7:39pm Feb 28 2010
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Yeah, this is a private with me and Britt. >_>' Britt: Got an idea for a plot? XD
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7:43pm Feb 28 2010
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Um. Kingdom Hearts and Naruto worlds get squished together? :D And there will be romance and craziness and, if you accept the idea, the possibility of a manchild or two. d: Organization XIII is sent on a mission to another world, but when they finish, it turns out that they can't return home yet, so they must live with the Akatsuki until they can. ;D Mansex and Pein will end up fighting, I just know it. P:
8:47pm Feb 28 2010
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(Lol. XD I can imagine Axel getting on Itachi's nerves, and Demyx and Tobi getting along JUUUSSTT fine! XD) And Larxiene and that other Chick. Hnn. Can't think of her name. o_o' Anyway, good idea, just where to start, and with whom? My brain died this mornin shortly after it bacame painful to swallow. O_O
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8:55pm Feb 28 2010
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((Well, we could start with Mansex giving the orders to Axel and Roxas, then Zexion and Demyx, then all the others. :D And there will be someone getting some. ☺ ))
9:05pm Feb 28 2010
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(Wait...>_>' Did your uncle die? xD Okay, who want's to be who in the Orgy...Uh....Rephrase organization and whose gonna be who in the Akatsuki? I call Mansex! >X3)
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9:16pm Feb 28 2010
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((No. Why? owo We could timeskip it like we used to. :D -plays God is a Girl- C:> I claim Axel, and Itachi, and Zexion, and Lexy, andandand... -thinks on it- Wait. I was Xiggy once, wasn't I? o: And Xiggy kept getting out of the shower, only to have hawt smex and have to get back in. xDDD))
9:22pm Feb 28 2010 (last edited on 9:23pm Feb 28 2010)
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(EPIC! XD And that was Saix that was having hawt smex. XD I call Luxord, (Mansex, of course. XD), Roxas, Tobi, Demyx, Xaldin, Deidara, Pein, and..Hmm...Plant lad, why not? XD Okay, we ready? C: Waitwaitwait.....If oyurt uncle lives, do me a favor and clear up the 'Someones getting some' bit, then. O:)
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9:30pm Feb 28 2010
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((Oh? Like, edit it out? owo I call Lexy, Zexy, Axel, Xiggy, Saix, Itachi, Sharky, and Marly. :D And Sasori~ For his stalker puppets. :D And if you mean explain that, then I suggested that we could just timeskip the smex at a certain point. P:))
4:55pm Mar 1 2010
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(I'm sorry, I can never take this guy seriously, because he sounds so friggin' high. XD Also: I figured you meant time-skip, then I wasn't sure, I was like "ZOMG, BRITT, DON'T QUIT RES!" XD Also, you have Marly? XD I usually play Marly, and make him a KH Quagmire, complete with the giggity! I'll also be Vexen! I also did the same with Hidan, and he alwasy sexually harras.sses Itachi, I'll take him to. >:D) "Axel," Golden eyes glared at the red-headed pyro from his desk. Roxas shifted his weight uncomfortably from one foor to another. "It had come to my attention that another world has appeared to us. (Kohano village? XD) We have sent Zexion and Demyx to scout out the area, but we believe they were kidnappped," He explained, noticing Roxas silently gasp. "Kisnapped? By who? Do you know who is on the planet, or they didn't give you any information?" He asked nervously, Sappire eyes looking at his superior. "From what Vexen had given us, the world has many similarities to The land of dragon's," He said with a sigh. "Seeign as we need to send more than oen team out, and we can't send you, Roxas, to blindly try and collect hearts, or else you mgith get kidnapped like Xezion and Demyx. I'm sending Axel with you to try and get those two back," He explained. Roxas looked at Axel visibly concerned, then back at Xemnas. "I shall also send Xigbar and Xaldin to accompany you. I will then call Marluxia and Vexen in, and have those two do more exploring. Axel will lead the mission, are there any questions?" He asekd, lookign at the
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4:59pm Mar 1 2010
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-Lurk- I am EPIC sauce!!!!
