush: Not allowed

Kits: Never will have

Other: Foxfoot isher brother, Winddance is her younger sister. Oakcloud is her mother.


Name: Foxfoot

Age: 26 Moons

Gender: male

Looks: Black fur, brown ear tips and tail tip. Amber eyes.

Clan/Rank: EarthClan warrior

Mate/Crush: Open

Kits: None yet.

Other: His sisters are Foxfoot and Winddance, and his mother is Oakcloud.


Adopted from Archaeus.


8:46pm Jul 29 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,966
[Don't worry, I can do all of 'em. xDD]

Adopted from Archaeus.


8:48pm Jul 29 2010

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Posts: 5,998

Name: Rainflower

Age: Eighteen Moons

Gender: Female

Looks: Pretty blue-grey she-cat with short fur and dull grey eyes. Has darker grey flecks on her fur.

Clan/Rank: EarthClan/Warrior

Mate/Crush: Open

Kits: None

Other: Bleah.


Name: Sunflare

Age: 22 moons

Gender: Male

Looks: Bright ginger tom with leaf-green eyes and short fur. 

Clan/Rank: ThunderClan Deputy?

Mate/Crush: Open

Kits: None.



Name:Coalpaw [Coalfire]

Age: Ten moons [Apprentices become warriors at around 12 moons]

Gender: Male

Looks: Smoky grey tom with short fur and grey-black eyes.

Clan/Rank: EarthClan Apprentice

Mate/Crush: Open

Kits:Too young

Other: None.


Name: Dreampaw [Dreamstone]

Age: Ten moons

Gender: Female

Looks: Creamy caramel she-cat with long fur and white crescent moon on her left shoulder. Has day-blue eyes.

Clan/Rank: ThunderClan apprentice

Mate/Crush: Open

Kits: Too young

Other: ThunderClan and ShadowClan seriously need more warriors and apprentice and such.





9:09pm Jul 29 2010 (last edited on 9:13pm Jul 29 2010)

Content Manager

Posts: 3,137

((We have enough cats in Earthclan now, so I'd appreciate if anyone who joins after this to try to work in some Thunder and ShadowClan members.

Thank you!


And, Tld, ThunderClan deputy is taken. You could be a Warrior or Leader though. :3))


9:21pm Jul 29 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,966
[M'kay. And, when Jadetail has her kits, ShadowClan will have two more little warriors. <33]

Adopted from Archaeus.


9:23pm Jul 29 2010

Normal User

Posts: 5,998
[[Perhaps Sunflare should be a warrior XD I'm no good being leader x.x]]


9:28pm Jul 29 2010

Content Manager

Posts: 3,137

((I understand. XD Okay, everyone's characters have been added.))


10:19pm Jul 29 2010 (last edited on 10:19pm Jul 29 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 302

Ooc:// I still admire the word, kit-boom. I might start using it in everyday sentences. 

 Guy: Where did all these people come from?

 Me: I don't know, it was like a mas.sive kit-boom or something. 

 Guy: Kit-boom...?

 Me: Yeah, I don't think it'll catch on...


5:49am Jul 30 2010 (last edited on 5:50am Jul 30 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 1,576

Name: Soulstar

Age: 35 Moons

Gender: She-cat

Looks: White with silver socks

Clan/Rank: Leader/ Thunderclan

Mate/Crush: None

Kits: None. Can adopt c:

Other: None


 Name: Rainheart

Age: 15 moons

Gender: She-cat

Looks: White with silver socks

Clan/Rank: Thunderclan / Warrior

Mate/Crush: None yet. Offers? c;

Kits: May be having in the middle of the RP?

Other: none


2:32pm Jul 30 2010

Content Manager

Posts: 3,137

((I dunno, kit-boom might become popular. XD

Accepted, Twint. :D))


3:47pm Jul 30 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,966
[Can we start soon? <33]

Adopted from Archaeus.


3:52pm Jul 30 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,966

[So, what we need now is:

ShadowClan~ Leader, Medicine cat, more warriors.

ThunderClan~ Medicine Cat, more warriors.


Right? And then we can start once we get them?]

Adopted from Archaeus.


4:49pm Jul 30 2010

Content Manager

Posts: 3,137

((Correct. XD;))


5:22pm Jul 30 2010 (last edited on 9:42pm Jul 30 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 1,966
[I could create one more ShadowClan warrior, if I have to, but that's as far as I'll go.]

Adopted from Archaeus.


6:31pm Jul 30 2010

Normal User

Posts: 302
Ooc:// I'll make two to three more characters, just say what needs to be filled in the most and I'll make them.


9:41pm Jul 30 2010 (last edited on 9:42pm Jul 30 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 1,966

Name: Sunfur

Age: 19 moons

Gender: Male


Clan/Rank: ShadowClan Warrior

Mate/Crush: Open

Kits: None yet.

Other: Nope. C:

Adopted from Archaeus.


10:09pm Jul 30 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,576
(( what's Kit-boom? xD))


10:25pm Jul 30 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,966
[An explosion of kits. Like, a surplus, or a bumper-crop. But not to eat. x3]

Adopted from Archaeus.


8:39am Aug 1 2010

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Posts: 1,966
Bump <3

Adopted from Archaeus.


1:14pm Aug 1 2010

Normal User

Posts: 2,092
((Falconwing and Whisperkit are Thunderclan, not Earthclan.))

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