8:26pm Mar 1 2010
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((Meh. I'm too lazy to retype a post that I lost due to my keyboard being a *censored*y diva. Basicall, Axel decided to play around with Roxas by say he thought he was still a zombie and Zexion regretfully gave up his book and ITachi got pissed and Kisame wants to cut Hidan. -n- -flails at keyboard-))
8:40pm Mar 1 2010
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Posts: 3,557
( It's oaky, I wrote this to your epic-ness: My Limrick called Ode to Britt: Your name in a typo is Brutt. That is one letter extra than Butt. I don't care, that letter's not square, Your my friend, who gives a futt? :D ___________ Roxas chuckled. "Eh...Not so much." ____- Demyx set it next to the cage walls, and took his guitar out: "Dance water, dance!" A stream of water rushed otu of the guitar and broke the cage down, and the book went flying, soaked. (XDDD IT. IS. NOT. LITERATURE! XDDD) _____ Hidan laughed. 'Awww. Not evne five minutes?" (Open up a Notepad, type whatever your comment is, then copy it and post it here. It's a pain in the a$$, but I use it all the time, and it works incase you go offline or soem,thing. ::)
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9:03pm Mar 1 2010
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((Okay. A-and I'm sorry if what happened upset you. ;n; I didn't even know it had happened until I got banned. B-but I'm back now...so...it's okay...? ;n;))
9:09pm Mar 1 2010
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(Technecally, no. And it's not the you getting banned that pissed me off. And why do you act like a beaten puppy when I'm pissed?)
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9:14pm Mar 1 2010
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((Because that's how I feel. D:> I have the sense of loyalty of a doggy, and I'm just too damn nice. D:> And I really, really hate it when my friends are upset, and I thought it was because of me. DX I'm just...like that, I guess. Maybe I tend to care a bit too much... I dunno why, but it just really upsets me to see my friends upset, especially close friends like I consider you to be.))
10:35pm Mar 1 2010
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(I hardly deserve to be considered anyone's frined. But thank's for making me feel less like dirt. :P Now post on the RP before I feel warm and fuzzy, and my ulcer kicks back up.)
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10:58pm Mar 1 2010
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((Hokai. And everyone deserves a friend. C:>)) Axel smiled, patting Roxas's shoulder before moving to start surveying the area to try and make a plan of action. ____________________ Zexion growled, glaring at Demyx. "Demyx, you will buy me a new copy as soon as we return home." ____________________ Itachi crossed hi arms. "No. Now leave Deidara and Kisame alone so they do their job, unless you want Leader after you," he stated.
12:23am Mar 2 2010
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(I don't. -_-' And I'm not being emo.) "I don't see anything. I think we should get Xigbar to-" He heard somethign snap called his keyblade (Keyie, come here, boy! *Whisltes* Uhh...summoned his keyblade, and looekd around. "Axel, on your toes!" He said. "There's somethign not irght..." (Pein will move on to Roxas nao. XD) _______ Demyc sighed. "Aww. Nuthin' to be mad about. You'll forget any of this happeend when we get back to my room, anyway~ <3" Demyx *censored*ured. (XD) _______ Pein let him go and sighed. "Hokai, hokai...I'll go and scout for new people to kidnap...Hopefully one will be as cute as Dei-dei ovewr here!" He said, then disapeared in a flash. Deidara was now clingign to Kisami's arms. "T__T' Keep. Him. Away....."
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12:58am Mar 2 2010
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Axel spun around, chakrams appearing in his hands in a burst of flames. He narrowed his eyes, moving a bit closer to Roxas for protective purposes. "Who's there?" he growled, emerald eyes narrowing. _____________ Zexion pouted a little, crossing his arms over his chest. "That was my only copy..." _____________ Kisame patted Deidara on the head with a sigh, replacing hi sword onto his back. "Hidan needs to get a life." Itachi blinked. "He's immortal. He has a never-ending life, unfortunately for us."
1:45am Mar 2 2010
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"Gah... T___T' Deidara whimpered, still clignign teightly to Kisami. ________ "No one important. What do you want?" Pain asked, stepping out of the Shadows. Roxas still had his Keyblade raised. "Realxe, please, I'm not going to attack. I just wanted to asked soem questions," He expalied, raising his hands, so show he was unarmed. ______ (Oh, man I just had a visual image of Marluxia kissing Hidan, and their Sythes discarded near them. XD) "Wil lyou two please stop tlakign abotu sex for long enguh for us to finsih the mission?!" Luxord said utterly disgusted by his companions," "Why?" Xladin asked. _____ "Ket's go!" Demyxa said, grabbing Zexion and helpig him up and runnign for it, making sure Zexio nwas close to him.
