12:45pm Feb 25 2010
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Okay kuro, GO!
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12:48pm Feb 25 2010
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Sienna shook her head, smiling, as she placed a hand on Altairs arm. "Don't worry so much... The people in these tunnels are a tight knit group, besides... Thieves and as.sas.sins work rather well together when given the chance..." She shrugged, allowing her arm to drop to her side as they pas.sed the men sat in the tunnel, each one bragging about one thing or another. They stopped only to welcome Sienna, before returning to their conversation, the laughter ringing in the tunnel as she and Altair continued to walk. "Also... thieves, as untrustworthy as people tend to think we are, actually do not do well with traitors. Trust me... If anyone so much as goes for you down here while your with me, you won't be the only one after their heads. Thieves despise traitors. It's very similar to your brotherhood down here... we work as an organisation, traitors are always dealt with." She chuckled slightly as they pas.sed more people, talking and laughing. Many of them stopping for a moment or two to say hello to Sienna, who simply nodded back at them with a smile. Within a short space of time, they came to a small cavernous room. The room had a channel running through it, a stream of water dotted with a couple of small docks and boats. Sienna spoke quickly to a male thief stood on one of the docks. Within minutes both she and Altair were settled onto one of the small boats, the young male that Sienna had spoken to was with them. "Altair... meet my cousin, Zack. The greatest information gatherer we know down here" She nodded at the young male, who removed the cap he was wearing to reveal his face, before bowing in a mocking sort of way.
12:56pm Feb 25 2010
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Altair glared at the young male man sat on the opposite end of the boat, "Don't do that, i hate it when people acknowledge who I am, plus, could you please plug your ears, I need to talk to your cousin." Altair then turned to Sienna who was sitting next tom him, "Sienna, I realised whilst we where walking that I have feelings for you, and you know I am not good at expressing this, so forgive me if this doesn't seem heartfelt." Altair then shot a menacing look at Zack, he was good at intimidation, and it worked this time, stopping Zack from saying any comments to The as.sas.sin's announcement.
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1:10pm Feb 25 2010
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Zack raised an eyebrow, then shrugged and turned his back on both of them. Sheesh... These as.sas.sins sure thought alot of themselves. He didn't complain or object however, he wasn't much in the mood for an argument, instead he just tried to ignore Altair as he pushed the boat forward through the underground waterway; the cavern walls glowing with an eery light and the water rippling under the boat. Sienna sighed. "You should really have let me introduce him properly..." She looked at her cousins back as Altair spoke, her face clearly showing her annoyance. Men were so difficult sometimes. Sienna sighed, then immediately caught her breath, she turned to face Altair. "It's been a long time since I've seen you, Altair... are you sure... this isn't just something you might be experiencing in p*censored*ing?" It was hard for Sienna also, whether the as.sas.sin realized it or not. She never showed her feelings... she didn't believe in such a thing. It wasn't that that unsettled her however... It was him. What he had said, Sienna was suddenly finding herself thinking about him that way. What the? She shook her head... She never thought... not like that... She had known Altair most her life, they'd been best friends since they were little. It was, strange... thinking.... but... maybe... She sighed and looked Altair in the eye, before glancing at her unusually silent cousin. "Maybe... We should talk about this later..." She needed time to think... that and she didn't really want to talk about such things with her protective cousin there in the waterway. She nodded at Altair, letting him know she wasn't just trying to run from it, she'd address it later.
1:16pm Feb 25 2010
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Altair then nodded back to Sienna, he knew he was sure of these feelings he had felt them before but ignored them, but he was finished running. He lay back in the boat and covered his eyes with his hood, his Eagle vision was irritating him now, he decided to rest, he knew he was safe with Sienna there, and although he didn't particualrly like him, Zack seemed to have his head in the right place also.
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1:25pm Feb 25 2010
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It was the first time he spoke, once the boat had come to a stop. Zack turned to face his two p*censored*engers and smiled. "Alright... Now Sienna... explain?" Sienna had asked Zack if he could ferry them here back in the other cave, the one with the small docks, but she had not mentioned for what reason. He simply looked at her, an eyebrow raised. Sienna sighed and stood up, then quite delibrately pointed at Altair. "Ask him for details... I'm not entirely sure why we're here..." She stepped swiftly from the boat as Zack blinked at her. He then looked over at the as.sas.sin. He dropped the paddle on one side of the boat, climbed out to stand by Sienna, looking at her with a pained expression... "And why exactly did you want me along?" "Because... your skills are needed... I'm more than sure Altair could use them" She smiled innocently as Zack silently huffed. She looked at Altair. "Zack here is a gatherer" she said, still smiling. "He has a knack for finding information, and his photographic memory means he can remember anything with a single glance. He could find absoloutely anything out for you..." She nudged Zack, not taking her eyes off Altair. Zack winced, sighed and nodded. "I'll help if I'm able." He knew he didn't sound too happy about it... but... he had promised her he would help, and so he would.