5:05pm Mar 1 2010
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Axel tilted his head slightly, blinking once. "...So, we're basically going out to rescue Zexion and Demyx from an unknown threat?" he asked, following quickly with a wide grin. "You know, sometimes you treat me so well," he said, then looked down at Roxas. He ruffled the blond's spiky hair with a small smile before looking back up at Xemnas. "Do you have an approximate location as to where they were taken on the planet?" he asked after a few moments, glancing over his shoulder as Xigbar decided to yawn, bored already. Saix crossed his arms, bright golden gaze focused on the group before lifting to their superior. "Are you sure that Axel is the best choice to lead?" he asked, glancing down at the pyro, who was currently faking being offended. "Saix-puppy, that hurts me right in my nonexistent heart," Axel said with a from, placing his hand where his heart would be located if he had one. Saix growled, eyes narrowing. "Watch it, hothead." Axel grinned. "Bring it, mutt," he said, egging Saix on for his own personal enjoyment. ((JADE. Have you ever seen Demyx Time? :D Their Vexen is so WIN. <333))

5:57pm Mar 1 2010
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(Demyx Timne? ._.' Oh, Britt, What if whenever Demyx was in the room with Saix, Saix would act liek a puppy and pad up to Demyx and stuff? XD) Chance: O HAI!) "Hey, Saix, it's thee o'clock, isn't it about time for you to kiss Xemnas' a$s, or did you do that early, again?" Xaldin smirked, appearing behind Xigbar. Roxas couldn't help but let out a stiffled giggle. "Yes, we believe he couldn't screw up too bad," Vexen said, stayign in the farthest corner, looking around. He was glad he shook Marluxia off, but then again he'd follow...He knew it. D "Indeed. Alexis should suffice, and he and Roxas not only get into fights less than everyone else, but he will mellow out his judgement, so it's more Roxas and Axel, but you understand what I mean," He explained. "The location is what we believed to be the house of an escaped convict," "Escaped? WHy escaped?" Luxord asked, putting several cards back up his sleeve. "Because he wear's an orange prison outfit. He isn't there, he's on a mission for an old perverted man we have Larxiene intterogating. Anyway, they shouldn't be too far form there. No go," Xemnas said dismissivly. (Yeah, I went there a total of eight times, how many inside jokes can you get? XD)
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6:14pm Mar 1 2010
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((My keyboard loves the number two, so sorry for any two-spam. e.o Aahahaa. :D Yer funneh. |D And Demyx Time is the greatest cosplay show on Youtube. :'D It made me laugh so haaard. xDDD Axel: God. God i my...somebody. Fine. There. Happy now? >( Demyx: Dance, Bubbles, Dance! 8D GAH! I GOT THEM IN MY EYE! DX Saix: -beating Zexion's face into a board- TWILIGHT. ISN'T. LITERATURE. >O ....I love it. IT is so funny. ♥♥♥♥)) Axel snorted at Xaldin's comment, smirking as he watched Saix simply sit there and growl. "What's the matter, is the puppy angry?" he sneered before turning with a laugh, padding off. "Let's head out then," he said, crossing his arms. "Before the guard dog decides to bite us." Xigbar laughed, then did a half-wave before following behind Axel. Marluxia popped up near Vexen, a sly, sneaky grin on his flawless face. "Oh, Vexy~♥" he said, a sing-song tone to his voice. Axel rolled his eyes a little when MArluxia appeared, but paid him no mind as he created a swirly vortex of DOOM to travel to the new planet. ((OHOHOHOHOHOHOH. JADEJADEJADE. SASORI, WHEN HE'S NOT IN HI PUPPET, HAS THE SAME VOICE AS ICHIGO OFF OF BLEACH. oUo And what about Lexaeaus? -probably spelled it wrong lol-))

6:27pm Mar 1 2010
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(Johnny Young Bosch? XD Yeah, I knowq, I told my brother, and he went on Wikipedia, because he didn't believe me. XD Hmm...I'll check it out, sounds funny. XD Also, check this out: ._.': http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jTZjqtF_sgM ENJOY! :D) Xaldin was right behind Xigbar, like Roxas. Vaxen jumepd, when he noticed the other man, then threatened. "I swear, you try to grope me or soemthign again, I /WILL/ freeze your garden," _____ "It would appear were in a ninja'based world," Luxord stated examining the surrounding area." "Let's go, we need to get Demyx before Saix kills us," Roxas sighed, still near Axel. "Oh, don't worry. Saix is a good dog, he;'s such a good dog, Xemnas is always willign to give him a bone!" Xaldin said laughing. "Ew, that was sick!" Luxord growled. _________ "Zexy! Zexy, wake up!" Demyx said, shakign the other lgihtly. They were in a large cage. It was nightfall, and Deidara and Kisame were scoutign the area at Itachi's order. "Geeze, Kisami, I think Hidan'sd goenm off the deep end. Just because he's immortal, he feels the need to try and molest us. What do you thin kwe should do abotu him?" Deidara asked. (XDDD)
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6:49pm Mar 1 2010
