8:13pm Jan 19 2010
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Posts: 914
Angel? You howled! *nudges angel* How are you? *licks her* I missed you *smiles*
What u looking at IS it Justin?

5:03pm Jan 20 2010
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Posts: 17,364
(( omg he ate his puppehs!!! *hides BBQ sauce* ill be back later bunnys.... muaha.... mauaha..... lolz :D))
5:05pm Jan 20 2010
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Posts: 17,364
(( cant see ))
5:09pm Jan 20 2010
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Calyx walked around the lake. ok.. how am i gonna do this... dang this sucks Calyx growled as she started to hum a song her friend usto sing to her before he was taken away from some strange wolves. da du dum da du dum deee duu doo dum dum.... Calyx then started to howl out loud her song laaaa laaa laaa!! duuumm deee doo!!! weeee wooo!!! with that the lake started to change Calyx had her eyes closed so she diddent know what was happening. laaaaa duuuu deee duuum!!! when she opened her eyes the lake was suddenly cleaner than before. cool!! laaa du deee dumm da da du dum!!
10:07pm Jan 20 2010
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Posts: 3,662
Taiyre landed and sent out a large gust of wind. Tainted was right behind. "Go get 'em." He said, a big venomousness grin on his face. He padded his way to Calyx and slapped her right up side the head. He snickered and bit into her back, tossing her around in the air. Taiyre grinned and grabbed Calyx by the tail. Her and tainted turned it into a game. Tossing her into the air, then kicking her into a tree. She toyed around with her ear, then bit hard into it. Smiling as she heard her "Yipe!!".
3:41pm Jan 21 2010
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Posts: 17,364
Calyx watched as she was being tossed around and thought it was a game. weeeeeee!!! hahahaha!!! higher higher!! Calyx laughed as she got down. hi im Calyx! whats your name? wanna play again!!? weeeee!! that was fun!! Calyx laughed as she jumped around the strange wolves. calyx!! Starfrost shouted. uhuo! i got to go my momas calling ill be right back to play! Calyx said as she ran torwards starfrost.
3:52pm Jan 21 2010
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Posts: 914
Starfrost...Are you hungry? *shuffles paws then stomach Growls* Cuz I'm starving! *stomach growls again* SHUT UP TUMMY! *blushes* sorry bout that *smiles*
What u looking at IS it Justin?

3:55pm Jan 21 2010
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Posts: 17,364
mabye i can help... *punches tummy* there!.... hmm... i guess so *tummy growles* yes moma? im here diddent you call me?yes i need you to find a herb for me its like a blue flower.. with thorns... and purple leaves. can you find that for me?ok! Calyx excitedly barked as she ran into the forest.
3:58pm Jan 21 2010
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Posts: 914
OK lets go *jumps up* Or would you rather wait..*stomach growls* AAHHHH! SHUT UP! *laughs* On second thought let's go RIGHT NOW! :)
What u looking at IS it Justin?

4:01pm Jan 21 2010
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Posts: 17,364
back. i got some food! while you were haveing a talk with your ignorent tummy i got some food!! *drops rabbit and buck* dig in! with that starfrost lunged for the buck. MMmmm.... lets see... blue flower... thorns... and purple leaves.. *looks around*
4:03pm Jan 21 2010
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Posts: 914
Thanks Starfrost *is embaressed* You seem a little irked. Are you ok? Do you need to talk?
What u looking at IS it Justin?

4:06pm Jan 21 2010
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Posts: 17,364
Starfrost was worried and excited at the same time. i think we need to get home she said ya know to earth?? ....... umm....... starfrost started to get worried as she changed the subject. Calyx!! we need that herb!! Calyx heard Starfrost and looked faster. come on where are you?!
4:09pm Jan 21 2010
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Posts: 914
Whats wrong Starfrost? Tell me! I need to know! *smiles* Please?
What u looking at IS it Justin?

4:13pm Jan 21 2010
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Posts: 17,364
starfrost looked into the distance trying to locate Calyx. what? umm..... i think its not safe is all... its not a good enviroment for p- hey theres Calyx! i G-got tthe herb moma panted Calyx. it was guarded by some plant monster thing.....
4:14pm Jan 21 2010 (last edited on 4:18pm Jan 21 2010)
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Posts: 914
Calyx! ARe you ok? DId it hurt you? Starfrost we need to leave! If there is a monster here I don't want you here! Its not Safe! ((sorry for short post accidentally pressed post :P))
What u looking at IS it Justin?

4:17pm Jan 21 2010
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Posts: 17,364
no it diddent hurt me... *tummy makes wierd sound* but i think it messed my tummy up... *burps* Calyx!! what?! i was fricken hungry!!! Calyx barked as she layed down to rest. umm.... im.... im... im having pups!! Starfrost blurted out. and i need to get back to earth its not safe here!
4:19pm Jan 21 2010
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Posts: 914
((I gtg Zaney sorry :p))
What u looking at IS it Justin?

4:21pm Jan 21 2010
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Posts: 17,364
(( aww ok D: ))
3:29am Jan 22 2010
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Posts: 3,662
Taiyre growled and went to tackle Starfrost. "IT IS PERFECTLY SAFE!!!" She laughed. Tainted licked his fang's. "Hmm... Pup's eh? Don't worry. You will be PERFECTLY safe!" He said as he turned his muzzle to her belly. Taiyre smiled and ran over to calyx. "Hey calyx! Remember me? It taiyre!" She laughed. She flapped her wing's and tossed the wolf around. "Guess what else?!" She said. "You can not leave and go back to earth unless I summon the portal!!" She laughed, as she rolled around in the leave's and gnawed on calyx's paw. Tainted growled. "Hey! Save some for me!!" He barked as he pushed Taiyre aside and gnawed on calyx's paw, licking up the sweet blood as it oozed out.
9:51am Jan 22 2010
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Posts: 17,364
yea i rember you!! *looks at gnawed paw* hey looks like your hungry! dont worry! Calyx then nudged the two wolves into the cave with the others. here ya go friends! i just got hunted this so its fresh and still warm! here ya go!with that Calyx then feched a rabbit elk and a buck. im not hungry so im gonna sleep while you eat. *lays down and falls asleep*