7:18pm Aug 1 2010
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Posts: 302
Ooc:// Mega Bump-Boom
12:25am Aug 2 2010
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Posts: 3,137
((@Alice: Oh, you've done more than enough. :D You didn't have to create another Warrior. XD @Moo: Shadow's in need of a leader and both it and Thunder need Medicine Cats. X3 But I think I'll go ahead and make ShadowClan's leader, so we just need Medicine cats @Twint: Only the most awesome word never used in any of Erin Hunter's books. XD @Stray: Okay, I'll go ahead and fix it. :D))
8:55am Aug 2 2010
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Posts: 1,966
[You know what kind of makes me sad? The fact that Starpaw will never get to be a Clan leader. Then his name would be Starstar. Not that it matters or anything. :/]
9:35am Aug 2 2010
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Posts: 302
Ooc:// Okay, I added the two medicine cats to my character bio post. I also changed FlameCloud's picture if thats okay. :)
12:08pm Aug 2 2010
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Posts: 3,137
((@Alice; XD I just noticed that.. Moo; Aw.. ;3; Thanks. And yeh, that's fine. So I do believe we can start now.. Any takers? :D))
5:30pm Aug 2 2010
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Posts: 302
Ooc:// I don't mind starting though it will have to be around eight or eight thirtyish. :P
7:51pm Aug 2 2010
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[Start! Start! But I'll have to leave soon...]
8:41pm Aug 2 2010
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Posts: 302
EarthClan The sun, how beauty formed with a dangerous lust. It's warming arms extended against EmeraldFrost's delicately soothed fur. She flashed her piercing green eyes, they dawned upon the just waking sky. The young cat was deemed the name EmeraldFrost from her stabbing lush colored eyes. The mere glance seem to dive into your soul. Her pelt was one of many spots and patches, long limbs and a thin body provided EmeraldFrost to be an excellent warrior. Though fate and Starclan had different ideas. Not even a two moons ago, a tragic accident wared itself upon the newly named warrior. EmeraldFrost limped leisurely, her right hind leg clutched together by sore and tightened muscles. Other cats bustled around her, times were busy. To be honest, with all that has happened...EmeraldFrost hardly remembers how she hurt her back limb.
<--------------------> ShadowClan FlameCloud padded over to the fresh-prey pile, it was running low at the current moment. Giving a thought, he sat and peered at the pile, he analyzed how much was needed to feed the Queens and Elders. There was only a few mice, tiny and not much meat covered the rodent's skin. Sighing, the ginger tom stretched out his paws and twitched his tail. FlameCloud blinked slowly, tired and restlessness flooded his pupils. It wouldn't hurt if I went and gathered some more prey... The young tom yawned and rushed over to the apprentice den, he was going to gather some of the warriors as well to go hunt.
<--------------------> ThunderClan The trees danced with agility and grace, winds whistled among the cruising clouds. Mice scampered happily to themselves within the deep underbrush of the forest. Everything seemed calm and peaceful. PureDew, a untainted white tom with dashing light green eyes that sparkled when he would speak of his dreams from StarClan, sat un-bothered within his den. The herbs and berries were organized in the cleanest manner. Breathing in slightly calmed his aura even more. Today seems like a good day... <--------------------> ShadowClan BrightGaze fumbled around with her herbs and mixed medicines. Her supplies were unconventionally running low. She tried to place everything in neat little piles but it was all in vain. The female with a beautiful calico coat and ember eyes did not specialize in organizing. Peering outside her den, she noticed FlameCloud padding towards the Apprentice Den. The opportunity opened, BrightGaze chased after him. It was the perfect opportunity to see if someone would come with her to get more supplies.

10:10am Aug 4 2010 (last edited on 10:19am Aug 4 2010)
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Posts: 88
You said shadowclan twice! Name:Snickers(Dovesong) Age:3 moons Gender:She-cat Looks:  Mate/Crush:none Rank/Clan:None,kit Kits:too young Other: No-one knows her mother, as she was a kittypet.She is called Snickers. Her mother lives with twolegs and those twolegs moved to another nest.
