8:55pm Mar 2 2010
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((xDDDD Saix-puppy be lickin' Xemmy's bone? ;O)) Axel had braced himself for the impact of his chakram, the sharp points being the only thing that would really hurt the pyro. When nothing stabbed him, he opened his eyes, then looked over at Luxord and sweatdropped. "Luxord, do you expect anything less from those two? Just be glad Marly isn't with us, too..." he muttered, the thrown chakram appearing back in his hand. He stepped forward. "And you. Tell me where Zexion and Demyx are," he growled at Pein. ___________________________________ Xigbar grinned. "Of course," he answered, tilting his head very slightly to the side. ___________________________________ Zexion wriggled a bit, making a small noise when Hidan's lips were replaced by his tongue, the soft, warm feeling against his pale skin replaced with a hot, wet feeling. "G-get off...." he growled. When the larger male was kicked off of him, the silver-haired emo skittered over to Demyx, rubbing at his neck with the back of his sleeve. "Ew." Marluxia appeared out of nowhere with a grin. "Okay, Vexy~♥" he said, summoning his flowery scythe, a bunch of pink petals dancing around him dramatically. He locked his blue eyes onto Hidan and twirled his scythe in his hand, chuckling. "Alright, then, let's have some fun," he said, tilting his head almost arrogantly. ((:D))

9:14pm Mar 2 2010
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(Yeah, and he knows the perfect place to burry it too. XD) "Yeah, but it's gross! DX" Luxord complained. "I don't want to. You've pissed me off," He smirked. "Why npt we play a little game? Kisami, Deidara, whwere are you?" "Clinging! T_T'" Deidara replied. The two weren't too far away. "Ugh. I tohught I told Hidan to stop rapign my men. -_-' What a lecher," He sighed. "Hey, sound's like Marluxia!" Luxord laughed. (XD) _______ Xaldin smiled, obviously very happy with the other, and let go. "Hnn. Hey, what is that?" He asked. "HEEELP MEEEE! T___T" Called a voice. "..R....Roxas?" Xaldin said, lookign around, not seeing him. ____ Demyx, are you okay?!" He asked, wrappign his arms around the other nobody. Vexen gasped, as Hidan lifted his arms and the Sythe cameo ut of the ground and flew into his hand. "My, my. That's an awfully large thign you have there. What do you think of mine?" He asked mock-shyly.
Isn't this fun?
9:40pm Mar 2 2010
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((-obsessing over Hetalia again- France's character song makes me wanna skip down the street. So bouncy~ xDD I'm even sitting here dancing to it. xDDD Russia's has a creepy sense to it. owo And metal music. OwO;)) Axel sweatdropped. "...There's a person like MArly here...? Oh dear god..." he sighed, shaking his head. __________________________ Xigbar blinked, looking towards Roxas's voice. He moved towards it, crouching don in front of the hole where the blond was, blinking down into it. "Roxas? How'd you get down there?" he called down to him, tilting his head. __________________________ "A little violated...but fine..." Zexion replied, blinking at the taller Nobody before lightly leaning against him, still rubbing his sleeve against his neck. __________________________ "Mmmm~ Pretty nice, and it's a triple, too~" Marluxia purred in response, grinning as he reached up to pull a flower from his scythe. "But mine grows~" ((Marly, I now officially love RPing you. xD))
9:58pm Mar 2 2010
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"Marly? Well, he's a lecher that gropes my teammates, rapes them occasionall,y he can't die, and-" "Oh, my god, he's a firggin' clone!" Luxord yelled. "Is this an alternate universe?! O_O" Luxord questioned. "Well, one sorta looks like the Pyro..Not saure if you have a chick that'sa always on PMS, tohugh..." "YES! LARXIENE!" "And they both have sythes?! OH, DEAR GOD!" "Does he always act liek this, or is he homophobic?" Pein asked Axel, looking at the man ________- "Does it matter?! J-just get me oput! Please?" "I don't knwo, I'm tempted to leave him there..Oh, wait, Axel, right?" He sighed to Xigbar. __________ (So, the idea with Menas and Saix gettign wlaked in on by Vexen and the other two? XD) ________ "Hnn. I'd love to see it, and I'm not talking about the Sythe," He smirked,, appearign in front of Marluxia, slinging an arm over his neck, and getting his face close to Marluxia's, grinning madly. "Interested?"