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1:56am Mar 2 2010
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Axel slowly lowered his Chakrams, growling. "What do you want?" he asked, starting to toss one of them in the air to catch it, the chakram sparking each time it was gripped in his palm. ______________________________ Xigbar huffed. "Maybe you should learnt o live with it. It happens all the time~" ((Jade, that should so happen. :'D)) ______________________________ Zexion let out a very unmanly squeak as he was suddenly pulled behind Demyx, though he should have seen it coming. ______________________________ Kisame sighed softly. "Dei, he's gone. And Itachi knows how to keep him away," he said, petting the blond's hair in an attempt to calm him.
2:11am Mar 2 2010
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"My name is Pein. Apperently two other's had snuck into our terrirtory as well. With the cloaks, it makesx sence," Pain said. Roxas gasped "What did you do with Zexion and Demyx?!" "Yes, yes, and their safe. I ordered them not ot harm either of them. You can understand why, they snuck on our territory, and we didn't knwo if they were a threat or not. We will relise them to oyu, that is what you came here for, right?" _________ (Heh, make the two horndogs a coupel thatl iek to sexually hara$se everyoen else XD) Maybe Xiggy and Xaldy shoudl kiss to annoy him. D _________ "T__T' Okies..." He said, still clingign to the other.....Man...Fish....MISH! "Hey, guys, they got away!" Pain said, appearign behind Itachis, wrapping an arm around the other's waist. They're long gone ,though....
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2:19am Mar 2 2010
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((Hells yeah. ;D And with Itachi, is it really Pein or Hidan. :D -wanting to make sure-)) Axel nodded. "Yes. We came here to find Zexion and Demyx and then to scope out this place, just in case it ever happens again," the redhead stated. ______ Xigbar grinned over at Xaldin. :You know what would really annoy him, Xaldin?" he asked. _____ Kisame wrapped his free arm around Deidara, exhaling softly, not quite a sigh. -WILL EDIT ONCE I'M SURE LOL-
9:43am Mar 2 2010
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(Hidan's the horndog. :3) "Sorry, I can't say that excactly hurt me, especially when a bunch of children are beign send out to do this sort of thing," Hidan explained, then began wlaking, brushign past Roxas, who didn't lower his keyblade. "Come now, I'll take you to them," "I don't like this guy...." Roxas muttered so only Axel could hear. ______ "What, Xig?" He asked, lookign at the other a myscivious grin upon his face. _____ (Did something very bad....) After escaping, Demyx found himself near a place with a giant lake. "Oh, man. Unless the other's fidn us we're scewed..." He muttered, looking around, unable to find anything remotely useful.
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3:35pm Mar 2 2010
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Axel growled softly. "Excuse me? Children?" He snorted, eyes narrowing further as his pyro rage began to burn. "I could incinerate you here and now if I wanted to," he sneered, obviously miffed at the guy. He looked down at Roxas and nodded. "Me either, Roxy," he murmured back. _________________________________ "This," Xigbar stated before leaning forward to press his lips to Xaldin's, golden eyes moving to focus onto Luxord, awaiting his reaction. _________________________________ ((What, JAde...? D:>)) Zexion sighed, running a hand through his silvery-blue hair before looking around. "There are no familiar scents here, besides the water and the trees," he stated, blinking once before pulling out his Lexicon to flip through the pages, hoping to find some useful magic.
5:08pm Mar 2 2010
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(I wrote something....VERY bad....) _______ "Hn? Oh, okay, then we'll just kill the others," He smirked, then darted off. "DAMN! Axel, c'mon!" He shouted, running after him. He was barely keeping up, and tripping on a branch sticking out of the ground. "Ooff-AHHH!" He was sbotu to land on a pile of leaves, but to his shock he fell into a giant hole in the ground, makign a loud squeak upon impact. "Axel, leaver me, go after him! I'm fine, we can't loose Zexion and Demyx, I'll get Luxord to help me or soemthing!" He *censored*ured, more worried for his friends. _____ Xaldin smirked, returning the kiss, wrapping an arm around him. "Dear lord, that is disgusting, you two! We have a mission, not a make-out fest!" He growled, turning around obviously disgusted. ____ "..Hey, wasn't that a giant sandwhich a minute ago?..Uh..Never mind," He mubmeld, then saw a leave fall on Zexion;s hair. He chuckled and pulled it out. "Hello~" a sing-song voice chimed, then before Demyx knew it, he was pinned to the ground iwth a Sythe, not Marluxia's, and Pein was on Zexion, face unusually close. (I have a hillarious rescure idea...)