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((I moved the laptop and id died on me. Stupid battery is so fail it holds no charge at all and the charging cord is screwed up and only works because it's attacked together by electrical tape. =n= OH. Sora has an IQ of 13.9 xD)) Marluxia pouted, whining. "Not my flowers...." he said, fingers twitching slightly. _____ Axel looked around, then cocked his head. "Then let's go find Zexion and Demyx and kick some ninja *censored*," he stated, bright green eyes glittering with mischief. He may as well have some fun while he's there, eh? Xigbar turned to Xaldin and laughed. "Nice one!" he commented with a grin. "And here's something I've always wondered. Do you think they do it doggy-style?" he asked, grinning slyly. ______________ Zexion made a small noise, most likely a groan of some kind, as he opened his blue eyes, only to end up staring into the blue eyes of Demyx. He groaned again, then looked around. "This place smells different... he murmured, looking around. ______________ Kisame snorted. "I think we should cut off his hands and feed them to a couple sharks is what we should do about it," he growled, shaking his head as he continued to scout the area. ((So, where shall ITa be? Minding his own business when Hidan pops up to try and raep him? ;O))

7:02pm Mar 1 2010
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(Hidan Raepage! XD I alwaya KNEW Sora was a frikin' idiot! XD) Vexen sighed. "Whatever, let's go back and scout," He said going itno his own portal. __ Roxas sighed, and just started wlakign by Axel's side, nto really carign if the rest of the party was left behing. "Hah! Highfives!" Xaldin laughed, ignorign Luxord, who was still dusgusted. "Dear god, either get your minds out of the gutter, or keep it to yourself! Thinkiong like that, disgusting!" "You don't get laid much, do you?" Xaldin asked. ___ (I farted! XD Smell's diffirent..Uh..Forget me. XD) "We need to get out. I haven;t been able to, got any idea's, Zexy?" "Agree'd..Or that damn Plant," He sighed, not noticing the man appeairng behidn him and grabbign him. "Hello, Deidara~!" He smirked,placing his face on Deidara's neck, and nuzzlign him, inhalign deeply. "Dammit, get off me!"
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7:13pm Mar 1 2010
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Xigbar laughed again, high-fiving Xaldin. "Nah, that's why he's always such a grump. Maybe if he got laid more often he'd be nicer," he said, grinning defiantly at Luxord. Axel shook his head. "Shut up before you get us caught!" he hissed back at the group, emerald eyes narrowed slightly. "We have to see how many people we're up against." _____________________ Zexion shook his head. "Unless we can distract them, I don;t think we will be able to make it out of here without help," he replied, blinking once. _____________________ Kisame moved up and immediately just kicked Hidan off of Deidara, growling. "Hidan, you should go rot somewhere," he stated, then blinked as Itachi appeared in a flurry of swirling leaves. "Hidan, Leader has told you many times to cease in molesting the other members," he stated calmly, folding his arms across his chest, scarlet Sharingan eyes cold and indifferent as usual.
7:19pm Mar 1 2010
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"Shut up. I am not interested in such disgusting acts," He replied annoyed. Xaldin then gasped. "Oh, my god, Xig, he has Rectile dysfuntion!" He said then laughed. ___ "Vexen said he saw at least four people. One of them was a girl with logn blonde hair, another was a fisdh hybrid, one of them had a sythe, and the last one wore a mask, and acted liek a dog," Roxas explained. ___ "Ahhh, Zaxy, we're screwed!" He mubmeld, then took otu his guitar. "I would sudgest drowning one of them, but one's a fish. X_X" He sighed. "Hey, I have na idea!" ___ Hidan laughed. "Awww! Your just pissed, because I haven't hit you het," He said winking, then stood up. "What cha say we ditch these guys, have them take care of the captives, and-" "If you DAR. Touch me again, I'M BLOWIGN YOU UP!" Deidara threatened. Hidan laughed. "Ha-ha, typo!"
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7:32pm Mar 1 2010
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Axel shook his head. "How I've managed to put up with all of you without roasting you is beyond me..." he muttered, moving forward to begin their rescue of Demyx and Zexion. He looked down at Roxas and smiled, ruffling his hair again. "At least you're sane," he said with a chuckle. ______________________ Zexion sighed, then looked at Demyx. "What would that idea be?" he asked, positive he'd end up regretting asking. _____________________ Itachi narrowed his eyes. "Hidan, leave them alone and let them do their job," he stated, voice firm, yet cold and emotionless, just the stare he gaze the immortal albino man. ____________________
7:37pm Mar 1 2010
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"Heh. At least I'm not a zombie anymore," He said with a chuckle. ___ 'Okay, gimme that book you claim is litteratue (Twilight. XD)" ____ "Okay, I guess your just why," He said, then wenty behind Deidara again. "I promise I won't molest him, but I need to take hi mwqith me a sec, that okay?" He asked a big grin, whiel Deidara was pissed as usual at the idea. "Kisame, get 'im off!"
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