1:32pm Feb 25 2010
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Altiar hopped of the boat with one fluid movement and glanced over at Zack, cricking his neck, "I take it you've noticed the sudden Templar presence here then boy?" Altair then stretched, he wasn't used to rest, and when he did he had to crack the kirks out, "Well they're setting up a base, I did have another a.ssa.ssin following me, but he seemed to leave..." Altair took a worried glance around, he sensed something outiside, "Anyway, I knew I could take it out myself, but I have no doubt you could cause quite the distraction,oh and you can have this..." Altair then took the spare hidden blade he always carried around out of his robes and handed it to Zack, you may need it, he then threw the one Sienna had made for the other a.ssa.ssin to her, "And you can have that, now let us move, we need to kill those infedels."
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1:45pm Feb 25 2010
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Zack had to use alot of self restraint to stop himself throwing something sharp and dangerous at this so called as.sas.sin. He glared openly, his gray blue eyes shimmering dangerously, his mind analyzing the situation within a second... It would only take a moment for him to swing his sword, and going by his information, would hit this Altair easily. His form was rigid, and for a moment he looked very quite scary. "Boy?" he asked, his voice as dark as the shadows themselves. Before he could so much as move however, a swift fist caught him squarely in the chest. "Ow, what in the-" "Stop it... And you" Sienna looked at Altair, but her face took on a rather pleading look as she leaned towards him. "Please don't rile him... he's more dangerous than he looks. He could find out anything about you you know..." She shrugged. "Sorry Altair... Zack's been stressed lately. He knows about the Templars... and its getting to him... We think... we think their plans may be far greater than you know... Zack's been trying to find things out... but he can't with the new base you spoke of..." She moved away from Altair looked from one to the other. "That may change if we get rid of it though... like you said." She nodded at Altair. Zack sighed and nodded. "I agree..." He lifted the blade the as.sas.sin had thrown to him. It was quite a blade. He didn't think he'd need it mind, with the sword he had strapped to his back. He kept the blade however, tying it to his waist before heading off down another tunnel, Sienna following behind.
7:23am Feb 26 2010
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Altair rushed down the tunnels, grabbed zack by the arm and restrained him against the wall, giving him absolutely no room for movement, "Now listen, if I wish to call you boy I will, I'm sure my rank and skill give me the right to call you what I wish, also, I saw the venom in your eyes back there, and you need to learn to read a bluff, I wasn't stiff, I never let myself get rigid, if you had attacked you would no longer be in posession of your genitles, now learn by this boy, I will kill you next time I catch you looking at me or ANY of my friends like that, understand?" Altair kept a tight hold on the boy, he knew he wouldn't be able to escape his grasp, but he never took unnecessary risks.
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9:54am Feb 26 2010
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Zack, being who he was, suspected Altair to do something along these lines. He could easily hav escaped, afterall, his greatest ability was his physical fighting skills. He didn't move however.. He had glared at Altair, sure... But he never lost control of his emotions. He simply raised an eybrow at Altair, stopping himself from doing anything at the sight if Sienna. Sienna was glaring at both of them. "You are both being rediculous..." Her voice was dripping acid. She hated the way they reacted around eachother... And besides, there were far bigger problems... she stormed past the, both, Zack sighed as he watched her leave. This might be difficult.
11:02am Feb 26 2010
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Altair threw Zack to the ground and pointed at him, "Do not think you will best me in battle, that would be your greatest downfall." Altair then followed Sienna, he was sick of children wanting to best him, after this job he was thinking of laying low for a while, his fame was getting him into more and more fights, he was sick of so-called warriors wanting to challenge themselves.
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12:38pm Feb 26 2010
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Zack simply blinked as Altair left... He had absoloutely no clue as to what he had done to annoy the guy. He sighed and pulled himself off the ground. It was a good thing he had a calm personality. He brushed himself down, holding his sword over one shoulder, as he followed his cousin and her damn friend at a distance. Everything he read about Altair was incredible, he'd read the skills and power simply by the way the guy acted. The only issue Altair seemed to have was the fact he seemed to think he was invincible... keeping his thoughts like that would bring him down one day... Zack sighed again, walking behind silently. Sienna had strolled off, and had not stop to look behind. She kept walking, pouting and huffing. Men! What was it with them... and what was with Altair?... He was never usually like that... Zack had done nothing wrong, and Altair simply seemed to have lost his temper for no reason. She sighed and grumbled as she continued through the cavern, coming a stop at a flight of stone stairs, leading up to another trap door, whihc led outside.
7:49am Feb 27 2010
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Altair jogged to catch up with Sienna as Zack was lagging behind, "There is something I have to tell you about your cousin, I am getting mixed messages about him on my eagle vision, most of the time I see him as a good information source, but then he waill look like an enemy, also I read his face before, he was thinking of attacking me, I have no doubt I would have eded him, but you should be worried, just don't layy all your trust in him okay?"