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10:11pm Mar 2 2010
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Axel sighed. "Eh, he's just like that. Not really sure what hi problem is," he answered, then shuddered. "Marly has tried to rape every member of our Organization at least once, and is...a bit of a stalker..." The pyro shook his head. "He has long pink hair and controls flowers." _______________________ Xigbar frowned, then looked back at Xaldin. "If we don't wanna get burned, then I guess we gotta help him," he said, blinking. _______________________ ((Hells yes. ;3)) _______________________ Marluxia just grinned right back. "Oh? Is that so?" he purred, leaning forward to reduce the distance between them even more, his flowery scent rather strong now. ((MArly always smells so...floral. I just know it. xD))
10:58pm Mar 2 2010
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"Ah. He's uh..Well...You'll knwo when you see him," He sighed. "If the guy pounces on you, or licks your neck, then it's him," (Lol, Familty guy moment, reminds me of when Peter fights the friggin' chicken! XD) _________ "Hnnnnn. Oh, alright. But how do we get him up? It wouldn't be a problem for us, because he can float, but...Maybe we can reach him?" "Hang on, Xaldin, give me your spear," Xaldin looekd at hi ma bit confused. "Well, if you say so, Roxas," He said beginning to unzip his fly... "NOT THAT ONE!" Roxas yelled. "Heh-heh-heh, oh, sorry..." _________ "We had better get back and tell Xemnas," Vexen said makign a portal, and gonig in... "Hnn...Saix..." Unpon noticing the portal, Xemans quickly sat up straight and shoved Saix under the desk mroe so he couldn't be seen. "Xemnas (NUMB3R 1! NUMB3R 1! XDDDD), we have found-" "Yes, yes, Vexen, what if it I was busy!" He growled, lookign at him rather annoyed. "Uh...I..I'm sorry, did I come in at a bad time? "No, not at all..Just..Mkae it quick," "Uh...I..Found the other's...With..-" "Yes, yes, Vexen, I have two eyes! Now get out a minute!" "But sir, what about-" "OUT!" __________ "...You smell pretty," He said, tiltign his hea,d their lips cenemeters apart, and Hidan's hand wandered nead Marluxia's waist...
Isn't this fun?
3:41pm Mar 3 2010
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Axel shuddered lightly before crossing his arms, tilting his head. "Anyways, back to the point. Where are Zexion and Demyx?" he asked, huffing softly. _____________________________ Xigbar barely managed to stifle a bout of laughter at the scene that was almost played out before him, the sides of his mouth twisted up into a devious smirk. _____________________________ Saix grunted lightly as he was shoved under the desk, the back of his head hitting the wood beneath it. He huffed under his breath, muttering a few curses as he rubbed the sore spot, golden gaze flickering up to his superior. _____________________________ Marluxia smiled even wider. "Oh, so you like the smell of flowers?" he asked just seconds before closing the distance to make their lips meet, moving closer of his own will.
4:05pm Mar 3 2010
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"Dead, probably, or wish they were. I've sent good old Hidan to look for them," He smirked.
Xaldin laughed. "Hey, Xigbar. You're always doing that upsidedown thing. Get Roxas with it!" He said at his own realization.
"Great. I forogt I'm dealign with possibly the most perverted next to Marluxia...." Roxas mubmeld to himself, smakcign his head.
"Hey, where's Saix?" Demyx asked, lookign around once they were out of the hall. "And why did Xemnas want us out so badly?" He questioned.
