7:55pm Jan 14 2010
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Kiani smiled then began eating. "It's NUMMY!" She said, then started laughing.
7:59pm Jan 14 2010
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I'm coming calyx! Kiani jumped off the cloud and flattened her wings for speed. "Steady, steady..." She got closer and closer to calyx, finnaly she grabbed her tail and stopped her from hitting the ground. She saved calyx, but it sent kiani flying across the ground and slamming into a rock. her vision went fuzzy. "Ca- ca- caly- calyx?" But before she could finish, she faded uncouncious.
7:59pm Jan 14 2010
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Posts: 867
((I edited it))
 Hearts to anyone who clicks this egg! <3
8:00pm Jan 14 2010
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(( cant see))
8:00pm Jan 14 2010
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(( yay i can see ))
8:02pm Jan 14 2010
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Kiani!! thanks you! *runs to Kiani*are you ok?! -crys- its my fault!! *skakes Kiani* wake up!
8:03pm Jan 14 2010
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Kiani was going to be out for a while...
8:04pm Jan 14 2010
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Posts: 17,364
(( aww i go to get off ill be on arounf 4:OO bai D:))
8:04pm Jan 14 2010
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8:08pm Jan 14 2010
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Posts: 867
Toboe hears a thud and looks the way it came from,"Hey,Tsume,did you hear that?"but Tsume was already too far away and he ignored Toboe."Hey,where're you going?" Tsume looks sympathetically back at Toboe running to catch up with him,"I'm leaving to someplace where you wolves won't bother me.I live alone from now on,and I only helped you for this one time!"he walks away,not glancing once at Toboe again,and leaves him dumbfounded,looking at Tsume with sad eyes. Toboe looks at Tsume with a look of 'why did you leave me?' on his face,"Why,...Tsume,why?I only wanted to join a pack with some wolf who could understand me,and you protected me from those humans!I liked you as a friend,Tsume!"He turns around,and walks slowly away,not noticing he had turned the way Calyx was with the thudding noise a few minutes ago.
 Hearts to anyone who clicks this egg! <3
8:10pm Jan 14 2010
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Posts: 867
((bye! ;-;))
 Hearts to anyone who clicks this egg! <3
8:11pm Jan 14 2010
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Blood began gushing from kiani's lifeless body. (( O_____O ))
9:40pm Jan 14 2010
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Posts: 464
Blue walked out of the cave,and stretched a bit,her tail over her head,and walked arounnd for a bit.She opened her mouth to taste the air,and something tasted like blood,"blood?"she asked curiously,and ran to where the blood scent was coming from.She sees a small wolf pup almost the size of Calyx,and her wound was the size of a squirrel.She licked the pup to see if she was alive and she twitched a bit.Blue could soon see her chest heaving up and down,and ran for some cobwebs to stop the bleeding,and some Marigold to heal the wound.
9:49pm Jan 14 2010
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Posts: 464
Blue took the cobwebs and Marigold to the pup and put the cobwebs on the wound and waited for the bleeding to stop,so meanwhile,she went to go get some poppy seeds for the pain and got some more cobwebs.She found some,wet her paw and dabbed it on the seeds,picking them up,and 'limped' her way to the pup,sitting down and picking the Marigold up with her other paw and putting in on the wound after taking the cobwebs off and replacing them with new ones.She sits down and waits for the pup to wake up.
10:06pm Jan 14 2010
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Kiani's leg twitched and almost instantly, her eye's flew open. She slung her head up and looked at the other wolf. "Oh, hi. I don't mean to be a bother or anything..." She raised her paws and stretched her wings which had begun glowing a light blue. "Uggghhh, why mus you do that mess now?!" She thought. Her wings glow whenever she has been hurt. It is her self healing defense. "Ehh... Ignore that." She grinned cheekily and looked at her wounds. "Gahh, I got pretty beat up trying to save calyx." She plopped her head down. "And to think my mum does not even know." She sighed and looked at the other wolf. "Oh my, where are my manner's? My name is Kiani Moonshine the first Generation. But you may call me Kiani. Or moonshine. What is your name?" She smiled and tried to bow her head as a sign of her appreciation.
10:16pm Jan 14 2010 (last edited on 10:18pm Jan 14 2010)
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Posts: 464
Blue looks at Kani,"Oh,thank the great wolf spirits!I knew you would make it!I'm Blue and I know lots of things about herbs and plants.Here,eat these.They're called poppy seeds,and they'll help you numb the pain on your wound."She gives the poppy seeds to Kani and watches her eat them.She sits down,her tail curled over her paws,and looks to her left,her blue pelt shining in the evening sunlight,her Icy blue eyes concentrated on the tree to her left."Hmm,who could this be?"she says as a white pelt shows up out of the bushes and into the full light. Tsuki looks at Blue and the little wolf pup lying next to her,"Who's this Blue?" she says as she turns her head to the pup.Her shiny green gaze fixed on the pup and her wound.
10:25pm Jan 14 2010
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Posts: 464
Blue turns her head again to see a wolf standing near the river to her right,"Now,who's that?" she says as she stands up and growls slightly to the unfamiliar wolf.Her fur bristles as she bares her teeth at the wolf,her white fangs outstanding in the evening light,her back turned to Tsuki and Kani.The wolf looked back,questioningly and disappeared,back into the dark light of the forest,her golden eyes turning to look at them,as she went back into hiding.Blue sits back down again,still unsteady,as she growls a bit more and twitches her tail in anxiety.
2:42pm Jan 15 2010
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Posts: 914
((hi there anyone on?))
What u looking at IS it Justin?

2:57pm Jan 15 2010
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Posts: 914
((I give up I'm off Bye!))
What u looking at IS it Justin?

3:23pm Jan 15 2010
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