4:39pm Jan 23 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 17,364
do i need to get the tree- help! Calyx yelled as she dragged Xaiven back to the cave. i found him unconcous in a ditch! Jaci we need help!
4:40pm Jan 23 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 914
((cant see))
What u looking at IS it Justin?

4:41pm Jan 23 2010
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Posts: 17,364
(( cant see >; ))
4:42pm Jan 23 2010
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Posts: 914
*shakes head* okay Calyx would you like to learn to use herbs and heal wolves? Because I will teach you!
What u looking at IS it Justin?

4:44pm Jan 23 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 17,364
ok... now what `bout him?! *drops Xaiven to floor* whoops!! *gulp* *grabs Xaiven and drags him to a soft spot*
4:46pm Jan 23 2010
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Posts: 914
I will teach you while we heal him! First check and see what woulds he has. then we will worry about finding the herbs we need
What u looking at IS it Justin?

4:52pm Jan 23 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 17,364
looks like he got hit in the head.... now what? *looks around* hrmm thats what you think.... *looks closer* yupp i bet it was... *starts to laugh*a-a pinecone!! *continues to laugh* *makes annoyed face*
4:54pm Jan 23 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 914
Ok. Is it cracked or Gash Calyx? We will need different herbs for each condition. *looks at starfrost* ITs her first time give her a break.
What u looking at IS it Justin?

4:58pm Jan 23 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 17,364
ok, ok *whipes tear* they grow up so fast! *cracks up* umm... theres a HUGE bump... i think its a gash theres a little blood. OH WOLF SPIRITS!!! *watches blood poor out of Xaivens leg* *gets dizzy*
5:03pm Jan 23 2010
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Posts: 914
((here is a link that goes to a list of herbs http://www.freewebs.com/wingswarriors/dingosbookinfo.htm)) For the gash on his head we will need cob webs and Dried Oak leaves and for the leg we will also need cobwebs Goldenrod and Marigold. I have the Dried Oak leaves but I need Marigold its a little orange flower and Goldenrod a tall plant with yellow flowers can you do that?
What u looking at IS it Justin?

5:07pm Jan 23 2010
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Posts: 17,364
Calyx nodded and headed out into the forest. ok lets see... thats it! a few minutes lates Calyx came back with the herbs. suddenly Xaiven lunged up. where am i ?! *looks at Jaci* get the **** away from me! Xaiven barked in a scared way. *wacks Xaiven with stick* *falls back down unconsous*
5:10pm Jan 23 2010
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Posts: 914
Ok calyx chew up the dried oak leaves and put them on the head wound the cover them with cobwebs to stop the bleeding. Chew up the marigold and Goldenrod and spit the into the leg wound to soothe it and prevent infection then put the cobwebs on it to stop the bleeding. then take that stick and these vines and i will help you bind his leg.
What u looking at IS it Justin?

5:17pm Jan 23 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 17,364
eww... B-but... its icky!! yuck! you said that you wanted to know this stuff *smiles* so ya godda do it!
5:19pm Jan 23 2010
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Posts: 914
I know.... It tastes bad but do you want him to die from bloodloss and infected wounds? I don't think so!
What u looking at IS it Justin?

5:24pm Jan 23 2010
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Posts: 17,364
*growls* ok.... Calyx then slowly reached for the marigold and the goldenrod. then she spit it out on his leg. YUCK! *gags* then she put the cobwebs over his leg. the she chewed up the dried oak leaves and he placed it on his head and wrapped it with cobwebs.
5:26pm Jan 23 2010
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Posts: 914
The Marigold actually tastes good but the Goldenrod is a whole different story! Now lets bind his leg.
What u looking at IS it Justin?

5:30pm Jan 23 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 17,364
lets what? *stares at Jaci* W-what do you mean? *gerks up* haha!! im awake- *wacks Xaiven with stick...again*
5:32pm Jan 23 2010
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Posts: 914
Bind his leg. to keep it still he fractured it. *pushes the sticks to Calyx* put one on each side I'll wrap it with this vine
What u looking at IS it Justin?

5:34pm Jan 23 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 17,364
aww its my beating stick! aw.. *growls* alright...! Calyx said as she put two sticks side by side Xaivens leg* ok wrap it! ewww... he smells nasty!! hurry!
5:37pm Jan 23 2010
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Posts: 914
*wraps the vine around his leg* There we go *smiles* He is done!
What u looking at IS it Justin?
