4:19pm Mar 17 2010
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((Mmm.... I think that about sums it up. :D))
9:20am Mar 18 2010
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(I think my pathertic brain died. O_O')
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6:20pm Mar 18 2010
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((Mine too. e.o))
6:53pm Mar 18 2010
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"So, this is the shop?" Sora asked, looking at Namine, who nodded,. They were in a little white waiting room...Someplace in asutralia... A man in a white coat was mixing two vial's together. "You people are lucky. I already had this stuff made, and if I had to start from scratch it would have taken two days to make another one, and your friend might die by then," The doctore said, carefully pouring one tiny vial into another. "Well, that's good," Namien said relived. "BOOO!" All the three of them (Including the doctor) saw was a black pony tail from the ceiling, and then. *BOOM* And then everyone in the room yelling "DAMNIT, XIGBAR!" _______ Zetsu, and puppet boy was eating roasted duck and soem unknown meat. "So...What is this?" Sasori asked. "Beats the hell out of us," Zetzu said, takign a bite of chicken leg... _______ "HOW THE HELL DID YOU GET US ALL IN HERE?!' Deidara groweld, looking at Luxord, who was staring at Marluxia, Itachi, Kisame, and Hidan. "I don't know!" He yelled back. Hidan was lookign at a yellow bear that walked up to them "Hello, my name is poo-" Was all he said to the osychotic Sythe weilder... _______ SaixxXemnasxPein* you and me baby ain't nothing but mammals, so let's do it like they do in the discovery channels...<3 ________ And so, Demyx began readin 'Twilight: New Moon" to Zexion. ____________ (YES! I fell off my frucking rocker today! Whgen my brain dies, I make a stupidbefore postign an actualy post. ._.' And I fell down the stairs today, in my new highheels, broke the heel and my ankle. X_X' Luck 'o' the frikin Irish....)
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7:32pm Mar 18 2010
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((I thought I was Saso-danna? oWo -headtilt- And Xiggy-Xig. e.o Demy will probably need to ask what so many words are. |D)) ITachi had quickly retreated within his mind to escape the horrifically happy world he was now trapped in. Kisame wished he could do the same as he looked around. "We should use this place to torture hostages," he muttered. ______________________ Axel had been coming to every now and then, only to fall back unconscious moments later. The poison felt like it was eating away at him, the redhead's muscles twitching every now and again, this process showing he was still alive. ______________________ Zexion listened as Demyx read to him, which even the emo had to admit was kind of cute. Normally, Zexion would be the one reading aloud. ((-bl ink- Sorry. School today made my brain hurt. -stares at monomials- ...Osheet. I have to finish my essay on Mongolia for World Geography. DX))
7:38pm Mar 18 2010
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(TORTURE HOSTAGS!!! XDDDD Oh, dear god, I did this as a joke, but thank's for replying XD) _______ Deidara began his usual clinging to Kisame whern he was scared. "We can't get out. DX" "Oh, don't whine!" Luxord growled. _____ Sora was back with teh remedy! >:D (I need to go, mom called, so I have to chibify this post)
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4:06pm Mar 22 2010
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((A joke? xD;;;; -fails-))
6:26pm Mar 22 2010
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(Okay, how about when we start back, Axel is havign a dream, and Roxas interacts with him in the dream? Demyx and Zexion can just stay put right now, Luxord, Marluxia, and that lot are tryign to get out of Teddy-land, Saix, Pein, Xemnas..Yeah... Sora, Xigabr and Xaldin are looking for serum. :D)
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7:05pm Mar 22 2010
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((Ooooh~ That works~ <3 .... -sits and thinks about what Axel's dreams would be like-))
7:33pm Mar 22 2010
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(Okay, you start with Axel dreaming, then I'll play as Roxas. DX)
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7:39pm Mar 22 2010
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As Axel lay unconscious, his drifting thoughts came together into a dream: Axel dreamed that he was in Halloween Town, though for what reason he was unsure. He was sure about the fact that he enjoyed his costume, which had him dressed in leather bondage, though. He adjusted his spiked collar, then reached up to press the tip of his index finger against his canines, blinking in surprise when he found they were pointed into fangs. Behind him, a slender, black-tipped scarlet cat tail swished, a pair of black ears protruding from his spiky red hair. His emerald eyes were slitted and cat-like now, giving the now neko pyro amazing night-vision. ((Hell yes. That is Axel's dream-costume for Halloween Town. xDDD))
8:10pm Mar 22 2010
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"...So, you just left me, hn?" Roxas was sitting on a tombstone. He looekd deathly pale, and was wearing leather pants, and a ripped up tee shirt, his eyes copper, and little black wings barely noticable. (Bat roxas! XD) He was looking at the dirt, yet a grin was on his face.
