9:52pm Mar 12 2010
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"*Laughs* You were supposed to hear it, I was being cute!" He said, then was smacked to the wall my Xemnas. "Leave him alone. Now. I have questions," He said. "..Uh, okay..." ______- "You okay, Xeion?" He asked, nuzzling his hand. "Sorry oyu got hurt," He said, looking liek he had just been crying, feelign as if it were his fault. _________ "S-sorry," Deidara said, standing up, only for his leg to buckle underneath him. "Who are tyou, and why did you attack me out of the blue?" _______- "..What do you mean? H..He can't just be gone gone...This Roxas isn't dead, right? (*Gets ready to type long, sappy, gay, kiddie speach aobut lights and hearts. XD)
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10:11pm Mar 12 2010
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Saix glared at Pein, behaving like a dog about to rip someone's throat out for messing with them. ________________ Zexion frowned slightly. "You were crying..." he said. "It wasn't your fault, Demyx. If it was anyone's fault, it was Axel's," he stated. "And yes, I'm fine except for my stomach. That guy has a devastating uppercut." ________________ Kisame reached out to help steady the blond before frowning at Luxord. "Two members of the organization that your friends attacked," he stated. ________________ Axel shook his head and shrugged lightly. "I'm really not sure... It's not really sure what happens to us after we run out of life..." he said then sighed. "I was never meant to exist, and neither was Roxas. We, like the rest of the Organization, are Nobodies, the shells left behind when a HEartless takes the heart of a person with a strong will," he stated. "We are not supposed to be. We just simply...go, I guess..." ((xD))
10:20pm Mar 12 2010
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"What is this 'team' of yours?" (Will work on later. >_>) _______ Demyx leaned dowqn, and grabbed Zexion around the chest, pullign him into a hug, makign sure not to hurt his stomach anymore. "I thoguth you were hurt much worse, you scared me!" _____ "Well, I had nothign to do with it!" Luxord barked. "I'm kind of waitifn for Marluxia to get back..He's off getting..Uh..Funky with another sythe wielder form this world./ "Oh, my god!" Deidara said, tiltign his head, then looekd at Kisame. "HIDAN?!" "Who? Lucord asked. _______ Sora looked down "YenSid told me what one was..And I'm sorry about it..." He said with a heavy sigh, "WAAAA!" (*Pictures Donald scream. XD) Donald was picked up by a giant tentacle. "Kill him...No, don't...Not yet...We've already blown cover!...But we aren't trying..." "LEMME GO, LEMME GO!" Donald yelled. "Huh? I hearless?!" Sora asked, turnign around summonign his.."Huh? My Keyblade won't appear!"
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10:38pm Mar 12 2010
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((o:)) Zexion shifted himself lightly to return the hug, nuzzling the blond. "It hurt like hell when it happened, Demyx. And...I'm sorry I scared you so much..." __________________ Kisame shuddered. "The immortal rapist of the Akatsuki," he stated with a grimace. __________________ Axel nodded his head slightly, then jumped into action when the tentacle shot out of the ground. "No...not a Heartless..." he muttered, extending his arms to summon his chakrams, though a couple darts from somewhere in the shadows quickly stopped him. A hunched figure wearing a black cloak covered with red clouds slowly walked out, a scorpion-like tail raising up. "Zetsu, there you are. I have been looking for you."
10:49pm Mar 12 2010
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He stayed like that, hugging him, then Demyx finally let go, to sit back down, "Is there anything you want?" _______ Luxord gasoed. "Oh, no....Marluxia is the immortal Rapist of out team! Are we an alternate universe or something?!" _______ "Sorry! I got hungry..." He muttered, then dropped the Di=uck. "Why won't my keyblade appear?" He said, then frantically shook his hand up an down as if waitignj for it to appear.
