10:35pm Jul 27 2009
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Posts: 172
Tears saw no brownie batter, so she made her own, and put it in the oven, good smells filling the room. Dove walked to where alice and josh were. "Hey lovebirds, anything here to eat?" she said, kinda mean

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10:36pm Jul 27 2009
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Josh held up the dagger, threatening to throw it at her. He growled, fangs bared, "Say that again and I'll lance your throat, loner!"
wuss poppin jimbo
10:37pm Jul 27 2009 (last edited on 10:41pm Jul 27 2009)
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Alice turned and glared at Dove. "Watch it," she hissed at her. She turned back to Josh, "I don't know, whenever yoiu want to, but I say we ditch her," she growled pointing to Dove...
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10:37pm Jul 27 2009
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Posts: 172
Tears felt wierd, now in a room with a guy she didint know, and a guy that now knows she has a huge crush on him, so she grabbed the brownies out of the oven and said "Dont touch!" and laughed, storming in the bathroom, and cried her eyes out.

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10:38pm Jul 27 2009
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" Lovebirds, lovebirds, lovebirds! " dove taunted

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10:39pm Jul 27 2009
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wuss poppin jimbo
10:40pm Jul 27 2009
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Josh leaped at Dove, pinning her on the ground. He held the dagger in the air, hissing, "Say it again, and I'll carve out your eyeballs you creep." He was sitting on her, one hand on her arm, nails cutting into her flesh.. ((EBOL xD))
wuss poppin jimbo
10:42pm Jul 27 2009
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Alice was gone for a moment gut came back with a black gun in her hand. She had it loaded and pointed it at Dove. "Say it again, and I will shoot you," she growled nodding towards Josh...
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10:43pm Jul 27 2009
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(( EBOL!!! )) "Lovebirds!" she said, And shifted to a mouce, and ran a bit down the hall (( Didint see that one comming! ))

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10:44pm Jul 27 2009
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Alice shot the ground a couple of times totally missing the mouse. "Dammit," she growled sticking the gun back in her pocket. "Shame, she really should go to hell," she growled...
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10:47pm Jul 27 2009
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" Lovebirds, Lovebirds, lovebirds, lovebirds! " she taunted, on and on

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10:48pm Jul 27 2009
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Alice sighed. "You know, I do love him, and that isn't anything to be ashamed of," she growled angrily. "So I don't see any point in your taunting," she growled...
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10:51pm Jul 27 2009
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She still taunted on, because it anoyed Josh "Cause it anyes your plastic, un cool, over-ego'd Boyfriend lovebird!"

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10:52pm Jul 27 2009
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"Oh, you just crossed the line," she growled staring at ther angrily...
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10:56pm Jul 27 2009
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"Oh, Im so scared of you, you skinny little tadpole!" (( I am doing this so she will be madder at dove then Tears, and maybee comfort her as she cryes her eyes out in the bathroom XD )) Nick walked to jake and said " Wow...she likes you...what are you going to do about it? " he said and started to hum the jepordy music

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11:09pm Jul 27 2009
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Josh swore repeatedly at Dove. Then he spat, "You know what, you are only saying this because you are lonely, jealous, stupid, uneducated... Oh! I'm sorry, I'll say that again using small words so you can understand me!" He hugged Alice, hoping that she would hug him back, her arms a restraint from choking Dove.
wuss poppin jimbo
11:10pm Jul 27 2009
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Alice hugged him back meaningfully. "I say we leave and ditch them, let them rot here for all I care," she said close to tears now. She hardly ever cried. But this was making her angry....
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11:14pm Jul 27 2009
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He hugged her tighter, kissing her lightly on the top of the head. He prayed on his life that Dove would leave.
wuss poppin jimbo
11:15pm Jul 27 2009
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"I want to go Josh," she said burying her face into his chest....
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11:18pm Jul 27 2009
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He nodded, begrudgingly letting her go. He grabbed her hand, signalling for her to step out of the room. ((I say that they should do the plan, it doesn't work and they totally CRACK because they are still stuck w. Dove and Nick xDDD))
wuss poppin jimbo