8:31pm Mar 3 2010
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"Eh heh heh heh heh..Uhmm...We, uh..CVan't..Find, Roxas....He couldn't make a portal, and then..When he went throguh mine, he sort of..Disapeared.." He said isghing. ________ (True, he is. XD I've always wanted to sdo a scene with Itachi and Hidan, with Itachi bottoming. XD And yeah, it's a flare. DX) Demyx sighed. "It's okay, Zexy..." He then looekd at Saix. "Some freak that is I guess that world's exuivilant to Marluxia *Shudders* tried to rape Zexion. Vexen and Marluxia, Ironically saved us, though." He expal;iend.
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8:49pm Mar 3 2010
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Zexion shuddered. "Then Marluxia and the other guy started...getting it on..." he muttered. _______________________ Saix blinked. "..." He remained silent, unable tot hink of anything to say now. _______________________ Axel blinked, then narrowed his eyes, growling as he summoned his chakrams. "You you damn well better find him!" he seethed.
9:31pm Mar 3 2010
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"We've been trying, Axel," Xaldin sighed crossing his arms. "Where do you think he mgith have gone?" _______ Demyx looked at Saix, saying: "Hey, did you hear that...Sounds liek it came from the lab...>_>' ______ "Hey, Kisamie....I see one of those guys..." Deidara said, lookign out the window. "He's got card..."
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4:15pm Mar 4 2010
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Axel shook his head, then paused a moment and blinked, tilting it thoughtfully. "Maybe...the clocktower...?" he mumbled absently, creating a dark portal and turning to step through it. _____________________ Saix blinked once, then turned his head anf focused on the sound. "...Vexen better not blow it up again..." he murmured, moving towards the sound to investigate. ____________________ Kisame tilted his head. "Cards...?" he asked, slightly confused. Why the hell would a guy use cards as a weapon?
7:35pm Mar 4 2010
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"I don't know...." Deidara mumbled. "Ya think we should get Itachi, or we could take him out ourselves?" ________ Demyx summoned his guitar and walked over to the door, and placed his hand on the knob. As soon as he turned it he was sent flying against the wall, door would have crished him if he haden't summoned his portal. Vexen was lying on the ground, after being tossed into the door, breaking it down, three kunai's in his chest, and one in his stomache. "Well, that was fun. So, whose in charge?" Pain asked, stepping over the slowly fading nobody. _________ He wasn't there. He wasn't anywhere in seight. However, on the ground level there were several nobodies getting taken down by a keyblade wielder. Behind him was a duck and a....What the *censored* is Goofy again? ._.'
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7:56pm Mar 4 2010
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((Goofy is a dog. :D)) Kisame blinked. "I think the both of us can take him," he answered, pulling his sword off of his back. ___________________________ Saix and Zexion both jumped back, but Zexion was the one who looked around for Demyx, Saix merely growling. He held out his hand and summoned his Claymore, swinging the rather large blade as he lowered himself into his preferred battle stance. Zexion flipped open his Lexicon, skimming through the pages for something useful. ___________________________ Axel summoned a portal, using it to take himself down to the ground to watch the Keyblade wielder, who, strangely enough, reminded him of Roxas. He let out a soft sigh, moving to press his back against the wall that was right beside him, allowing himself to slide down until he was sitting on the ground. He reached up and flipped his hood up to cover his face, closing his bright green eyes as he thought. What if they never found Roxas? What if he never saw the blond again...? He lifted a hand to slam it against the wall behind him, swearing under his breath. The last time he had been with Roxas, and he ended up leaving him in a hole. "Roxas...." ((Poor Axel. D:>))

9:52pm Mar 4 2010
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(I know, but people b!tch at me, when I say it, I think he's a blood-hound. ._.' I want a pet Xoro. :D) "Yeah, and I can blow him up! >:D..Uh...Be a dear, and go first? T__T' " (Lol, you knwo the joke about Deidara's mouth's, right? XD) _____ "Hnnn. Neither of you are in charge here..." Pein smirked, running over to Zexion in a bl ink of an eye and punched him in the gut to knock him at. Demyx appeared out of another portal, and yelled his catch-phrase "DANCE WATER DANCE!" And Pein was flung against the wall. "Zexion!" Demyx yelled, running over to him/ ______ "Something to kill....No, you'd better leave it," Thought a voice. "Sasori, where are you?" It was your friendly neightborhood plant, who was refferign to Axel, but left him alone, lookign for his partner, slowly disapearing afterwards. After the nobodies were beaten, the three rounded back up. "Hey! It's someone from the organization!' Doanld yelled. (You want Goofy? XD)
Isn't this fun?
