9:12pm Jan 11 2010
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Posts: 464
((wait...what happened while I was gone??))
9:14pm Jan 11 2010
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Posts: 464
((can't see moi posts!!!))
9:15pm Jan 11 2010
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Posts: 464
9:17pm Jan 11 2010
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Posts: 17,364
(( crap i gtgs to go D: ym watching ghost whisper see yah tomarrow or later! ))
9:17pm Jan 11 2010
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Posts: 464
7:51am Jan 12 2010
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(( Can I join? :3 ))
10:01am Jan 12 2010
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Posts: 17,364
(( of course! i luff eet when new pplz join mai RP :D just make ur bio and start RPing! ))
10:31am Jan 12 2010
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Posts: 3,662
(( Yay! oot woot! :D . . . xD ))
10:37am Jan 12 2010
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Name:Kazani/Xiang Age:27 human years/29 human years Gender:Female/Male Personality:She is snart and thinks before she leaps. She is very creative and love's to draw. She is loving and sweet, and is also protective of the one's she loves.She tries to keep her head out of the cloud's but sometime's daydreams. She prefer's to stay away from loner's that wonder into her pack, but has had to face her fears because is now a dispersal she wolf. Along with that, she usaly stay's out of fight's unless it involve's her. But she will willingly join in on a hunt./ He is curious, and tries to act very grown up, but will always be a little pup on the inside. He is sweet,caring anf protective. He is smart and sometime's snaps. He can take alot and is not easly agitated. But when he is, it's a whole lot of pain. He fights loners to protect his pack, and he like's to join in on battles. Along with hunt's as well. He love's pup's and is playfull like them himself. But he tries to keep himself to a adult average around alpha's and beta's. Looks: 
Mate/Crush:O&L (Open and looking)/ Same Pack or loner?:No/No Dispersal?(Have left your pack in search of a mate):Yes/Yes Other:Nope/ Has wings? lol
10:45am Jan 12 2010
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10:52am Jan 12 2010
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(( Okay. Oh yeah, xiang is a pup killer, lone, and pretty vicious. Kazani is dieing from a empty heart. Aka, no love. ))
10:54am Jan 12 2010
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Posts: 17,364
Cinder padded along the dirt path on his way to find a meal for the pack. its a big job for just one wolf it was his job to find enough food for the pack so he is constantly walking on this dirt path his paw prints are still there from the last time he was there. ugh why wont any one help me? they just dont know how hard it is to hunt for the whole pack....
10:54am Jan 12 2010
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Posts: 17,364
(( omg *holds pups close* mine! lolz ))
10:58am Jan 12 2010
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(( Cinder is looking for a mate also but he is not dispersial his Calyxs and Starfrosts home was destroyed ))
11:01am Jan 12 2010
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Foot fall could be heard from a distance. As they got louder, a chain could be heard, rattling. Suddenly to beaming blue eye's pierced the fog setting in. The eye's scan the territory. Then, the rest of the body emerges from the fog. A bandaged leg, and a body riddled with scars. He licks his lips then releases a drawn out yawn, showing razor sharp, jagged teeth. His eye's close and he gets a good sniff of the air. "Hrmmm.. . Seem's no deer have entered the area. Wait.." He gave another sniff. "Pup, I smell one.." He put his snout to the ground and continued the search for his dinner.
11:12am Jan 12 2010
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Posts: 17,364
calyx -is a pup- walked around fallowing a butterfly btu diddent notice the wolf comming near her. she continued trying to catch the butterfly but tumbled down a hill where the wolf was she howled in pain for she had broke her leg in the fall she still haddent noticed the wolf behind her. she howled again trying to find another wolf to help her but no one was around. she closed her eyes and started to cry.
11:17am Jan 12 2010 (last edited on 11:18am Jan 12 2010)
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Posts: 3,662
Xiang licked his fangs. "Mmmm, lunch to go." he grabbed the pup by the nape of her neck and tossed her around a bit, biting down harder on the pup's neck. He smiled and licked the blood that was oozing from her neck. (( Wuh Oh, he's gota puppeh, and he ain't gonna let 'er go D: ))
11:23am Jan 12 2010
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Posts: 17,364
(( mai puppeh! )) Calyx diddent know what was happening all she saw when she opened her eyes was that every thing was spinning. Calyx not knowing what to do she froze because every thing was happening to fast for her and she did something else... she looked at the wolf that was bitting her and said HI! im Calyx whats your name? have you seen my brother? he wint hunting and my pack is worried about him have you seen him?
11:26am Jan 12 2010
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Xiang rolled his eye's. "I ain't talking to you!" He bit down harder, and prepared to kill her...
11:29am Jan 12 2010
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Posts: 17,364
Why do you want to kill me? *eyes get bigger as Xaing let her down* i dont care if you but....why? are you lonley? do you have a pack? `ya know if you keep being rash and violent about every thing you`ll never get a mate... and i know that you are sad on the inside and very lonley and you put all your anger into other wolves..... so why? whats the matter?