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8:07am Feb 27 2010
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Sienna simply smiled and shook her head at Altair once he caught up to her. "I trust your vision entirely... But you need to know... As an information gatherer he needs to have the ability to completely fool an enemy, in other words... A lot of the time he needs to convince an enemy he's on their side..." She looked at Altair, she knew full well how this sounded. It made Zack seem untrustworthy. She grasped Altairs arm again, she needed him to understand. "You can trust him, Altair... You can, as much as you can trust me, probably more so... He has a great loyalty to the thieves, and he will never abuse it... Ever" At that point Zack caught up with them and she leaned in towards Altair. "Please Altair... It's his gathering ability... It has to be hard to read, its part of his job... Just... Try to trust him..." She smiled and nodded, letting go of his arm and looking over at Zack, who was looking up the stairwell with a strange look on his face, he was looking slightly bored, which, Sienna knew, was a perfectly normal Zack ex pression. She couldn't help but chuckle slightly at him. He turned to face Altair and Sienna, sighing slightly and shifting the sword on his shoulder. "How close do you want to be to the centre of the rich district?" He asked. He was still a little put off by the actions of Altair, but he threw the feeling aside in order to carry out his favour to Sienna... Afterall, she had asked, and as his only family he always did what he could to help her, naturally. No matter what he had to go through or put up with to do it.
8:21am Feb 27 2010
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Altair nodded at the young thief and then glanced up at the manhole cover above his head, "If my calculations are correct this should be directly outside the Templar base, are you reeady for this? it should most definately be fun." Altair then leapt through the manhole cover and landed outside the templar base, he immediately threw his back against the wal for cover from the guards, he then waited for the two thieves.
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8:41am Feb 27 2010
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Zack watched as Altair practically threw himself through the manhole. Well, he was right about one thing, this Altair was most definately a high cl*censored* as.sas.sin... He could tell by the way the man moved seemingly without effort. He snorted slightly, and looked over at Sienna, smiling and gesturing to the manhole above. "Ladies first" Sienna smiled and rolled her eyes. "You never change, do you?" "What fun is that?" Zack laughed. "Just hurry up and go, I can cover you" "I can cover myself just fine" Sienna grinned in reply as she walked up the stairwell, glancing over the trapdoor before quite literally flinging herself out of the hole; moving with an unbelievable agility and coming to a stop directly beside Altair, her back against the wall as she glanced upwards at building. She barely had time to take another breath before Zack was beside her, his back also to the wall as he looked over at Altair. He nodded, letting the as.sas.sin know he was behind him all the way. Sure, he didn't like the guy... But he didn't hate him either, and he was willing to help as long as Sienna asked for it. Besides, he'd worked with people far worse than Altair. Sienna glanced at her old friend. "Okay" She whispered. "Ready when you are~"
8:44am Feb 27 2010
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Altair grinned cheekily at the two, he then ran straight for the wall of the opposite building, he leapt towards it, kicked off and grabbed onto the edge of the Templar base, if he was right, the entrance was on the roof, or the back door anyway. Altair then looked over the edge at the two thieves who where gob-smacked, "Oh come on, you can do that can't you."
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9:29am Feb 27 2010
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~(*Prods Reu* Stop hijacking my chara's xD!)~ Sienna laughed quietly as Zack mumbled something under his breath about being a showoff. Sienna shook her head at her only family member, still laughing slightly. She then stood away from the wall and was the first to follow after Altair, getting up in similar way, her speed and agility allowing her to to do so with little trouble. Sienna smiled at Altair as she came to a stop not far from him. "I believe now you may see just how useful Zack could be to you. Remember this... He has never jumped up a building like that before." She then turned, smiling down at Zack. Zack shook his head. "Typical as.sas.sin method..." He shrugged and pushed himself away from the wall. Without any hesitation, he followed Altair's movements exactly. Sure, he had never jumped up a wall before, he'd never really had to. But just by watching Altair do it once, he was able to remember every single movement and follow it exactly. He appeared beside Sienna. "That's an interesting way of getting around~" Sienna watched Zack with no surprise, it was an ability she knew well, afterall, he was known as the greatest gatherer for a reason, his memory was flawless. "I'm as.suming you know where we're headed?" She asked him, smiling, looking over the edge and down towards the wall where they had been 5 minutes previously. Zack nodded, not bothering to look at his cousin, he was eyeing the buildings around them, remembering the layout, both inside and out. After a second or two he looked at Altair. "I'm guessing you already know though, seeing as we're going in the right direction." He smiled slightly, and nodded at the as.sas.sin. "Please continue.." He took one last glance at the surrounding structures before turning back to his two companions.
5:10pm Feb 27 2010
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Altair smiled at Zack in a friendly manner, he was starting to like the thief, "Well then Zack, you're starting to know me well, I only hope I can manage to be able to do the same with you" Altair grimaced as he looked in the direction they had to go, "It may get a little.... hazy from here on in, to say the least." Altair then ran for the edge, as his right foot came in contact with the edge he leapt to the building next to them, he then bounded over to the building left of that one, he then waited for his companions with a slight smirk on his face. "Now this will be fun."
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5:52pm Feb 27 2010
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Zack simply smiled and nodded. Sienna laughed. "Sometimes, I really do wish I had a memory like yours Zack..." She then followed Altair, following him easily. Zack follwed after, again, using his memory to easily read how to do it, and did it with no mistakes, you'd slmost think he'd been doing it his entire life. ~(sorry short post D8)~