"Who cares?" Vexen mubmeld. "HEY! SAIX! WHERE ARE YOU?" He asked a little worried abotu the other member...No pun intended.
"I swear, I'm killing them." Xemnas threatened under his breath.
Hidan smirked, wrapping his arms around the other sythe wielder.
(Teim skip for them? OH OH! What if uncomfortable Luxord walks in on them! >:D)
Isn't this fun?
6:28pm Mar 3 2010
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Axel narrowed his eyes. "Then I guess we'll just have to take you back to our castle and let Vexen run a few experiments," he stated, growling. ______________________ Xigbar snorted lightly, smirking. "He could just use a portal to get himself out, couldn't he, now that I think about it?" he asked, looking back down into the hole with a laugh. "Roxas, why didn't you just open up a portal instead of yelling for help?" he asked, grinning. ______________________ Saix crawled forward, hand still resting on the sore part of his head. "Superior, may I suggest cushioning your desk...?" he asked, looking up at the leader with a tilt of his head. ______________________ ((Yes. And yes. Timeskip. <3))
6:43pm Mar 3 2010
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"Hnnn. Okay," He smirked, crossing his arms. _______- Roxas roleld his eyes. "Okay, portal me, then!" Xaldin laughed. "What's a matter, you don't knwo how? Oh, alright." He crossed his arms and a portal appeared, and Roxas walked through it, but didn't come out through the secodn one,. "..Ah, crap..Uh..H-hey, Roxas!" He called. "..Sh!t, Zigbar, he's not comming out!" ________- "I'm sorry, I wasn't expecting that..." He mubmeld, leaning forward and kissing Saix. "I think Demyx is calling, why not go, and we'll continue later. I seriosuly have work to do..."
Isn't this fun?
7:02pm Mar 3 2010
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Axel snorted lightly, shifting his position to tilt his head. "Most people would run away. Vexy tends to get...carried away," he said, chuckling. ______________ Xigbar straightened up. "*censored*!" he said, then looked over at Xaldin. "Looks like we have to go in after him..." he said with a sigh. ______________ Saix leaned forward when his superior kissed him, only to pout when he told him to go to Demyx. "Yes, Superior," he said before disappearing through a dark portal. He appeared in the hallway, licking his lips before padding towards Demyx's voice, looking much like a puppy would when it was padding towards a person it liked, only he had no tail to wag or ears to perk. ((France is so...chipper! :D -bounces to his character song-))
7:10pm Mar 3 2010
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"I'm sure I can handle myself." He laughed. __________ "Right," He said running into to portal. "....HEY! ROXAS!" He called. "..Dammit! He's nowhere to be found!: He growled. ___________ "SAIX" He called pettign Saix liek he was an actual dog. "Where were you? I was worried!"
Isn't this fun?
7:21pm Mar 3 2010
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"Mmm... I wouldn't be too sure..." Axel warned, then looked over at Luxord. "I'll take him to Xemnas, you go find Marly, Xaldin, Xigbar, and Roxas and bring them back with you," he said, creating a dark portal. "Pein, was it? It's time for you to go face Hell's top scientist," he chuckled. ________________________________ Xigbar quickly followed behind him, cursing quite loudly. "ROXAS!" he yelled, huffing lightly afterwards. ________________________________ Saix lowered his head a bit at the petting, blinking once at the question. "I was...out," he answered, golden eyes focused on the blond before him.
7:29pm Mar 3 2010
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Pein shook hsi head, laughing. 'Fine,," He said, walking into the portal.. 'Alright," Luxord said, going to the last place he remembered seeign Marluxia. "Marlu- O___________O' " After takign several step's back, he vommited. XD (Ain't I creative? I thought your computer died..?_ ________ "Ah, man, where'd he go? And why didn't he make a portal? You don't think something's wrong, do you?" _______ "Oh, god, you two..." Vexen murmered. 'Whatever, I'm going back to the lab. That Marluxia reppelant-Uh, I mean heart....Pulsing...Thinggies..Don't build themselves!"
