10:24pm Mar 19 2010
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" okay, i heard rumors of queens, saying she cuts off your head if you disargee with her." she reponded. " well, i wonder why everyone is mad." she quickly said and darted to the hesire cat.
10:26pm Mar 19 2010
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Cheshire Cat laughed,"Some say we are twisted..." He twisted his head around on his shoudlers."and others say we have gone mad from eating all those mushrooms."
10:50pm Mar 19 2010
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" heh, never heard that, So, why i am i remembered here? i barely know this place." alice continued with a smile ," I never knew i was a hero here." She turned behind, saw the rabbit just about a few feet away. She thought to her self for a while, then finally had the strengh to say " Do you remember me?"
11:11pm Mar 19 2010
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The Chashire Cat laughed,"We all remember you! Well at least most of us. The only one who doesn't remember you IS you."
11:14pm Mar 19 2010
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"I dont understand how a person couldn't remember a place like this, it's simply unforgettable!" He yelled " Alice, how do you not remember, who couldn't remember Chesire, or The Mad Hatter?" He asked
Why the cloud, Sunny?
11:14pm Mar 19 2010 (last edited on 11:14pm Mar 19 2010)
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Posts: 3,002
Nasty double post!
Why the cloud, Sunny?
11:16pm Mar 19 2010 (last edited on 11:17pm Mar 19 2010)
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" well, until someone tells me whats going on, i dont remember anything." she demanded. "besides, i dont live here, i don't know this place." Alice turned to the chesire, and said " waht happened last time iwas here? if i was the real Alice."
11:18pm Mar 19 2010
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(( i will be back tommorow))
11:19pm Mar 19 2010
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Cheshire laughed. A scoll appeared out of thin air and unravled. On it it showed a picture of a young girl that looked exactly like Alice only younger slaying the Jabberwocky.
11:50pm Mar 19 2010
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"Yes, yes show Alice the calender!"
Why the cloud, Sunny?
1:35pm Mar 20 2010
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" thats suppost to be ME?" alice srceamed. " i never saw this jabberstock in my life, probbly my granmother or someone." she contined, softly, " I , I... don't know ."
2:32pm Mar 20 2010
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Cheshire Cat snorted,"Yep, it is Alice...Of course only one way to know for sure..." He smiled disappearing.
2:53pm Mar 20 2010
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" where'd you go?" Alice whined. she headed north. She decided to p*censored* the mad hatters house, and get out of wonderland. She thought long and hard where the exits where. But thier where nowhere to be found! She was wobbling and turning, with a blank face. The saw the Chesire eyes glaring at her, with that crooked smile. By now, she chould have heard the story of her life here, but she reminded herself that she had to figure it out.
5:36pm Mar 20 2010
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" uhh! its been hours! why can't I escape this?" alice was thinkng. She hadn't seem the chesire cat or the rabbit in a while, ever since she left the hatters house. She kept walking thow, into the path she went. But at the corner of her eye, thier was a aqua like eyes...
5:38pm Mar 20 2010
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Posts: 6,165
(( That little mouse is a charachter, and can i be it?))
5:48pm Mar 20 2010 (last edited on 5:50pm Mar 20 2010)
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5:50pm Mar 20 2010
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(( mer, okay))
6:49pm Mar 20 2010
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(( bump)()
6:50pm Mar 20 2010
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(( Imma call her little mouse)) Little mouse roamed around Wonderland, then she found Alice. " Hey, you, down here!" she called to the human.
7:41pm Mar 20 2010
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Posts: 2,282
"' yes, mouse?" alice reponded. " I'm looking for the Chesire cat, i just saw his eyes, yes, i know it sounds crazy." she quickly walked toward this gold door, with a silver knob.