7:08am Feb 28 2010
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When to two theves caught up with Altair, he glanced around, making there was nobody watching or listening, "Zack, you will be the main distraction, you will drop down through this hatch and start fighting, easy enough. Sienna, you will be the one to take out the leader's main guards, after that I will drop in behind him and end his sorry life, as you know sienna, I will then have to use a feather to get some of his blood." (Tis okay Kuro.)
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7:36am Feb 28 2010 (last edited on 7:37am Feb 28 2010)
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Zack glanced down the hatch. "That's fine by me..." He'd as.ses.sed the entire situation with that one glance. Clearly, the moment he dropped down here he was going to be swarmed. He snorted slightly, he had ways of dealing with large groups of people. Sienna, for instance... Why fight if you didn't need to? He looked over at her with a knowing smile. "You don't happen to have some of that nifty yellow powder on you, do you?" Sienna laughed quietly. Zack, he always seemed to know what he needed and when. She reached a hand into one of the small bag's she had tied to her waist, pulling out a small vial of violent yellow powder, the same colour as the daffodil flower. "Here..." She threw it over, Zack catching it without barely looking at it, before he smiled once more at her and dropped himself into building below. Sienna wasn't worried. It was Zack afterall... And his ability to read and memorize meant he'd never get caught out... Not to mention the little yellow concoction he'd just asked for would definately help. She glanced at Altair. "We can wait for him to finish... It won't take long and it makes it easier for you and me to get through... Oh... Also... When we go in, it might be best to cover your mouth..." She laughed again, just as a small cloud of yellow came from the hatch, along with a number of yells and choking noises. Sienna took a quick step back, covering her mouth with a shred of material and nodding at Altair to go.
7:55am Feb 28 2010
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Posts: 2,378
Altair focused, it was a while since he had to filter his own breathing, but he had been trained well, he could breathe the oxygen from even the yellow gas, he then dropped down the hatch and clung onto the roof beams, he was going to awit his chance to kill the Templar leader.
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8:12am Feb 28 2010
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Sienna dropped down by Altair, standing on a roof beam and looking at the carnage below, the scrap of material tied over her mouth, keeping both hands completely free. She couldn't help but stifle another laugh when Zack came into view through the lingering yellow mist. He was sat on a crate, leg's crossed, and like her, his mouth was covered; he was looking at the people on the floor, none of them moving, amusement in his eyes. The powder was a paralytic, paralyzing those who inhaled it. They'd remain paralyzed for a few hours, most likely. Sienna jumped from the beam, landing on a pile of crates similar to the one Zack sat on, before landing on the concrete floor with no sound whatsoever. Zack waved at her cheerfully, and she laughed again. "Come on, Altair" She said, looking up at the as.sas.sin with a smile in her voice. "Let's get going"
8:16am Feb 28 2010
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Altair dropped and landed almost effortlessly, "Okay, so, Sienna, now it's your time to shine, a few lead Templars should be through there, you finsih them while I move through to get the leader," Altair then jumped back onto the roof-beams.
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8:37am Feb 28 2010 (last edited on 9:11am Feb 28 2010)
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Sienna rolled her eyes and smiled, removing the material around her face as the yellow cloud melted into clear air. "Whatever you wish..." She replied, loosing a few of the small, razor sharp throwing knives she had attached to a belt around her waist. She then looked at Altair and nodded before turning to Zack. "Are you going to wait here?" "It might be a good idea..." He said, gesturing at the hall in general. "Just in case any more of these show up... I'll take care of them..." He reached over a shoulder and pulled the long blade strapped to his back. It came loose with a metal hiss as he brought it forward and put the tip onto the concrete floor, resting an elbow on the hilt. He nodded at her as she followed Altair up onto the rafters. She could finish them without getting near them... And besides, the element of surprise was always helpful in these situations.
8:40am Feb 28 2010
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Posts: 2,378
Altair walked on the roof-beam, he was always the best balanced as.sas.sin. he walked across a thinner beam until he was directly above his target, and waited for his guards to be dealt with, watching his target with anticipation, truely couldn't wait to finsih this job, he hated the Templar's more than anything.
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9:20am Feb 28 2010
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Sienna held back as Altair continued forward. The shadow's of the roof above the rafters completely concealed her, making this particular job almost too easy. She leant forward slightly, looking down at the guards beneath her. "Nothing personal, fella's..." She dropped another vial, this time, acid green in colour. It smashed directly in the midst of the group, coating them in a cloud of green. Almost immedaitely they began to flail, running into eachother and screaming. Powdered acid. A useful one for causing pain and confusion... She then looked up, the guards stood by the leader had started moving forward. Sienna felt small smile on her lips as she held 4 throwing knives in each hand, the ones she had loosened earlier. In one movement, she swung both arms, releasing all the kinives at their directed target, and every single one struck true. All the guards seem to fall in one fluid motion as Sienna looked over at Altair and nodded. The way was clear.
