7:28pm Jan 16 2010
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where are my manners... im Kohaku the one who was sent to kill your daughter starfrost and taq *smiles* *pushes Kohaku* quiet!! fine ok,ok...
7:28pm Jan 16 2010
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The trap gets tighter, then BEEEEEEEEEEEEP!! its unlocks into a cage. " HEEEEEEEeeeeeelp....... "
7:28pm Jan 16 2010
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Posts: 17,364
(( aww justin i just gots here D: ))
7:29pm Jan 16 2010
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Posts: 867
((lol zozane,the 'berries' are supposed to be poppy seeds,I saw it earlier))
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7:37pm Jan 16 2010
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(( gotta go, be on tommorrow! ))
7:38pm Jan 16 2010
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(( nuu eets some ting else i discovered lolz and berries taste much better! lolz xD ))
7:42pm Jan 16 2010
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Posts: 867
Toboe rushes into the scene and sees Luyo eating yew,a type of berry,a deathberry."Noooo! Cinder,wait!You don't feed those berries to her!They can KILL her!"
 Hearts to anyone who clicks this egg! <3
7:43pm Jan 16 2010
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Posts: 867
((bye Mercy!;__;))
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7:49pm Jan 16 2010 (last edited on 7:50pm Jan 16 2010)
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*shows berry* if you know poison berrys have a black spot on them and these dont have one *looks annoyed* ive been in the herb buisness for about... all my life. know one uses these berrys because they cant tell from teh poison of the good ones... but i do *smiles* why would i poison my love?! and deathberrys are a little lighter than these berrys.
7:51pm Jan 16 2010
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(( bai mercy D: ))
8:01pm Jan 16 2010
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(( any 1 on? ))
8:03pm Jan 16 2010
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Toboe looks at the berries closer,"Oh,I guess I mistakenned that berry's color for the scarlet color of yew...yeah"Toboe blushes in embaressment."I don't know that much about herbs,he he!I'm Blue's apprentice on herb training,No hard feelings?"he asked,his blush going away. Tsume ran to where Toboe was,"What're you doing here?!Oh well"he walks away and sees Luyo.He turns his head and walks towards a stream nearby and drinks some fresh water.
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8:03pm Jan 16 2010
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((yeah,I got carried away by the TV))
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8:06pm Jan 16 2010
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its ok Toboe *smiles* its common they look alot the same *laughs* where is the rest of the pack? StarFrost woke up and looked around. where is every one? well better go look for then StarFrost said as she quickly got Cinders scent and fallowed it.
8:11pm Jan 16 2010
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(( Hey, can I make the shadow demon wolf that was in the lake a character? :o I has a AWESHUM pic for him... :D ))
8:14pm Jan 16 2010
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Toboe laughs along with Cinder and hears a wolf's cry from far away,"Oh,and have you seen Calyx?I haven't seen her in a few days"He looks around for Calyx and howls for her.Tsume meanwhile catches the scent of another wolf in the bushes and walks over to investigate, "Who's there?"he sniffs the bush and a wolf walks out.((I'll make the bio))
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8:14pm Jan 16 2010
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(( im ok with it.... but dont go arund mutilateing other wolves lolz :D ))
8:15pm Jan 16 2010
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Posts: 867
((I'm fine with that...))
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8:16pm Jan 16 2010
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hmft where am i... *hears howl* Toboe!! but where is the howl coming from? ugh my sences and messing up.... *howls for every one in the pack and to meet at the moutain by the river.
8:19pm Jan 16 2010
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(( Naw, he's just... >E "Hi, imma like a loner and i wana run around killing this thing over there" All the time xD )) Name: Killer Age: Unknown Gender: Male for all we know... Looks:  Bf/Gf: None in a million years! Keep dreaming buddy! Personality: Evil, bloodthirsty, loner, killer, hates pup's, hate's calyx, but has a semi sweet side.