7:02pm Jul 28 2009
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Alice was no angry and shaking with rage. She still didn't turn to look at Josh though....
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7:17pm Jul 28 2009
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((Fine)) Josh swore at him repeatedly. He stuck his tongue out, runnign inside to get changed. Luckily, he was wearing boxers, plain black boxers. (xD)
wuss poppin jimbo
7:24pm Jul 28 2009
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Alice followed slowly and followed, still covering her eyes. She peeked into the doorway. "Done?" she asked...
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7:29pm Jul 28 2009
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He nodded, stepping into the hallway wearing jeans and a shirt. ((We should probably wait for Coop now xD))
wuss poppin jimbo
7:37pm Jul 28 2009
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(( Coop quit remeber? o_0 )) Alice laughed and hugged him. "That was....awkward and creepy," she said..
Taking a long break from Res due to Stress levels. Will pop in and out. If you wish to contact me, RMAIL ONLY. I WILL NOT BE ROLEPLAYING. I WILL NOT COME BACK NOT MATTER THE AMOUNT OF BEGGING.
8:08pm Jul 28 2009
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Posts: 172
Tears walked out of the bathroom, she had no tears left (( Pun XD )), and she redid her makeup. she walked in the room and cut the brownies, and handed one to josh, and one to alice, and said "I'll cut a small one for your snake!" she laughed, but wasen't happy. she gave the two of them a hug, but... just then, dove ran up and bit alice's foot, hoping to spread a disease, and shifted human....she didint know she could shift XD nick followed and shifted to a snake, and bit josh's foot, and turned cow calf, so he wouldent know he was the one...or thing that bit him

Flare is OFFLINE
8:19pm Jul 28 2009
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Alice hissed throught her teeth and kicked Dove... (( You need a rainbow zennie for the ultimate collection.....
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8:30pm Jul 28 2009
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Dove shifted snake and wrapped herfelf realy tight around alice's leg, and cut off blood circulatin through her foot

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8:55pm Jul 28 2009
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(( Tears ♥'s jake and now he knows XD lol ))

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8:45am Jul 29 2009
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(( Anyone here?? ))

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4:03pm Jul 29 2009
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((Dx *facepalm* I ment Ruru. )) Josh reloaded the gun, shooting the cow calf in the leg and hissed, "I'm not stupid Nick, I saw you shift, I know thats you." He grabbed the snake Dove by the back of the head, squeezing tightly. ((Okay, -.- Your charras are REALLY getting on my nerves now xD))
wuss poppin jimbo
4:14pm Jul 29 2009
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Posts: 172
(( Yeah XD ))

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4:16pm Jul 29 2009
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Alice was relieved when the snake was off of her, she had started to lose feeling in her foot for a while. She hissed at Josh, "Let's go, I am tired of playing games," she growled....
Taking a long break from Res due to Stress levels. Will pop in and out. If you wish to contact me, RMAIL ONLY. I WILL NOT BE ROLEPLAYING. I WILL NOT COME BACK NOT MATTER THE AMOUNT OF BEGGING.
4:18pm Jul 29 2009
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Posts: 172
Nick and dove shifted human, and josh was squeesing her ear, so she pulled away, and nick went a wrapped a bandage around his leg, and they both shut up exept for they both said "Sorry"

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4:19pm Jul 29 2009
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Josh growled t them, wrapping him arm aound Alice and stepping into the commonroom. He sat on the couch, relieved to be away from all the fuss. ((LETS WAIT FOR RURU))
wuss poppin jimbo
4:20pm Jul 29 2009
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Posts: 172
(( Kay, but i will have you know tears is in the commonroom sobbing, and she gave alice and josh brownies XD ))

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4:28pm Jul 29 2009
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(( Hey, i was going to write a book about this RP! you think thats a good idea?? and when should we have the dance??))

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4:30pm Jul 29 2009
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((We should have the dance when RURU GETS BACK -.-" ))
wuss poppin jimbo
4:33pm Jul 29 2009
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Posts: 172
(( Kay!! now, no more posts till Ruru gets back! ))

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1:12am Jul 30 2009
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((oi.. Sorrys. Im happy you guys stopped for me! SO sweet! Sorry, i was in monteray yesterday adn today. But im back.) Jake was pissed. He ran into the commong room and looked around. "Where teh hell is that boy! I'm guna kill him in one blow!!" He growled and looked at Tears. "Oh.. um.. Hi..." He noticed her eyes were slightly red. "Hey, were you crying??" He stepped closer.