10:18am Aug 4 2010 (last edited on 10:31am Aug 4 2010)
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Posts: 88
Name:Pirahnnaclaw Age:10 years Gender:Tom looks:  Rank/clan: Shadowclan, warrior Mate/crush:Jayspots(mate) Other: nothing
2:57am Aug 5 2010
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Posts: 5,998
[[By the way, the apprentice/mentor pairings aren't out yet.]] Coalpaw was wandering around the Earthclan camp, unsure of what to do. He was always cat that woke up early, and would quickly slip outside his den, afraid that he would bother the other apprentices. He couldn't venture outside the camp without a warrior, and that always irked the apprentice. 'What a nice day today.' Coalpaw noted, bored. --- Rainflower opened her eyes, to see sunlight streaming into the warrior's den. "The prey will be plentiful today." The she-cat purred, slowly getting up. She weaved through the other sleeping warriors, and made her way outside the den. She saw only one cat around the camp, which was Coalpaw. "Good morning, Coalpaw." Rainflower mewed, and slipped outside the camp, eager to hunt for her clan. --- Sunflare paced around the forest, his eyes and ears alert. He heard the fluttering of wings, and the morning chorus of the birds above him. He slowed his pace, his eyes scanning the forest floor. Sunflare's tail twitched excitedly when he spotted a mouse, scuffling near the base of a tree. He instantly crouched down, slowly putting one paw in front of the other, gently touching the leaves, so they wouldn't crackle to alert the mouse. It continued on with its business, unaware of the cat stalking it. Sunflare's green eyes glinted as he sprang up without a warning, landing neatly on the mouse, killing it quickly with a swift bite. His eyes gleaming with pride and triumph, Sunflare picked up his prey and started to bury it. --- Dreampaw sighed as she rolled over in her nest. The other apprentices were also sleeping, their soft snores disturbing her. Dreampaw sighed again, hoping that she would drift off. It was too early in the morning for her to be awake. After all, she was usually the last apprentice to trudge out of the apprentice den. Dreampaw closed her eyes, slowing her breathing to calm herself.

7:01am Aug 5 2010
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Soulstar woke up to the morning sun's rays dancing into the den. As she stretched happily she padded out of the den and drank the air. Clear. She looked around and found just Dreampaw awake. Sighing, she went up to the apprentice. "Good morning, Dreampaw. The early bird catches the worm, eh? Why not try razoring some birds? The clan would need some of your help." At this Rainheart bounded over to the leader. She'd spent the whole night awake, unusually energetic. "Hunting, Soulstar?" Soulstar nodded. "Why not you round up a hunting patrol ? The Clan's asleep now, but in a while I trust you to do a good job leading the patrol." Rainheart nodded proudly. "You can rely on me, Soulstar."
10:30am Aug 5 2010
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Dreampaw opened her eyes again when she heard Rainheart mew a good morning to her. Mentally grumbling, Dreampaw sat up. "Good morning, Rainheart." Dreampaw said cheerily, and she sprang up to race around the camp. 'Ugh, I feel like a flea-bitten kittypet.' Dreampaw thought, disgusted. She slowed down when she noticed she was getting a few stares from her clanmates. 'I thought it was normal for apprentices to be excited.' The apprentice thought. 'Oh well. Perhaps I should observe more carefully next time.' Dreampaw padded along to the fresh-kill pile to examine the prey. 'Not much. Warriors need to hunt at night more often.' Dreampaw thought, and carried on.
9:06pm Aug 6 2010
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Posts: 88
Snickers stared out of the window. The sun was shining and she saw her friends walk by the house. She lept out of the window and went out the catdoor. She went over to them, only to find that they weren't her friends. It was a group of strange cats, one tabby-and-white tom and a light gray she-cat. They were also acompanied by a young cat. "Who are you?" asked Snickers. "I am Pirahnnaclaw. This gray cat is Jayspots, and this is a kit we found wandering in our territory. We are border patrolling our territory." Pirahnnaclaw and Jayspot looked at eachother in a suspicious way. "Do you want to come with us to our camp?" asked Jayspots. "Can i think about it?" asked Snickers. "Sure. How about sunhigh tomorrow?"said Jayspots. "Okay. I'll be waiting here."said Snickers. Snickers walked back to her home and slipped through the catdoor. She went to her bed, layed down, and fell asleep.