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8:20pm Mar 22 2010
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Axel's black ears perked up, his slitted green eyes widening at the familiar voice. He spun around, his emerald gaze resting on the blond that he thought he had lost forever. "Roxas....?" murmured the redhead as he walked closer. He flattened his ears slightly, an apologetic look on his face. "I'm sorry I left you...but...you told me to go after him..." ((Aww.))
8:25pm Mar 22 2010
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"I know," He said, raising his head to look at Axel, smiling brightly. "Are you okay? You don't look too great...." He said.
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8:36pm Mar 22 2010
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Axel's ears pricked up when he saw Roxas's smile, the leather-clad neko moving to sit on a tombstone beside the smaller blond, sighing softly. "No, I don't think I am, Roxas...." he murmured, slumping forward as his ears folded back once again. "The last thing I remember is getting stabbed with some scorpion tail or something, followed by intense pain....poison, I guess..." he muttered, lifting his head to stare at Roxas. "When you went into that portal, where did you go?"
2:19am Mar 23 2010
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Roxas looked worridly at him for a moment, then when asked the question, he looked down. "..Well....I couldn't creat a portal, so Xaldin made me one, and I walked through it, and...It was scary....It was all...Dark, and there was no light....And I saw the guy wearign red....Then I was here...." He leaned against Axel, shaking a little. "..Thought I'd never see you again.
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4:06pm Mar 23 2010
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Axel wound his arms around Roxas, nuzzling his face into the smaller male's blond hair. "I thought I'd lost you for good..." he murmured,ears flattening comepletely. "I'm just glad you're okay...." ((Aww. x3))
5:06pm Mar 23 2010
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Roxas hugged him back, burying his hace in the other's chest. "....." _______ "Okay, umm...Your supposed to go in a veing, right?" Xaldin asked Xigbar, holding a needle with a green substance in it, holding Axel's Wrist. "..Yes..." Namien said, looking at Xaldin with slight confusion. _______ "Wait...What if we all just jumped out?" Deidara finnaly sudgested to Marluxia, as they all had spliut up. (Poor Deidara, me moment. XD)
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5:11pm Mar 23 2010
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Axel pulled the smaller male closer, sighing softly as he took the time to enjoy the moment. "Roxas....I swear you scared me half to death when you disappeared like that..." ______________ "Yeah," Xigbar answered, leaning forward to watch curiously to see if it actually worked. _____________ Marluxia, who had been lightly running his fingertips over the flowers that grew from his scythe, blinked and looked over, blue eyes thoughtful for once. "Mmm.... It could work, I suppose..." he murmured. ((Marly has to think. He can't do anything else for the moment. xDDD))
8:37pm Mar 24 2010
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(Hmmm. Kisame is with Luxord, Hidan is with Itachi. >D) _______ "Awww, why the silent treatment?" Hidan asked, gettign dangerously close to Itachi, slingign and arm over his shoulder. ________ "So...Is that not a costume?" Luxord finally asked Kisame. _________ "I got scared too. I thought I'd never see you again. And the worst part is, I can't even put up a portal...." He said, visibly bothered by this discovery. ________ "Okay..." Xaldin finally injected Axel with the needle, and threw it in a garbage with several crumpled pieces of paper in it. "So, how long with it take before he wakes up?" Xaldin asked. "Shouldn't take long, maybe a minute or so, and he'll be fine," Namine explained. _____- (ZOMFG, SOMETHIGN TERRIBLE HAPPENED TO ME ON OUT WAY HOME! DX I said it was 'the bookwriter, but it happeend to me. DX)
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