9:53pm Mar 4 2010
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(I know, but people b!tch at me, when I say it, I think he's a blood-hound. ._.' I want a pet Xoro. :D) "Yeah, and I can blow him up! >:D..Uh...Be a dear, and go first? T__T' " (Lol, you knwo the joke about Deidara's mouth's, right? XD) _____ "Hnnn. Neither of you are in charge here..." Pein smirked, running over to Zexion in a bl ink of an eye and punched him in the gut to knock him at. Demyx appeared out of another portal, and yelled his catch-phrase "DANCE WATER DANCE!" And Pein was flung against the wall. "Zexion!" Demyx yelled, running over to him/ ______ "Something to kill....No, you'd better leave it," Thought a voice. "Sasori, where are you?" It was your friendly neightborhood plant, who was refferign to Axel, but left him alone, lookign for his partner, slowly disapearing afterwards. After the nobodies were beaten, the three rounded back up. "Hey! It's someone from the organization!' Doanld yelled. (You want Goofy? XD)
Isn't this fun?
10:07pm Mar 4 2010
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Kisame blinked, looking back at Deidara before shaking his head and walking towards Luxord, the bandages around his sword unwrapping themselves. ((I think so. ;D)) ______________________ Zexion made a choked cough-like noise when Pein's fist connected with his gut, coughing up what he swore was blood. The emo fell when the Akatsuki leader moved his hand, landing in a crumpled heap of Zexion. Saix lunged for Pein, positioning his Claymore so that the blade was just barely touching the other's neck, the front of the sword stuck fast into the wall as his golden eyes narrowed. "I'm the Superior's right hand," he stated, not meaning in any sexual way, shape, or form. ______________________ Axel slowly stood up, easily towering over the three as he opened up his emerald eyes. He reached up to pull back his hood, crossing his arms right afterwards. "But why was he sitting on the ground?" Goofy asked, looking down at his feathered friend, confused. Sasori turned his head towards the sounds of the plant-man calling his name. "Zetsu," he said, figuring the plant could hear him. ((P:))

10:18pm Mar 4 2010
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(Four Blow jobs! XDDD) (I litteraly laughed out loud when you said the "Not anyway sexual! XD Any my brother way like "..Yes, we already saw your Blow job under the table fanfic, Matt." XD) Pein laughed and grabbed Saix by the hair, saying "I don't want his sex-slave, I want him," He asked throwning him against the wall. He justn oticed Demyx carryign Zexion into a portal, by thios time Vexen had completely vanished. "Hnn. Tough crown." ______- "I don't knwo, but he's bad news!" The duck growqled, abotu to charge at him, but Sora stopped him. "Hey...He's not tryign to kill us...A...As a matter of fact, I rthink he's been helping us...Let's at least talk to him," Sora sudgested. "..I don't want to!" "Okay, let's put it to a vote, then," Sora said. "Raise your hand if we should approce him," He stuck his hand in the air, whilst Donald crossed his arms.
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8:01pm Mar 5 2010
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Isn't this fun?
5:12pm Mar 6 2010
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Bumpage. DX
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4:05pm Mar 7 2010
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Isn't this fun?
