1:52pm Jan 16 2010
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Posts: 464
Tsuki howls for the rest of the wolves and hears Blue respond.She runs towards Blue,and sees her sitting in the middle of the lake,"What're you doing here?What's happening?"She howls for Blue,but she doesn't respond Blue looks at her with the look of 'help me' in her eyes and the waters around her become violent,drowning her in a giant wave,forming in the shape of a shadow demon,"Blue,BLUE!"(<--dream) Blue walks over to Tsuki,"Wake up!Wake up,Tsuki!"She looks for a feather and finds one,tickling Tsuki's nose with it and Tsuki wakes up,panting with fright."What happened in your dream?You were whimpering and squirming,and then you howled my name.You scared me there for a moment!" Tsuki Looks up at Blue,"Wha',....that was a dream?Oh,Blue!You're alive!I had this horrible nightmare!You were in the middle of a lake,and then you cried for me,and you got swallowed up by the waters,that was horrid!Then I saw this shadow demon wolf and he looked at me,as if I was his next-" "But that was just a dream!It won't happen in real life,you know!"Blue says,interrupting Tsuki's explanation.

1:52pm Jan 16 2010
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Posts: 464
((me can't see!!))
1:53pm Jan 16 2010 (last edited on 1:57pm Jan 16 2010)
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Posts: 464
Tsuki stands up and walks to the entrance,stretching with her tail over her head. She walks through the forest and jumps the river with ease,then runs towards the lake with Blue,"This is where I saw you....in my dream.."
1:58pm Jan 16 2010 (last edited on 1:59pm Jan 16 2010)
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((srry khenson i dont really do horse RPs D: ))
2:02pm Jan 16 2010
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silent eyes unknowing staring at Tsuki. the nightmare is yet to come my dear friend hehehe.... ugh there all asleep! ah blue is awake! *runs to* blue! blue! look what happened to me!! what happened?!
2:04pm Jan 16 2010
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Posts: 17,364
Blue wait up!! why are they at a river? i feel stronger here.... wierd *shakes head* knock out of it Calyx! so what there at a river and you feel different there! so what?! blue!! blue!!
2:10pm Jan 16 2010
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Posts: 464
Blue runs up to Calyx,"I don't know what's going on!The jewels,then Tsuki's nightmare.and you....you're older!"How'd this happen?!" Tsuki turns her head around and hows in fright, "Calyx looks sort of like that shadow in my dream!It all happened here!Right over there!" She points her paw to the middle of the lake,shaking and trembling,"We must go,now!To prevent this nightmare from coming alive and to Keep Blue alive!"A glow of courage lights up in Tsuki and she stops trembling,"Blue,do you know if that cave with the herbs is around here?" Blue looks in Tsuki's eyes,"Yes,but it's miles away from here,it's pretty far away" She looks North east,indicating her paw towards the way,"It's that way,and I'm sure it will protect us,because the last time I went,it was filled with the protective howls of the Wolf God Spirits.It's good"
2:17pm Jan 16 2010
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Posts: 17,364
why was i in your dream?! i do feel more powerful here.... *shakes head* calm down Calyx your going crazy here.... blue i came to ask you the same thing! i feel wierd *tilts head* wait... did you hear that?! crap... there it is again! .... over there! *runs* get back here! *runs after misterous wolf*
2:24pm Jan 16 2010
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Posts: 464
Blue looks at Calyx,"Hey,Calyx,where are you going?!Come back!!"She runs after Calyx,then stops,"hey,Tsuki,come over here,the aura of danger is very stong here!" Tsuki runs over to where Blue was,"You're right!We have to get out of here!"She grabs Blue by the scruff and runs with Blue dangling on her side,then Blue howls,"what's wrong?!"She stops and she sniffs the air,dropping Blue,"Hey,You smell that?" Blue sniffs the air too,"Yeah,I smell it!"She shouts,"Tsuki,run,She's coming,...the shadow!"She runs,with Tsuki on her side,sensing danger really close.
2:29pm Jan 16 2010 (last edited on 2:29pm Jan 16 2010)
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leave me alone! the misterous wolf voice barked as Calyx tackled him. what are you doing here? you stalker! who are you?! get off me and i will tell you! ignorent wolf! *gets off* well im.... *sighs* i was sent here to kill you.... what?! yes my dad is... ShadowClaw...i think you know him... but he`s dead....*gasps* *backs up and tumbles to the floor* yes i know... we need to hurry! before my sister gets to your friends!
2:40pm Jan 16 2010
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Posts: 17,364
 this it what the mysterous wolf looks like
2:41pm Jan 16 2010
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Posts: 464
Blue stops and decides to face the demon.She back up,and bares her fangs,sharp icicles forming a protective circle around Tsuki and herself.She growls and snaps,warning the shadow to go away,ice encovering the shadow,freezing it,and the ice breaks off. "Ignorance is all it takes you wolves!"the shadow said as she prepared an army of shadows around her,"tell me where Starfrost is and I'll let you go!"(<--used the color on the far left of the color thyngi) Blue growls more,the sharp icicles forming higher and stonger,one poking the shadow's back,"Why would we tell you?!"She says,between the growls. Tsuki howls an ear-piercing howl,so loud,the shadow couldn't resist it and cold,deadly winds enveloped the shadow,along with her howls that became a song.The shadow backed away,her army of death disappearing. "I'll get you next time.you fools!And I'll get you good!"she says as her calls of vengance swirled away with Tsuki's cyclone.
2:42pm Jan 16 2010
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Posts: 17,364
my name is Kohaku my sister Kaido she is after your friends... i was sent for you and she was sent for them...why?! who wants me out of the way?! i dont know.. they never tell me any thing.. this was my first asighment...
2:50pm Jan 16 2010
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Posts: 464
Blue stops growling,"ugh,glad that's over!"she says as she sways and falls down. "Blue,are you ok?!are you hurt?"Tsuki asked,afraid something happened to her friend. Blue looks at Tsuki,"I just need a rest thet's all"she closes her eyes,in a deep sleep.
2:50pm Jan 16 2010
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Posts: 464
((I'll be back,probably at 4:something,))
2:51pm Jan 16 2010
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Angel looked around, trying to find Jaci and Ghost. She cries in pain, then suddenly a human comes.
2:53pm Jan 16 2010
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Posts: 17,364
blue!! are we to late?! no she`s resting im surpiised they survived... Tsuki! blue! are you two ok?! hello I am- -is tackled by Tsuki- hey let him go!! its ok!! *growls* get off or else!! get off of Kohaku!
2:53pm Jan 16 2010
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Posts: 6,165
(( anyone? ))
2:55pm Jan 16 2010
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(( aww bai : ))
2:55pm Jan 16 2010
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Posts: 464
((no,wait,I gtg,bye!I'm not sure I'll be back at that time though))