Isn't this fun?
7:37pm Mar 3 2010
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((I'm at my uncle's! :D)) The scene with Hidan and Marluxia simply continued, Marluxia's blue eyes glancing towards Luxord for no more than a few seconds. ____________________________ Axel walked in behind him, grinning. "Oh, I hope Vexen's in his lab~" ____________________________ Xigbar rubbed the back of his neck, saking his head. "Dunno... This whole world is weird, so maybe it messed with his ability to make portals...?" ____________________________ After having enough of Marluxia and Hidan, Zexion shuddered and created a dark portal, grabbing his Lexicon before stepping through it. "Ugh...right out in the open..." he muttered. ____________________________ Saix blinked. "...Marluxia repellant?" he questioned, tilting his head slightly.
7:48pm Mar 3 2010
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(He's not over your shoulder or anything is he? XD O HAI, MISTER BRITT'S UNCLE! :D XDDDD .......... Don't quote me on that!) (Whose topping...?) Hidan didn't evne notice....XDD __________ "Who the hell is he?!" Vexen growled, seeing Hidan picking up a dead rat's body and examinign it. "Dear lord,. what did you do to Chip? (XD) _________ "I don't know, Xig. It didn't affect us...Let's go tell Axel," He said leavign the portal, and going back into the forest, near where Roxas disapeared. ________ "Oh, he s been workign on it after the rape issue. ^_^" Demyx said innocently. "Oh, Zexy! Knwo hwere Marluxia is, he okay?" (He's okay. XD)
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8:01pm Mar 3 2010
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((I'd go with Hidan. Marly tends to claw. ;D And MArly is too feminine to top. He even smells like flowers all the time. xD)) Axel looked back at Pein. "Your new test subject," he said, looking at Vexen with a grin. __________________ Xigbar sighed and nodded, padding out of the portal, rubbing the back of his neck. "Ahhhh, damn... Axel's gonna roast us..." he muttered. __________________ Zexion's left shoulder twitched a bit. "....That 'man' has never been okay..." he muttered, grip on his Lexicon tightening a bit.
8:07pm Mar 3 2010
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(Yeah, but doesn't he Raep? I guess riding bareback isn't for horses anymore. XD) "Oh.....Okay..No, don't open that!" Vexen yelled, as Hidan was gonig to open a door wiuth a giant pink glop. "..What's a KIRBY?" He asked. "Uh, it's Reno's gun, I've been tasting, now Axel leave, I have work to do! _________ "How coudl we loose him?" He growlwed. (My sides actign up again. :/) _______ Damyx gave him a teight hug. "It's okay .T_T"
Isn't this fun?
8:07pm Mar 3 2010
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(Yeah, but doesn't he Raep? I guess riding bareback isn't for horses anymore. XD) "Oh.....Okay..No, don't open that!" Vexen yelled, as Hidan was gonig to open a door wiuth a giant pink glop. "..What's a KIRBY?" He asked. "Uh, it's Reno's gun, I've been tasting, now Axel leave, I have work to do! _________ "How coudl we loose him?" He growlwed. (My sides actign up again. :/) _______ Damyx gave him a teight hug. "It's okay .T_T"
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8:18pm Mar 3 2010
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Axel blinked, then chuckled and walked back through his portal, closing it as soon as he reached his destination. "Xigbar! Xaldin!" he called, looking around. "Roxaaaaaas!" ((Aw. D:> -huggle- And Hidan is much more masculine than Marly. ;D)) ______________________ Xigbar sighed. "It's not like we knew he was going to get lost in the portal..." he muttered, then froze as he heard Axel calling out their names. "*censored*!" ______________________ Zexion leaned into the hug. "Never. Ever. Going. Back," he stated. ______________________ Saix blinked, then tilted his head. "What exactly happened...?"