10:56am Jul 30 2009
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((Kill who? o.o)) Josh flopped down on the couch again after stretching. He mumbled, "Hey Jake.."
wuss poppin jimbo
1:06pm Jul 30 2009
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Posts: 172
Tears shook her head and quietly replied "no." (( Nick i think XD ))

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1:33pm Jul 30 2009
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((Nick. He heard what he said about him starring at Tears.)) Jake looked at her. "Hmm.. your lying...." He stepped closer, his face almost up to hers. "Hey Josh..." He was too focused on Tears to really care what he heard or said. "Tell me the truth... Were you crying?"
1:40pm Jul 30 2009
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Posts: 172
"no" she said and covered her face with her hands

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1:44pm Jul 30 2009
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Jake grabbed her wrists and tried prying her hands away. "Look, i've seen people cry adn their eyes get red. You were crying.. Don tlie to me..." He let go of her wrists. "Nevermind. Its all pointless if your going to continue to lie." Jake shifted into a husky puppy and laid by the fire. All girls do is lie!!!
1:46pm Jul 30 2009
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Posts: 172
Tears didint want to lie...she just didint want to admit She was...over him. "Okay fine i was" she mumbeled (( I love huskies! ))

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1:50pm Jul 30 2009
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Jake looked at Tears. "I knew it! Why do people lie to me!! It makes me angry!" He shifted human and walked out of the room. He growled.
1:52pm Jul 30 2009
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"I am sure there are reasons..." she mumbeled to herself, and went to get a brownie (( XD ))

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1:54pm Jul 30 2009
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Jake was pissed he needed to blow off steam. He walked outside and unsheathed his sword. He began to randonly chop at whatever was around him. "And pople ask why i dont love anymore!!"
1:58pm Jul 30 2009
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(( Nick just got his jaw brokken and shot in the leg! he never get's a break! lol! )) Nick yelled "I guess you are just always used to bieng in control...and you wonder why you upset her..." He said Yelled at jake, running after him.

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7:01pm Jul 30 2009
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Josh just sighed, sinking deeper into the couch, petting Alkemi.
wuss poppin jimbo
7:18pm Jul 30 2009
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(( umm...recap? o_0 ))
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7:32pm Jul 30 2009
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((I THINK that Jake went outside o.o"))
wuss poppin jimbo
7:42pm Jul 30 2009
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(( Yeah, nick followed ))

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7:46pm Jul 30 2009
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(( Um...let us just say Alice is with Josh shall we? o_0 )) Alice hugged Josh. "Are you okay?," she asked....
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1:23am Jul 31 2009
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Jake growled. "Shut up!! I swear i wont hold back right now!!" He threw his sword at the fence. It stuck in one of the holes. "People ask me why i am always alone. Why i dont ask people out or whatever." He growled and looked at the ceiling. "Well, the answer to all of it is that it's because people lie!! I hate liers..." He flopped down near a few roses. He picked one. "Tch. Give this to Tears." He held up the rose. "Tell her i'm sorry or whatever..."
12:19pm Jul 31 2009
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Josh hugged her back, and mumbled, "I'm fine, just a little... pis$ed about the plan.."
wuss poppin jimbo
12:57pm Jul 31 2009
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Alice nodded. "It's okay, at least you tried," she said encouragingly...
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1:30pm Jul 31 2009
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He nodded, still stroking Alkemi. The snake hissed, sliding towards Alice. He senced his own discomfort and anger, soothing it out in relaxation.
wuss poppin jimbo
1:45pm Jul 31 2009
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"So what kind of snake is this again?," she said looking at Alkemi....
Taking a long break from Res due to Stress levels. Will pop in and out. If you wish to contact me, RMAIL ONLY. I WILL NOT BE ROLEPLAYING. I WILL NOT COME BACK NOT MATTER THE AMOUNT OF BEGGING.