7:11am Mar 4 2010
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Sienna blinked, then turned to look at the slowly darkening sky. "... I do, Altair... I always have..." She smiled slightly, her eyes focused on a wisp of cloud in the distance, making its way across the horizon at a leisurely pace. She sighed slightly. "I didn't think you would have appreciated me telling you this, being who you are. You were always so busy, I figured you needed nothing else to worry about... Not that I ever complained." She shrugged and stood up, brushing herself off and thinking. She believed he had plenty to worry about, of course he did. He was an as.sas.sin, it was normal. This, however, was precisely why she could not tell him about "that" yet... Not just yet anyway. Zack's words however, still echoed someplace in her mind, and his concerned eyes still warned her. "Don't leave it too late..." She shook her head, trying and failing to rid her mind of these thoughts. Whatever, she'd deal with it as it came. She smiled down at Altair, holding out a hand for him as she spoke again. "We should really head back, we can continue this conversation over there... Besides, Zack is probably wondering where we've gotten to."
12:47pm Mar 4 2010
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Altair took the hand gratefully and was helped up, "Yes, i suppose that would be the smartest course of action right now, plus if Zack decides to stay at your house we can talk at my Father's old house, I think I still own it..."
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1:51pm Mar 4 2010
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Sienna smiled. "Zack will have his own room. besides, as soon as we get back he'll most likely head off again... back into the underground" She shrugged. "Either way is fine by me though" With that, she jumped from the roof and headed back towards her own home, stopping only to check that Altair was following.
2:10am Mar 5 2010
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Posts: 2,378
Altair bounded from rooftop to rofftop, he was in his element whenever he was a bove ground level, and this was his favourite p*censored*-time, building hopping like this, he then dropped down to the house that was his intended locationm and entered it, waiting for Sienna to catch up.
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9:36am Mar 5 2010 (last edited on 9:36am Mar 5 2010)
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Sienna snorted. Altair was always such a show off... She couldn't help smiling at his actions though, afterall, it's just who he was. She followed on ground level, seeing as she was in no particular rush she took her time. She was still quite some distance from the house when "he" showed up. He was wearing nothing but black, a fold of material covering his entire lower face, but even then, she could see him smirking. What was worse, she recognised him, and she stopped in her tracks to glare with an unrivaled hatred. "Xavier..." "Hello again, my little thief... It's awfully nice to see you again, afterall, you do seem to be avoiding me." He pulled the material away from his face and smiled, a cold, heartless sort of smile. "It's about time you had what was coming to you..." Before Sienna could react, there was a blow somewhere to the back of her neck, and she lost consciousness, landing over the arm of another man, this one also dressed entirely in black. "Are you sure you don't want to finish her here, Xavier?" "No... That would be no fun, besides... I owe her that pain..." He lifted a sleeve, revealing numerous scars that ran down his arm, each one deep, red and raw looking. "I'm sure I do not need to remind you, nor do I need to give you more examples... Let's go..." With that, the second being lifted the unconcious Sienna onto his shoulder, both men dissapearing into a side alley, their black clothing almost totally hiding them from view as they took to the shadows, heading in the direction of an organisation known as The Dark Order. ~~~ Name: Xavier Age: 27 Appearance: 
Other: Xavier is the mysterious leader of an organisation that goes by the name of The Dark Order. His order exists to hunt and destroy the thieves of the underground, as well as any other who may stand in their way of being one of the greatest as.sas.sin organisations in existance. He is cold hearted and murderous, and has no problem killing even the innocent if he, or any of his comrades, are paid to do so.
9:45am Mar 5 2010
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Posts: 2,378
Altair was sitting on a crate at the house beggining to become frustrated, where was Sienna? he needed to talk to ehr and she was nowhere to be seen, he turned to Zack with a look of anger on his face that could have killed, "Where could your cousin be my new friend?"
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10:08am Mar 5 2010
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Zack was looking off in the distance, a slightly nervous on his face. "No clue... Sienna does tend to take her time..." He wasn't so sure however. He knew of the problems Sienna went up against, and he had warned her to tell Altair, tell him before it was too late... If she hadn't followed his advice... He raised a hand over his face and sighed, closing his eyes and thinking. He was stood outside the front door, his back leaning against the door frame, the sky was black by now, and clouds skittered across the silver shape of the moon that illuminated the streets. It only took him a moment to come to a decision. Afterall... It had taken too long, even for his cousin. He allowed his arm to drop, and turned to face Altair. "Did Sienna happen to say anything to you back on the roof?" If she hadn't... Then he would. It was for her own safety afterall, he sincerely hoped she would not hold this decision against him. Besides... He was starting to get a bad feeling... And his bad feelings usually turned out pretty accurate...
10:23am Mar 5 2010
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Altair glanced at Zack in an odd way, "Only about what I told her about in that sewer, nothing to do with taking her time, why? do you know something about this?" Altair was starting to worry, this was the first time he had worried for anyone since his mother and father where captured.