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11:02pm Mar 12 2010
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Zexion stared up at the ceiling and blinked. "...Did you grab my Lexicon...?" he asked Demyx, looking over. _____________ Kisame groaned. "*censored*. NOw there's two of 'em, and they're.... Oh, GOD!" he cried, shaking his head frantically. _____________ Sasori made his way over, crossing his arms. "I thought Deidara had informed you that I do not like to be eot waiting..." he said before looking towards the group, watching as the spikey-haired redhead began to sway on his feet. "Poison darts. Wonderful creation." Axel shook his head before looking over at Sora. "Dunno..." he muttered, vision beginning to swim. Stupid scorpion. ((Lul. I had to. P:))
12:35am Mar 13 2010
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(What should he say? xD) ______- "Hey, I have an idea! Want to make a truce?" Luxord questioned. "..Uh, technecally we have nothing to do with this, so sure..." Deidara said. "Why not we gwet rid of them? We can't kill them, but I think we can get them out of here temporarily...." ________ "Axel!" Sora called, rushing to his side. He was basicaly useless without his keyblade. "FIRE!" Donald yelled, as Sasori set ablize. (It happened one day in the studio, dancing around in a do si do, the purple monstrocity was waving his arms, we were falling victom to his evil charms, he brushed against a candle, and he started to smoke! Now we're all laughign the the dinosaur joke! Oh, boy, Barney's on fire~ It's what we've always desired~ Please help the flames get higher, just don't try to put them out! xDDDDDD)
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1:37am Mar 13 2010
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((Sasori's poison kills in three days or so. P: So they have some time. He'll just be in quite a bit of pain. >W>)) Kisame seemed to brighten at the idea. "Go on..." he said, grinning. ____________________ Axel fell to his knees, growling defiantly at Sasori as he was set ablaze. "Burn, *censored*, burn," he hissed at the puppet, watching as someone jumped out of the scorpion, a redhead standing a little ways away from the burning puppet. "Mm, you shouldn't have done that...." Sasori said as he pulled out a scroll, a faint smirk crossing his lips. ((Er. Dunno. xD))
10:16am Mar 13 2010
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(Lol, CURAGA! XD) ________ (I just love how they team up like this. XD It would be funnier if Itachi popped out of nowhere, and it looked like he was mad or something, but then it turned out he was going with the idea as well. XD) "Well, you may not be aware of this, but there are several worlds. Such as Atlantica, Land of Dragons, Halloween Town, and so forth...But I know of a book...." _______ (Eew...Why did I think he was sexy again? *Sighes* Same reason why I amde that ZetzuxKisame, I guess...XD;) "Sora! Get him someplace safe. Goofy and I will hold them off. Just coem back!" Donald yelled back, then casted another spell "GRAVITY!" _______ "Uhmm...No," Demyx said, lookign aroud as if to see it on a bookshelf or something, then stood up. "Stay right here, I'll go get it!"
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1:26pm Mar 13 2010
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((Ohgod. Winnie the Pooh? You're gonna send them to the Hundred Acre Wood? XD)) Just as Kisame was about to ask a question, a swirl of leaves quickly shut him up. The leaves dispersed to leave a rave-haired male behind, his scarlet gaze even and uncaring. "Kisame, Deidara, are you two aware that our Leader has been kidnapped?" he asked, taking no notice of Luxord, looking a little miffed at the two members of his team. _________________________ Axel glared at Sasori before simply falling to the side, the poison spreading through his body. "*censored*ing...puppet..." he grunted before his vision went totally black. Sasori summoned his favorite puppet, the Third Kazekage, with a smirk. "Ready to fight against the Iron Sand?" _________________________ Zexion gave a light snort. "I don't have much of a choice there, Dem," he stated, staring up at the ceiling again.
1:38pm Mar 13 2010
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(Hell, yes. XD I had this idea of Whinnie walkign over to Hidan, and he's all "Hello,' and Hidan shops his head off or something...Besides...Honey lube. ;D Oh, d-d-d-dear! XD) ______ "Oh, I wouldn't worry," Deidara said. "This guy has an idea to get Hidan off our backs!" ______ "No! We will not rename it!" Xemans and Pein by this tiem had agreed on the idea of them possibly joining. "I liek Orgy Akat...." Pein said, "Sounds gay!" "Oh, like 'Lord Mansex' doesn't?" Pein smirked. "..I knwo onme thign we can agree on," Xemans sighed. "Which is?" "Uh gettign rid of Hidan and Marluxia..." Pein perked up. "..It's not Mar-lux-eh ah, it's Mar-looh she uh...." Xemnas tilted his head. "Now that's gay..." _____ Demyx looked down, still very sad, feelign that it was his fault about what happened to Zexion _____ Sora had began dragging Axel, not able to make it vwery far, then a portal appeared. "C'mon!" Said a girl voice. "..Hnn?" Sora, didn't have much choice as he dragged Axel into the portal. _______ "BLIZZARD!" Donald yelled. Zetzu had grabbed Goofy with his tentacle (So wrong...)
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1:50pm Mar 13 2010
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Itachi blinked, walking over. "Is that so?" he asked, looking over at Luxord. "Care to share this idea of yours?" he asked. ___________________ Saix blinked, looking between the two as they talked, shuddering lightly as Marluxia was brought up. ___________________ "Dem, it isn't your fault. It's Axel's, and possibly Vexen's. Who knows what went on in there beforehand...?" Zexion stated, looking over. __________________ Axel was dead to the word at this point. Thar, ya'll. P: ___________________ Goofy struggled in the tentacle's grip, unable to move enough to do anything. "Heeeeelp!" he yelled, just like he would in the game after getting hit at all. Sasori started moving his fingers, his puppet moving in response. It opened its mouth and bits of iron poured out, controlled by Sasori through his puppet.