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5:31pm Mar 2 2010
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((What? D:> KONAN. THAT'S THE FEMALE AKATSUKI MEMBER'S NAME. :D -just remembered lol-)) Axel chased after the man, eyes narrowed. When Roxas fell, however, he skidded to a halt, moving to go back to help him when the blond told him to go on. The pyro shifted slightly back and forth, frowning. "O-okay, Roxas. Just...Just be careful!" he exclaimed before running off to chase the man, upset at having to leave Roxas behind. _____________________________ Xigbar smirked into the kiss, winding his own arms around the other male, tilting his head slightly to deepen their kiss. He figured Luxord would have to turn around eventually, so why not lengthen the moment? _____________________________ Zexion shook his head, sighing at Demyx. Only seconds after that, he was on the ground, on his back, staring up into the unnerving orange eyes of another male whose face was much to close for the emo's liking, especially since he had no clue who this man was. ((Ohhh, do tell, JAde. C:>))
7:46pm Mar 2 2010
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(I wrote a Kisami X Zetzu Fanfic. ._____________. Bad me.) Pein smirked, surprised slightly that the other didn't leave the blonde behind. He quickly whirred around, when Axel was close enough and kickign him in the jaw, sendign him flyign the other way. "This should be real interesting.." He laughed. ________ "You people are sick! I'm outta here!" Luxord growled, heading to where he last saw the pyro and blonde. "Roxas...What happened?" He asked, lookign at the other nobody, who was down the hole pretty far, makign him look evern smaller. "Axel! Go help him, he found one of them, and he mgiht get hurt!" Luxord nodded, and left. "...T_T'" __________ "My, my, my, you two are tricky," He smiled widely. "Who are you, I don't think I;'ve seen you concious yet, have I?" Demyx struggled wildly. "Let him go, letcher! I'll kill you!" He threatened. "Oh, what will you do?" He asked, looking at Demyx momentarily, then back at the emo, pressing his lips to the other's neck. "LET HIM GO, PEDOPHILE!" Demyx growled, still strugglign to no avail. (My idea is Vexen attacks Hidan, sneding him flying, and Marluxia and Hidan 'duke ito ut' and realize they're both lecherous perves, and do some 'overtime'. XD)
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8:02pm Mar 2 2010
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((Oh, hells yes. <3 Sushi and Venus Flytrap. Interesting. :D)) Axel grunted lightly as he was sent flying, the wind getting knocked out of him as he hit against a tree. He coughed a few times before standing back up, growling. He summoned his chakrams and lowered himself into his preferred fighting position. "Burn!" he yelled before throwing a chakram at Pein, the item quickly bursting into flames on its journey. _________________ Xigbar broke the kiss a few moments after Luxord left, grinning. "Heh. That was very entertaining," he said, golden eyes moving up to focus on Xaldin. _________________ Zexion attempted to free himself, but his Lexicon had been flung out of his hands, and he was pretty much useless without it. And, being as small as he was, Zexion wasn't very strong, so he could do nothing to resist the male on top of him. He squeezed his blue eyes closed, trying to move to be able to avoid the other, but the contact of his lips against the emo's neck sent a shiver down Zexion's spine, a reaction he had no control of at the moment.

8:43pm Mar 2 2010
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----------- Pein smirked, as the chakram was sent flying straight back at Axel before, a giant card appeared in front of Axel to guard the other. "GAH! Axel, Xalding and Xigbar a getting jiggy with it! DX" He whined. "Exuse me? >_<' " Pein asked, tiltign his head. _______ "Indeed. Perhap's after the mission we could continue?" He asked, still holding the other man closely. ________ Hidan smirked. "So, somneone finaly likes it~" He said, gonig from kissing to licking his neck. "Not so fast," Said the vocie of none other than Vexen. Hidan looked up, noticing the other Sythe wielder, and Vexen's ine blast, sending him flyign a few feet. "OUCH! Who the hell?!" Vexen ran over to Demyx prying the Sythe out of the ground. "Marlucia, hold the pedophile off whiekl I brign these guys back to Xemnas," He said. (What if they went back to the castle and in Xemnas, and found soemthign rather awkward with Saix? xD He'll be liek "Awww yeah," and when they appear, he'll be like "Dammit, Saix, get back under the table! DX Yes, what do oyu peopel want!? I wa busy..Uh..With files! >:U Now get out!"
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