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10:40am Mar 5 2010 (last edited on 10:42am Mar 5 2010)
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Zack looked at the floor, biting his lip. "I see... She didn't..." He sighed, his face taking on a lightly angered ex pression as he brought his fist into the wall of the building. "Damn it..." He pulled away, standing and facing Altair. "Sienna... I take it you know just how good a thief she is. It means she gets an awful lot of jobs from the underground, usually the most dangerous." He inhaled deeply and continued. "A few years ago, she was sent out to look into this so called "organisation" of as.sas.sins... Apparently, these as.sas.sins are nothing like you... they'll kill anyone for the sake of being paid. Anyway... She managed to get in and out alright... But, she'd managed to get herself caught by someone named Xavier while she was inside their headquarters. She got away with her life, although she was injured, admittedly... She pas.sed on enough information to get most of the as.sas.sins killed. Some of them survived however, and have been after Sienna's life ever since. Did you not think it was weird she just happened to show up in a town you knew? No... she's been moving herself around... She never stayed in one place too long... Not if she could help it..." He shook his head in an angry manner. "God damnit, I told her to tell you... She's an excellent thief... But she can't handle all of them by herself, and Xavier... Xavier is dangerous, Altair... Most thieves fear him, and quite a few as.sas.sins too..." He looked both ways across the street, hoping his foreboding would not prove to be true.
5:57pm Mar 5 2010
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Posts: 2,378
Altair snarled when he heard the name mentioned by the thief, "I know of this organisation, the dark something, I had a run in with Xavier a few years ago as well, nothing too lethal, more insults and moral debates. But yes he is dangerous, I could take him down but I am going to need your help."
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6:23pm Mar 5 2010
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"Hold up..." We have no clue whats going on. If you met him already then you should know... he'll know your coming a day before you get there... on top of that... we don't know what's happened to Sienna..." He looked of again down the street. What a problem...
5:55am Mar 6 2010
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Posts: 2,378
Altair kicked a crate, causing it to shatter into pieces, "We need to find her! We don't know what Xavier will do to her if she is still alive!"
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8:39am Mar 6 2010
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"Calm dowm Altair..." It was a damn good thing Zack kept his cool at times like these. "We could go straight to the underground. I'm more than positive the thieves the know something, not to mention I can set up spies to keep an eye on things... and then, we'll head to the dark order's headquarters... That's most likely were she's been taken..." He immediately started walking, heading to the old house that harboured the entrance to the underground. "You won't need to worry about her losing her life." His face was grim. "Theres no way Xavier would be that nice to her..."
8:59am Mar 6 2010
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Posts: 2,378
Altair grinned at the young thief, he had grown to think of him as a friend, an un-common luxury in the world of a.ssa.ssins, "Let us make our leave then." Altair then followed the thief closely.
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9:04am Mar 6 2010
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Posts: 1,789
It took only a few minutes for them to reach the underground, Zack immediately setting up a number of spies to keep an eye on the headquarters. "It looks like she has been taken there, to the headquarters, but no-ones sure whereabouts inside... Looks like we may need to go in ourselves" He nodded at Altair and set off down one of the p*censored*ages, praying Sienna was okay.
9:11am Mar 6 2010
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Posts: 2,378
Altair took something to chew out of his pocket, it was similar to food but could never get chewed down, he handed a piece to Zack, (That was actually how chewing gum started, in those times, lol.) "Helps with concentration and nerves, how do you think I got so full of myself? plus, we dont plan, we merely attack, as even the best laid plans may fail.
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9:22am Mar 6 2010
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Posts: 1,789
"Makes sense" Zack replied, taking whatever it was Altair handed over. "If we don't have a plan, they can't read us, seeing as they can't tell what were gonna do" He shrugged, and started running. He wanted to get to Sienna as soon as possible. Afterall, she was the last family he had, the only family he had. He was not going to lose her here... It was only slightly later when they came to a stop outside a large old building. The headquarters of the dark order. It was only a small place, but it eminated true power. The as.sas.sins here were lethal, no doubt.
9:25am Mar 6 2010
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Posts: 2,378
Altair grinned when he saw the entrance, he had been looking forward to a fight of this magnitude, he had always carried an extra a.ssa.ssin sabre with him, his rank gave him rights to carry whatever weapon he wished, he handed one to Zack and smirked, "This is a ceremonial weapon, the men and women in their may not be a.ssa.ssin's by our standards, but they deserve to die by the blade nonetheless."
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9:32am Mar 6 2010
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Posts: 1,789
Zack snorted. "You as.sas.sins, not nearly as subtle as the thieves" He laughed quietly and made his way forward, stopping only to look into a couple of the windows. At that moment, a number of as.sas.sins came running out of the building, each one shouting about escaped prisoner. Zack blinked before it dawned on him. Then he started laughing, each as.sas.sin looking at him like he was crazy. "Well Altair, looks like we don't need to worry about Sienna quite as much as we thought" With that, he raised the sword just as people began to run towards them.
10:31am Mar 6 2010
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Posts: 2,378
Altair leapt through the air and landed on one of the so-called as.sa.ssin's backs, using his hidden blade to dispatch them, he then used his sabre to run the one closest to him through, he felt confident that Zack would be able to deal with the few he had left him with, he then darted through the front door of the building, no where near as secure as the a.ssa.ssin's beareau. Altair then began stabbing renegade a.ssa.ssins here and there, dropping them like fliees, dispatching them like nothing anyone had ever seen.
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