1:58pm Mar 13 2010
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"We'll stick them in a book, and rip out the pages," Luxord said with a smirk, pulling a large book out of hammer space, that read "HUNDRED ACRE WOODS" _______ (Uh..We'll let these two argure..Or get into a threezies with Sai...Too early to tell) _______ Demyx didn't say anything, he just left, gonig into the room where Zexion was knocked unconcious. _____ The portal disapeared, and Sora had dragged Axel into a large white room, with several drawings, a large table, a small white chair and a couch. Sora dragged Axel to the couch and managed to get him on. "That poison will kill him if we don't find an antidote. We'll need to purchase one from a shop. The closest shop is near The land of Dragon's," Nmaien expalined. ".Who are you?" ______ "FIRE!" Donald yelled, then Zetzu's tentacle was set on fire, makign him let go, then Donald ran over to Goofy, and yeled "CURE!"
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2:04pm Mar 13 2010
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Itachi tilted his head. "...How are they going to get into a book...?" ___________________ ((Threesome sounds fun. xD -has done a MattMelloNear threesome before- ;3 BEfore I got caught, of course. >w>)) ________________________ Zexion sighed lightly, rolling onto his side with a light grunt, proceeding to curl up in a little Zexyball. "Damn ninjas." ___________________ Goofy sat up, shaking his head. "Thank ya!" he said as he stood, grabbing his shield and proceeding to perform the Goofy Tornado, which is rather pwnsome if you ask me.
2:15pm Mar 13 2010
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(Who were you? ._.' I've always wanted to RP a threesome. >_<;) _ "Well..I sort of knwo howto do it. We just need to get Marluxia and the other guy..." _ After about fifteen minuts he returned with a giant sandwhich on a plate, and brought it over to Zexy. "..Uh..Found it...!" _ (I love that, and Comit for Donald! XD) Donald nmodded, adn proceeded in Cometr. (No Sora! DX) __ (Okay, since Axel ias 'dead' why not we get Zal and Xig to accompany Sora? xD)
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2:33am Mar 15 2010
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3:44pm Mar 16 2010
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((Mello. P: My friend was Near and Matt. o: OHGOD! XD The Midnight Snack! XDDDD ...I had thought it was a cookbook before I looked it up on Wikipedia one day...>w>)) Itachi blinked once, then fell silent, thinking about what they could use as a lure.
Kisame did the same. .w. ____________________ Zexion looked over and blinked, then stared at the sandwich and sighed. "Midnight Snack...," he murmured, staring at the sandwich some more. Well, that could pose a problem if he actually wanted to fight. ____________________ ((...The silence here is irritating me. DX -flails at library-
I wonder if I can get the headphones today, and pay for them tomorrow...? owo;)) Goofy continued to bash the puppet, letting out a surprised yelp as he was suddenly flung backwards by said puppet. ((And sure! XD))
5:30pm Mar 16 2010
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(XDDD You seriously ut me into a laughing fit, and my mother was lookign at me fopr a second, and told me to stop watching Chris Rock. XD However, I scold you because you agrivated my side pain. DX But the wikipedia bit got me so good. XD) "Okay...Itachi..Why not we wait until the next time he tried to molest one of us?" "Yeah. We need them both in the same room...(TRON'S WORLD! XDDD IT CAME TO MIND!) ______ "Oh, I also found this..Thinggy..." He said winking and pulling the book out of hammer spaxce (MIDNIGHT SNACK! YOU DORK! XDDDDD) _____ (Who would have the antidote to the poison...?)
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5:39pm Mar 16 2010
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((The Kazekage? :D Considering they can instantly teleport there, it shouldn't be a problem. P: And Midnight Snack is a giant toasted sammich wiff lettuce and meat. owo And you get on just as I gotta go. >O<)) Itachi sighed softly. "Looks like we have ourselves a plan, then," he said. ((Tronnn. oUo -wants to play KH2- Stupid Playstation is dead, though. >O<)) ________ Zexion brightened up a little, about as bright as the little emo could be. "You found it!"
8:15pm Mar 16 2010
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(No, no, no, no...There was another joke in there I thought you'd get. >_>' I will not explain, because I have a girl hovering over my shoulder. Okay, Deidara and Itachi need to Lure Hidan, Demyx is still 'hospitalized' Saix, Pein, and Xemnas are having a threezies, Sora is getting an atidote, and Xiggy and Xaldin are with them. Axel drools in his sleep. Hidan and Marluxia are doing it. >_>' Who did I leave out? ._.')
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