6:49pm Mar 1 2010
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~(Bump xD)~
2:06am Mar 2 2010
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Altair then let himself drop from the beam, as he fell he wedged his hidden blade just behind the intended targets collar bone, having it go into his spine, he then lay him down, used his hand to shut his eyes, and soaked a feather in the target's blood. "Let us make our leave"
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8:59am Mar 2 2010
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Sienna nodded, allowing herself to fall from the rafters besides the door, landing lightly on the concrete slabs before walking towards Altair, her eyes searching the room. "That was a little too easy, don't ya think?..." Sienna asked, her voice quiet as she approached the eight guards impaled with her throwing knives; She reached down to grab each weapon, wiping it clean on an old scrap of cloth she carried with her before tying it, once again, to the belt around her waist. Once she had all her weapons secured, she looked over at her old friend. "...Not a very secure place is it... I was expecting something more than this..." She shrugged and sighed. "Guess we should go~" Zack sat with his legs crossed on the old crate, his back against the wall and his face upturned. His eyes focused on the vent he and his companions had come through earlier. The sunlight came through in rays, illuminating the dusty crate room with shafts of white light, dust mites visible in each column. He started slightly at the sound of footsteps, grasping his sword hilt and turning his head to catch the sound better. He needn't have worried though, and he lay against the wall again with a small sigh once he'd realized it was just Sienna walking back through the door... He grinned at her. "Everything went as smoothly as planned, I take it~"
11:43am Mar 2 2010
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Posts: 2,378
Altair followed Sienna, anxious to get out of this building, it was to closed in for his likings. "We should get out of here before the city guard come, I have no doubt we would be more of a good chance at winning, but last time I got into a fight with those idiots it lasted for hours until they decided to ceise the attack, infact I think i had killed them all..." Altair shrugged slightly "Ah well, let us retire." Altair then leapt through the vent and headed for the streets.
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1:37pm Mar 2 2010
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Sienna nodded at Zack and turned to look at Altair just as he suggested they leave. "I have no objections to that..." She watched him leap through the vent as Zack came and stood by her, his eyes also on the vent hidden among the rafters above them. "That's the same guy you knew as a kid, right?" Sienna smiled. "Indeed... It had been awhile since I've seen him though... Until he showed up today that is" She looked sideways at Zack, as though asking him to continue. She had a sneaking suspicion there was something else he wanted to know, she could tell by his face. He looked uneasy, and almost immediately she knew what he was going to ask. Almost as though reading her thoughts, Zack looked at her and continued. "Does he know?" It took Sienna a minute to answer. "He doesn't need to... I can take care of myself." With that, she jumped onto one of the old crates and threw herself onto the rafters, climbing out of the vent with ease. Zack frowned. She was playing a dangerous game, and she could do with all the help she could get... He sighed. She had always been stubborn. He shook his head, ridding himself of those thoughts before following his cousin through the vent, and out into the sunlight.
2:05am Mar 3 2010
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((C'MON KURO! HOW SI THAT GONNA WORK OUT! LOL)) Altair was on the rooftop crouched low on te corner, breathing in the fresh air, trying to relax when the two thieves came out, "You two took your time, what were you two doing down there?" Most people would have felt awkward asking such a question, but not Altair, he was completely seperated from normallity, he didn't particularly carewhat people thought of him, it was a good life.
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5:41am Mar 3 2010
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~(Pfft what are you talking about? lol xD)~ Sienna shrugged. "Zack wanted details." She came to a stop beside Altair as Zack joined them, rolling his eyes. "Yea, sure." He said, taking a quick look around. He had decided to drop the subject they had touched down in the crate room. Sienna would have to tell him eventually, he figured. There was no way she could keep it secret for long. Sienna however, didn't look like she was bothered by anything, and Zack knew she was keeping it to herself; Afterall, she had always was good at hiding her emotions. She looked at Altair with a raised eyebrow. "Anything else you need to do today?" She gestured at the vent they had come through. "Or is this just about it?" She sat beside Altair, feeling like she needed to just think for a second. What was Zack doing, asking her about that... Ah... Damnit. She should tell Altair, she knew... but not just yet... She shifted herself slightly and glanced at her cousin, who was looking at her with a warning in his eyes. "Don't leave it too late..."
10:39am Mar 3 2010
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Altair rested his head on Sienna's shoulder, he was tired of hiding his true emotions and had decided to just blatantly be friendly with her, "That should be it today luckily, I think I'll stay to sort out what I said to you earlier, we do need to talk about that." Altair then just stayed sat their with his head rested on her shoulder, staring of into the distance.
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10:56am Mar 3 2010 (last edited on 10:57am Mar 3 2010)
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Sienna blinked at Altair. This was most unlike him. She looked at the roof, her mind going over everything that had happened today. Zack simply smiled, and strolled to the edge of the roof. "I'll leave you both for awhile. Sienna, I'll meet you back at your place." He nodded once before jumping off the building and heading back the way they had come. Sienna stared at the sky for a few minutes before speaking. "What is there to discuss?" She was still thinking... should she tell him, now? of all times...
11:06am Mar 3 2010
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Altair stayed in the position that he was in, and merely moved his lips to speak, in a barely audible tone, "You know what, the whol, me baring my feelings for you in the sewer thing?" Altair just stayed in that position, it was easier for him to share his feelings without moving and breaking contact.
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11:16am Mar 3 2010
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Sienna actually turned to face him. "What is there to say..." She tuned back to the sky. "You told me..." She wasn't entirely sure what to say. What was she supposed to do?... She had too many things weighing on her mind... well, one in thing in particular... and she did not want Altair involved. Why... because she didnt want him hurt. She loved him. She always had... she had not told him however... it seemed stupid at the time... but now... She sighed and looked at him again.
11:20am Mar 3 2010
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Altair looked at Sienna, breaking contact but not caring, "I just want to know if you feel the same way." Altair then took a few moments to think of what to say, "i feel this, so I thought that you would."
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