11:46pm Jan 15 2010
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Posts: 867
Toboe runs towards the disappearing body of Calyx,and howls in pain for his lost friend.He howls in rememberance of her and sees Tsume looking at Calyx in horor. Tsume for the first time howls with another wolf,and he stops,looking at the wolf controlling this nightmare.
 Hearts to anyone who clicks this egg! <3
11:48pm Jan 15 2010
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suddenly the jewlery came back to Calyx. Wh-what happened mommy? i`ll tell you when we get home sweety... ok... where did i get these pretty things? the wolf gods gave them to you sweety *smiles* you were ment to have them.... cool! why is Kiani mad at me? i dont know sweety.. lets go *grabs Calyx and runs to den*
11:48pm Jan 15 2010
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(( cant see))
11:49pm Jan 15 2010
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(( Calyx can not be more powerful than kiani tho. She is the most powerful wolf in the ten galaxy's of time, hun. ;o ))
11:49pm Jan 15 2010
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Posts: 17,364
Toboe! *gets out of starfrosts grip and runs to toboe nuzzleing him* lookie! i gots prettys on!
11:50pm Jan 15 2010
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((they are equaly power fulz :D Calyx was ment to have du prettehs on ;D ))
11:51pm Jan 15 2010
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Posts: 867
Toboe runs to Calyx's scent,and finds her in a new den with Starfrost,"You're ok!"He licks her cheek.(I can't think now for some reason)
 Hearts to anyone who clicks this egg! <3
11:52pm Jan 15 2010
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Posts: 3,662
(( Um.. Sorry zozane. Kiani is the protector of all ten wolf god's and the jewelry is not calyx's. the jewelry belong's to no one except the wolf god's in fact. Your plot twist will have to change. Sorry ); ))
11:53pm Jan 15 2010
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Posts: 17,364
i missed you *nuzzles* ive been thru alot! *starts to mention things* Toboe... somethings happening to Calyx im not sure i should tell her yet... should i?
11:54pm Jan 15 2010
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Posts: 17,364
(( nuu eets not hurs it ess du wolf gods :D but Calyx is uesing eet i will tell U soon.. muahaha.... patience :D ))
11:57pm Jan 15 2010
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Kiani snarled, watching the pup carefully. Out of the blue she had a vision of her mom. "Honey, it is my time to go. I am leaving you to continue the protection of the wolf god's. I wish you luck my love." She said. Kiani came back to reality with a amazing feeling of power and strength. "Move aside weak little pup." She growled.
11:58pm Jan 15 2010
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(( i gtg evry 1 D: dad ish telling mehh 2 bai bia ))
11:59pm Jan 15 2010
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(( Bai D: ))
12:01am Jan 16 2010
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Posts: 867
Tsume walks over to Toboe and watches them socialize,"So,what're you going to do now?" Toboe looks at Tsume and sits down with Calyx under his chin and swishes his tail in harmony with Calyx.He says nothing,expecting Tsume to know,and looks towards the forest in peace.The wind sings it's song,and the wolves get sleepy,under the coming moonlight. Toboe lies down,with Calyx by his side and they watch the stars,sleeping away with the wind's lullaby,and Tsume,soon,falls asleep too,under a big,leafy oak.
 Hearts to anyone who clicks this egg! <3
12:04am Jan 16 2010
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Posts: 867
 Hearts to anyone who clicks this egg! <3
12:05am Jan 16 2010
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Kiani lie down and watched the star's. "It is so beautiful." She stare up and the sky and licked her lip's. "I do not have to sleep. I was blessed with immortality, hence the urge to sleep, hence I do not have the urge to sleep." She smiled and wagged her tail.
1:30pm Jan 16 2010
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Calyx looked up at Toboe. she felt safe around him and trusted him more did she trusted StarFrost. suddenly Calyx started to glow and when the light faded Calyx was now older...alot older. Wh-what the heck?! Calyxs voice was now deeper. Toboe what happened?!
1:31pm Jan 16 2010
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(( any 1 here?))
1:31pm Jan 16 2010
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((can you join my horse roleplay))
WANTED: Adult Zenirix - blonde{X} Adult Zenirix - amber{}
1:32pm Jan 16 2010 (last edited on 1:32pm Jan 16 2010)
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Posts: 464
((I'm here!!))