4:24pm Mar 12 2010
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Saix grunted as he hit the wall, then growled, sounding rather dog-like. "I'm second in command, you stupid *censored*er," he snarled, eyes narrowing. He was /not/ one to take insults very well. He moved away from the wall, shaking off the impact rather easily. He glared at Pein, seriously miffed at him now. _________________________ Axel tilted his head slightly at the brunette, blinking once before turning his emerald gaze to the giant duck, eyes narrowing slightly. He was not in the mood for a fight right now. Not at all. Goofy raised his hand as well, looking at Donald after a moment. "C'mon, Donald," he urged. ((>w>))
4:37pm Mar 12 2010
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Pein sighed, getting into a fighting stance, when he heard a voice echo. “What is this, I guest? “ Pein looked confused, then Xemnas appeared out of a portal, looking at the other man. “Are you alright, Saix?” _____ “..Oh, alright…” The stubborn duck said finally. Sora walked over to Axel,. *Pushes Triangle* “Hey, aren’t you in the organization with those other guys?”
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5:21pm Mar 12 2010
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Saix had just been about to swing his claymore at Pein with hopes of decapitation, but he paused right before he was about to lift the giant sword to look over at Xemnas. He straightened out of his fighting stance and glanced over at Pein before nodding."I'm fine, Superior," he told him. "This is the man that Axel brought back from the new world where Demyx and Zexion had disappeared. He has already killed Vexen," Saix stated dutifully. ______________________ Axel nodded. "I am one of the Organization members. Is there any significance to this fact?" he asked, cocking his head slightly.
9:09pm Mar 12 2010
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"*Caughcaugh-kissas$-coughcough*" Pein said to himself when Saix told him the update. "It appears so. Who are you?" "The leader of the Akatsuki," He expaiend with a smirk. "'Akatsuki?' f/ck kinda names that?" "Well it's better than 'Orgy' XII!" Pein growled. "Got us there..." Xemans muttered. _______- "No, I was just asking..." Sora said, crossing his arms. "Hey, why were you helpign us earler, if your in that organization?" "It was probably a trick!" Donald growled, which was ignroed.
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9:26pm Mar 12 2010
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Saix turned his head and started snarling at Pein, eyes narrowed. "Sharo senses, jackas$," he growled, miffed all over again. _________ ((When should poor little Zexion wake up? xD;)) Axel blinked once, then averted his emerald gaze, hesitating a moment before answering. "You remind me a lot of my best friend, who's....gone, now...." he muttered quietly, closing his eyes. Goofy looked over at Donald. "Donald, I don't think it was a trick..." he said to the duck. ((...xD))
9:33pm Mar 12 2010
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(I don't get what Saix said. All I kwn ois it had jacka$s in it. ._.' And everytiem you say 'duck' I aptly misread it to 'Dick' XD) Demyx is at Zexion's bedside. Thar. >_>" ______ Deidaras was going to blow Luxord up, but the card made it bounce back into Deidara, makign him go flyign itn oKisame. Thar. ______ "Oh, shut up! Your too trusting!" Sora decided to ignroe the two, "..Well...Who is your friend? We can help you look for him!"
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9:42pm Mar 12 2010
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((He was explaining how he could hear what Pein said, and he's mad. xD And you made me giggle, JAde. xDDD)) Zexion stirred a little, his blue eyes opening rather slowly. He gave a light grunt when he shifted to sit up, a sharp pain from his stomach making him lie still. "Nn...damn ninja..." he muttered, turning his head to stare at the wall, only to see Demyx instead. "Demyx...?" _______________________ Kisame, who had been running towards them with his sword raised, promptly had it fly out of his hand when Deidara landed on him, the fish-man falling to the ground with an 'oof!'. "Ow..." he muttered. _______________________ Goofy frowned. "You're too distrusting, Donald," he countered. Axel shook his head. "I'm afraid Roxas is somewhere we can't go..." he murmured, reopening his eyes to look at Sora, an image of Roxas flashing up for a moment before disappearing. "He's the kind of gone that can never come back, kid...."