1:01pm Mar 7 2010
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1:11pm Mar 7 2010
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Zack was taking out the outside as.as.sins easily. They werent the strongest in the building however, just distractions. He'd finished within minutes, and followed Altair into the building. She was running without knowing where, and not looking either. Sienna turned a cornr and came into contact with something or someone. She fell back, hitting the floor hard before sitting up within a second, holding out a small, and very sharp dagger. stopping just before she threw it. She blinked a couple of times, the injury on her arm still bleeding as she looked at the guy she'd run into. "Altair" She said, moving the dagger away from him. It was a good thing she'd looked, otherwise she's have hit him with it. "What are you doing here?"
7:26am Mar 13 2010
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Posts: 2,378
Altair shrugged at Sienna's question, "I'd of thought that much was obvious, I'm here to save your skin." Altair dropped the lifeless corpse that he had just made from a guard, "Also, i needed a work-out" Altair winked at Sienna before helping her up to her feet, "Also, we didn't get to have that conversation."
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7:39am Mar 13 2010
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Posts: 1,789
"Uh... yea..." Sienna replied, brushing herself off as she stood. "Sorry... Have been a little preoccupied unless you hadn't noticed..." She glanced around, this area of the building was clear, thanks to Altair it seemed. "And I can take care of myself..." She added as an afterthought as she started walking again, her dagger held in her uninjured hand. There were lifeless bodies everywhere... Good thing too, Sienna had had more than enough of these guards for the day. Zack was still outside, ridding the grounds of the last couple of living as.sas.sins. Once he had accomplished this, he simply decided to wait. He knew Altair would manage perfectly well without him, besides, he didn't want to get in the way, and he already knew Sienna had got herself free, somehow. He sat on the wall, just outside the grounds, keeping an eye out for any stray as.sas.sins he may have left behind.
8:01am Mar 13 2010
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Posts: 2,378
Altair followed Sienna closely, a strange ex pression adorned his face, "Well, I know you can more than handle yourself when you're 10)%, but with that injured arm i doubt you would have been able to get through the as.sas.sins that where here."
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8:26am Mar 13 2010
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Sienna snorted. "I managed this far... And I had to delibrately injure my arm in order to get out of those shackles. My aim has not been affected with the loss of one arm..." She huffed alittle bit at that. She had always taken care of herself, and having someone look out for her was going to be hard to get used to. They continued for a while through the corridors, all the as.sas.sin's here having been taken out earlier by Altair. It didn't take them too long to get outside, and as soon as they did, Zack dropped from the outer wall and jogged over. "You okay?" He asked, looking at Sienna's injured arm. Clearly she wasn't, not with an injury like that, but she seemed to be in no pain. He must have been looking slightly confused becuase Siennea rolled her eyes and spoke. "I used one of those numbing mixtures... It was the only way I could tear my arm out of those chains..." "That's going to hurt later..." "Probably... But let's just get out of here first..."
8:32am Mar 13 2010
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Posts: 2,378
Altair shrugged as he followed Sienna to her cousin, "Yeah, focus on the now rather than the later, and for the record, I still think it was a pretty stupid move injuring yourself like that." Altair then smiled, "Brace yourself," Altair then picked Sienna up and broke into a free run, getting her to her home faster than she would any other way.
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9:16am Mar 13 2010
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Posts: 1,789
Sienna looked at Altair. "Some things we have to do. I'd rather lose an arm than stay in there with that lot" She pulled a face. She was going to live, god. These two were so overprotective. She was about to say something else when Altair picked her up. The heck?... She could hardly fight the as.sas.sin once he'd picked her up, so she settled with sighing dramatically and putting on a bored and unamused face. Figures he'd do something like this. Zack ran behind, keeping up with Altair easily, shooting constant glances at Sienna to check she was still okay. It was hard not to worry about her, even uf she would rather deal with it herself. Afterall, she was the last member of his family, and vice versa. It only made sense.
11:43am Mar 13 2010
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Posts: 2,378
Altair got to Sienna's house and put Sienna down in the doorway, he then hunched over and began breathing deaply, out of breath, "It has been a while since I have had to carry someone, now I know why I avoid it." Altair leant back, causing his back to click in multiple places, he was now back to normal, "Now what's the plan on finding and putting an end to Xavier?"
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1:37pm Mar 13 2010
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Posts: 1,789
Sienna blinked. "Oi... I am not that heavy..." She looked up as Zack caught up with them. "And I don't know... " she replied to Altairs question. "From what I found out, Xavier was not in the building... he'd gone somewhere... We could always found out when he's back though... No doubt his guards will want to let him know his prisoner escaped." Zack stopped by Altair. "Indeed..." he agreed.
10:27am Mar 14 2010
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Posts: 2,378
Altair shrugged his shoulders before he started speaking, "Well, I'm going to have to pay a visit to the brotherhood, I need to give them this blood-soaked feather, but you are welcome to come visit, I know you've been wanting to chech it out for a long time." Altair then rotated both of his ankles, causing them to click, "After that though we msu return here, we must behead this problem, and I believe killing Xavier would do that."
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